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By: Rachmi Satwhikawara

Resource management in
Industrial Ecology?
In industrial ecology,
The sustainable
sustainable resource
management of resources
management involves the
in industrial ecology aims to
efficient use of raw
ensure that natural
materials, energy, water,
resources are used in a way
and other natural resources
that does not compromise
to minimize environmental
the ability of future
impact and support
generations to meet their
economic and social well-
Social Sustainability
Environmental Economic Prioritizing the
Sustainability Sustainability welfare of the
community through
Reducing Achieving cost the creation of
emissions, waste, efficiency and sustainable
and other enhancing employment
negative impacts competitiveness opportunities and
on ecosystems. through innovation fair distribution of
and technology. benefits.
Why Resource Management
is Important
1. Prevent environmental degradation from industrial activities
2.Ensure the availability of resources for long-term operations
3.Improve the quality of life for communities around the industry
key principles in

Resource Management
Closed Loop Dematerialization Use of Renewable
Reducing the amount of
Using waste or intermediate Reducing dependence on
materials and energy used in
products from one process non-renewable energy
production processes to
as inputs for another process, minimize environmental
sources and switching to
similar to how natural impact. more environmentally
ecosystems operate. friendly energy sources.
Resource Management
1. Conservation: Conservation involves using technologies and
practices that minimize resource use. For example, implementing
energy-efficient technologies in factories.
2.Recycling: Recycling is the process of converting industrial waste
into new raw materials.
3.Substitution: Substitution involves replacing environmentally
unfriendly raw materials with more environmentally friendly
4.Restoration: Restoration involves restoring damaged or depleted
natural resources through various environmental restoration
Resource Management
1. Conservation: Conservation involves using technologies and
practices that minimize resource use. For example, implementing
energy-efficient technologies in factories.
2.Recycling: Recycling is the process of converting industrial waste
into new raw materials.
3.Substitution: Substitution involves replacing environmentally
unfriendly raw materials with more environmentally friendly
4.Restoration: Restoration involves restoring damaged or depleted
natural resources through various environmental restoration
Resource Management
1. Resource Use Efficiency: Implementing best practices to maximize
output with minimal input.
2.Demand Management: Reducing resource demand through more
efficient product design and consumption management.
3.Supply Management: Diversifying sources of raw materials and
energy to reduce dependence on a single source.
4.Capacity Building: Enhancing the capability of managers and
workers to efficiently manage resources through training and
Resource Use Efficiency
1. Energy and Resource Audit: Conducting assessments to identify
areas where resources can be used more efficiently.
2.Environmental-Friendly Technology: Adopting more efficient and
environmentally friendly technologies to reduce resource use.
3.Supply Chain Management: Optimizing the supply chain to reduce
waste and improve efficiency. .
4.Product Design: Designing products with consideration for lifecycle
and efficient resource use.
Waste Management in
Industrial Ecology
Waste management in the
The primary objectives of
context of industrial
waste management in
ecology is a systematic
industrial ecology are to
approach to managing
reduce the amount of
waste generated by
waste generated, minimize
industrial activities, taking
the environmental impacts
into account its
of that waste, and
environmental and societal
maximize the value of
waste through recycling
and reuse.
Types of Industrial Waste
1. Solid Waste: Solid or semi-solid waste generated from production,
processing, or consumption activities in the industrial sector.
2.Liquid Waste: Liquid waste generated from non-domestic or
domestic activities that is discharged into the environment and has
the potential to pollute it.
3.Gas Waste: Waste in the form of gases resulting from industrial
4.Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3 Waste): Residue from an activity or
process containing hazardous and/or toxic substances due to their
nature, concentration, and/or quantity.
Methods of industrial waste
1. Biological Treatment: Using microorganisms to break down organic
2.Physical Treatment: Physical treatment involves physical processes
to separate or remove pollutants from waste without changing its
chemical propertie
3.Chemical Treatment: Using chemical reactions to alter the
properties of waste to make it less hazardous.
Key Components of Waste
Management in Industrial
1. Source Reduction: The first step in waste management is reducing
the amount of waste generated from the outset.
2.Recycling: Processing waste to produce new products or as
alternative raw materials.
3.Treatment: Physical, chemical, or biological processes to reduce or
eliminate hazards from waste before it is disposed of or recycled.
4.Safe Disposal: Ensuring that waste that cannot be recycled or
further processed is safely disposed of into the environment.
Waste management in industrial ecology is not just about
compliance with regulations, but also about adopting best
practices to minimize the environmental impact of industrial
activities, enhance resource use efficiency, and support
sustainable economic growth.
Analyze the sources that the
industry uses and their waste
management. What do you think
they must do to manage the
sources and waste?

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