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Plato and the Torah

Including an amazing insight to John’s Gospel.

If you are interested this paper was followed up by papers titled “John’s Logos the Silent Torah of the
Hebrew Religion”, and one titled “Is Christianity - Judaeo Platonism. They cover very similar thought
to what you will find here but are presented differently and perhaps answer some of the many
unanswered questions. However as always, the chief principle is given the right tools you can work
the sculpture for your Self.

Plato and the Torah ................................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction. ................................................................................................................................... 2
Black water, white paper. ............................................................................................................... 4
The Oneness of John ....................................................................................................................... 5
Why would YHWH issue an indictment against Judah? Hosea 12;2............................................... 7
The fathers house. ........................................................................................................................ 10
It would make more sense if the mean of the Aleph was a Lamed. ............................................. 17
The house of the father. ............................................................................................................... 18
The house of Israel. ....................................................................................................................... 28

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


The aim of this paper is to show you that the first five books of the Bible known as the Torah are
unequivocally pure Platonism. (Platonism is the Hellenic philosophy that embraces the Orphic,
Chaldean, and Egyptian traditions). Undeniably the Torah comes from this same tradition indeed the
favoured son of Israel was Pharaohs most successful Egyptian charioteer - Joseph.

The Hebrew religion is a study of oneness and I know there is not one Rabbi who would disagree
with me when I say that the Torah teaches the goodness of oneness, and so with this wholesome
agreement we begin.

We are all familiar with opening words of the Torah “In the beginning God created the heaven and
the earth”. Genesis 1; 1.

Ever since these few words were composed, they have been strongly debated, hotly disputed and
sometimes even defended with blood which means any interpretation will be steadfastly contended
by an army of devoted purists, to prove this point the second verse states after god created the
cosmos it descended into theu - chaos, consequently ever since we have had a jumbled up mess of

In Plato’s Phaedrus Socrates says that the god Djyehudi tried to peddle to Egyptian god Ammon his
invention of the alphabet and writing, touting it as an elixir to memory and wisdom. Ammon
carefully examined Diyehudi’s invention and replied: -

“Most ingenious Djyehudi you the father of letters have been led by your affection for them to
describe them as having the power opposite to what they really possess. For this invention will
produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practise their
memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will
discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but
of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will
read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are
for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise but only give the
appearance of wisdom”. Socrates Phaedrus 275.

Try to think of this understanding as the orb of a pomegranate. Nature employing the efficiency of
phi has congregated all the seeds together into the stillness of one perfect egg. Each seed in
gestation contains the male and female for new generation, then the pomegranate like a
Pandoras box explodes, the fate of all those new baby pomegranates is scattered into the
haphazard chaos of creation, yet each genetically contains the divine likeness of the originating
Then imagine the pomegranate as a dot, all that comes into being was generated from a dot, a
yod, an iota, a bindu, a point that is so fine ultimately it does not exist. Cratylus 412d.

The term “god” is practically useless, you have your opinion they have their opinion and so forth,
there are so many opinions of what god is the term is divisive. Platonist philosophy resolves this
problem by considering the ultimate absolute must be perfect and therefore cannot be described
with predicates because these would make it opinion which gives it flaws, reasoning the ultimate
can only be an imperceptible unknowable perfectly pure nothing. The unknowable One stands
outside of creation in eternal perfection, if it came into creation, along with other beings it would be

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


“a form of becoming and passing away” indicating it was in a stage of development, therefore it was
not perfect, is not perfect, and will never be perfect in our world of becoming and passing away. For
these reasons, the Platonist again conclude the absolute One is nothing perceptible it is just an
unknowable nothing. However, there is an underlying Goodness and beauty to the Cosmos the
pagan thought further considers this One must have an intellect overflowing with pure goodness.
Platonist philosophy also supports the theory of progressive evolution which uses the principle of
likeness, - father is genetically like son. The intellect of the One creates an artist/architect and this
artist using the principle of likeness gazes on the perfection of the One and creates an image of the
One from the material that is in discordant and disorderly motion: chaos. [Timaeus].

Only females give birth.

If only females give birth, then when the universe was birthed how can this god be male?

The first verse of the Bible the term god is a translation of Elohim this is taken to mean the all-
powerful god almighty. The singular term for god is El, the masculine plural is Elim meaning gods.
Oddly the Elohim who gave birth is a plural and not a mono. Our creation potentially was made by
the action of the plural power called Elohim. Elohim is plural energy, an energy that generated the
division of many scattered parts, which this god Elohim also claims to belong to him which therefore
he is a part of. Then because his children owe their existence to him, he also intimidates demanding
loyalty obedience and servitude, or he will destroy them. Elohim is not a One or even a monotheistic
god, he is plural, and the overwhelming evidence is he does not create oneness he creates division
and violence along with a multitude of many scattered parts which he is the energy of every one of
the scattered parts. Elohim generated a product of parts in which he caused beingness, in his own
words “I will cause that which is to be” to do this he must have used something that was already
there and was not becoming because he caused becoming. In the context of generating a creation
the plural power is an explosion of energy from what was previously dormant energy. That which
was previously dormant was without beingness because Elohim created beingness and parts
therefore something that is without beingness and parts must have been the eternal wholeness of
real Being, or perhaps it could have been another form of becoming but that cannot be right
because Elohim created becoming and all the other parts, leaving us to suspect that Elohim as
changed something that prior to the becoming of his creation was a wholeness without parts
because his creation is scattered parts. The creation story of Genesis is the poetic explosion of
breath which is emphasised by the numerous times Elohim “said” the breath of his voice is a
scattering of Elohim’s power called creation. Elohim is a plural power he is not a mono he contains
parts that are constantly generating the division of manyness. Elohim is a manyness, a power with
countless parts all this makes Elohim imperfect because the plural power called Elohim generates
predicates that is further generating changeable opinion which then needs practitioners of
hermeneutics to keep up with theology and dodge the critics. Let me run it by you again, Elohim is
plural with many parts, not one of these parts is perfect, they are all subject to becoming and
passing away. For an all-mighty god Elohim as done poor job with his creation it constantly falls
apart. Elohim is not a perfect monotheist Theos because he contains many, many parts, therefore in
summation we can dismiss Elohim because he is not the eternal unknowable One. In the Timaeus
the creation story is discussed in the reverse order, the Architect when he takes over the becoming
and the whole, he sees that the scattered chaos of creation is in disorder and discord. Through the
principle of genetical likeness he makes the realisation that the originating principle was good
without jealousy, and therefore to restore order he gazes [beholds] firmly on the eternal paradigm.
[see John1;14]. The architect of the Timaeus hoovers the whole of the scattered chaos of creation
back in the house of the father then abracadabra instantaneously he recreates the oneness of the
eternal Idea of the Good.

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


But rather than continue let us look at the words themselves.

Black water, white paper.

Most scholars of the Torah will agree within the structure of Hebrew letters there is a silent hidden
meaning, one which is not spoken with words, one which we use our memory. Therefore, the task of
understanding the Torah is impossible without an understanding of the Hebrew letters, fortunately
there are thousands of people who do, and their information will help us.

The Hebrew alphabet was invented by the Canaanites who came from Canaan, like Djyehudi they
realised that by using just 22 Egyptian hieroglyphs to make consonants they could reproduce the
phonetic sound of every known thing into written words. (The term “alphabet” becomes an
abbreviation to represent every known thing). This invention along with papyrus changed the
ancient Egyptian world and gave the Phoenician Canaanites a superior advantage to become
merchants with an invaluable means of communication over long distances. For efficiency the glyphs
became stylised, and when arranged in a uniform assembly they could be given the added benefit of
numbers. Hence the letters are units and elements, (the four elements - earth, air, fire, water
represent the changeable stages of every known thing). The first letter is a called the Aleph
representing the wholeness of the number One, and learning this alphabet up to the last letter Tav is
symbolic of completion returning to the wholeness. For this reason, the Tav is also considered to be
the place of departure and represents wisdom, justice, and truth – perfection completed. Indeed,
the last four letters Kuf, Reish, Shin, and Tav spell K-R-S-T: Christ.

The Same and the Other

No one knows for sure what Elohim means other than it indicates a plural power or energy used
for the action of creation. Elohim is taken to be a truncated version of El presumably making
Elohim that little bit special to the common run of the mill pagan god El.

