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DO NOT hire an SEO agency right from the start :)

SEO is a part of your everyday routine. It's just the way your website communicates with
search engines. An SEO agency can give you advice but WILL NOT do the job for you.

2. STRUCTURE your website and MAKE keyword research

Even if you don't have any expert SEO tool, create a list of keywords reflecting your products
and services. Think like your target users; reflect their intent when picking the best keywords for
each page.
3. USE 1 keyword for 1 page - avoid cannibalization
To provide diversity, Google ranks only one page for the given keyword. I.e., if you create two or
more pages with the same keyword, they will have zero chances to rank and will be
`cannibalized` by the strongest one.

4. CREATE unique content (texts, images, videos)

Never copy the texts or images from other websites. Both users and search engines already
know them and won't give you any ranking and organic traffic for the copy-pasted content. You
can have even more trouble if it is subjected to copyright, so better create it yourself. 600-700
words per page and at least one image would be a great start.

5. TAKE CARE of metadata

Write compelling meta titles and meta descriptions with CTA for each of your pages. They will
attract users` attention and give you more clicks from Google search. Keep them unique,
relevant, and don't forget to use your main keywords!
If you use WordPress, install a free Yoast SEO plugin and follow the tips to make your page

6. HELP your customers - answer their questions

Want to know more about your customers? Visit the AnswerThePublic website. Choose your
language and location, and search for your focus keywords.

Use these keyword ideas for your blog and social media posts. It will bring you additional traffic
and sincere love and gratitude from your loyal and potential customers.
7. ADD Image ALT texts
Search engines appreciate content accessibility. Therefore, it is highly recommended to tag and
label all visual elements of your website so that people with special needs can easily find and
use them.
Image Alt is the text which appears when the image cannot be loaded. It is used by screen
readers and search engines as well. Moreover, Google search by images uses image Alts to
bring you even more additional traffic.
8. OPTIMIZE page loading speed - Core Web Vitals
Website speed is extremely important. Being one of the Google ranking factors, it also highly
influences user experience. If your potential customers have to wait more than 3 seconds until
the pages fully load, they will most probably leave and try their luck at the competitors`.
The easiest way to make a quick website is starting with fast hosting and template - use special
collections and don`t forget to check the demo loading speed with Google PageSpeed Insights
and GTmetrix.
9. USE Search Analytics - check indexing status and optimize visibility
Google Search Console and Google Analytics are two free and powerful tools that allow you to
see what pages and keywords bring you traffic and sales. Search Console will help you quickly
submit your whole website or its separate pages for indexing and keep track of their growth.
Want to check if your website is indexed quickly? Type the "site:" operator with your domain
name and see what the search engine shows.

That`s it for on-page. Follow these simple steps, generate organic traffic on your own!!

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