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All about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - iPleaders 05/04/24, 8:02 PM


All about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

By Rachit Garg - May 31, 2022


This article is authored by Nidhi Bajaj, pursuing BA.LL.B from Guru Nanak Dev University, Punjab. In this article, you will learn about the
meaning and various components of intellectual property rights, the international and national regime of IPR and other related aspects
regarding IPR in India.

It has been published by Rachit Garg.

Table of Contents Page 1 of 27
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1. Introduction
2. Meaning and nature of the intellectual property
3. Meaning of Intellectual Property Rights
4. Need for legal protection of intellectual property
5. Advantages and disadvantages of Intellectual Property Rights
5.1. Advantages of Intellectual Property Rights
5.2. Disadvantages of Intellectual Property Rights
6. Components of Intellectual Property Rights
6.1. Copyright
6.1.1. What kind of works can be protected under copyright
6.1.2. Law relating to copyright in India : the Copyright Act, 1957
6.1.3. Copyright infringement
6.1.4. How to register a copyright in India Steps to register copyright
6.1.5. Need and benefits of registration of copyright
6.2. Patents
6.2.1. Criteria for patentability of an invention
6.2.2. What kind of protection is given by patents
6.2.3. Patent law in India: the Patents Act, 1970
6.2.4. Patent infringement and remedies
6.2.5. Procedure of obtaining a patent in India
6.2.6. What are the benefits of patent registration
6.3. Trademarks and service marks
6.3.1. What is the function/purpose of a trademark
6.3.2. Law regulating to trademarks in India: the Trademarks Act, 1999
6.3.3. Infringement of trademark
6.3.4. Process of registration of trademark in India
6.3.5. Benefits of trademark registration
6.4. Industrial designs
6.4.1. Type of protection provided by industrial design
6.4.2. Kinds of products that can come under Industrial design protection
6.4.3. Law relating to designs in India: the Designs Act, 2000
6.5. Geographical Indications (GI)
6.5.1. Benefits of registration of GI
6.5.2. Law relating to GI in India: the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
6.6. Trade Secrets
6.6.1. Types of trade secrets
6.7. Layout designs of integrated circuits
6.7.1. The Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Designs Act, 2000
7. Other laws relating to Intellectual Property Rights in India
7.1. The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001
7.2. The Biological Diversity Act, 2002
8. A quick glance at the important Intellectual Property Rights
9. International regime of Intellectual Property Rights
9.1. The Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property
9.2. Patent Co-operation Treaty, 1970
9.3. Berne Convention for Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 1886
9.4. Universal Copyright Convention, 1952
9.5. Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations (1961)
9.6. WIPO Copyright Treaty, 1996
9.7. Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Design, 1925
9.8. World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
9.8.1. Objectives of WIPO
9.9. TRIPS Agreement
9.9.1. Categories of IP covered by TRIPs
10. Intellectual Property Rights in India : FAQs
10.1. FAQs regarding Patents in India
10.2. FAQs regarding designs in India
10.3. FAQs regarding Geographical indications (GI)
11. Conclusion
12. References

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) are the rights associated with intangible property owned by a person/company and protected against use Page 2 of 27
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without consent. Thus, rights relating to ownership of intellectual property are called Intellectual Property Rights. These rights aim to protect
intellectual property (creations of human intellect) by allowing the creators of trademarks, patents, or copyrighted works to benefit from
their creations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) also refers to intellectual property rights under Article 27 which states
that “Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production
of which he is the author.”

Thus, the purpose of IPR is to reward human intellect by providing exclusive rights to the creators over their inventions, artistic, musical
works, etc.

In this article, the author has discussed the meaning of intellectual property and intellectual property rights, the international regime of IPR
and laws relating to IPR in India, etc.

Meaning and nature of the intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) is an intangible property that comes into existence through human intellect. It refers to the creations of the mind
or the products of human intellect such as inventions; designs; literary and artistic works; symbols, names and images used in commerce.

The “Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation” states that “intellectual property” shall include the rights relating
to: —

1. literary, artistic, and scientific works,

2. performances of performing artists, phonograms, and broadcasts,

3. inventions in all fields of human endeavour,

4. scientific discoveries,

5. industrial designs,

6. trademarks, service marks, commercial names and designations,

7. protection against unfair competition, and

8. all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, or artistic fields.

Other categories of intellectual property include geographical indications, rights in respect of know-how or undisclosed information, and
layout designs of integrated circuits.

Meaning of Intellectual Property Rights

The term “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” is used to refer to the bundle of rights conferred by law on a creator/owner of intellectual
property. These are the rights that a person has over the creations of his mind. They seek to protect the interests of the creators by
rewarding their mental labour and allowing them to retain property rights over their creations. The creators and inventors are thus allowed
to benefit from their creations. IP rights are the legal rights governing the use of intellectual property.