The Hebrew spelling of El is Al, an Aleph and a Lamed.

Aleph being the first letter represents one.
The Lamed was taken from the glyph of a staff a cattle goad for correcting or guiding herd animals
onto the correct path. The staff represents guiding our animal nature from becoming and passing
away towards the eternal real Being.

The Lamed is the twelfth letter, all the other letters are drawn between two ruled margins, the
Lamed is the only letter which exceeds this boundary. It towers above the other brothers by
poking its tower out of creation.

Lamed means teaching or learning but more in the sense of learning to teach your Self and teach
others to also learn for themselves. Because it is the tallest letter towering above all the brothers
making it the King of Kings, the flying tower above the boundary of all knowable things.
With this knowledge the singular El (Al) becomes the chief One above all others the top peeking
into the eternal which always stays the same in perfection and never changes. El is eternal with no
becoming. El is the learning and the perfection of oneness. The Lamed aims to fly above all known
Elim is plural for gods. But notice there is Heh (h) in Elohim.
Heh signifies action probably the act of creation. Action is movement and not perfect or eternal.
To be eternal there must be perfection, therefore no movement, no Hey, no karma because

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


actions are the same concept of opinions, they are the dimensions of change, they take on
otherness all the time.
Elohim gave birth to the cosmos and all things, only a female can give birth to the next seed. Sarai
Abram’s wife was barren until El Shaddai changed her name to Sarah. The Heh makes the name of
Elim capable of birth, only females give birth, Elohim is the mother of creation, the wife of El
(Elohim is Maya, - illusion in Greek she is Maia the mother of invention. When something stays
the same that is truth - permanence).
Elohim is a power a working energy which moves, never stays still for one moment, changes and
influences other things it is a destructive force that can be beneficial but was once eternal with
the consort El.
In Tantric teaching the male is passive - dormant and the working power is shakti, feminine,
therefore from this understanding Elohim would be shakti energy. In Tantra the yogi returns the
feminine energy back to the father principal Shiva.
El is the father.
Because Elohim is the mother of creation - the inventor, YHWH must be the son or child - the

The Oneness of John

Language is a mixed-up jumble of letters; our words of opinion are mixed up jumbles of letters.
Metaphorically creation can be thought of as a mixed-up jumble of alphabetical letters representing
every known thing. John’s Gospel the work of the father is to restore order, reassemble the letters
and gather them together into a oneness: -

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that
the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

I in them, and thou in me, that they may be perfected (teteleiOmenoi) in one; and that the world may
know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

John 17;21-23

The etymology of Torah is linked with yara which describes the bringing about of a unified state of
many scattered parts.
The etymology of Jerusalem like the Torah comprises of yara which describes the bringing about
of a unified state of many scattered parts, and shelem meaning wholeness, completeness, or
But the temple [Jerusalem]he was speaking of was his body.
John 2; 21

Jerusalem is symbolic of the Torah perfecting the metaphorical temple of oneness recollecting all
the scattered parts into a oneness to make a wholeness.
“I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. John 17; 23

“And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of Theou
that were scattered abroad”.
John 11; 52

(By-the-way this concept is the original meaning of Logos - regathering together parts into the
store house)

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


Socrates replies to Simmias: -

"And does not the purification consist in this which has been mentioned long ago in our discourse,
in separating, so far as possible, the soul from the body and teaching the soul the habit of
collecting and bringing itself together from all parts of the body, and living, so far as it can, both
now and here after, alone by itself, freed from the body as from shackles?"
Phaedo 67c

The whole of John’s Gospel contains 21 chapters, the first chapter represents the second letter B
called the Bet, the last chapter the Tav. The Aleph is excluded because the whole Gospel is
composed of beautiful Aleph standing outside of the created written work in unique oneness: -

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written everyone, I
suppose that even the cosmos itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

John 21; 25

At the heart of Jewish mysticism all the letters return to their oneness of the Aleph and repeat this
endless cycle. When all the letters are redrawn to the Aleph, the temple is reconstructed. This is the
meaning behind Teshuvah, returning the soul to completion.

‫ת‬ Tav

Tav represents the tribe of Dan who had the job of collecting all the lost artifacts of the other tribes
and returning them. [John 6;13] This tribe also represents justice and truth; their collecting of
scattered parts brings the intellect of the head to completion. Chapter 21 representing the Tav
represents wisdom, justice, and truth. The Tav of the chapter 21 represents perfecting the
completion, there you will notice the one he loves remains (John 21; 22). The act of remaining in
Platonism is the meaning of wisdom, John’s Gospel therefore is a wisdom teaching akin to Platonism.
The one he loves is the perfect completion - attainment of justice - the Idea of the Good, the
paradigm, the real Being of wisdom, truth, and justice. The completion of the Tav is the departure
point which also carries an additional concept that perfection requires the final self-sacrifice a self-
nullification told as the circumcision that Abraham underwent. This why in John Jesus says to the
Pharisees: -

If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did. As it is, you are
looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from Theus. Abraham did
not do such things. You are doing the works of your own father.”

John 8;39 - 40.

Pharisees means those who split and divide.

The one he loves John19;26 is Judas he is singled out to take the sop [poison] which means he is
specially chosen by his lord to undertake a role none of the other Disciples wanted (Chapter 13).
Then straight away, without delay, with no hesitation Judas goes out of the room and on ahead, the
reason why he does this is very special and demands self-sacrifice.

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


Chapter 13 represents the letter Nun in gematria the number 50. The story goes that YHWH issued
instructions that a Hebrew to attain gods approval needs to count to fifty, but in the next breath he
ambiguously says count the days of the week seven times which is forty-nine? This is said to indicate
the completion needs gods approval, which Judas obtained. Judas is the Greek name of Judah it
means the one worthy of praise.

The character of Judas has the betrayer is a mistranslation of paradO - to give up, a better
translation would be surrender, because this is altruistic love he gives up everything even his love of
the lord. The popular concept that Judas betrays Jesus comes from Pauline theology citing Acts 1;26,
but really what Judas (Judah) does he takes that final step for completion and gives Christ up. Christ
needs Judas and Judas understands his role and for this he is worthy of praise.

The next time Judas appears is chapter 18, at the winter brook of Kidron (Kidron means dark and
turbid). This a seasonal brook overflowing with dark turbid water: poison. Judas can take any
amount of poison his job demands great bravery and courage because he is to block any more
poison from flowing into the body. (This poisonous brook is cited just before Golgotha the head).
When he meets Jesus the Pharisees fall back, notice they carry lanterns and torches - false light.

But on the other hand a hand full of intimidating despots betrayed Christ and lead the Judeans into
an unnecessary war in AD66 which is why the Gospels appear on the historical scene after AD70,
there is not a scrap of evidence before.

This is why the high priest Caiaphas says the following: -

“If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take
away both our temple and our nation.”

John 11; 48

The Romans came and put down the insurrection along with this they destroyed the temple of

Why would YHWH issue an indictment against Judah? Hosea 12;2.

Judas/Judah – Yehuda. Hidden in the name YHWH there is a silent Dalet (D) which renders the
name YeHeWDY which is Yehudi meaning Judean. Hence the Judeans are YHWH’s people.
A Dalet is a door that is hidden in the name YHWH; therefore, YHWH is hiding a secret door.

John in chapter 12 appears to be alluding to this Dalet which is a door to the money chest that
was kept for the poor inside the Temple of Jerusalem. (Poor people took out and rich people put
in). Suggesting this is what John is referring to regarding Judas at John 12;5-6.
Judas exclaims “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a
year’s wages.” He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as
keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

This information says that the hidden secret Dalet in YHWH is the door to the inner temple.
In essence Jesus is transforming YHWH with the hidden door into Judah (Judas) with the revealed
door. The true Judean. (John 10)

In John 12 Judas is the keeper of the glōssókomon often translated as the money box.
Glossokomon is made up from glōssa organ of speech, and kosmos system. Organ of speech is the
mouth. If he was the keeper of the money box it refers to Hermes, (Mercury) if he is the keeper of

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


speech and a thief it still references Hermes. The Egyptian equivalent of Hermes is our old friend
the inventor of letters and writing Djyehudi.

