Oop Project Report

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OOP II Project Report


“GRAHOK” – Customer Management system

Prepared by
Students ID Students Name
221-15-4751 MD Fahim Tahmid Rupak
221-15-5530 Abdullah Al Mamun Sheikh

Daffodil International University

Date: 24-05-2024

Copyright © Md Fahim Tahmid Rupak

OOP II Project Report

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Objective ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Motivation .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Related Works/Review....................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Gap Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2. System Architecture ............................................................................................................... 4
2.1 System Overview ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 System Components ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Architecture Design ........................................................................................................................... 4
3. Project Features and Interface ................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Customer Registration and Account Management............................................................................. 5
3.1.1 Customer Registration ................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Account Updates ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Meter Reading and Consumption Tracking ....................................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Meter Reading Upload ................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Consumption Tracking ................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Billing and Payment Processing......................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Billing Generation .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.2 Payment Processing ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Customer Service Interactions ........................................................................................................... 6
3.4.1 Customer Inquiries ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.4.2 Customer Notifications .................................................................................................................. 6
4. System Implementation .......................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Development Tools & Technologies ................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Implementation Plan .......................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Testing and Validation ....................................................................................................................... 6
5. Future Scope and Limitation .................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Limitation ........................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Future Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 7
7. References ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Copyright © Md Fahim Tahmid Rupak

OOP II Project Report

1. Introduction
1.1 Background

The purpose of this document is to define the software requirements for the development of a
Customer Information Management System (CIMS) for an power supply company. This system
will manage customer data, billing, meter readings, and support customer interactions.

1.2 Objective

The Customer Information Management System will cover the following key functionalities:

• Customer registration and account management

• Meter reading and consumption tracking
• Billing and payment processing
• Customer service interactions and inquiries

1.3 Motivation

To cater to the increasing demand for customer services and to provide a seamless experience for
Polli Bidyut Samity and there consumers.

1.4 Related Works/Review

BDPMS (Bangladesh Power Development Management System). Our project aims to integrate
similar features with additional enhancements to improve user experience.

Copyright © Md Fahim Tahmid Rupak Page 3 of 7

OOP II Project Report

1.5 Gap Analysis

Despite the availability of various customer management system, there is room for improvement
in user interface design, real-time call for services, and billing management. This project addresses
these gaps.

2. System Architecture
2.1 System Overview

The system comprises a web-based application that connects customers, Power supply
organization, and Field workers, facilitating complaining and requesting services and delivery.

2.2 System Components

• Frontend: HTML, CSS

• Backend: Django, MySQL
• Middleware: APIs for payment processing and geolocation
• Database: MySQL for data storage.

2.3 Architecture Design

Received bills Bill Received by cashier


Consumers on Grahok
Requesting for service / Portal
Giving Complain Bill Paid by customer

Complain Cleared or
Services delivered by line
Authenticating the complain man
or requested Service
Pay Bill

Notification to the Line man


Copyright © Md Fahim Tahmid Rupak

OOP II Project Report

3. Project Features and Interface

3.1 Customer Registration and Account Management

3.1.1 Customer Registration

• The system shall allow customers to register online.
• Required customer information includes name, contact details, service address, meter
details and identification documents.
• The system has two main option, these are, “For New Customer(Who wants a power
connection with a meter)” and “For Old Customer(who has already an power connection)”.
• The newbie customer will able to apply for meter through this system.

3.1.2 Account Updates

• Customers should be able to update their account information, such as contact details and
service address.

3.2 Meter Reading and Consumption Tracking

3.2.1 Meter Reading Upload

• The system shall support the uploading of meter reading data by field agents.
• Meter readings should be associated with customer accounts.

3.2.2 Consumption Tracking

• The system shall calculate and track customer power consumption based on meter readings.
• Consumption data should be available for billing and analysis.

3.3 Billing and Payment Processing

3.3.1 Billing Generation

• The system shall generate monthly bills for customers based on their consumption.
• Bills should include detailed information on charges and due dates.

3.3.2 Payment Processing

• Customers shall be able to make payments of their monthly bill online.

Copyright © Md Fahim Tahmid Rupak Page 5 of 7

OOP II Project Report

• There will two types of payment methods. One is through Card and another is Mobile
Banking(bKash, Nagad, Rocket).
• The system shall record and reconcile payments with customer accounts.

3.4 Customer Service Interactions

3.4.1 Customer Inquiries

• The system shall provide a customer portal for inquiries and support requests.
• Customers should be able to inquire about bills, report issues, and request services.

3.4.2 Customer Notifications

• The system shall send notifications to customers for billing reminders, service updates, and
outage notifications..

4. System Implementation
4.1 Development Tools & Technologies

• Frontend: HTML, CSS

• Backend: Python(Django), MySQL
• Tools: Git, Pycharm, XAMPP

4.2 Implementation Plan

1. Requirement analysis and design

2. Frontend and backend development
3. Integration and testing
4. Deployment and maintenance

4.3 Testing and Validation

• Unit Testing: Individual components

• Feasibility Testing: Customer Traffic
• Integration Testing: Combined components
• System Testing: Complete system functionality
• User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Ensures system meets user requirements

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OOP II Project Report

5. Future Scope and Limitation

5.1 Limitation

• Requires internet connectivity.

• Continuous updates and maintenance are necessary.

5.2 Future Scope

• Development of mobile applications for Android and iOS.

6. Conclusion
This report outlines the vital features and technical requirements for building a Customer
Information Management System (CIMS) for the power supplying company. The CIMS will
enhance customer data management, billing accuracy, and customer interactions, ultimately
improving service quality and operational efficiency. Stakeholders and developers should refer
to this document to ensure the system aligns with these essential requirements, paving the way
for a more efficient and customer-centric company operation.

7. References
• Chat gpt 3.5
• "E-commerce Systems," John Wiley & Sons, 2021.
• "Web Application Development," McGraw-Hill, 2020.
• Uber Eats, DoorDash, Grubhub websites for feature analysis.

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