Need for legal protection of intellectual property

The various reasons behind granting protection to intellectual property through the enactment of suitable Intellectual Property (IP) laws are
as follows: Page 3 of 27
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1. To encourage inventions and creations that promote the social, economic, scientific, and cultural development of society by incentivising
the creators and allowing them to make economic gains out of their creations.

2. To provide legal protection to intellectual creations.

3. To prevent third parties from enjoying the fruits of someone else’s creativity.

4. To facilitate fair trading.

5. To promote creativity and its dissemination.

6. Giving recognition to the efforts of creators.

7. Preventing the infringement of proprietary rights of creators in their creations from unauthorised use.

8. To encourage investment of skill, time, finance, and other resources into innovation activities in a manner that is beneficial to society.

Advantages and disadvantages of Intellectual Property Rights

Advantages of Intellectual Property Rights

1. IPR protection gives your business a competitive advantage over other similar businesses.

2. IPR protection allows you to prevent unauthorised use of your intellectual property and works.

3. IPR enhances the value of your company and also opens avenues for collaborations and opportunities for generating income such as by
entering into licensing agreements to exploit/work the invention/work.

4. IPR helps to attract clients and creates your brand value. For example, the consumers start identifying your products with the unique logo
or registered trademark.

Disadvantages of Intellectual Property Rights

1. You have to incur additional costs for getting IPR protection including legal costs and other fees.

2. Even after getting the intellectual property right, you might still face a lot of difficulties in curbing the copying and unauthorised use of
your work. Moreover, sometimes an attempt to enforce IP rights could lead to a reduction in the consumer base.

3. IP rights aren’t absolute. There are certain limitations and conditions imposed by law on the exercise of these rights (such as a limited
period of protection and compulsory licensing provisions) in the interests of the general public.

Components of Intellectual Property Rights

The term ‘copyright’ concerns the rights of the creators/authors of literary and artistic works. A copyright is also called a ‘literary right’ or
‘author’s right’. Copyright gives an author exclusive rights to his creation and prevents the copying and unauthorised publishing of his work. Page 4 of 27
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Copyright protection begins at the very moment a work is created and expressed in some tangible form. Copyright protection is granted to a
work that is an original creation. Also, the protection extends only to expressions. Mere ideas without any tangible expression are not
granted legal protection and do not form the subject matter of copyright. Copyright protects the following two rights of the author:

1. Economic rights i.e., the right of the owner to derive financial benefit from the use of their works by others. For instance, the right to
prohibit or authorise reproduction of the work in various forms, the right to prohibit unauthorised translation of the work, etc.

2. Moral rights i.e., protection of non-economic interests of the author. For instance, the right to oppose changes to work and the right to
claim authorship, etc.

What kind of works can be protected under copyright

The following categories of works typically come under copyright protection:

Literary works such as novels, plays, poems, and newspaper articles;

Computer programs and databases;

Films, musical compositions, and choreography;

Artistic works such as photographs, paintings, drawings, and sculpture;

Architecture and advertisements, maps, and technical drawings.

In India, the term of copyright protection extends throughout the lifetime of the author and then 60 years after his death.

Law relating to copyright in India : the Copyright Act, 1957

The Copyright Act, 1957 is a comprehensive legislation dealing with copyrights in India. The Act regulates the various aspects relating to
copyright regime in India such as:

Registration of copyright

Publication, term of copyright

Assignment, and licence of copyright

Special rights of broadcasting organisation and performer’s rights

Infringement of copyright and remedies thereof

Establishment of copyright authorities and copyright societies

International Copyright

The term of copyright protection provided under the Act for the various categories of works is given below:

1. Literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works: Life of the author plus 60 years after death.

2. Anonymous and pseudonymous works: 60 years from the date of publication. However, if the identity of the author is disclosed before the
expiry of that 60 years, then the term of protection shall be life of the author plus 60 years after death.

3. Posthumous works: 60 years from publication.

4. Cinematograph films: 60 years from publication.

5. Sound recordings: 60 years from publication.

6. Government work: 60 years from publication.

7. Works of public undertakings: 60 years from publication.

8. Works of international organisations: 60 years from the publication of the work.

Copyright infringement Page 5 of 27
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Section 51 of the Copyright Act, 1957 provides for ‘What constitutes copyright infringement’. Copyright is said to be infringed:

1. when a person does something that the owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to do, or permits for profit the use of any place for
the purpose of the communication of the work to the public, where such communication constitutes an infringement of the copyright in
the work, without a licence or in violation of the conditions of the licence.

2. When any person makes for sale or hire, sells or lets for hire, or displays or offers for sale or hire, or distributes either for the purpose of
trade or to such an extent as to prejudice the owner of the copyright, or exhibits in public, or imports into India any infringing copies of
the work.

Section 52 enlists the acts which do not constitute an infringement of copyright such as fair dealing in any work for personal, private use or
for research, reproducing any work for the purpose of a judicial proceeding or replication by a teacher or a pupil in the course of teaching

It is pertinent to note that the Copyright Act provides for both civil and criminal remedies against infringement of copyright.

