HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030 (P03)

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Series 4030: Tunnelling – Sprayed

Concrete Linings
Document Number: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030

Revision Author Checked by Approved by Date approved Reason for revision

P01 Eddie Woods Colin Rawlings John Irwin 14/8/2017 First Issue to supersede
P02 Colin Rawlings Eddie Woods John Irwin 04/06/2018 Change clause 9.1.2 to make
explicit that silos can be used
for production of SCL as
requested by MWCC in SCEW
P03 Andy Kendall Colin Rawlings Eddie Woods Amendment of clause 2.1 with
regard requirements where
24/7 working to take account
of departure 1MC04-SCJ-CV-
Add section 2.2 covering
sprayed concrete linings
without waterproof
membranes. Modified SCL
falls clauses.

This document contains proprietary information. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent from the Chief
Executive Officer, HS2 Ltd.
Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings

Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030

1 Introduction 1
2 Performance requirements 1
3 Materials 4
4 Personnel 10
5 Submittals 11
6 Pre-construction testing 13
7 Test methods 20
8 Fabrication 21
9 Production and transport 21
10 Application 22
11 Equipment 25
Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

1 Introduction
1.1 General
1.1.1 This specification sets out the Employer’s minimum requirements concerning the use of
sprayed concrete linings (SCL or sprayed concrete) for primary and secondary linings for
construction including shafts, adits, chambers, junctions and tunnels.

1.1.2 Sprayed concrete works are in accordance with BS EN 14487-1, BS8500, the Employer’s
Specification and the requirements of the Contractor’s Design.

1.1.3 The Contractor is responsible for all aspects of the design and construction of sprayed concrete

2 Performance requirements
2.1 Sprayed concrete requirements
2.1.1 The Contractor constructs all primary sprayed concrete lined shafts in accordance with the
working hours allowed in the Contract.

2.1.2 [P03] Specific to SCL tunnels this can be a variation of ‘24 hours a day, 5 days a week’ or ‘24
hours a day, 7 days a week’ to suit the location of the works and scope of works. SCL
tunnelling can be completed 24/5 where tunnels are of a relatively short length and it has been
assessed that working 24/5 is suitable for the expected ground conditions and the risk of an
adverse impact on existing infrastructure or the stability of the works is negligible

2.1.3 (P03) if 24/7 working is deemed necessary for construction this will be adopted.

2.1.4 [P03] Appropriate measures will be put in place including face support and instrumentation
and monitoring and contingency measures to deal with any deterioration during any shut
down period.

2.1.5 The Contractor submits details of all Equipment to be used for the manufacture and
application of sprayed concrete to the Project Manager.

2.1.6 All Equipment to be used for the manufacture and application of sprayed concrete is kept in
good working order.

2.1.7 The Contractor ensures that standby spraying Equipment is available at all times.

2.1.8 The Contractor provides a standby generator to enable the sprayed concrete cycle to be
completed in the event of a power failure.

2.1.9 Sprayed concrete is applied by robotic manipulator in a series of passes to form a

homogeneous layer of the thickness required by the Contractor’s Design.

2.1.10 The Contractor ensures sufficient sprayed concrete is mixed and available on the worksite prior
to commencing excavation.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

2.1.11 The Contractor uses the wet method for applying sprayed concrete.

2.1.12 The Contractor provides standby Equipment and Materials for the application for the wet
method of applying sprayed concrete.

2.1.13 The Contractor has available standby Equipment and Materials for the application of dry
sprayed concrete for primary linings where the ground is locally unsuitable for the wet

2.1.14 The Contractor establishes personnel exclusion zones around unsafe areas (such as
unsupported ground, areas where the sprayed concrete has not reached the required strength
and Equipment operational zones).

2.1.15 The Contractor puts in place measures such as physical barriers and warning notices and
ensure personnel do not enter exclusion zones.

2.1.16 The Contractor’s Design defines the personnel exclusion zones on the drawings.

2.1.17 The applied sprayed concrete exhibits no sagging and ensures full encapsulation of all
embedded items, where installed, without voids in accordance with section 6.7.2.

2.1.18 (P03)The hazard of sprayed concrete or ground falls will be mitigated by the design (ERIC shall
be adopted – Eliminate, Reduce, Isolate, Control), the introduction of sloped faces will be
considered and adopted where appropriate.

2.1.19 (P03) Falls during spraying primary layers applied directly to the ground are considered an
inevitable part of the process but in some instances can be controlled and therefore will be
recorded and discussed at the SRG Meeting.

