064 Eec44101 Embedded Nayan

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fo No: Usifor |Brese/2ott/O6u Exell No! flu/aots| o2/ 000 1189 Prrogrom - Bleek Semester - th Sem Raper Nine - Embedded Siskem Ossign Rper Gde:- EEC UuIo} Dede: $2] of [2021 ob A Gi Liner eu piece. oh hardware Mal can be used to dolech aulo matically aftwore anomailes and eset le processor rt are Pea Generuiine tt cols do Pom some inital Value fo zero. % Now gpencdtioncl quality ablacbules ane nol elated ‘o operation of Rave king oh embedded aelen. Grobvabilkt- Th pelos bb We cage ide hick Ke embedded — produal car be mocitied fo fake pile kaye ok Bnew Pirmuene of hadure fechwofogies ® finlobliiy'- “Ts nepresods he pirohion ot embedded Lneware cotter — Poa. one henge procesaon fo a diferent reaget processor eNeGua gprorallgy used for desklep computers, he embedded C. 18 fon microcortrotler buged applications, DS C com yse We exces of a desktop Oc Jike- memome While embedded © fas 1b use wilk Ke Dinw Aed ReQoUNnces, Such AX Ram, Rom. Ch ee Scanned with CamScanner @ PIC Is besk Swikable microcontroller tm Emhedded satems because ct Some feclunes , — ) Proullobite, D Gost of ie produ » ease bo Use . WS Fisy of mgating fo smaller. dq dock per Tre touckion cycle ARM is most popula® because — > Prbiculenla Used im parlable devi'cen, due fo is bow — power consump hion and Zeascnob/e Perbomence . i) Th ss best perlormonce fran alher micro - Cordtobler .TE te Low cost email be ths Pertoumence . So Scanned with CamScanner ® Goyp=B powered | el “is washing Rodi | ' satan weal. fe mS = wach Hme +!’ (T) yogh Hime — sen (et bed) a tok Pele) FEM model ot Rulomabic: Woshing Machine ee (oo Ta eis FEM model © states hove beer Cordidrred, “shill vigle late’ afferr ‘stork waching. gtete’ Is coming wilt fer more ererk, Cleaning cletts hat wir debargert Spe and quelle eH water. So He exh stedes Me “pomes sin! and swodea im! atates. “Timer wilh provide Jol Hine Scanned with CamScanner fou woshinge . Weder hype meee be cold, worm o& hot depends en materi Ape. Onee woehiy | Complete, eer Re mext atep Is woter out. The Spin cycle Woks lp oybsoet mospure Hom cloltes at He end ek whole wash cx - The Maher Hee fee He dwer Be clothes are, pee Operohimal Quali Abb oales :- The operational — quali adtontbedes gepresent the ab Gualiecakbibules gelaked fo Me ambedd Seleyork a ke sowie ibe hee eeheor Wiens iso ner This {ee meoatre of quickness ot He System’. TH fella how -fest Me sytem i's frock. He chow rm imp vovobLles. Mask of he ES demmda faust srespmge which chould be almosy geak Mme, d Toougheett t~ Th dels wilh Be eficienee of He system. Th con ve detined 98 Re ade of prodmclom dad o% operation ob defined phocess Over Cr & fected period of time. The goles Com be CKpRescey ih s © fous gh products, budlehes produced op ae othe, mecening fal meacurenents Rebiebifits- TA is a measine of how mach we @v pela upor Me prope favchioneney- ot He Ssh. Mean “Time Belieon Faure (MTBF) and Mean Hime to pepo (wre) ane he Jems USed Im deka Tring: Gye hem geliobilile 4) Mantamabiliy— 34 deals with support ard mamtenance fo Be end Wer % cLert tom dige ot jechnicol iseues and product falivde t " pm Checkup ar om Me busis ot & Sd sist n Reliability and maintotrech ijk ae C fo each other. @ ye Saket deals wilh He passible dhoages ee fo Ye operator, pubMic and Ke enyinoment due to Ke breakdown of am Pinbeckl df’ Elem. nthe only sis rr muck In product emareesing to evaluote He anticipated demerger ct Bore we best andee ot action obvi dom fee Cerseqrencas of damoge to aw ae acceplable fevel. @ Seon (Cerick Grd) finglion neqisere of 66) :- The sericl control CON SFR is Used lo cordrof Be Gos] microcomsallen's Qoial pork. Te is located as an addess at gh. Usmg SCON, You Can Codeal ro Operation modes at Me Serick port, Band gate of jhe sSenal pat and Sond on receive dada using Reni pork. Sedw Rlewsfer also conicfe ch bis Ihok one aulomabialer SET When a bee me doa is Sromamited op seceived. oO o oO oO oO Oo Oo 0 con [ane] Su] owe] eer] ve | aes] re] VSB ao Adress = OB SBUF (Sent Dale Buffer) finchion Seqlshors of Sosy The Seiak Butter ok smF seqicler Is used to hold Ke soick doda while Jncmsmission oh specep tion - a a w x aw ww ® x eeur [elt [ oke | bls/ bts | bis | ode [ bil | oslo] mSB isp Address = Ag 4 Scanned with CamScanner ne nRm I> ARM defers |, Rdwomced Rise Machine . > ARM mictocmbuoller care Anoilable im bik and Gu bik. > Th uses Flash, Spenm, fEEPRam memory, o> Tk ts bused on Rigc inglrwchion ackorchilectire. 