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Report on Practical Ministry at Tura

Duration of Ministry: 2nd to 10th December 2023.

Nature of ministry: Semi-Urban Ministry.

Report Given By: Hosan Siemgomang Gangte; BD-III; R/No- 1.

The lecturers of Calvary Bible with their far-sighted vision and well thought out plan
for the betterment of the students have an ongoing program in which the third years are sent
to urban and semi-urban ministry for practical training at Tura, Meghalaya and Kolassib,
Mizoram. And this year too, we the BD-III along with B.Th-III were sent to such ministry,
and I was a part of the Tura team, on which I shall be giving a report.

The Tura Section is Under the Central District and was initially under the general
missions UPC-NEI and was later upgraded into a section under the Central District of UPC-
NEI, and is currently taken care by their pastor R Lalthanzuala with a current strength of 166

We left the college campus on the early morning of the 2 nd of December where Sir.
Zela sent us off with a prayer, and we reached our destination at around 3:30 PM. On
reaching we rested for the night where the boys lodged with Bro. Jacob who is the current
evangelist there and our sister lodged with Sis. Lalramtlani. The next day was Sunday and
starting from that day onwards we had home visits every night. On the Sunday morning we
had a worship service in which Bro. Liishichu preached on One God, and the night and the
following nights we had home visits in our members’ houses in which we took turns in
leading the programs in the houses of Dr. Leonie D Shira, Sis Bukul Hrangkhol, Sis Angela
Marak, Dea. Sengrak A Sangma, Sis Selma D Shira, Bro. Rakkim A Sangma, Bro
Columbush A Sangma and Sis Zopari D Shira. During our visits we had a time of fellowship
and praying for the household especially by having an anointing prayer for them. Each visit
was blessed and with tears and with the movement of the spirit felt at every home. On
Tuesday during the daytime, we had a visit of the homes of the members who were near and
around the church area and who are not listed for the night visit. On Wednesday daytime, we
also had a social work, cleaning the church campus and its surrounding areas. This was the
plan that was made by us and the evangelist at Tura but upon reaching through prayers and
home visits we realised that God wanted to work more through us in that place.

It was on Thursday that we decided to have a fasting prayer starting from the next day
until Sunday in praying for the Tura members and in preparation for the Revival and healing
ministry which we plan to have on the approaching Sunday during the service. On each of the
following days, we had three prayers; at 8 AM, 12PM, and 2PM, and break our fast with a
lunch at 3PM. Even on these prayer gatherings we took turns leading the prayer. And it was
on the 2nd night that we had a prayer at the quarter of Bro. Jacob and on that night, we had an
anointing prayer for each of us. When the day for the revival program came, we prepared
ourselves spiritually to witness the power of God, Bro. Bubu and Sis. Leah led us in praise
and worship and I preached on ‘Salvation’. After preaching we had an altar calling on which
all the congregation came forward, and we the CBC students along with Bro. Jacob had
prayer for each member by laying hands on them. We really felt the presence of the Lord and
many of the members were moved by the Spirit with reconciliation towards Him.

After the program the church members prepared a lunch and we had it. And after the
lunch, we gathered in the quarter of Bro. Jacob to have a healing ministry led by the Sis.
Leah. In the beginning we had an anointing prayer for each of the member. Even here we
witnessed the presence of the Lord and some of the members felt that they felt the immediate
touch of the Lord. This was followed by a session of counselling of some of the members by
Sis. Leah.

Thus, our overall ministry at Tura was a blessed one and we witnessed the great
presence of the Lord in whatever we do. The fellowship and teamwork we had between us
was appreciable. The hospitality of Bro. Jacob and his family was great and we could spend
time with them without any hesitation. Our members at Tura are very hospitable and showed
their love and appreciation towards us even though we are nothing; each evening on every
house visit they prepared for us a meal with various kinds of meat and their local cuisine.

We thank the Almighty God for His unfailing presence in our midst and also the
authority at CBC for sending us to the place. Though there is still a lot of work that needs to
be done and a lot of harvest, the pastor and evangelist at Tura are doing their best and a good
job and they are constantly in my prayer for I firmly believe that the Lord is going to work
great things and miracles in this place.

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