How to register a copyright in India

The Registrar of Copyrights maintains a Register of Copyrights wherein he enters the names or titles of works and the names and addresses
of authors, publishers and owners of the copyright. This entering or recording of names and other particulars of the copyright owners in the
register of copyrights is called Registration of copyright.

The procedure for registration of copyright in India is provided under Section 45 of the Copyright Act, 1957 read with Chapter XIII of the
Copyright Rules, 2013.

Steps to register copyright

1. Filing of application: The author/publisher/owner or any other person interested in the copyright can make an application (Form-XIV of
Copyright Rules) for registration of copyright to the Registrar of Copyrights. Such application must be accompanied by the prescribed fee
for entering particulars of the work in the Register of Copyrights.

Also, an application for registration of copyright shall be in respect of one work only. It should be signed only by the applicant, who may be
the owner or author of the right. In case, the application is made by the owner of the copyright, an original copy of a no-objection certificate
issued by the author in the favour of the owner has to be submitted.

2. Application for registration of copyright in an unpublished work: An application for registration of an unpublished work should be
accompanied by two copies of the work.

3. Application for registration regarding an artistic work that is being used or could be used in connection with any goods or services: In
case the application for registration is regarding an artistic work that is or can be used in relation to any goods or services, the application
must include a statement along with a Certificate from the Registrar of Trademarks that no trademark identical to or deceptively similar to
such artistic work has been registered under the Trademarks Act, 1999 or no such application has been made.

4. Application for registration in respect of an artistic work which is capable of being registered as a design: In this case, the application
must be supported by an affidavit declaring that:

1. The design has not been registered under the Designs Act, 2000, and

2. That it has not been applied to an article through an industrial process and reproduced more than 50 times.

3. Mode of filing the application: The application for registration of copyright can be filed in following modes:

1. By visiting the Copyright Office in person; or

2. By post; or

3. By online facility i.e., Page 6 of 27
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6. Notice of application: The person applying for registration of copyright has to give the notice of the application to every person who
claims to have, or has any interest in the subject matter of the copyright or who is disputing the rights of the applicant to the copyright.

7. Entering of particulars in Register of Copyright: A thirty day period is given for filing of objections and if no objections to the registration
are received by the Registrar, and on being satisfied that the particulars stated in the application are correct, the Registrar of Copyright
shall enter such particulars in the Register of Copyrights.

8. Completion of registration process: The registration process is complete when a copy of the entries made in the register of copyrights is
signed and issued by the Registrar of Copyrights or by the Deputy Registrar of Copyrights. Also, every entry made by the Registrar of
Copyrights has to be published by him in the prescribed manner.

Need and beneMts of registration of copyright

The registration of copyright is optional. However, the registration of copyright offers several advantages to the author or owner of
copyright. This can be discerned from Section 48 of the Copyright Act. Section 48 provides that the register of copyright is prima facie
evidence of the particulars entered therein and shall be admissible in evidence in all courts. Thus, a person who has got the copyright
registered in his name is generally presumed to be the author/owner of the work. Registration of copyright is beneficial due to the following

It allows the owner to protect his work from being used in an unauthorised manner.

It becomes easier to claim ownership and royalties for your work when it is to be used or adapted in any manner.

Copyright registration specifies the date of publication.

Registration of copyright in your name might work in your favour in case of any claim of copyright infringement.

A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention or innovation, which might be a product, a method or a process, that introduces a
novel way of doing something or offers a new technical solution to a problem. In other words, it is a right of monopoly granted to a person
who has invented:

1. a new and useful article, or

2. improvement of an existing article, or

3. a new process of making an article.

A patent is granted for inventions having industrial and commercial value. It is the exclusive right to manufacture the new
article/manufacture the article with the invented process for a limited period of time (usually 20 years from the filing date of the application)
in exchange for disclosure of the invention. A patent owner can sell his patent or grant licence to others to exploit the same.

Criteria for patentability of an invention Page 7 of 27
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1. It should be novel.

2. It should have inventive steps or it must be non-obvious.

3. It should be capable of Industrial application.

What kind of protection is given by patents

The patent owner possesses the exclusive right to prevent others from commercially exploiting the patented invention.

Third parties are prevented from manufacturing, using, distributing, selling etc. the patented invention/product without the consent of the
patent owner.

Patent law in India: the Patents Act, 1970

The invention of a person can be patented only if the procedure and other requirements prescribed in the Patents Act, 1970 are fulfilled. The
Patent Act, 1970 provides for a detailed procedure for obtaining a patent, right from the filing of an application to the grant of a patent. The
Act also contains provisions for rights and obligations of the patentee, term of the patent, transfer of patent, surrender, revocation, and
restoration of patent, infringement of patent, and remedies thereof. The Act provides for patent protection for a period of 20 years after
which the technology or invention goes to the public domain.

Section 3 of the Act provides a list of non-patentable inventions for which no patent could be granted. Under Section 4, the inventions
relating to atomic energy are also declared as non-patentable.

