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mediated immune response. These immune modulations, and a clinical trial of tolvaptan was performed in Chinese cirrhotic
the peripheral T-cell depletion known to occur in cirrhosis, patients in present study.
may support development of autoimmunity. We therefore aimed Methods: Patients were randomized to receive placebo or tolvaptan
to investigate whether cirrhosis confers an increased risk of with initial dose of 15 mg/day, and then titrated to 30 or 60 mg/day
autoimmune disease. based on serum sodium concentrations. The primary endpoint was
Methods: We used the Danish National Patient Registry (NPR) the average daily changes of serum sodium from baseline to day 4
to identify all Danish citizens diagnosed with cirrhosis in 1977– and day 7. The secondary endpoints included:
2009. For each of them we sampled five gender- and age-matched 1. change of serum sodium from baseline;
population controls. Cox regression was used to compare the rate 2. percentage of patients with normalized serum sodium;
of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or inflammatory bowel 3. percentage of patients requiring fluid restriction;
disease development (identified through NPR) between cirrhosis 4. urine output on day 1;
patients and controls. 5. fluid balance;
Results: We included 38,394 cirrhotic patients. During 217,558 total 6. change of abdominal circumference and body weight from
years of follow-up 442 of them developed rheumatoid arthritis baseline;
(N = 206), multiple sclerosis (N = 20), or inflammatory bowel disease 7. change of lower extremity edema/ascites on day 7.
(N = 216). Cirrhosis patients were more likely than controls to Results: Compared with placebo, tolvaptan caused greater increase
develop autoimmune disease (hazard ratio 1.66, 95% CI 1.49–1.85), in average daily change in serum sodium from baseline to day 4
irrespective of gender. The association was strongest shortly after (4.12±2.59 vs. 0.28±2.46 mmol/L, p < 0.0001) and from baseline
cirrhosis was diagnosed and stable at a hazard ratio of about 1.45 to day 7 (4.86±2.86 vs. 0.62±3.09 mmol/L, p < 0.0001), For the
from two years on after diagnosis of cirrhosis. secondary endpoints, tolvaptan resulted in higher increases in
Conclusion: Liver cirrhosis associates with development of multiple absolute plasma sodium concentrations than placebo and the
sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease and/or rheumatoid arthritis. change was maintained during the study drug administration.
This may indicate a general enhancement in susceptibility Within 7 days after cessation of dosing, serum sodium
for autoimmune phenomena in cirrhosis, and the underlying concentrations in tolvaptan-treated patients declined to levels
mechanisms should be delineated. similar to placebo-treated patients. Tolvaptan was well tolerated in
most patients. The most common adverse events occurring during
628 the study in the tolvaptan group were dry mouth and thirst.
A MULTICENTER, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, Conclusions: Tolvaptan is effective for hyponatremia in Chinese
PLACEBO-CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL TO EVALUTE THE cirrhotic patients during the drug administration period, with an
J. Jia1 , H.F. Wang2 , J. Cheng3 , W. Ye4 , H. Ding5 , C. Deng6 , Z. Gai7 , 629
G. Wang8 , H. Zhu9 , C. Chen10 , G. Gong11 , D. Zhang12 , Q. Xie13 , CEREBRAL OEDEMA IS RARE IN ACUTE-ON-CHRONIC LIVER
M. Wan14 , X. Cai15 , J. Li16 , R. Shi17 , Q. Mao18 , Y. Chen19 , J. Guo20 , FAILURE (AOCLF)
J. Niu21 , H. Wang22 , M. Zeng23 . 1 Liver Research Center, Beijing D. Joshi1 , A. Patel1 , J. O’Grady1 , E. Stern1 , D. Shawcross1 , S. Connor2 ,
Friendship Hospital, 2 Center for Liver Failure Treatment and Reasearch, C. Willars1 , W. Bernal1 , J. Wendon1 , G. Auzinger1 . 1 Institute of Liver
302 Military Hospital of China, 3 Center of Liver Diseases, Beijing Ditan Studies, 2 Neuro-Radiology, King’s College Hospital, London, UK
Hospital, Beijing, 4 Dept of Infection, The First Affiliated Hospital of E-mail:
Zhejiang University College of Medicine, Hangzhou, 5 Dept of Digestion,
Introduction: AoCLF has a rapid disease course associated with
Beijing Youan Hospital, Capital University Hospital, Beijing, 6 Dept
significant mortality. Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is common
of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Affiliated to Luzhou Medical College,
associated with hyperammonemia, systemic inflammation and
Luzhou, 7 Dept of Infectious Diseases, Infectious Disease Hospital of
hyponatremia. The incidence of cerebral oedema in AoCLF is
Jinan, Jinan, 8 Dept of Infectious Diseases, Center for Liver Diseases,
Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, 9 Dept of Digestive Internal
Aim: To describe the incidence of cerebral oedema in AoCLF adult
Medicine, Subei People’s Hospital of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou,
10 patients admitted to the liver intensive treatment unit (January
Center of Liver Disease, 85th Military Hospital, Shanghai, 11 Dept of
2005-January 2011).