2.1.20 (P03)Significant falls during & after spraying other primary and secondary layers will be
recorded on a SCL fall register and will be investigated to capture details which will may point
to a root cause.

2.1.21 (P03) The Contractor records as minimum the location, date, time, mix design, sprayer,
accelerator dosage rates, strength parameters and weight estimation or size of all Ground and
SCL falls as a minimum. The register is to be reviewed at the SRG meeting to determine any
potential concerns. They can demonstrate the following issues which will require measures to
be put in place to control or prevent reoccurrence:
• Geological issues (excessive crown settlement)
• Sprayer competency (excessive layer build up)
• Concrete issues (hydration, accelerator dosage or mixture blend or binding

2.1.22 (P03) Falls during spraying which are within an exclusion zone area that is being implemented
effectively are not safety critical and do not require reporting as near misses or incidents. All
falls of sprayed concrete which are outside the above exclusion zone area are classified as
incidents or near misses and are reported using the appropriate H&S reporting processes.

2.1.23 The Contractor undertakes a fire risk assessment and where there is a risk of fire the Contractor
demonstrates that the sprayed concrete lining meets the fire performance requirements of

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

Technical Standard – Mined Tunnels and associated structures HS2-HS2-TN-STD-000-000003

and is tested in accordance with Series 4055.

2.1.24 Sprayed concrete primary linings are built to the Contractor’s Design as follows:

a. the Contractor defines the tolerances on his detailed design drawings and submits
these to the Project Manager;

b. the Contractor prepares a method statement for remedial trimming or filling to

achieve the tolerances and submits this to the Project Manager;

c. the Contractor constructs the tunnels, shafts and junctions, audits and chambers to
the required tolerances and in accordance with the Contractor’s design;

d. the Contractor ensures that the tunnels are constructed in such a way that the ground
movement impact on third party assets does not exceed the acceptable limits defined
in Technical Standard - Ground Movement and Assessment from Below Ground
Construction HS2-HS2-TN-STD-000-000005;

e. the Contractor assesses the impact of ground movement on the works and third party
assets and monitor to confirm movements are as predicted; and

f. ensure his assessment was realistic. If this assessment is found through the
monitoring to have underestimated the impact he implements the requirements of
Series 4500 (Employer’s works specification – instrumentation and monitoring).

2.1.25 Sprayed concrete secondary linings meet the following performance requirements and

a. sprayed concrete linings (primary and secondary) are sized to provide the finished
internal tunnel and shaft diameters detailed in the Works Information or by the
Contractor’s Design;

b. the design life of sprayed concrete linings and water ingress performance
requirements are in accordance with Technical Standard Mined tunnels and
associated structures HS2-HS2-TN-STD-000-000003;

c. (P03) for sprayed concrete lined tunnels/shafts, the centreline of the secondary lining
does not depart from the design position by more than ±30mm for tunnels/shafts up
to and including 5m diameter and ±75mm for tunnels/ shafts greater than 5m
diameter; and

d. (P03) for sprayed concrete lined tunnels and shafts no part of the internal profile of the
secondary lining departs from its design position by more than 50mm and meets the
minimum internal diameter.

e. (P03) the rate of change of primary and secondary lining with respect to its theoretical
position shall not exceed 10mm/m or less for the primary lining if required by the
waterproofing system

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

f. (P03) and no point on the secondary lining exceeds the tolerance on the spaceproofing

2.2 (P03) Sprayed Concrete Lining without a waterproof

2.2.1 Where the Contractor’s design demonstrates that a Sprayed Concrete lining without a
waterproof membrane will meet the watertightness criteria detailed in Technical Standard
Mined Tunnels HS2-HS2-TN-S-TD-000-000003 then the following additional requirements
shall be submitted to the Project Manager’s acceptance.

2.2.2 The Contractor’s design shall detail:

a. the mix design necessary to achieve the low permeability concrete that is compatible with
spraying and construction requirements and the associated pre construction testing;

b. the thicknesses of any SCL layers and the preparation and treatment of any concrete
surfaces necessary to achieve the bond, adhesion and permeability of the lining;

c. the stagger of the joints between consecutive layers of SCL necessary to increase the
water path between layers to achieve watertight joints;

d. the preparation and quality of the joints

e. the need for incorporation of injection tubes

f. the remedial works to be undertaken for any leaks

2.2.3 The Contractor shall prepare a detailed method statement and an inspection and test plan to
demonstrate how the requirements of the design are to be implemented and quality assured.