It is worth mentioning that earlier no product patent could be granted for medicine, food items and chemicals and only the process of
manufacturing medicines, food items and chemicals could be patented. However, after the Patent (Amendment) Act, 2005 product patents
can be issued for manufacturing these products.

Patent infringement and remedies

Any violation of the rights of the patentee constitutes infringement of patent such as a colorable imitation of your invention or taking of the
essential features of your invention. Under the Patents Act, Sections 47 and 107-A provides for the acts that shall not be considered as an
infringement of patent. For example, the import of any machine or other articles by or on behalf of the government or the manufacturing or
use of a patented process by or on behalf of the government does not constitute patent infringement. The various remedies available
against patent infringement are as follows:


Damages or account of profits

Delivery up or destruction of infringing goods

Certificate of validity

Procedure of obtaining a patent in India

You can file a patent application at the Patent Office in physical mode or in electronic mode.

Following are the steps involved in obtaining a patent:

1. Filing of application

Place of filing patent application: A patent application has to be filed at the head office of the patent office or the branch office, within
whose territorial limits:

1. Applicant normally resides or has a domicile, or

2. Applicant has a place of business, or

3. At the place where the invention actually originated. Page 8 of 27
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Mode of filing application: You can submit the patent application through post or by hand. You can also opt for e-filing through

Who can file the application: Following persons either alone or jointly can file the patent application:

1. Any person claiming to be the true and first inventor of the invention;

2. Assignee of the above in respect of the right to make such an application;

3. The legal representative of any deceased person who was entitled to make such an application immediately before his death.

Form of application: Every patent application shall be for one invention only.

Every application must specify that the applicant possesses the invention and identify the individual claiming to be the true and first
inventor. If the individual claiming to be the true and first inventor is not the applicant or one of the applicants, the application must state
that the applicant believes the person so listed/named to be the true and first inventor.

Application must be accompanied by a provisional or a complete specification.

2. Filing of provisional and complete specification

What is patent specification: A patent specification is a technical document describing the invention. The provisional specification gives
the initial description of the invention on the filing of the patent application. Whereas a complete specification gives full and sufficient
detail of an invention in such a manner that a person skilled in the art can use the invention when he reads such a description.

If the patent application is accompanied by a provisional specification, the complete specification has to be filed within 12 months from
the date of the filing of such application. In case it is not filed within the said period, the application is deemed to have been abandoned.

3. Claim of priority date: Priority date is the date on which the patentee claims his invention. There shall be a priority date for each claim
of a complete specification. Generally, the priority date is the date of filing of the provisional specification provided the claims contained
therein are fairly based on the description of the invention as given in the provisional specification. But when the patent application is
accompanied by complete specification or if any application is post-dated to the date of filing of complete specification, in that case the
priority date shall be the date of filing of the complete specification.

4. Amendment of specification: The applicant may amend the application, the complete specification and other documents before or after
the grant of the patent. Such amendment shall be in accordance with the procedure prescribed as regards to the permission of the
Controller and publication of the amendment.

5. Publication and Examination of application

The patent application shall not be open to the public until the expiry of 18 months from the date of filing of the application or the date of
the priority of the application. However, applicants may request the Controller to publish the application at an earlier date.

The application is published within one month after the expiry of the said period of 18 months.

Thereafter, a request has to be made by the applicant or other interested persons for examination of the application. Such a request shall
be made within 48 months from the date of priority of the application or from the date of filing of application, whichever is earlier. If the
request is not made within the prescribed period, the application is treated as withdrawn.

6. Time for putting application in order for grant: The applicant must comply with all the requirements imposed on him by or under the
Act in relation to the application within 12 months from the date on which the Controller forwarded to the applicant the first statement of
objections to the application, complete specification, or other documents related thereto.

7. Opposition to grant of patent

Pre-grant opposition: Before the patent has been granted, any person may, in writing, represent by way of opposition to the Controller
against the grant of the patent.

Post-grant opposition: After the grant of the patent but before the expiry of 1 year from the date of publication of grant of patent, any
interested person may give notice of opposition to the Controller. Thereafter, the Controller constitutes the Opposition Board and the
patent may be revoked on the basis of the report of the Board. Page 9 of 27
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8. Grant of patent

If the application for patent is found to be in order for grant of patent, the patent shall be granted.

On the grant of patent, the Controller publishes the fact of such grant and thereupon the application and other documents shall be open
for public inspection.

What are the beneMts of patent registration

1. Patent registration ensures the complete protection of your patent/invention against any unauthorised use for a period of 20 years.

2. Patent registration allows you to enjoy monopoly in the market as regards your invention during the period of patent protection.

3. Patent registration confers exclusive right to exploit the patent on patentee or his licensee or assignee.

4. You can licence the patent and gain royalties for the same.

Trademarks and service marks

A trademark is a symbol that is used to distinguish the goods of one enterprise from its competitors. A trademark may consist of a single
letter, logo, symbol, design, or numerals and three-dimensional features such as shape and packaging, etc. Section 2(zb) of the Trademarks
Act, 1999 defines “trademark” as a mark capable of graphical representation and which can be used to distinguish the goods or services of
one person from those of others. A trademark may include the shape of goods, their packaging, and a combination of colours. Hence,
distinctiveness is the hallmark of a trademark.