Iscariot is thought to mean “man of the city” citizen of the Polis, therefore possibly citizen of the
state, politeia – our just man of the Republic (Politeia) who will be whipped, racked, bound, eyes
torn out, and after bearing every sort of evil will be crucified. Republic 362a.
But this is to fulfil what is written in their Law: “They hated me without reason.”
John 15, 25

In Hebraic teachings the meaning of the ultimate sacrifice of the Tav is that now you have collected
all the information and gained an understanding of the letters like Abraham you must go that little
step further, give everything up, self-nullify. However, as we know with Hebraic teaching “you must
love the lord your god with all your heart and soul”. This is deliberately misleading if you maintain
the love of the lord you are bonded like Peter the man of action who does not surrender his love but
maintains his love of Jesus. John 13;37. Peter denies Christ three times and then in Chapter 21 Peter
does not remain in perfection he is going to be reincarnated, taking on a new life one to the
approval of Christ. To penetrate into nothing, you cannot take anything it goes against the nature of
nothingness. Judas is truly altruistic, worthy of praise he gives everything up, even Christ and
becomes the one he loves. John19;26. (This is the meaning behind Genesis 3;24, and contrasts with
Exodus 3;2+).

Jesus is trying to perfect teteleiOmenoi the miracle of miracles.

Judas represents the state of Judea in AD 66-70 which was in tragic disorder and discord because of
an unnecessary war that caused the diaspora of the children of Israel, and humiliated a religion that
teaches the peace of oneness. Jesus the Mashiach metaphorically is restoring order from the
miscarriage of an unjust war, trying in vain to bring the children into oneness.

Jesus the Messiah is delivering the state of Israel to Shiloh, the divine temple of Jerusalem. Not the
promised land but the intelligible place with the meadow in the plain of truth, beyond the arch of
heaven, beyond space and time – this is justice, truth, and wisdom. The perfecting of the Tav to final
completion is attainment of justice, wisdom, and truth. In John Jesus makes the statement
“tetelestai hina teleiOthE so the Torah can be completed”. John 19;28. In Plato this is called the
“sudden” when everything syncs into place and instantaneously you arrive outside of the box.
Socrates describes it as a circumscribing revolution that takes the charioteer beyond the arch of
heaven to the intelligible place. Phaedrus 247. Just like the circumcision of Abraham is represented
in the Tav the charioteer undergoes the same circumcision. The circumcision is truth – Alethia, a
compressed term for the divine motion of the universe, a wandering divine. The opposite wandering
movement is falseness. Cratylus 421. The moment of circumcision in John is symbolised when the
sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant wets the lips of Jesus. John 19;29. In the synoptics at the time
of the crucifixion Elijah is summoned, in John Elijah was dismissed in chapter 1.

Hodos - the way

The Divine Law: - “that the constructor of the cosmos is not jealous nor is there any jealousy
arising in him and he who is most good and desires everything to be like unto himself”. This is the
Supreme originating principle of Becoming and the Cosmos Timaeus 29

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know
that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
John 17; 23

The roles of Jesus and Judas at the last supper is better understood by the following Hindu myth of
Shiva: - Vishnu the god of preservation attempted to resolve the conflicts of good and evil
threatening to destroy the world. He ordered the gods to churn the primordial milk ocean [the
cosmic intellect] which decanted into two products the nectar and the poison. The gods were all
very keen to take the nectar, but no one wanted the poison. Vishnu offered it to Shiva who
swallowed it without hesitation with this truly altruistic action Shiva saved the world from
destruction. From this you can recognise the role of Judas in the last supper of John 13. In this
context Judas becomes like Shiva he can take any amount of poison and it will not harm him. Judas
in John is a hero with a very special function to save the world from destruction. This is why he is at
the Brook of Kidron he is holding back the poison, the Pharisees carrying lanterns and torches (not
the true light) fall back, John 18. Like Dionysus represents crushing of grapes into wine, Shiva is the
destroyer and recreator, John is using Judas symbolically as the nation of Judea recovering from the
tragedy of a poisonous war - a new Judea.

John chapter 19 represents the Hebrew letter Resh which is entirely appropriate for this chapter
featuring the crucifixion. Pilate askes “should I crucify your King”? The chief priests answered, “We
have no king but Caesar”. The pharisees have affirmed their god is Caesar a tyrant. The tyrant is
has far away from the just man - true king of the Judean as you can possibly get, Republic 587b+
The Resh means a poor person, someone wretched vile and deprived just like the tyrant Caesar
who amicably fits the bill.
However, the circumcision is also represented in the design of the Resh which it is said if the letter
is drawn over it forms a curve, it represents a crown the letter Kaf. The Talmud theory is when the
Resh is extended to a curve it as the power to turn the spiritually destitute person into Rosh the
head of the Hebrew people.
Whoever wrote John is fully schooled in the subtle meanings behind the letters and obviously
must have and excellent Hebraic learning. He is telling us with all his skill the Messiah is not some
warrior on a white horse riding out to rescue us, the Messiah is your Self the soaring Aleph.
Which is why Socrates defines justice as follows: -
"But in truth justice was, as it seems, something of this sort; however, not with respect to a man's
minding his external business, but with respect to what is within, with respect to what truly
concerns him and his own. He doesn't let each part in him mind other people's business or the
three classes in the soul meddle with each other, but really sets his own house in good order and
rules himself; he arranges himself, becomes his own friend, and harmonizes the three parts,
exactly like three notes in a harmonic scale, lowest, highest, and middle. And if there are some
other parts in between, he binds them together and becomes entirely one from many, moderate
and harmonized. Then, and only then, he acts, if he does act in some way either concerning the
acquisition of money, or the care of the body, or something political, or concerning private
contracts. In all these actions he believes and names a just and fine action one that preserves and
helps to produce this condition, and wisdom the knowledge that supervises this action; while he
believes and names an unjust action one that undoes this condition, and lack of learning, in its
turn, the opinion that supervises this action."
Republic 443d
Wisdom is the knowledge that supervises the just man and wisdom is to remain with the eternal.

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


The fathers house.

The first letter of the Torah is a Bet ‫ב‬ not an Aleph.

The Bet is a house on its side with the open-end facing creation blocking off access to the eternal.
(Hebrew is right to left, the Torah along with creation the heavens and the earth proceeds from the
open end of the Bet). The Bet is the arch of heaven every known thing precedes down from heaven.

In the beginning the Bet is a cul-de-sac to the intelligible zone beyond the heavens, the eternal
father does not feature in the Torah, this is deliberate intention, the One is perfect perfection, if it
featured in the Torah, it would be less than perfect. (The One or the Good has been deliberately
excluded by the authors of the Torah for these very good reasons) The Hebrew religion teaches that
you must focus on the created model, but this is wrong, but in another sense right but only to
restore order, the artist demiurge of the Timaeus is comparing like with like taking everything
genetically through the causes back to the beginning visualising the result he wants. (a process of
devolution). All the known things are dualities, animals two by two when they are all gathered back
together, they cancel each other out like the centre of a magnet and once again become dormant
nothing. Then instantaneously you crack the egg of the Bet in the opposite way. You become the
smallest of things that can penetrate into – nothing. The Tav is also the head, in the Phaedrus this is
the arch of heaven, in the Torah the original Bet, in John it is Gabbatha of Golgotha the dome of the
skull. When everything is reduced to nothing the dot of the yod or the iota is the bindu that can
penetrate everything and is rightly called just. Cratylus 412c-413b. Scriptural authors leave room for
imagination what the true circumcision symbolises is the intellect instantaneously goes out to liberty
through the fontanel the inside arch of the cranium. (This is the divine motion of the universe, the
ability of Ousia (real Being) to revert in upon its Self in an ouroboros movement this is truth
attainment of justice) Cratylus 421.

To read the Torah correctly is triumph over tragedy.