3 Materials
3.1 General
3.1.1 The Materials and workmanship for sprayed concrete are in accordance with BS EN
14487:2005, except where specified below, and the requirements of the Contractor’s Design
and the Technical Standard - Materials and Durability HS2-HS2-CV-STD-000-000003.

3.1.2 The Contractor undertakes Working Area trials to demonstrate that the combination(s) of
sprayed concrete constituent Materials used in the works are appropriate to the Contractor’s
Design, using appropriate testing procedures.

3.1.3 The Contractor provides details of constituent materials to the Project Manager on completion
of testing. .

3.1.4 The Contractor obtains each constituent Material from sources for which all testing and
verification has been undertaken.

3.1.5 The Contractor stores and uses all constituent Materials in accordance with the manufacturer’s
or supplier’s recommendations.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

3.1.6 The Contractor proposes maximum overall limits for chloride and sulphate for the sprayed
concrete mixes used, and the means by which this is verified by testing.

3.2 Cement and cementitious additives

3.2.1 All cement complies with BS EN 197-1 and meet the following requirements:

a. Portland cement is CEM I, strength class 42.5 or strength class 52.5;

b. Pulverised fuel-ash complies with BS EN 450-1;

c. Ground granulated blastfurnace slag complies with BS EN 15167-1;

d. Metakaolin is Attestation and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP)

System 1 or System 1+ and meets the performance requirements of the Contractor’s

e. The Contractor uses non-caustic, alkali-free accelerators;

f. Cement is stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements; and

g. Cementitious materials that have been deleteriously affected by moisture are not
used in the works.

3.3 Silica fume

3.3.1 Silica fume is either a water-based slurry or undensified dry powder and comply with BS EN
13263-1 and 2.

3.3.2 The Contractor verifies the quality to the silica fume as required taking account of the amount
of sprayed concrete applied and the risks inherent in the structure.

3.3.3 The Contractor demonstrates that the content of silica fume meets the performance
requirements of the Contractor’s Design.

3.3.4 The Contractor provides details of how the correct dispersal and dosage of the silica fume is

3.4 Aggregates
3.4.1 Aggregates complies with the requirements and guidance in BS EN 12620 and PD 6682 for
natural aggregates and BS EN 14487-1 and the grading curve requirements for sprayed

3.4.2 The Contractor undertakes pre-construction Working Area trials for each sprayed concrete
type and application.

3.4.3 The Contractor’s Working Area trials determines the proportions and tolerance limits for single
sized aggregate required.

3.4.4 The Contractor ensures that all sprayed concrete complies with the accepted grading
envelopes established as part of the Working Area trials.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

3.4.5 Single sized aggregate fractions are stored separately.

3.4.6 Aggregates are clean hard and dense and free from earth, clay loam and soft clay, shaley or
decomposed stone, organic matter, friable particles, shell fragments and other impurities.

3.4.7 The Contractor tests the aggregate for alkali aggregate reactivity (AAR) with the cementitious
materials and admixtures (including accelerators) using BRE digest 330 or ASTM C1260
accelerated mortar bar method, or accepted equivalent.

3.4.8 Marine dredged or recycled aggregates are not to be used in the secondary lining to avoid the
risk of explosive spalling in a fire.

3.4.9 Marine dredged or recycled aggregates are incorporated into the primary lining if
compatibility with the Contractor’s Design has been demonstrated and a process is in place to
monitor compliance in accordance with the Materials and Durability Technical Standard HS2-

3.4.10 The maximum water absorption of the combined aggregate determined in accordance with
BS EN 1097-6 does not exceed 3%.

3.4.11 The moisture content of the aggregate is determined for all mix designs and the quantity of
added water adjusted to take account of the moisture present in the aggregate, and water
from all other sources including liquid admixtures and silica fume slurry. The maximum water
/ cement ratio permitted by the Contractor’s Design is not exceeded.

3.4.12 The grading and moisture content of the individual fractions of the aggregate is checked and
recorded daily by the Contractor.

3.5 Admixtures
3.5.1 Admixtures comply with the following as appropriate EN 934-2, EN 934-5 and EN 934-6.

3.5.2 The Contractor uses admixtures that are designed for sprayed concrete, and have been used in
successful sprayed concrete applications.

