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+91 900 480 2311


Product Support Manager Mumbai, IN

Experienced product manager with a track record of s ucces s and a s trong background in different roles . Committed to creating
cus tomer-focus ed products and delivering impactful s olutions . Adept at building partners hips , market res earch, and s trategic
planning to effectively meet both cus tomer needs and bus ines s goals . Let's collaborate and create amazing products together!

Professional Summary Soft Skills

Highly motivated and res ults -driven product manager with a proven track record Negotiation
of s ucces s fully overs eeing the development and launch of innovative products .
Pos s es s ing over three years of experience in product management, coupled with Empathy And Cus tomer Focus
more than ten years in cus tomer s ervice, I develop a deep unders tanding of
Leaders hip Communication
cons umer needs and market trends .
With my Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, I pos s es s extens ive knowledge of Strategic Thinking
proces s improvement and excel in making data-driven decis ions .
Skilled in conducting market res earch, identifying cus tomer pain points , and
trans lating them into actionable product features .
Technical Skills
Leverage my expertis e primarily in B2C and mobile application product
management, I actively contribute to B2B and B2B2C initiatives as required,
Sales force
ens uring s eamles s integration and alignment acros s divers e product
lands capes .
As ana
Demons trate excellent communication and leaders hip abilities through my
his tory of s ucces s fully collaborating with cros s -functional teams to drive
product development from ideation to launch. Qualtrics
Analys e data and metrics to make informed decis ions and continuous ly Power BI
optimis e product performance. Committed to delivering products that exceed
cus tomer expectations and drive bus ines s growth. Core Competencies

Career Timeline Problem-Solving (DMAIC)

Continuous Improvement
Product Support Manager Cus tomer Focus (VoC)
Jul 2015 - Pres ent Data-Driven Decis ion Making
Currencies Direct
Agile and Scrum Knowledge
Senior Customer Service Executive Backlog Management
Feb 2012 - Jun 2015
Serco Financial Acumen

Customer Service Executive

Apr 2011 - Feb 2012
IBM Daks h
Tech Mas tery ( 2024)
Work Experience Certified Scrum Product Owner™ (Scrum
Alliance - 2024)
Jul 2015 - Present Certified Lean Six Sigma Executive Black
Belt ( 2021)
Product Support Manager Certified Lean Six Sigma Executive Green
Currencies Direct Belt ( 2021)
(July 2021 - Present)
Collaborate with teams to gather cus tomer feedback, s olve problems , and
identify opportunities for improvement. Align s upport s trategies with company Bachelor of Commerce
goals for effective s takeholder communication. Mumbai Univers ity Mumbai
2014 - 2015
Synergized clos ely with engineering teams to deliver high-quality products on
Pos tgraduation in Management
time us ing agile methodologies , participating in s print planning, backlog
Welingkar Ins titute of Management
grooming, and s print reviews .
2015 - 2017

Act as the voice of the cus tomer by gathering feedback and analys ing us age data to unders tand pain points and advocate for
cus tomer-centric decis ion-making.

Define and communicate the product roadmap and releas e plans , ens uring alignment with cros s -functional teams on key
miles tones and deliverables .
Create and manage marketing collateral to s upport s ales enablement, enhancing cus tomer engagement and ens uring
information cons is tency acros s channels .

Work clos ely with UX/UI des igners to create intuitive product experiences ; conduct us ability tes ting; and gather feedback to
iterate and improve des igns .

Drive continuous improvement and cus tomer s atis faction by s taying updated with indus try trends , implementing innovative
s upport s olutions , and delivering high-quality features biweekly within an agile development proces s .

Improved cus tomer s atis faction ratings by 25% through the implementation of a s treamlined s upport ticketing s ys tem and
comprehens ive training programs for s upport s taff, utilizing CRM tools .

Customer Service Manager

(July 2018- June 2021)

Implemented workflow s treamlining for four international proces s es , guiding day-to-day efforts of 25 Cus tomer Service
Executives , achieving enhanced operational efficiency.

Ens ured cons is tency and quality in s ervice delivery acros s teams , locations , and departments .

Led cros s -functional teams to implement changes , res ulting in enhanced efficiency and effectivenes s .

Es tablis hed a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and refining bes t practices bas ed on feedback and
evolving cus tomer needs .

Succes s fully trans itioned cus tomer s ervice operations from the Cape Town, South Africa, office to India as a Bes t Practice

Developed and maintained clear and comprehens ive s tandard operating procedures (SOPs ).

Conducted in-depth analys is of cus tomer feedback and performance metrics to identify critical areas for improvement.

Senior Customer Service Executive

(July 2015 - June 2018)

Es tablis hed s trong relations hips with clients , gaining their trus t and ens uring their s atis faction by addres s ing concerns and
gathering feedback for continuous improvement.

Mentored and trained new team members , s haring knowledge, providing guidance, and helping develop their s kills and

Feb 2012 - Jun 2015

Senior Customer Service Executive

Served as the firs t point of contact for the Barclays Virtual Credit Card (VCC) voice proces s , facilitating team communications ,
mentoring newcomers , and handling OJT batches ; cons is tently exceeded team goals and implemented cus tomer s ervice
initiatives .

Managed the Citibank cus tomer s ervice voice proces s , addres s ing client is s ues and providing res olutions within SLA and TAT.

Apr 2011 - Feb 2012

Customer Service Executive

IBM Daks h
Served as the initial contact for clients by providing high-quality cus tomer s upport and effectively res olving inquiries within
es tablis hed SLA and TAT guidelines , leveraging CRM tools .


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