The long awaited Mashiach - Christ is represented correctly only in John, this is because the
Hellenic’s staged plays in honour of Dionysus in sets of four called tetralogies. Only one would
have correct understanding the others were tragedy and comedy. John like the Torah is not a
tragedy it is a triumph over tragedy. The other three Gospels are tragedy, plus Jesus is a fisher of
men, no fisher man did anything for the benefit of the fish. Like the tetralogies all four Gospels are
there to sort the chaff from the true wheat. In John the name of the one he loves keeps
developing, in Chapter 1 he is called Nathanael, (the gift of El) who is going to climb straight up
Jacob’s ladder, Jesus declares “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” John1;47. The
phrase no deceit means not fish bate, Nathanael is not fish bate and declares Jesus to be “Rabbi,
you are the Son of Theou; you are the king of Israel.”
Theou is translated as the ubiquitous term god, but god as all ready stated is a vague conjectured
term. Translators are wrong to use this generic term indiscriminately the scriptural authors have
made distinctions for good reasons. This practice adds to confusion and is theological laziness, use
Theou this is the Divine Deity a mono without parts.
The Messiah is Christ in Hellenic philosophy this is Athena, she kept the heart of Dionysus safe
from the tyrants. The Lamed is the heart, Jesus keeps Lazarus safe who will become the one he

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Jesus is the hodos the straight path John 1;23 ascending Jacobs ladder from the beginning.
The true teaching of the Torah is to return to the path of the three Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob. To do this you must reject the decent of Moses and the Israelites into Canaan because
these stories are the epitome of tragedy. (YHWH possess the amazingly rare ability to come into
being and pass away). The silent understanding without words is triumph, Joseph returned his
brothers and his father to Egypt.
Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah the four mothers represent the four worlds. In John they are
represented as the four Mary’s Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary
the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. Jesus marries the one he loves with his mother. John 19;
How this works is three becomes united which then makes a fourth which is the perfection.
These ladies are the four-moon goddess of the four worlds, underworld, overworld, heaven, and
the Divine Temple. (Magdalene means great tower).
These are the three Mother letters, Aleph, Mem, and Shin plus the Yod. The structural parts of all
the letters are taken from these Mothers. The Mothers are all the component parts of everything,
all the physical stuff of the visible realm.

In John each letter is recollected into the completion of the Tav. Mentally as we read John like the
tribe of Dan we are recollecting all that was scattered gradually hoovering the letters into a
wholeness, which restores the Aleph to his rightful position has the first paradigm. The high priest
Caiaphas argues with the Pharisees you do not understand, you do not realise, “that also he should
gather together in one the children of Theou that were scattered abroad” John 11; 52. The last
chapter 21 all the tribes are regathered together for the banquet on the shore of Tiberius the
highest place of spiritual learning.

The final chapter ending with the Tav is the complete perfection a reassembly of the letters which
becomes the one he loves – the form Good, the story of John represents the dissolution of the
creation of Elohim, returning all known things to the original wholeness allowing the Aleph to break
through the Bet returning with the mother to the father.

This is a hard understanding why do we need to destroy Elohim’s sacrosanct creation? The letters of
the alphabet represent words of opinions causing discord and disorder breaking up the oneness of
the silent Aleph, as it was in the beginning with the One. Mentally there is a realisation that our true
Self is fated to the mercy of the scattered mess of becoming and passing away that enslaves our true
Self, our only escape is to turn around and return to that dormant energy that was originally wholly
perfect and eternal.

Socrates replies to Simmias: -

"And does not the purification consist in this which has been mentioned long ago in our discourse, in
separating, so far as possible, the soul from the body and teaching the soul the habit of collecting
and bringing itself together from all parts of the body, and living, so far as it can, both now and here
after, alone by itself, freed from the body as from shackles?" Phaedo 67c

The Tav Chapter 21 is the ultimate destination of departure.

An even harder understanding, but the detail is pure wisdom.

John Chapter 13 where Judas takes the sop represents the letter Nun, the fourteenth letter.

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For most of my information on the Hebrew letters I used the Chadab web pages the link below is
on Nun, read them all, digest and compare them to each chapter of John.

Judas is Plato’s just man of the Republic who everyone believes is totally unjust, in fact they will
believe he is so unjust they will want to humiliate him, torture him, and finally crucify him, the
same can be said of Christ. But in AD 66-70 it is also true of the Judeans themselves, the city of
Jerusalem, the head city of Israel in which a few Zeolite Judean leaders betrayed and humiliated a
beautiful peaceful religion by causing an unnecessary war that scattered the Judeans forever. The
Jesus of John is trying to perform the miracle of miracles and bring them all back together as one
united house.

Nun represents miracles, the word contains two “n’s” one little and one large they are said to
represent miracles, large and small. The first thing to notice is the Nun can be written two ways.

‫ נ‬or,‫ן‬
One which is straight, and one is bent. Both Moses and Joshua were humble in the presence of
the lord - bent over serfs’ nun kefufah. The Jesus of John defies the Torah laws and the emphasis
is his straightness nun peshutah John 8;7-10. Glorification of Jesus is straight euthus John 13;32,
the way of the ruler is straight, John1;23. See also John 19;18 the whole purpose of the public
execution is ironically to show the way of Jesus is a plumb dead straight miscarriage of justice.

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and
gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands,
and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he
punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth
Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped.
Exodus 34; 6-8

YHWH’s love is not altruistic both he and his lacky Moses fit the character of Plato’s unjust man,
this man can practice perfect injustice so perfectly that it appears to everyone he is perfectly just
in fact so unjust they will not see through the hypocrisy of the above, they will worship him and
do anything for him including injustice as was done in AD66-70 to the Jewish people by a few
ignorant coercive despots who claimed like Hitler he loves them.

Jesus and Joshua are opposite poles: -

The name Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, Joshua comes from the house of Nun which means
Jesus also comes from the house of Nun. The original letter Nun was glyph of a snake.
Just as Moses exalted the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be exalted,
John 3;14..

Bent up Joshua out of fear of the lord takes the Israelites into Canaan and Jesus leads them
straight up to the Tav, to the new Judea, the one he loves. Both Jesus and Judas are nun peshutah
the straight ones truly altruistic who do things for love and not through fear. Fear causes slavery,
overcoming the psychological effects of fear is our path to liberty. The shackle of fear is instilled
into the psyche by examples of corporal punishment that our upbringing is wriggled with. John
19;18 the crucifixion is the classic example that has been ignored by Christianity this is because

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


the Pauline letters demand loyalty and obedience by instil fear into the psyche. The tyrant uses
intimidating methods of fear to terrorise the psyche, instilling fear. This phobia is embedded in
our societies from the legal acceptance of slavery, corporal hangings, man burning, village stocks,
caning of children, to simply allowing the homeless to sleep rough. The system of corporal
punishment makes us fear this might happen to us if we do not behave and obey then we become
mentally institutionalised humble beasts of burden nun kefufah.…..Consider….What right does
Paul or YHWH have to make the following statement: -
“Shall I come to you with a rod of discipline or shall I come to you with a gentle spirit”.
This is the intimidation language of a slave owner it is sly and unjust, it is threatening, based on
previous experience of violence and anyone who believes it is not and argues it is just for Paul to
speak in this manner needs to reflect on the overtones. This language is threatening and when it
goes unrecognised it becomes an infectious fever that infests and breeds the poisonous diseases
into things that are good. Paul is an unjust man who everyone believes is perfectly just, this
because corporal punishment is embedded into our psyche. Our task is to recognise this and
overcome it.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye will always
have dukkha: do not be afraid, be courageous, - know I have been victorious and over the system.
John 16;33
The Pauline Christian notion of the piety of Christ, the passion of Christ the empathy with the
death and suffering of Christ is nonsense and reinforces the phobia, the Crucifixion is triumph
over tragedy a celebration, he as shown us the hodos, the dharma, the hidden way of the Torah
the Divine Law of likeness which is overflowing in goodness.

(Ousia is translated as being or essence, Jesus in Greek is iEsous, the name contains ousia. The
eternal true Being is given the capital B, on the other hand being relating to becoming is a lower-
case b, as already stated Ousia has the ouroboros circumscribing ability to turn upon its Self and
recognise Self).

The letter Nun is also inextricably linked with the saving Messiah Mashiach. Another meaning of
nun is a bar nafli, one who has fallen, or a miscarriage. “In the Torah portion entitled Balak,18 the
prophet Bilaam prophesizes the coming of two kings. The first one is King David he who has fallen.
The second is King Mashiach, who will rise from David’s descendants in the final days”. (From the
web site given above which appears to reference Numbers 24; 17-19).