3.5.3 The dosage to be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, the Contractor’s
design as verified by trials.

3.5.4 The Contractor obtains confirmation in writing from the manufacturer of each admixture, that
the required characteristic properties,consistency and continuity of supply is maintained for
the duration of the works. .

3.5.5 The Contractor stores and uses admixtures in accordance with the manufacturer's

3.5.6 The Contractor obtains written confirmation of the stability and compatibility of admixtures
with other admixtures and sprayed concrete constituents from the manufacturer. This is
verified by the Working Area trials.

3.5.7 The addition of all admixtures during the batching sequence is adjusted to optimise dispersion
and performance in the concrete mix.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

3.5.8 Admixtures are free of chlorides such that the percentage of chlorides do not exceed 0.1
percent by weight.

3.6 Set accelerators

3.6.1 Set accelerators are liquid alkali-free (pH 2.5 to 8.0 and an alkali content of less than one per
cent by weight Na2O equivalent).

3.6.2 Sodium silicate (waterglass) and potassium or sodium aluminate based accelerators are not be

3.6.3 The Contractor determines the minimum dosage of set accelerator to achieve the early
strength properties required by the Contractor’s Design and verified by Working Area trials,
and determine the maximum allowable dosage by weight of the cementitious material and s
provides this to the Project Manager.

3.6.4 Caustic accelerators are not used.

3.6.5 The Contractor selects accelerators to ensure that for the chosen dosage the reduction in 28
day compressive strength compared to the concrete mix with no accelerators does not exceed
25%, and there is a progressive gain in sprayed concrete strength from 28 days to 90 days.
This is verified by testing.

3.6.6 The Contractor undertakes tests to confirm that the Contractor’s Design parameters are being
achieved during spray concrete production. This is undertaken on at least a monthly basis or a
shorter duration if required by the Contractor.

3.6.7 The frequency of testing is increased if the trend of test results or performance indicates that
the sprayed concrete may fall below the Contractor’s Design requirements. The Contractor
investigates and rectify the causes of loss of performance.

3.6.8 The Contractor undertakes trials with the selected accelerators and the range of likely dosage
values to confirm that the impact on strength and set parameters for different dosages is
compatible with the Contractor’s Design.

3.6.9 The Contractor tests set accelerators delivered to the worksite for their reaction at least once
every two months in accordance with this specification, or where tests or performance deviate
from the accepted design parameters.

3.7 Hydration control admixtures

3.7.1 Hydration control admixtures may be used to control the hydration of the mix as appropriate
to enhance logistical requirements and expedite construction of the works.

3.7.2 The effects and optimum dosages of hydration control admixtures are determined by Working
Area trials, both in terms of maintaining workability over the required wet concrete mix
storage time, and the early and later age strength development of the sprayed concrete.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

3.8 Fibres
3.8.1 Steel and polypropylene fibres comply with the requirements of BS EN 14889-1 and BS EN

3.9 Water
3.9.1 Water complies with the requirements of BS EN 1008.

3.10 Other mix constituents

3.10.1 Other sprayed concrete mix constituents proposed are tested and full documentation of
results provided to the Project Manager prior to the Working Area trials.

3.11 Steel reinforcement

3.11.1 Reinforcement complies with the requirements of the Employer’s Specification Series 1700
and Materials and Durability Technical Standard HS2-HS2-CV-STD-000-000003.

3.12 Lattice girders and rolled channels

3.12.1 The Contractor’s Design minimises the use of lattice girders and rolled channels

3.12.2 The Contractor ensures that where lattice girders are used there is a safe means of erection
which avoids working under unsupported ground.

3.12.3 The Contractor designs lattice girders to:

a. facilitate sprayed concrete penetration into and behind the girder and minimize the
risk of projection shadows and voids;

b. provide bond strength consistent with the Contractor’s Design; and

c. make allowance for the convergence and meet the tolerances set out in the
Contractor’s Design.

3.12.4 Holes for ties, struts and any bolted connections are not formed by hot works.

3.13 Face dowels, soil nails and rock reinforcement

3.13.1 Face dowels, soil nails and rock reinforcement are in accordance with the Contractor’s Design.

3.14 Spiles
3.14.1 Spiles are in accordance with the Contractor’s Design.

3.15 Pipes for grouted pipe arches

3.15.1 Pipe canopy tubes are in accordance with the Contractor’s Design, and drilled in place and
filled with cement grout in advance of excavation.