Trademarks used in connection with services such as tourism, banking, etc., are called Service Marks.

The owner has the exclusive right to the use of a registered trademark. There are 45 classes of trademarks, consisting of 34 classes of
products and 11 classes for services.

What is the function/purpose of a trademark

A trademark is a symbol that identifies a product and its source.

It reflects the goodwill of a business.

It assures the consumer about the established quality of the product.

It serves as an advertisement for the product.

A registered trademark provides legal protection to your brand.

It helps to establish a dedicated consumer base by preventing others from imitating your brand.

Law regulating to trademarks in India: the Trademarks Act, 1999

The Trademarks Act, 1999 was enacted to provide for the registration and better protection of trademarks for goods and services, as well as
to prevent the use of fraudulent marks. The Act contains provisions regarding: Page 10 of 27
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1. Registration of trademarks

2. Effect of registration

3. Rights of the trademark holder

4. Special provisions relating to protection of trademarks through international registration under the Madrid Protocol

5. Use of trademark and registered users

6. Collective marks

7. Certification of trademarks

8. Assignment and transmission of trademark

9. Infringement and passing off action in trademark and legal remedies thereof, etc.

A trademark is registered for 10 years but it can be periodically renewed and can be used for an indefinite period.

Infringement of trademark
In order to constitute infringement of a registered trademark, following conditions are required to be fulfilled:

1. The person is not authorised to use the trademark.

2. The infringing trademark is similar/identical/deceptively similar to the already registered trademark.

3. The infringing trademark must be used in the course of regular trade in which the registered proprietor or user is already engaged.

4. The infringing trademark must be printed represented usually in advertisement, invoices or bills. Mere oral use of a trademark is not

5. Using either the whole of the registered trademark or an adopted one by making a few additions and alterations.

Section 29 of the Trademarks Act provides for the common forms of trademark infringement. For instance, the advertisement of a registered
trademark of another for promotion of one’s trade amounts to infringement. Following remedies are available to the trademark owner
against infringement of his trademark:

1. Filing suit for infringement

2. Criminal remedies

Process of registration of trademark in India

The various steps involved in registration of trademark are as follows:

Application for registration

A person claiming to be the proprietor of a trademark used or proposed to be used by him, who desires to register it has to file an
application with the Registrar for registration of his trademark. Such an application shall be made in writing and must be accompanied by
prescribed fees.

A single application may be made for registration of a trademark for different classes of goods and services.

The application has to be filed in the office of the Trade Marks Registry within whose territorial limits the principal place of business in
India of the applicant is situated.

Refusal, acceptance and withdrawal of acceptance

The Registrar may accept or reject an application after it has been received. The application may be accepted with or without
amendments, modifications, conditions and limitations.

If after acceptance, but before registration, the Registrar discovers that the application was erroneously accepted, he may withdraw the
acceptance. Page 11 of 27
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Advertisement of application

The Registrar shall after acceptance of the application, cause the application to be advertised in the prescribed manner.

The application is advertised in the Trademark Journal for the purpose of inviting objections from interested persons.

The Registrar may cause the application to be advertised before acceptance in certain cases.

Opposition to registration

Any person may within 4 months from the date of the advertisement give a written notice of his opposition to the registration. The notice
of such registration is given to the applicant and thereafter evidence is submitted to the Registrar. After hearing the parties, the Registrar
decides as to whether the registration is to be permitted or not.


If the application for trademark registration is accepted and not opposed, or if opposed, the objection is ruled in the applicant’s favour,
the Registrar must register the trademark within 18 months of the filing of the application.

The date of registration of a trademark is the date of making of the said application.

On registration of a trademark, the Registrar shall issue to the applicant a certificate in the prescribed form of the registration thereof,
sealed with the seal of the Trademarks Registry.

BeneMts of trademark registration

1. A registered trademark is an intangible asset that adds value to the business.

2. Trademark registration aids in creating brand value and gaining a strong position in the market.

3. Registration of a trademark is prima facie evidence of its validity.

4. The registered trademark holder has the exclusive right to use that mark and to obtain relief in case of infringement of trademark.

5. Trademark registration is for a period of 10 years and can be renewed as well.

6. A registered proprietor of a trademark has the right to transfer his right through licence or assignment of his trademark.

Industrial designs
An industrial design means the ornamental or visual aspects of an article. It may consist of three-dimensional features, for instance, the
shape of an article, or two-dimensional features, such as lines, patterns, or colour. An industrial design is purely aesthetic, non-functional,
and has no utility. It is necessary to provide legal protection to the creative originality of an industrial design to prevent others from copying

Type of protection provided by industrial design

The owner of registered industrial design reserves the right to prevent others from manufacturing, selling, or importing articles bearing or
embodying a design which is a copy of or is substantially similar to the protected design.