The way of the Ruler is straight, John 1;41, 12;12, 20;30-31. Jesus Christ is the King Mashiach
John12; 12 stopping the Israelites from falling, he is exalting them lifting them up through the
action of recollecting.

“If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take
away both our temple and our nation.” John 11;48
(The synoptics also have numerous references to the Judean war of AD 66-70 particularly Luke)

Why in John is Jesus saving Judea from falling? The story is about the Judean war of independence
AD 66-70. Historically the Maccabees have interpreted the Torah literally, literally believing the
613 Torah Laws many of which are despicable, and misogamist must be applied literally. They
believed if they rigidly stuck to these laws the Mashiach would save them, this belief started an
unnecessary war and it all ended in tragedy a miscarriage of justice. The books Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua are the decent of the soul into tyranny. And they are
deliberately written like the Republic for us to recognise tyranny and that the ways of tyrants are

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a miscarriage. Moses and YHWH are despots, they practice injustice to perfection which is a
miscarriage of justice and is supported by Pauline theology, but not by Johannine theurgy.
Theology is broadcasting the word of YHWH, theurgy is recollecting the word of the father.

Nun is the house of the fish, Moses is the paradigm of humility, bent double to serve the lord.

Jesus and Judas are not fish bait.

In many ways because of the hidden door in YHWH Judas is the Messiah the head of a
transformed new Judea.

Not recognising the Divine role of Judas is a tragic failure of Christianity, in John this is what Judas
worthy of praise represents: -

Judah, your brothers will praise you;

your hand will be on the neck of your enemies;
your father’s sons will bow down to you.
You are a lion’s cub, Judah;
you return from the prey, my son.
Like a lion he crouches and lies down,
like a lioness—who dares to rouse him?
The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until he to whom it belongs shall come
and the obedience of the nations shall be his.
He will tether his donkey to a vine,
his colt to the choicest branch;
he will wash his garments in wine,
his robes in the blood of grapes.
His eyes will be darker than wine,
his teeth whiter than milk.
Genesis 49

Judas is the one he loves, ascending beyond all that is visible and invisible passing through all
thought and intellect deified he enters Theos by the one who deifies him.

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


Asherah – Aleph.
Courtesy of the British Museum

Asherah standing on the lion

between to others, her
outstretched arms hold the
snake and the lotus flower by
the neck.

YHWH detests Asherah.

Below wrathful Anat. Everyone

bows and worships Anat.

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and
gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands,
and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he
punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth
Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped.
Exodus 34; 6-8

Jesus restores the house of Judah, just a small hopeful miracle.

The Hebrew people will not accept Christianity because Pauline theology overrides the Torah, and
Paul even becomes a de-facto replacement of YHWH. He meddles with the Torah in fact, he is
absolutely obsessed with a prohibition on circumcision, he as a phobia against it. However, when
you understand John you will realise his teaching is the hidden Torah of closing the Mem,
completing the circumcision and the coming of the Messiah.

‫ם‬, ‫מ‬ The two forms of Mem

Unquestionably people will stand by Paul and Moses because the teaching is to protect the
theology of the unjust man everyone believes is just, but both sides have argued for two thousand
years, and we are all lead to believe they are just. Meanwhile the theology is causing division,
broadcasting the word by its nature supports division. You can see through their argument
because there is nothing to protect, you cannot take anything into nothing you must give
everything up be truly altruistic. John’s theurgy teaches the work of the father is not broadcasting
the word this is the word of the Torah the hidden understanding is the work recollecting the
hidden meaning, silent without words.

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The Mem is taken from the original glyph for water, and the Torah is thought of as flowing water.
The open Mem is the literal Torah (the word). The secret Torah (the work) of the Messiah is the
closed Mem. Mem is represented in John Chapter 12, where Jesus becomes the King of Jerusalem.


If you paint a picture, you need paint, to create a cosmos you need the principle one. Everything is a
one, without the principle of one there is no beginning because everything is a type of one. The
alphabet describes every known thing each letter owes its true oneness to Aleph, all things are one.

In Hebraic teachings the most important consonant A is given the name Aleph symbolising beatifical
light in the oneness of the silent absolute. Representing the number one is the glyph of the head of a
bull, which if you turn the letter A upside down or write a single “a” in the traditional manner you
can still see the stylised head and horns of Aleph.

The sound of Aleph is unvoiced, and thus it stands in silent representation of oneness, because it is
silent it has an imperceptible hidden nature. (The name “pela” is an anagram of Aleph meaning
hidden one). In our physical world everything is given clothing, even if the clothing is descriptive
words everything one thing has a persona which is hiding the true one. Take the clothing off these
things all there is, is a naked one. In Plato anything hidden is falseness unveiling the falseness is truth
- Alethia. The hidden nature of the Aleph is imperceptible, imperceptible means our senses cannot
perceive it, if we take away the sense information, we have revealed the truth and therefore Aleph is
truth – Alethia – Christ is Alethia - John 1; 18 -Christ is Aleph.

The Divided Line

Realm of opinion/ the Other / Realm of Intellect/always the Same
Divided line. Images Belief Knowing Understanding

corporal physical things generation / things which don’t exist metaphysical

cataphatic theology apophatic philosophy
In the Republic Socrates uses the analogy of a pillar of conscious development called the Divided
Line. The imperceptible equates to the ineffable intellected realm of the noumenal, this is
represented on the higher part of the Divided Line as understanding and knowing. The lower part of
the Divided Line is the physical/visible representing opinion and belief. The Divided Line is a living
cosmology, and in likeness man is a DNA representation of this cosmic model. The Divided Line is a
Pan, his lower self is horny and his higher Self divine, or so the trickster would lead us to believe.
(Pan is the son of Hermes).

ℵ An Aleph.

The Hebrew A - Aleph, is no longer a bulls head it is a stylised symmetrical cross (X), where the
diagonal base bottom right to top left is a pictograph of a tent post, a hook or a peg called a Vav –
representing the sixth letter of the alphabet. Either side of the Vav is the pictograph of an
outstretched arm and hand called a Yod. [see John 19;18] The Yod on the lower left of the Vav
represents the carnal physical world and the Yod on the top right of the Vav the ineffable invisible

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realm of the divine. The Vav is a hook that connects the higher to the lower which is the purpose of
Torah. The symmetry of the Aleph is like a soaring spread eagle, the Greek name for eagle - aigle also
means like the Aleph the brightness of beautiful light. Either side of the Vav is a Yod given the
number ten, but the Vav is the sixth letter the position is not symmetrically balanced between the
other letters therefore it is not beautiful but false understanding. The Vav is tent peg that was used
on the Tent of Tabernacle this not only ties the soaring eagle down it hides truth, which is guarded
inside the tent. John uses the Lamed the twelfth letter which is beautifully symmetrical balanced
Aleph with ten letters either side - the King of Kings a flying tower of spiritual learning. The Lamed
represents the number 30, which is the first age a man has the strength to carry the tabernacle. The
Lamed is the heart of the soul and the purpose of philosophy is to free the soul from the body
tabernacle, which the Vav is opposing. Just what is the tabernacle hiding? The Lammed directs the
herd animals onto the straight path. John 10.

The three types of Aleph: -

Hebrew Aleph Socrates Divided Line John the Eagle

Higher Yod - ineffable Higher section – Intellected. Chapters 12-21 Glorification
Mean the Vav The mean a mixture of both, Chapter 11 Lamed King of
Lower Yod – physical/carnal Lower section – visible/carnal Chapters 1-10 Signs.
These are the three parts of
the soul.