3.15.2 The Contractor ensures any joints in adjacent canopy tubes are staggered and have moment
and shear properties compatible with the Contractor’s Design and construction sequences.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

3.15.3 The Contractor submits details of the Equipment and procedures for canopy tube installation
to the Project Manager for acceptance prior to installation of canopy tubes in the works.

3.15.4 The Contractor ensures that any grout used to fill the canopy tubes or the annulus between the
tube and pre-drilled holes have achieved the strength required by the accepted Contractor’s
Design prior to excavation beneath the tubes.

3.16 (P03) Physical concrete properties for sprayed concrete linings

without waterproof membranes
3.16.1 Concrete for sprayed concrete linings to meet the following additional requirements to those
outlined in this document.

3.16.2 Physical concrete properties;

a. Mix Design (including individual mix component testing);

b. Strength gain characteristics and residual strength (with different spraying directions and
with or without accelerator);

c. Strain and Stiffness characteristics;

d. Flexural strength (including jointed beams);

e. Cube and core ratio;

f. Steel and Polypropylene (where applicable) Fibre content;

g. Consistency;

h. Temperature;

i. Chloride and Sulphate Testing;

j. Creep and drying shrinkage:

k. Calibration and frequency of calibration equipment to ensure consistent delivery of

sprayed components

l. Curing requirements

3.16.3 Material & Application characteristics, all demonstrated additionally under the Durability
items listed below in (3.16.4);

a. Fibre dosage and additive dosage and confirmation during construction;

b. Specific material storage requirements;

c. Layer condition and bond strength;

d. Non-intrusive tests to confirm condition of joints;

e. Joint condition by cores where the intrusive testing has found an issue;

f. Method of repairing any core holes;

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

g. tensile testing and permeability, demonstrated through panels and beams;

h. Build, rebound, encapsulation and voiding;

i. Visual inspection and calibration requirements of plant, equipment and materials.

3.16.4 Durability characteristics;

a. Permeability testing of a concrete mix design;

b. Target value of k for high durability (Low permeability) concrete shall be set to achieve
1.00E-12 m/s – this shall be demonstrated within the proposals;

c. Insitu tests of permeability of joints and lining;

d. Sorptivity;

e. Petrographic analysis (including dispersion of mix components where applicable);

f. Plastic density;

g. Measure density;

h. Density ratio;

i. Curing environments assessment;

j. Aggregate Particle Size Density assessment and analysis (single and combined).

4 Personnel
4.1 Competence
4.1.1 The Contractor submits the following documents to demonstrate that all sprayed concrete
personnel have the required training and competence to undertake the works:

a. an organisation chart and CVs;

b. the processes and procedures to ensure that all personnel are competent, and that
competence is maintained and monitored throughout the Project;

c. personnel responsible for installation of tunnel support and excavation have the
required competence to undertake the works;

d. nominated and accepted responsible people have at least five years’ experience of
sprayed concrete lining tunnel construction in similar ground conditions;

e. nozzle operatives have proven competence for using high capacity robotic
manipulators for the application of sprayed concrete in tunnelling projects. Should
the Contractor wish to use nozzle operatives with less than five years’ experience he
submits his proposals for training and ensuring competence and providing supervision
; and
Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

f. (P03) Nozzle operatives are certified in accordance with EFNARC Nozzleman

Certification Scheme or ACI 506R-03 (USA), or equivalent national or international
standards. The competence of nozzle operatives is continually assessed, including
analyses of data from sections 2.1.18 and recorded annually.

5 Submittals
5.1 Materials certification
5.1.1 The Contractor submits documents to demonstrate that all sprayed concrete constituent
Materials comply with the relevant British and European Standards and meet the
requirements of the Contractor’s Design.

5.1.2 All material suppliers have certification to show compliance with BS EN ISO 9001.

5.2 General submissions

5.2.1 The Contractor submits all documentation including specifications and inspection and test
plans (I&TP’s) to the Supervisor at least sixteen weeks prior to the date the application of
sprayed concrete is programmed to start, in accordance with the Schedule of Contractor’s

5.2.2 The Contractor develops inspection and test plans (I&TP) to include the requirements of this
specification and any other requirements of the Contractor’s Design. The I&TPs include
comprehensive hold and witness points at relevant stages in construction, with clear action in
the event of non-conformance.