Kinds of products that can come under Industrial design protection

Products of industry and handicraft items

Household goods

Lighting equipment


Electronic devices

Textiles, etc. Page 12 of 27
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Law relating to designs in India: the Designs Act, 2000

The Designs Act, 2000 seeks to promote the creation of novel, original designs along with balancing competing interests by granting the
time-bound monopoly right to use registered industrial design by the owner. The Act contains provisions regarding registration of designs,
copyright in registered designs, industrial and international exhibitions, restoration of lapsed designs, the penalty for infringement of
registered designs, etc.

Geographical Indications (GI)

A geographical indication (GI) is used to identify goods having a specific geographical origin. These indications denote quality, reputation, or
other characteristics of such goods essentially attributable to their geographical origin. Generally, geographical indications are used for
foodstuffs, agricultural products, wine, industrial products and handicrafts. Examples of GI include Basmati Rice, Darjeeling Tea etc.

BeneMts of registration of GI
Confers legal protection to domestic/national GI which in turn boosts exports.

Prevents others from making unauthorised use of a Registered Geographical Indication.

Promotes the economic well-being of producers of items produced in a specific geographic area.

Law relating to GI in India: the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 provides for the registration and better protection of
geographical indications relating to goods. The Act contains provisions relating to the establishment of a Geographical Indications Registry,
registration of geographical indications of goods, rights conferred by registration, registration of authorised users of registered geographical
indications, provisions for renewal, rectification and restoration of geographical indications, and prohibition of registration of geographical
indication as a trade mark, etc.

Trade Secrets
Trade Secrets are IP rights on confidential information which may be sold or licensed. A trade secret refers to any confidential business
information and may include designs, drawings, plans, business strategies, R & D related information, etc. In order to qualify as a trade
secret, the information should be commercially valuable i.e. useful in a trade or business, known to a small number of people, and subject
to reasonable steps taken by the rightful holder of the information to keep it secret.

Types of trade secrets

Technical information such as information regarding manufacturing processes, designs, drawings of computer programs, etc.

Commercial information, such as distribution methods, advertising strategies, etc.

Financial information, formulas, recipes, secret combination of elements, source codes, etc.

Layout designs of integrated circuits

Integrated circuits are used in products such as television, radio, mobile, washing machine, and data processing instruments. The layout
designs of integrated circuits not only reduce the space but also enhance the capacity and performance of the system. In India, the
Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout Design Act, 2000 regulates the registration, use, and protection of original and distinct layout

The Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Designs Act, 2000

The Act deals with the protection of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits layout designs. It has been enacted to give effect to Section 6 in Part
II of the TRIPS Agreement relating to Layout-Design (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits. The Act contains provisions relating to
registration of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits layout designs including the procedure and duration of registration, the effect of
registration, assignment and transmission of registered layout-design, use of layout-design, and penalty for infringement of layout-design, Page 13 of 27
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Other laws relating to Intellectual Property Rights in India

The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001

The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 seeks to provide legal protection to plant varieties, rights of farmers, and
plant breeders and also encourages the development of new plant varieties. The Act contains provisions regarding the establishment of
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act Authority, registration of plant varieties and essentially derived variety, duration, and
effect of registration, rights conferred by registration, framers’ rights, compulsory, infringement of any right provided under the Act and
relief thereof.

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 provides for the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components, and fair and
equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources and knowledge. It contains provisions relating to the
regulation of access to biological diversity, the establishment of the National Biodiversity Authority and its functions, the establishment of
the State Biodiversity Board and its functions, the constitution of Biodiversity Management Committees, and the constitution of the Local
Biodiversity Fund, etc.

A quick glance at the important Intellectual Property Rights

Patents may be granted
in any field of technology
for inventions that are
new and useful including Original works of authors and artists ranging from books, music,
Subject of
a new product or an paintings, sculpture to computer programs, databases,
improvement of an advertisements, maps and technical drawings.
existing product or a new
process of making a

Novelty and
usefulnessInventive step/
Requirements obviousnessIndustrial Original creative workMust be in some tangible medium
applicationMust be
patentable according to
the Patent Law in force

It should be equal to or longer than 50 years after the creator’s

Term of 20 years from the date of
death. In India, the copyright protection lasts for the life of the
protection filing of application
author plus 60 years after death.

Right to decide who may

use the invention/Right Right to derive financial reward from the use of work by othersRight

to authorise the use of to authorise or prevent certain uses of the workRight to authorise or
patent by issuing licence prohibit reproduction of workRight to authorise or prohibit
granted to
and through recording, for example in the form of CDs and DVDsRight to prohibit
assignmentRight to or authorise broadcasting by radio, satelliteRight to authorise or
exploit the patentRight to prohibit translation of work in other languagesRight to authorise
surrender the adaptation of the work into a movie etc.Moral right to claim
patentRight to be issued authorship of the workRight to transfer the rights through
assignment or grant permissive use of the copyright to any Page 14 of 27
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duplicate patentRight personRight against infringement

against infringement

Being a territorial right, a

patent must be
Copyright protection runs automatically without the need for any
registered in a country
Registration registration formalities. However, a system of voluntary registration
according to the
is established by most countries.
procedure prescribed by
its Patent Law.