It would make more sense if the mean of the Aleph was a Lamed.
The Aleph symbol is identical to the two realms on the Divided Line with the Vav Lamed acting as a
mean to yoke the union of the two. The Yod is a stylised dot, and a dot is point which ultimately does
not exist, indicating creation came from the eternal nothing. Cratylus 412c-413b. Aleph indicates
creation came from nothing as a silent one. The similarities between the Aleph and Plato’s Divided
Line are identical both symbolising cognitive development for flight of the soul. They both also
represent the three parts of the soul described by Socrates, the lower Yod represents physical horny
desires of Pan and the higher Yod represents the divine intellected noumenal, the Vav Lamed
containing the heart acts as a mean bonding them together into a symmetrical union (yoga). The
lower Yod is appetitive, the Vav or the Lamed is spirited and the higher Yod reason – nous –
noumenal (can only be intellected). The Aleph yokes the opposite forces together to make a whole
cosmology, but if the lower Yod seeks the appetitive desires then the eagle like Icarus is incapable of
flight and will drag the whole tabernacle down along with the soul. (The Vav this is the lower self,
the Lamed is the higher Self). Plato uses the analogy of a charioteer and two winged horses, one
good and one bad. If the charioteer allows the bad horse to wander aimlessly, for example, forty
years lost in the desert, then it corrupts the good horse, then all three are fated. But if the soul is
properly nourished (Lamed represents true learning) the charioteer will undergo the circumcision of
truth, Phaedrus 247. You are a Pan, your true Self is a soaring Aleph our work is to get the aim right
and be guided by Apollo to shoot on target.

With the Vav we have a falling Aleph rooted to opinion and belief, but with the Lamed a soaring
Aleph (understanding and knowing) - the one he loves.

The Aleph with a Vav in Gematria equals 26 which indicates this Aleph is YHWH (Also 26) with false
wings, that is going to crash to Earth, hit rock bottom. The original glyph of Aleph is a vulture which
we all know feeds on death – opinion and belief.

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Putting a Lamed into Aleph is it perfectly symmetrical for flight which makes perfect sense for
example the name Aleph comprises of three letters, Aleph – Lamed – Pey. The Lammed is the mean
between the ineffable and opinion - Pey is a mouth, referencing YHWH, for example Exodus 4;11-14
YHWH is the god of the mouth. This analogy again suits the Divided Line and by implication the
Allegory of the Cave. Pan is ruled by the Lower yod his father Hermes. John 2; 16, 8; 44. Apollo is
ruled by the intellect the higher yod his father - Zeus. John 8; 23, 18; 36.

The combined gematria (number) of Aleph, Lamed and Pey is 111 emphasising the power of One,
thrice times. The name structure suits Johns Gospel the higher Yod is the noumenal ineffable Aleph,
the mean Lamed and the lower carnal Yod of opinion is Pey.

The analogy of an eagle must be why John’s Gospel is the eagle of beautiful light, the Aleph soaring
with truly balanced symmetrical wings. (Ten letters either side). When the eagle soars this is perfect
symmetry the most beautiful design of the cosmos: King of Kings the son of the One.

This theory appears to stack up, chapter 5 of John corresponds with the sixth letter the Vav. In brief
this chapter Jesus heals a disabled man who picks up a peculiarly odd bed of sticks (κραββατος) and
walks. John the Baptist who was the light dies, but his light was from a lamp.

Κραββατος krabbatos is translated as mat or bed. It appears from the etymology to be made of
sticks however βατος means thorn.

The house of the father.

Returning to the opening verse of Genesis in Hebrew it reads “b·rashith bra aleim ath e·shmim u·ath

The literal translation: - In beginning he created aleim Aleph-Tav the cosmos and the all. You can see
why there is a multitude of arguments as the literal reading does not make a lot of sense causing
disorder and discord to the hermeneutics of scripture, no matter how well meaning the poor fellow

Elohim is a translation of aleim

The initial “b” is the Bet translated as - in.
B·rashith is translated as In the beginning. (the “the” is implied).
The rashith part is the genesis, the origin, the paradigm, hence - the beginning.
The Bra part is interpreted as he created, meaning he created from nothing, or he took shape
from nothing.

The big theological question like John if Aleph is the foremost letter, then why does Genesis start
with a Bet (B)? The presence of Aleph is conspicuous by the absence of the of Aleph in the beginning,
the Aleph is the silent one, standing outside of the creation.

← ‫ב‬ the Bet, a house.

Hebrew is written right to left therefore the Torah and creation proceed from the open end of the
Bet which blocks off entry to the eternal - Theon.

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Pharoah means great house.

However, when the artist beholds the created model that has come into existence the object
executed is not beautiful, the artist must behold the eternal and will of necessity create beauty.
Timaeus 28

The Jewish Rabbi’s understand Egypt to be a narrowing point that constrains creation, but
unfortunately they are not making that realisation this is what is required if we are to return to the
eternal nothing.

The Bet is given the number 2 representing duality. Because the Bet comes from the glyph of a
house, this first house contains everything in gestation all perfectly compacted into the first Bet. In
the house of the Bet all the dualities like the centre of a magnet have cancelled each other out, in
the Bet prior to creation there is no conjecture every known thing is neutral nothingness. (The
original Bet because it is the original Bet is the fathers house). The Bet of B·rashith is a pomegranate,
containing all the seeds of creation, an egg of creation in gestation. (This is Orphic philosophy)
Notice in the opening verse after the aleim there is ath which is ignored by translators but
represents the alphabet giving birth to every known thing - Aleph to Tav. The breath (power/energy)
of Elohim in the beginning brings chaos to the dormant perfect order of the Bet, creating every
known physical thing from nothing. (This is quantum theory, just fuzzy stuff without measure until
we measure it then it becomes physical) The power, which is the voice of Elohim when he spoke,
signifying the rhetoric of language, gives clothing of words, this destroys the perfect containment of
every known thing that was in naked silence in the father house before creation. Hidden in the
b·rashith is the silent one the oneness of the Aleph waiting to be uncovered. But with creation we
descend in the opposite direction, the power of Elohim’s rhetoric creates a jumbled-up chaos of
opinion hiding the oneness giving clothing to the letters. Creation is an explosion of conjectured
argument hermeneutics are a movement away from the perfect oneness of the original Bet - the
house of the father which contained all things in harmony the dualities cancelling themselves out
into nothing, Self-nullification. The brothers in becoming are the alphabet invented by Djyehudi
these are imposters images which in creation they hide their true nature of their fellow brother the
oneness of Aleph…. Aleph is the real Being which was with the One (Theon) before creation began.

John’s Gospel begins with the narrative like Timaeus that the aspirant has reached a realisation that
to gain liberty all things must be completed by recollecting the disorderly scattered parts, doing the
recollecting work of the tribe of Dan will return us to Divine oneness. The narration is not a
scattering of the word of Elohim but the work of the father recollecting the lost brothers. John starts
by informing us what the cosmos was like before the creation: -

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

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All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

In the beginning is a translation of en archE En, the original paradigm is the architype. This is the
ruling principle, the Divine Law of the Logos.

God is a translation of Theon or Theos singular oneness.

Word is a translation of Logos. Logos means a granary to store the harvest when all is recollected
together. [see Genesis 41;48, Exodus 1;11].

John is using the term Logos in the original sense that it is a store house which predates language,
words, and writing (i.e., before Djyehudi created language, writing and letters). The father
principle is the store house every known thing is contained in the Bet, which allows justice and
reveals truth. All the clothing is taken off the letters so truth can be seen. This is the meaning of
Logos in John.
The 21 chapters of John starting with a Bet to the Tav, contains all things but the whole structure
is an Aleph standing outside of the written work. The Aleph contains all things in silent oneness
and all things owe their oneness to Aleph.
Logos is an abiding place which all scattered things return - the Divine Temple the highest place of
spiritual learning. Chapter 21 the completion signified by the Tav is the perfection of the one he
loves who remains (abides). The one he loves is the Logos which Socrates explains in the Phaedo: -

And does not the purification consist in this which has been mentioned long ago in our discourse,
in separating, so far as possible, the soul from the body and teaching the soul the habit of
recollecting and bringing itself together from all parts of the body, and living, so far as it can, both
now and here after, alone by itself, freed from the body as from shackles?"
Phaedo 67c
The physical stuff is left behind, the soul becomes nothing which passes through the wall of the
Bet (fontanel) to be with the eternal One - Theon.