5.2.3 The Contractor submits the following prior to application of sprayed concrete in the works:

a. sprayed concrete mix design, trials and tests results;

b. details for ensuring control of sprayed concrete thickness, profile and position to the
design tolerances;

c. automatic survey of and electronic display of excavation and sprayed profiles for each
primary lining advance for review at the Shift Review Group (SRG) meeting;

d. templates of the Required Excavation Support Sheet (RESS) for the primary lining
advance that are reviewed at the SRG meetings;

e. details of proposed monitoring system and Equipment;

f. details of all Subcontractors; and

g. Inspection and test plans detailing responsibilities and methodologies for checking
and assuring the quality of works.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

5.3 Worksite submissions

5.3.1 The Contractor submits to the Project Manager, for each Worksite using sprayed concrete, the
following, at least nine weeks prior to commencing sprayed concrete work, in accordance with
the Schedule of Deliverables:

a. worksite method statements;

b. instrumentation and monitoring requirements in accordance with Series 4500

(Employer’s works specification – instrumentation and monitoring); and

c. action plans and Incident management plans.

5.4 Shift Review Group (SRG)

5.4.1 An SRG process is implemented in accordance with Series 4500 (Employer’s works
specification – instrumentation and monitoring) for all primary lining advancement.

5.5 Required Excavation Support Sheet (RESS)

5.5.1 The RESS is prepared in accordance with Series 4500 (Employer’s works specification –
instrumentation and monitoring) for each shift involving the advancement of the primary

5.6 Geotechnical recording

5.6.1 The Contractor employs sufficient geotechnical engineers/engineering geologists with
experience of the geology to be encountered to log all the tunnel faces exposed during the
advancement of tunnels using Sprayed Concrete Lining (SCL) on every shift.

5.6.2 The Contractor employs a senior geotechnical tunnel engineer with a minimum of five years
SCL tunnel design and construction experience and experience of managing a team of tunnel
geotechnical engineers. The Contractor is responsible for establishing the standards, criteria
and templates for face logging, the longitudinal cross section and the geotechnical model and
submitting these to the Project Manager for acceptance prior to any tunnels being constructed
using SCL.

5.6.3 The Contractor’s geotechnical logging staff are appropriately qualified and have demonstrable
competence in logging to BS 5930.

5.6.4 CV's of proposed geotechnical staff to be available for audit.

5.6.5 The Contractor logs each face from a position of safety beneath fully supported ground and at
a safe distance from the tunnel face.

5.6.6 The Contractor allows adequate time in the construction cycle for the geotechnical logging.

5.6.7 The Contractor combines the geological/ geotechnical face records with probing records and
prepare geological long section and plan of all excavations on a daily basis for presentation to
the SRG meeting.

5.6.8 Records include the following as a minimum:

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

a. annotated face sketch of geology and any geological features;

b. a detailed geotechnical description of the Materials in accordance with BS 5930;

c. details of any groundwater inflow or seepage including location and quantity;

d. details of discontinuities;

e. a photograph of the face and any features;

f. details of any obstructions or manmade features encountered;

g. location of probe holes in the face; and

h. observations of excavation stability.

5.7 As-built records and drawings

5.7.1 The Contractor submits the following as-built information to the Project Manager within 21
days of tunnel drive completion:

a. all submissions to the Shift Review Group (SRG) in accordance with Series 4500
(Employer’s works specification – instrumentation and monitoring); and

b. as-built drawings showing the position and details of all installed support prepared
from the BIM model.

6 Pre-construction testing
6.1 General
6.1.1 The Contractor keeps a detailed record of all sampling and testing carried out. The format of
the record is submitted to the Project Manager prior to the commencement of SCL tunnel
lining construction. The record is available for inspection at all times.

6.1.2 The Contractor’s Design defines the range of temperatures that he sprays concrete within the
tunnel including the maximum and minimum temperature of the wet mix concrete.

6.1.3 The Contractor ensures that the temperature of the concrete is kept within this range
throughout the batching, delivery and at the point of spray application, for both the trials and
the application of all sprayed concrete in the works.

6.1.4 The Contractor prepares procedures for monitoring the ambient temperature and controlling
the temperature of the constituents and concrete throughout production cycle that caters for
the range of ambient temperatures including winter and summer prior to the commencement
of the SCL tunnel lining construction.

6.1.5 The Contractor does not incorporate sprayed concrete in the works until the required trials
have been completed.

6.2 Development of mix design

6.2.1 The Contractor develops the design for each type of sprayed concrete mix as follows:
Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

a. production of a suitable base concrete; and

b. production of sprayed concrete from the base concrete.