International regime of Intellectual Property Rights

Various agreements and conventions have been formulated at the international level to govern and regulate the various aspects and
emerging issues relating to intellectual property rights. Some of the major efforts undertaken in the form of major international instruments,
treaties, conventions, and forums dealing with intellectual property rights are as follows:

The Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property

The Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property adopted in 1883 is the oldest international convention and was the first major
step taken towards the protection of IP rights. The Convention contains 30 Articles dealing with various aspects and types of industrial
property including patents, trademarks, service marks, utility models, industrial designs, geographical indications, and the repression of
unfair competition. The Convention was revised in July 1967 in Stockholm.

The Convention is based on three guiding principles:

1. National treatment: Each contracting state must provide the same level of protection to nationals of other contracting states as it
grants to its own nationals.

2. Right of priority: The Convention provides for the right of priority in the case of patents and utility models, marks and industrial
designs. This right means that the applicant may, within a certain period of filing a regular first application in one of the contracting
states, apply for protection in any of the other contracting states as well. The subsequent applications filed within the grace period shall
be regarded as being filed on the same date as the first application. The benefit of this provision is that applicants seeking protection in
several countries need not present all of their applications at the same time and have a period of 6/12 months to decide in which
countries they wish to seek protection.

3. Uniform rules: The Convention lays down some common rules that must be followed by all member states such as:

1. Patents granted in different contracting states for the same invention are independent of each other and the inventor has the right to be
named as such in the patent.

2. Industrial designs must be protected in each contracting state, and protection may not be forfeited on the ground that articles
incorporating the design are not manufactured in that State.

3. Protection must be granted to trade names in each contracting state without there being an obligation to file or register the names.

Patent Co-operation Treaty, 1970

The Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) was concluded on 19th June, 1970 and came into effect on 24th January, 1978. The treaty aims to
simplify the procedure of filing patent applications in states that are party to the treaty agreement. It provides a system for filing a patent
application and entitles the nationals of a contracting state to obtain patents in multiple countries around the world on the basis of a single
patent application. Page 15 of 27
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Berne Convention for Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 1886

The Berne Convention for Protection of Literary and Artistic Works adopted in 1886 is the most significant International Convention dealing
with copyright protection. It provides for a minimum term of protection of copyright i.e. life of the author plus 50 years or an alternative of
50 years from the publication of anonymous and pseudonymous works. The Convention is based on three basic principles:

1. Principle of national treatment: The works originating in one member state must be given the same protection in each of the other
member states as the latter grants to the works of its own nationals.

2. Principle of automatic protection: Protection should not be conditional upon compliance with any formality. This means that the
original artistic and literary works shall be given automatic global protection from the moment of their creation, in a fixed medium,
thereby ensuring equal treatment to such works.

3. Principle of “independence” of protection: This means that the protection is independent of whether the protection exists in the
country of origin of the work or not.

Universal Copyright Convention, 1952

Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) was developed under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organisation (UNESCO) as an alternative to the Berne Convention of 1886. The Convention came into force in 1955. The Convention is
based on the principle of national treatment and also requires each contracting state to maintain specific minimum legal safeguards
protection of copyright. The Convention prescribes that the formalities required by the national law of a contracting state shall be considered
to be satisfied if all the copies of a work originating in another contracting state carry the symbol ©, accompanied by the name of the
copyright owner and the year of first publication.

Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and

Broadcasting Organisations (1961)
The Rome Convention secures protection in performances for performers’, in phonograms for producers of phonograms, and broadcasts for
broadcasting organisations. The Convention was concluded in 1961 and came into effect on 18th May 1964. It grants protection to
performers if their performance takes place in another contracting state such as prohibiting the unauthorised broadcast of the performance.

WIPO Copyright Treaty, 1996

The WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) is a special agreement under the Berne Convention providing for the protection of works and the rights of
their authors in the digital environment. According to the treaty, the works/subject matter protected by copyright include:

1. Computer programs; and

2. Databases i.e. compilations of data or other material, in any form constituting intellectual creations.

Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Design, 1925 Page 16 of 27
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The Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Design, 1925, as revised in 1960 seeks to facilitate international
protection of industrial design through the provision of a single deposit with the International Bureau of WIPO in order to prevent possible
infringement by other member states. The protection is offered when the industrial design is deposited on payment of a prescribed fee.
Once the industrial design is registered and published, it will have the same effect in the contracting states as if it had been registered under
the national laws.

World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)

Established on 14th July 1967, WIPO is a global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policies, information, and cooperation. It aims
to develop an effective and balanced international IP system that encourages innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. WIPO has 193
member states.