Logos is the wholeness of the orb of the pomegranate egg of creation returned to gestation.
In chapter 21 Peter the creator the man of action returns to creation, but Christ warns Icarus your
Yods are false wings, when you return no longer are you going to wander falsely, take the middle
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou was young, thou girded thyself, and walked whither thou
wanted: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird
thee, and carry [thee] whither thou would not. John 21;18

“thou shalt stretch forth thy hands” - stretch forth his yods see Ezekiel 25;7 this means Peter the
Rock is an alias to YHWH, Deuteronomy 32;4.
John1; 42 Peter is hermEneuetai, Hermes gender.
This contrasts with John I; 41 Christ the messiah is methermEneuomenon. On the Divided Line
Noumenon comes after Hermes. Moses gave the Laws -Nomos, nomos laws are connected with
Hermes, this contrasts with Christ who is truth Divine Law. John 1; 17-18
The act of exalting or lifting up, see John 3; 14 means doing the work of the father which is
recollecting the scattered children, see John 11; 52.
Logos, when everything is returned to oneness to be exalted – Jerusalem is whole (yara/shelem).
The one he loves is exalted and this must be the son of man. This is your Self the true Aleph
standing outside of ones self-intoxicated in the bliss of the divine One (ecstatic). As opposed to

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the horny Pan son of Hermes (physical) you are returned to the Divine Bet instantaneously you
are nothing at one with Theon who is also nothing.

In place of the standard translation, we can now give the first verse of John more sense: -

The original ruler is the one he loves this was the Aleph, and the Aleph was with theon, and the Aleph
was theos [Self].

The same was in the Aleph with theos [Self].

All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

In him was life [hodos] and the life[hodos] was the light of men.

The light shines the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it.

Hudos is the way – the Divine Law, this Law is without words, language or voice

The father is the guardian, the mother the worker, and the Self the ruler, but the lower self is not
the one..

John refers to the Aleph shining in the darkness of creation and the darkness of discord and
disorderly motion he says no matter how many nails or how many Vav’s that pin the body
tabernacle down they can never hold a soaring symmetrical Aleph.

A further understanding of the sense of exalting the Logos: -

Broadcasting the Logos is by the very nature scattering the word this is the nature of creation
scattering the seeds. Gathering back to the store house (father) is the fundamental meaning of
Logos, the term Logos predates language meaning it predates creation: -
And the glory which thou gave me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.
I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know
that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may see
the wonder of my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the creation of the
world. [scattering of the system].
John 17; 22-24

Creation is a translation of katabolEs which means down-casting, literally sowing seed, is the
action of creation. The father and Christ are before creation, before the broadcasting they are
One. Logos stands outside the written Torah.
Made perfect into one is a translation of teteleiOmenoi. The act of perfection into one is called
teteleiOmenoi, as John 19;28 tetelestai hina teleiOthE is the completion of the Torah.

The function of Apollo. Glory is a translation of doxa, to see to behold in a manner that is getting
the mental aim right to shooting on target – The act of beholding the Idea of the Good. Like
Timaeus is keeping the mind firmly fixed on the Divine Law and will of necessity create beauty.

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


The Hebrew god Elohim becomes known also has YHWH (he who causes that which is to be) this god
as a phobia against charioteers and specifically instructs the Israelites not to have tamed horses.
(Horses are metaphor for our senses, wild horse indicates wandering senses). YHWH also has a fear
of graven images, the Israelites are forbidden to worship the Idols of Egypt. Substitute humble
worship for beholding - mentally maintain the Idea of the Good. Idols becomes what was a
humorous pun on the Idea of the Good, Plato’s forms which is now our ignorance. In a similar way
the Pauline “letters”, are hypercritical because likewise they cast fear of the Idols as Idolatrous
pagan worship. Paul is deliberately attacking Hellenic philosophy (see Acts 17) to discredit Idea of
the Good, which I have shown is Aleph and Aleph is Christ – K-R-S-T, the Logos united into One.

Putin claims he loves the Russian people, he even quotes John “Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”. 15; 13. You can see the hypocrisy, Putin becomes a de-
facto God, when what Jesus means is doing the work of the father making that ultimate lower
self-sacrifice like the altruistic love of Judas to be born again as the true Self. (Atman he who
perceives himself through the ouroboros movement).

If the Aleph is going to soar, we like the artist of the Timaeus must behold the Idea of the Good
which is without jealousy, this is Christ. [See John 19;18] The mental purification extracts all the
jealousy which causes division, jealousy is a sign of greed, lust, and imperfection, YHWH is always
demanding obedience, always in want, always on the verge of anger, always quick to find an excuse
and blame someone else, therefore YHWH is imperfect. If he was a true god he would want for
nothing. And he most certainly would not have chosen and elite race above all others to serve him
or perhaps that is what the Torah is demonstrating to us the ways of the tyrants. The fact that YHWH
repeats over thirty-seven times he loves the smell of blood is a giveaway this is a false god hiding the
doorway to truth.

YHWH renders YeHeWDY which in Egyptian renders Djyehudi. Indeed, YHWH is Djyehudi, Thoth a

Then Moses said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to
his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and
friend and neighbour.’” The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of
the people were murdered. Exodus 32;27-28

Contrast with: -

For Him who is most-good it neither was nor permissible to perform any action save what is most

Timaeus 30

And contrast with Putin’s handbook: -

When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their
gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labour and shall work for you. If they refuse to
make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it
into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the
plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. This is how you are to treat all the cities that
are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. However, in the cities of the
nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.

Deuteronomy 20; 10-16

These abominable acts are intentionally written in the large for us to recognise tyranny and the ways
of tyrants. It is all done very humorously, but unfortunately now they have become sacrosanct any
objection is snubbed as impolitically correct which ironically is the hypocrisy that the Torah it is
trying to convey.

In the beginning Ammon warned us Djyehudi is not to be trusted he is a sly hypocrite, thou shalt not
kill, steal, covet thy neighbour’s wife, commit adultery, or give false testimony. Then he instructs the
Israelites to slaughter the Canaanite tribes, plunder their lands and enslave the women and children.
Djyehudi is a despotic tyrant which is the reason why John’s Gospel opposes Moses and when
arguing with the Pharisees Jesus tells them their father [source/origin/ruler] from the beginning
[archE] is the source of it all: -

Ye are of your father the adversary, and the lusts of [your] father ye will do. He was a murderer from
the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie,
he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8;42

These predicates of the adversary are all recognisable traits of Hermes along with John 1;27, 1;42,
2;14-16, 10;1).

John 8 is referencing Genesis “in the beginning” creation is hypercritical it is false wandering the
division leads to greed and lust followed by war, famine, diasporas symbolised by the ten plagues of
Egypt and the unnecessary war of AD 66-70.

The father is the guardian, the son the ruler, and the mother the worker.
The son of Maia is Hermes and the son of Hermes Pan. The father is Zeus and the son Apollo.

Everyone assumes that a Hebrew is a person who historically belongs to one of the twelve tribes of
Israelites, well in a way they do as we all do, but first you must define what is an Israelite and not
make assumptions. Israel contains the triad Isis – Ra – El. In Plato this is Rhea – Zeus – Saturn. But to
YHWH Ra is evil, inferring Zeus the father representing intellect is evil.

Historically the Canaanites liberated the silent glyphs from Egypt and turned them into spoken
words which in the beginning Socrates informed us was the invention of the Egyptian god Djyehudi.

In Egypt the Israelites where building for Pharoah the grain stores of Ra and Ammon. On the night of
the Passover, they down tools and made their exodus to the promised land of Canaan. Now they
need to turn around and go back to the Divine temple. The place of departure the Tav. They need to
go back to the constraining place of Egypt.

In practical terms the Israelites left the great house for the promised land overflowing with milk and
honey - the Canaanite land of letters. The Passover is a metaphorical wheel of fate, the Israelites are
being misled by YHWH, in their eagerness to find the promised land of milk and honey they Passover
the meadow in the plain of truth. Phaedrus 247-8

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


The job of an Israelite is not to follow Moses, but to return to the path of the three Patriarchs:
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who returned to Egypt. John does exactly this, in silent thought he
returns the patriarchs with their mothers to the Divine Temple. The letters are elements, every
known thing all returned to the father’s house.

Socrates describes a very different exodus in the Phaedrus in which the circumscribing revolution
takes the soul to meadow in the plain of truth. Phaedrus 247. On the other hand, the people who
have not studied philosophy Socrates says there is a sweaty rivalry, and they go back round to feed
on the poor food of opinion. [The myth of Er in Republic book ten also adds more detail].

This is the reason why Jesus exclaims to the Jewish ruler Nicodemus who is in the dark “You are a
master of Israel and you do not understand this”? Adding “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up” John 3;14. John is saying no more false
wandering the intellect of man must be lifted up (exalted) which is returning the soaring Aleph - the
truth – pull up your tent pegs and walk this will set you free.