Infectious Diseases, The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South
Methods: AoCLF was defined according to Sarin et al (2009).
University, Changsha, 12 Dept of Infectious Diseases, The Second
Arterial ammonia (NH3), MELD, UKELD, and SOFA scores were
Affiliated Hospital Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, 13 Dept
collated (results median with ranges). Patients who had undergone
of Infectious Diseases, Ruijin Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University
neuro-imaging were identified. Scans were reported by consultant
School of Medicine, 14 Dept of Infectious Diseases, Changhai Hospital
of Shanghai, 15 Dept of Liver Disease, Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai,
16 Results: 1008 patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) were
Dept of Infectious Diseases, 17 Dept of Digestion, The People’s Hospital
admitted, 173 patients underwent neuro-imaging. 81 (48 male)
of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, 18 Dept of Infectious Diseases, Chongqing
fulfilled criteria for AoCLF. Variceal bleeding (30%) and sepsis (31%)
Southwest Hospital, Chongqing, 19 Dept of Infectious Diseases, The First
were the commonsest precipitants of AoCLF. Compared to the CLD,
Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, 20 Dept of
AoCLF patients were younger (50, 24–71 vs 59, 30–74, p = 0.001),
Digestive Internal Medicine, Wuxi People’s Hospital, Wuxi, 21 Dept
NH3 (143, 40–305 vs 111, 28–315), grade of HE (3, 1–4 vs 1, 0–4),
of Hepatic-Biliary-Pancreatic Medicine, The First Hospital of Jilin
University, Changchun, 22 Institute of Liver Disease, Peking University MELD (25, 8–40 vs 15, 6–34), SOFA (11, 2–17 vs 4, 0–14), UKELD (63,
People’s Hospital, Beijing, 23 Dept of Digestive Internal Medicine, Renji 50–75 vs 55, 44–73) and SIRS score (2, 1–3 vs 1, 0–3) were higher
Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, (p < 0.0001 for all). Serum sodium was lower in AoCLF group (132,
China 118–154 vs 136, 120–146, p < 0.0001). HE (≥ grade 3) occurred in
E-mail: 66% of AoCLF patients vs13% CLD (p < 0.0001). In those with neuro-
imaging, 26% normal, 26% demonstrated increased cerebral atrophy
Background and Aims: Tolvaptan has been shown effective in for age, 15% small vessel disease and 10% intra-cranial haemorrhage.
treating hyponatremia in previous studies. However, its efficacy Cerebral oedema was seen in 2 patients with AoCLF, 1 post TIPSS
and safety has not been confirmed in Asian patients. Therefore, (NH3 289 mmol/L) and 1 with septic shock (NH3 268 mmol/L). 72

Journal of Hepatology 2012 vol. 56 | S225–S388 S249

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