6.2.2 The base concrete has a target mean 28 day compressive strength in excess of the required
characteristic sprayed concrete strength at 28 days by an appropriate margin in accordance
with the Contractor’s Design.

6.3 Pre-construction testing - General

6.3.1 The Contractor undertakes constituent material testing and sprayed concrete trials prior to the
application of sprayed concrete in the works. Trials by nozzle operatives that comply with the
minimum requirements for competency.

6.3.2 The Contractor uses the same Equipment, personnel, processes and constituent Materials for
the Working Area trials as used in the works.

6.3.3 The trials accurately reflects the range of conditions expected during construction, particularly
in relation to ambient and concrete temperature and maximum transit times.

6.3.4 The temperature and consistence of the concrete are monitored at the batching plant and at
the Working Area. Adequate levels of lighting and visibility are maintained throughout
spraying, both during trials and production.

6.3.5 The Contractor undertakes a trial for each type of sprayed concrete to be used in the works.

6.3.6 The Contractor undertakes trial construction of all radial joints between sprayed concrete of
different ages to confirm the integrity of joints.

6.3.7 The Contractor demonstrates that the method for constructing the joints, produces concrete
of the same quality as the standard section of sprayed concrete.

6.3.8 Cores are taken to assess rebound, voids, bond and water penetration at joints for both trials
and during production

6.3.9 The Contractor provides copies of the test reports to the Project Manager within three days of
completion of each phase of the tests, in accordance with the Schedule of Deliverables.

6.3.10 The Contractor repeats the pre-construction testing in the event of:

a. failure to meet the specified requirements or the Contractor’s Design;

b. change in the mix proportions, source or consistency of any of the constituent

Materials; and

c. problems arising during production application.

6.4 Fresh concrete testing

6.4.1 The Contractor carries out fresh concrete testing as detailed below using the test methods in
BS EN 14488-1 and submit results to the Project Manager prior to trial panel or Works

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Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

6.4.2 The Contractor undertakes testing in accordance with BS EN 14488-7 Method B, to confirm
the content of steel fibres and/ or polymer macro fibres in fresh concrete. The minimum
sample is 10kg.

6.4.3 The Contractor establishes a consistence class during the trials that is appropriate to the
application procedure, Equipment and any hydration control and other admixtures used to
stabilise the concrete mix.

6.4.4 The proposed consistence class is submitted to the Project Manager on trial completion and
prior to SCL being constructed in the works.

6.4.5 The Contractor ensures that sprayed concrete used for the trial and production of the works is
in accordance with accepted consistence class.

6.4.6 Setting times are measured and recorded during the trials in accordance with BS EN 196-

6.4.7 The setting time is in accordance with the Contractor’s Design.

6.4.8 The Contractor maintains the accepted setting times throughout production.

6.4.9 The Contractor proposes the tolerances on the target values for the parameters determined
during the trials.

6.5 Trial panel production

6.5.1 The Contractor prepares test panels using the trial mix in accordance with BS EN 14488-1.

6.5.2 The vertical edges of the mould have parallel sides at 90 degrees to the back face to facilitate
coring perpendicular to the spray direction.

6.5.3 The concrete is sprayed into the panels so that it adheres to the back form, is fully compacted
and exhibits no sagging.

6.5.4 The Contractor spray test panels in a manner that simulates sprayed concrete application on
the tunnel side wall (vertical wall), the tunnel crown (overhead) and midway between the side
wall and crown.

6.5.5 The Contractor records the time at which each sprayed concrete panel is completed. The
panels are stored and effectively sealed by polythene sheet or similar without disturbance at a
temperature of +20°C (±5°C) for 18 hours prior to moving. The panels are not exposed to
direct sunlight until the time of sampling.

6.5.6 The Contractor records the amount of aggregate and fibre rebound by weight that occurs
during the spraying of each test panel and express this as percentage of the panel weight.

6.5.7 The levels of rebound established during the pre-construction trials are used to control and
monitor the levels of rebound produced in the execution of the works.

6.5.8 The Contractor modifies the process or changes the Materials if the amount of rebound
exceeds site trials.

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Revision: P03

6.5.9 The Contractor sprays at least one test panel for the worst case rebar and/or fabric
reinforcement density.

6.5.10 The Contractor prepares trial panels to test bond strength between layers of sprayed concrete
that simulate the work construction sequences.