5s» Yk ts bused Gn rcldied beavond anehi tectne ® Tk has a vost comm. woke suppor. > “Ths more Pac kuoper is eerie. M\pple , Nvidia ek. > TE soppeds LIN, RC, BS, DSP, SAT — Commuonculinl prrolocel . ali ) PIC refers fo Rriphal [Interface Condootler. }2) PIC moro controllers ane javaleble im @bil, lebt, ad 32 bil. > Tk uses Seam, flash ea J Tk ts waged ow Some feakimes of Rise. TH ts based on Yontad momar. anclu hec bine, On ce a ees Seppos . > Ts manu Pac oer i's, See rt oat. ioc > Th spends PI UART, CAN, LIN SPT eke commy_ uiceahione pore kocoh. JS) an ane boosicallyy [re events frat here, euspend lhe main porcaram , pass He conlyol to Me exlermal sources ond oxecute Metra busk. Ther ik Posses lhe conteoh to Hoe maim program there uf hod felt cg. The inleupt addrecs ok ‘The imberupls :- Frlooupk Addtess INTO COO3n (NT4 000 BH ae Col3 BY ae ool Blt V2/RE 0023H Tntoouph Erable Register Co This neqister can be used fo emable anrdicedle tkerue ps prorramodticalig. Ws t& Is aw BER. the Ockress is ABH. This byte is nol adée sable so If Com be programmed ba Ke usd. The bills in Hes seqster has a diferent meaning « ‘Bil Moss [AF [AE [RD[ AC [AB | AA [AS | As Bik Debuls| EA] A] wm evi | ex’ | Ero] eyo ik Scanned with CamScanner Tderrupd Bort Rerister \- The paloaikec fevel, 1 and ferelo, 1 indicates higher prionthe and o indicates Lower pronilt. The Ip seqiser Gm be used fo sfore Joe prowl. Jevele fr cool ttevinpl. Tus (ts cleo g addnasable SFR, ks Odéress is Bet. Fidel Tnkermupl - Ke eyfernal imteowupls of Ges one WTO cud TWN. There interupls Cm be Jpriggoed The “TCON register com be ised @p fe prog exteranuk imterupls lo edge on fevelL Soil pot Tntewupt 1 The eewal pods Com be used either Brows’ Hing mode or pecephin_ mode the inteoroupt atedus Qe Me franemission i's provided by T1 and stedus receptor ts plover, ba RE. These are Juo biks ok con. a ay ; ere ae DS wil follows Ke TEFE Yozu Sfardard. D Wifi melioodta ede implements dd ferewt secirity- mechanism fon aufeerticection aud dake feanster. 3 wit operates at Q4 Gite ae Helio Spectaum and ee Go-erist wiht cher TSM bemd device Jike bluetooth . 4) ik ds irdended for mefiverk Communication and ik uppers EP TP-based communccation. => Witi enable devices comtoun witeless cdoplo fox bacessin Hing andl le loka . Ala Bee Communicolion Interface > _ eae Ps an FEE 802-18.4 sfandard a> Th is responsible for pase information from device 0 auoer devike. 3) Algbee e-pposts operabing. difance et loo melers ot a dala rate cf 20 ~ Gq Kbps. a hea ie capablli fee Cte Fira abou He medtonk. Scanned with CamScanner » Feedtmes of Pte minocmlsoller |- > “RISC anchikchoe - TY has RISc archifeckoe Seduce Ins kiucfion cet computer. > Brecision trdomal. L oscillator ;- Seitware geleclable Prequenoy guamee 1S & mlb Yo 31M. 3> 35 Trpal lowlpet pias, : High Cusrert — Soteice/ Sm fon dined LED drive. + Tateruphim or change pin. SOO aca al Mle ole Ths cup cm be sreppogronned upto 100000 Himes. > Arutoy fo digitat cmyerter module 1 Th has 2 bef “Tape module which comet of & channels . We con we 9 emoleg, sensors Wily lads micnocontraller, > EEPROM TH aheo has bubll in Elec Arioulle. aie end onl. memoar 266 KS dyles elle cm be vsed fo shre dod Pormanentli. ever mh Re micwom hotter Ig auiferhed off, dada wid be Xemom. Scanned with CamScanner @ |_.--—__— $$ D Dum modules iba provide 2caP modes .COP Stamds for Pep ne Compare PWM modules. we Car oe generate juo PWM signs cll Kus michacontnroler. ® IRE commuotcedfon + Tre cro cordeaoller also eeppmk (RC Communication and it has ore madle oR IAC Communication . ® Steep mee 1 PTC also prowile sleep made aperabn, Ge 4euis mode , device epercides ok aN Sool power. to Tk indnde SPL prolocek and RE profocel for memorae Communicakion . wb) Te inclade USART pruloosl fe PE commareahion. > Tk Corker RAM belween 256 — YoXe byfes. m> Tt has on chip aa eral Im Be fom ot Yosh memo. : Scanned with CamScanner

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