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Community Unite: Courage makes everyone believe.


As Hewitt once said, “Community provides a

psychological world and a place of identification for its
members.” Citizens of various ages and backgrounds
work together to build communities. A good citizen is
someone who cares about their community and does
everything they can to improve it. Compassion,
selflessness, honesty, leadership, and loyalty to their
community are some of the characteristics that
citizens should embody. I volunteer in my community
as much as I can because I feel it is vital to assist the
individuals and organizations in my neighborhood.
Growing up next to neighbors, friends, family, and
community members has had a significant influence
on my life. These folks have helped me in a variety of
ways and molded who I am today. And as a citizen in this country, I want to help even
in a simple way to give back the kindness that my community gives to me.
Observing the behaviour of others allows one to become more aware of and
comprehend various sorts and types of individuals. Observing how other groups or
cultures conduct or respond to circumstances allows us to gain a better perspective
and, perhaps, appreciate their point of view. Being a part of a community is vital for
many of the same reasons. When you are a member of a group, you understand and
compromise with the other members. Discussing challenges impacting the community
aids in the development of solutions. Talking things out with other members enhances
both social skills and relationships. Knowing how others feel about specific topics
teaches you more about that individual and, as a result, teaches you more about
As we can see in that drawing, the key point for that is courage. Courage to
believe in your surrounding and specially in your community. It teach us that we can be
unite, unite in order to have a good citizenship in each everyone of us. Having a
peaceful and hardworking citizen makes a great community.
The phrase "country building" or "national development" typically refers to a
positive process method of including all individuals in the development of social
cohesiveness, economic success, and political stability. Stability in a nation that is
inclusive and democratic. According to the definition, all citizens are to be active in the
construction or development of a nation As a result, young participation in national
politics is increasing. Development is essential. One of the most significant
responsibilities in nation-building is played by youth.
And as we can see in the poster there is Bahaniyan, System is capable, collective
liability, or social group work are some expressions used to describe a community's
sense of belonging, collaboration, social duty, and unity of purpose . Bayanihan is the
Filipino term for it, derived from the root word bayani, which means "hero." As a result,
Bayanihan translates as doing a selfless heroic deed of aiding others without expecting
anything in return. The idea of collective action and collaboration in pursuit of a
common goal arose from this heroic concept of support.
To summarize this we can choose if we want to have a community a good citizen
and govern a leader with a heart or to a community that don’t have unity. But in the
end of the day we still choose what is good for our community just like in that drawing
that every piece of drawing represent each kind of people that have a good community.

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