Objectives of WIPO
Promoting intellectual property protection around the world through state cooperation and partnership with any international

Harmonising national intellectual property legislations and procedures;

To provide services with regard to international applications for intellectual property rights;

For exchanging information on intellectual property;

To provide legal and technical assistance concerning IP to developing and other countries;

Facilitating resolution of private intellectual property disputes;

Marshal information technology is a tool for storing, accessing and using valuable intellectual property information.

TRIPS Agreement
The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 1994 is an international level multilateral agreement
that deals with the protection of intellectual property rights. The TRIPS Agreement recognizes the importance of IP in international trade and
also provides a dispute resolution and prevention mechanism for trade-related IP issues. Every member of WTO is required to observe the
provisions of TRIPs and provide a minimum level of IP protection in their national laws.

Categories of IP covered by TRIPs

Copyright and related rights


Geographical indications

Industrial design


Layout designs of integrated circuits

Protection of undisclosed information

Intellectual Property Rights in India : FAQs

FAQs regarding Patents in India

1. What is the term of patent in the Indian system?

The term of patent in the Indian system is 20 years from the date of filing of the application.

2. Does the Indian patent give worldwide protection? Page 17 of 27
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No, since patent protection is a territorial right, it is effective only within the territory of India. No concept of a global patent exists.
However, an applicant filing a patent application in India can file a corresponding application for the same invention in the convention
countries or under the PCT, within 12 months from the date of filing in India.

3. What is the right time for applying for a patent?

A patent application should be filed as soon as possible. An application filed with a provisional specification revealing the essence of the
nature of the invention aids in the registration of the priority of the invention. Delays in filing an application may expose the inventor to risks
such as:

1. Another inventor filing a patent application on the same invention, and

2. The inventor inadvertently publishing the invention by himself/herself or by others independently of him/her.

3. Who can apply for a patent?

A patent application can be filed by the true and first inventor or his assignee, either alone or jointly with any other person.

5. How can I apply for a patent?

You can submit a patent application to the Indian Patent Office with either a provisional or complete specification, as well as the fee set forth
in Schedule I of the Patent Act. If the application is filed with a provisional specification, then the complete specification has to be filed
within 12 months from the date of filing of such provisional application.

6. Can I file a patent application online?

Yes, you can file a patent application online through this portal:

7. In which language can a patent application be filed?

A patent application can be filed with the Indian Patents Office in English/Hindi.

FAQs regarding designs in India

1. What is the object of a design registration?

Registration of designs seeks to protect the original and creative designs and ensures that the creator/artisan/originator of a design is not
deprived of the bonafide reward of his skill and labour.

2. What is the effect of registration of a design?

The registration of a design grants the registered proprietor “copyright” in the design for the duration of the registration period.

3. What is the duration of the registration of a design?

The duration of registration is initially 10 years from the date of registration. However, in case a priority claim has been allowed, the
duration is 10 years from the priority date. This initial period of 10 years is extendable by 5 years if an application to that effect is made in
Form-3 along with the prescribed fee before the expiry of said 10 years.

4. Can I re-register a design in respect of which copyright has expired?

No, you cannot re-register a design, the copyright of which has expired.

5. Why is it important to file for the registration of a design at the earliest? Page 18 of 27
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It is important to file for the registration of a design as early as possible due to the applicability of the first-to-file rule. This means that if
two or more applications are filed for registration of identical or similar designs on different dates, then only the first application shall be
considered for registration of the design.

FAQs regarding Geographical indications (GI)

1. What is a Geographical Indication?

1. It is an indication originating from a specific geographical territory.

2. It is used to identify natural, agricultural, or manufactured goods.

3. The manufactured goods should be produced or processed in that territory.

4. It should have a special quality or reputation or other characteristics.

5. Who can apply for the registration of GI?

Any association of persons, producers, organisations or authority established by or under the law can apply for registration of GI:

The applicant must represent the producers’ interests.

The application must be submitted in writing in the prescribed format.

The application, along with the prescribed fee, should be addressed to the Registrar of Geographical Indications.

3. Is registration of GI compulsory?

No, registration of GI is not compulsory. However, registration affords better legal protection.

4. What is the period of validity of registration of GI?

The registration of GI is valid for 10 years.

5. Can a GI be renewed? What happens if it is not renewed?

Yes, GI can be renewed for an additional 10 years from time to time. In case a registered GI is not renewed, it becomes liable to be
removed from the register.

The importance of IP in a world of technological, scientific, and medical innovation cannot be ignored at any cost. IP is a valuable asset since
it provides a competitive advantage to the owner over other entities. To make the most out of IPR, it is advisable to get it registered. An
intellectual property right is a proprietary right on the product of one’s intellect. These rights support innovation and help the innovators at
every stage of the business development, competition, and expansion strategy. It is also noteworthy that registered and enforced IP rights
enable the consumers to make an informed choice about the quality, safety, reliability of their purchase.

References Page 19 of 27
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Dr. M.K. Bhandari, Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights, Sixth Edn. 2021

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