Hot wax the stiff the necks, they are an obstinate people.

Apart from the humorous side this is all meditational yoga theory, all the physical represented by
the letters are being purified in stages back to the Divine Temple, but in practice the
concentration of the yogi keeps slipping away trying to return to the physical. This is described in
John as metaphorically eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. John 6;53. (All gathered
back to the nothing)

This is understanding is found in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, we are all prisoners chained to the
floor and spoon fed lies. Republic book seven.

In the Tantric tradition the fall and rise of the intellect is known as Srishti krama, creative process,
and laya krama dissolution process.

"One must rise by that which one falls." So, to those who seek her unmanifest aspect, kundalini
bestows liberation, and to those who seek her manifest aspect through material achievements and
sensory enjoyments, she gives bondage. One receives his own due, according to his desires.
Hevajra Tantric tradition.

Kundalini is the consciousness of the son of man - the intellect nous, this is also Christ and YHWH
the dual aspect of the Messiah. What you see is what you become, the yogi is turning the nous
around by doing the work of the father.

All is one, there is no difference only words separate and divide.

The Messiah is feminine shakti, Alethia is feminine, Christ is feminine, but she is also our downfall.

Pharaoh was killing all the Hebrew males what does this imply?

Notice there are double meanings (circumcision for example) YHWH demands the wicked sinners
must sacrifice for their sins only perfect live bulls, YHWH also insisted Moses must execute the
Israelites who worshiped the Golden calf. Think outside the box, gold is an analogy of eternal
incorruptible perfection, (Aleph) they were beholding the Idea of the Good beautifully golden

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


thoughts. Children are our thoughts we need to care for the good ones and destroy the bad ones
this is classed as farming, theos is a gardener tending the vine, you are theos, but not the One.

Throughout the Levant archaeologists commonly find Asherah’s and sacred bull statues a reminder
that in the beginning Aleph was with the One. Additionally, consider there is no evidence that the
Torah diet was being applied until the era of the Maccabees.

Unfortunately it is a hard lesson but the Torah is full of double meaning humour, in John the final
annihilation is Golgotha the skull, in Joshua the annihilation begins in the place of the foreskin and
then the Israelites finally free of wondering are spat out into the promised land.
Forty years of wandering of the children of Israel is a reference to the forty variations of the 22
Think of the breath of creation destroying the perfected oneness of the Divine Temple creating many
spreading parts it is a plague to the city, a spreading contagion, an infectious disease an illness that
destroyed the beautiful wholeness of the house of the father in Jerusalem. Moses killed the father,
married the mother maya, and left the house blind, never realising he was the cause of the plague.

The Maccabees were tyrants just like Putin who exploited good honest people which is recorded in
John. When the Maccabees defeated the Hellenes the first act that they undertook was to throw the
statue of Zeus out of the divine temple. (Zeus the father personifies intellect).

The position of the Festival of Dedication referred in chapter 10; 22 indicates that this Maccabee
celebration as taken the Hebrew people to Hades. This is the festival Hanukkah which is still
celebrated today and commemorates the Maccabee genocide over the Hellenic people who were
equally living and sharing the Levant peacefully together…. The positional reference indicates the
Maccabees have taken the Hebrew people to Hades.

Using the model of the Aleph structurally the first ten chapters are the physical visible realm of
opinions, the next stage is to cross the transition of the Divided Line into the noumenal. The
transition point is the mean the Lamed chapter 11 when Lazarus is drawn through the cave of
darkness and emerges into the light. (Lazarus has passed through Hades into the heavens) The
remaining chapters are the noumenal ones - the changeless heavenly ones.

Chapter 10 represents the Hebrew letter Kaf, this letter is a crown which represents the egotistical
power of passion, desire, and ambition of “I” but also recognising these ambitions are the causes of
greed, hunger for power, war, and devastation, teaching the awareness that the lower self - the
egotistical “I” must be dropped metaphorically killing the “I” replaced by the higher Self.

The Maccabees because they are tyrants like Putin are in touch firmly with their lower self.

‫ך‬, ‫כ‬ The two forms of the letter Kaf.

‫ד‬ A Dalet the door of a tent.

The letter Kaf as two forms curved as a crown and the other straight which is like the Dalet – door of
a tent. The curved one is the glyph of the palm of the hand open ready to uplift an offering to be
exalted but the hand of he who wears the crown cannot uplift from Hades (i.e., cross the mean) to

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


the heavens the one he loves (Tzadik) whilst there is ego. This is the reason why Jesus is pulling
Lazarus through from the cave of darkness. (In retrospect the curved Kaf does look like a cave similar
to the Bet and the structural position is right).

This is the reason why Socrates says “We must go to Hades and from there be led up to the light
before we can ascend to the gods” [Republic 521c].

Hades represents the minerals of the underworld and the greed, power, ambition prided honour
creating desire which leads to argument, war, famine, diaspora, and genocides. But Hades is a
trickster who can be a great benefactor for those purified from the cravings of the body he will
lead you through to the upper heavens. Cratylus 403-4.

The symbolism behind the Kaf is recognising the greed for power, wealth and luxury are traps, we
get drunk in Hades as the Hanukkah festivities in John indicate. The Kaf is about using the power and
strength of desire in a wise way to break through the walls of Hades into the heavens. This must be
why straight form of Kaf looks like a Dalet – door and Jesus refers to himself as the true gate. The
straight form of Kaf is a rams horn, a ram will uses his horns to break through anything and take the
sheep with him. Only a ram is a true shepherd his altruistic love protects without deceit. Abraham
even gave up his love of his son blind Isaac who was replaced by a ram.

We need the stubborn power of the ram to break through into the heavens.

The thought behind the Kaf of dropping the lower self for the higher Self is also parallel to the
thought behind Manipura Chakra.
Now we have three schools of thought, Plato, Torah and Tantra all structured in the same position
and every little details that help us understand each other.

Contrast: -


Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All
Israel will hear of it and be afraid.

Deuteronomy 21;21

John’s Jesus Christ

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye will always
have dukkha: do not be afraid, be courageous, - know I have been victorious and over the Torah.
John 16;33

As Socrates says

“That whoever descends into Hades uninitiated, and without being a partaker of the mysteries,
should be plunged into barbaric bog; but that whoever arrived there, purified and initiated should
dwell with the Gods. For they say in the mysteries the thyrsus bearers are many but the Bacchic
mystics are few and these mystics I believe are the true philosophers.

Phaedo 69c

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


The teaching is human psychology which is still the same today, if the lower self is restrained it
develops a paranoia and in turn the turmoil fears the higher Self, which I am sure the psychologists
can explain better, but in Tantra this explained it as madness of Kali.

Let us now state the Cause wherefor He that constructed it constructed Becoming and the All. He was
good, and in him that is good no jealousy ariseth ever concerning anything; and being devoid of
jealousy He desired that all should be, so far as possible, like unto Himself. This principle, then, we
shall be wholly right in accepting from men of wisdom as being above all the supreme originating
principle of Becoming and the Cosmos. For Theos desired that, so far as possible, all things should be
good and nothing evil; wherefore, when He took over all that was visible, seeing that it was not in a
state of rest but in a state of discordant and disorderly motion, He brought it into order out of
disorder, deeming that the former state is in all ways better than the latter. For Him who is most
good it neither was nor is permissible to perform any action save what is most fair. As He reflected,
therefore, He perceived that of such creatures as are by nature visible, none that is irrational will be
fairer, comparing wholes with wholes, than the rational; and further, that reason cannot possibly
belong to any apart from Soul. So because of this reflexion He constructed reason within soul and
soul within body as He fashioned the All, that so the work He was executing might be of its nature
most fair and most good. Thus, then, in accordance with the likely account, we must declare that this
Cosmos has verily come into existence as a Living Creature endowed with soul and reason owing to
the providence of Theou.

Timaeus 30

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.


The house of Israel.

The Cave of
the Bet, top
of the skull

The cave of
the Kaf

The Cave

Bibliography: -

The Socratic Lawyer.

Plato for Everyone a commentary on the Republic.

Plato and the Torah Revised 18-3-23.

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