6.5.11 Each sample is marked with an appropriate reference mark and the date and time of sprayed

6.6 Trial panel sampling

6.6.1 For all hardened sprayed concrete sampling, the Contractor obtains representative test
specimens in accordance with BS EN 12504-1, BS EN 14488-1. Locations where
unrepresentative high rebound may occur, such as the edges of panels, are avoided.

6.6.2 The Contractor obtains cores for 1, 7, 28, 56 and 90 day compressive strength tests in
accordance with BS EN 12504-1 one day after spraying the panels and stored them in water in
accordance with BS EN 12390-1.

6.6.3 Beams for flexural strength testing (BS EN 14488-3) are sawn vertically from test panels no
earlier than one day after spraying and are stored in water in accordance with BS EN 12390-1.

6.6.4 The Contractor ensures that cores tested at the same age come from different panels.

6.6.5 The Contractor obtains the water permeability samples one day after spraying and wrap and
store in plastic until time of testing.

6.7 Trial panel testing of hardened sprayed concrete properties

6.7.1 Compressive strength testing is carried out in accordance with BS EN 12504-1 and the
Contractor’s I&TP. The minimum amount of testing is indicated in Table 1. Cores have a
nominal diameter of 50 or 100mm.

Test and direction of Age at testing days

1+/- 2 7 28 56 90
Compressive 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No.
strength in spray
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve
Compressive 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No.
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
perpendicular to
reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve
spray direction
Table 1 – Compressive strength testing from trial panels

6.7.2 The Contractor undertakes tests in accordance with the Contractor’s I&TP. The minimum
schedule of testing is shown in Table 2.

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Revision: P03

Property Test method Comments

Early age strength BS EN 14488-2 Testing between 1 and 12 hours, on at least
development three panels (Note 1)
Fibre content BS EN 14488-7 Method A Section 6.15
Density BS EN 12390-7 On samples with acceptable excess voids
Residual Strength Class BS EN 14488-3 Section 6.11
Ultimate flexural BS EN 14488-3 Section 6.11
First peak flexural BS EN 14488-3 Section 6.11
Permeability BS EN 12390-8 Section 6.13
Bond strength BS EN 14488-4 Section 6.12
Encapsulation of Visual assessment Full depth cores from trial panels.
Excess voids BS EN 12504-1 NA 4.2 not to exceed 3%. Photographic record (see
notes in BS EN 12504-1 NA 4.2)
Drying shrinkage ASTM C157 including an initial period of seven days curing
in water (requirement ASTM C341)
Elastic modulus BS EN 12504-1 One test is required from each accepted mix
Table 2 – Other trial panel hardened sprayed concrete properties
6.7.3 For BS EN 14488-2 tests, the Contractor validates that the relationship with cube or core
strengths is in accordance with the Contractor’s Design.

6.7.4 The Contractor submits full details of any proposed alternative test methods (e.g. Barcelona
test to UNE 83515-2010, but with measurement of circumferential displacement) together
with evidence to demonstrate that the method provides equivalent control over the quality,
properties and safety of the concrete lining.

6.7.5 The Contractor uses the results to establish control values and appropriate tolerances for
hardened sprayed concrete in the works consistent with the Contractor’s Design. The control
values to be used to assess compliance for the sprayed concrete.

6.7.6 Trials are undertaken of proposed alternative test methods to compare the results with the
specified test methods. The trials include at least six separate batches of each proposed mix
design (including the accelerator dose), tested to the specified and proposed methods.

6.7.7 The results of the trial, including the arithmetic mean and coefficient of variation of each test
parameter to be provided to the Project Manager.

6.7.8 Moulds have one open end into which the spraying is directed. After over filling the moulds
the excess is immediately trimmed. The spraying and trimming are supervised. The
equipment, operatives and mix (including accelerator dose) are the same as the works. The
specimens are protected from disturbance for 24 hours and damage and moisture loss until

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Revision: P03

testing. The beams are orientated such that moulded faces are in contact with the test rig

6.8 Sampling of hardened production sprayed concrete

6.8.1 The Contractor provides a sampling and testing plan identifying the location and type of
specimens to be taken from the works and submit this to the Supervisor prior to any sampling
of works concrete.

6.8.2 Samples recovered from the works are obtained in equal numbers from the crown, axis and
invert locations and a photographic record kept of each sample and sample location.

6.8.3 The Contractor takes cores through joints to demonstrate their conformance with the
Contractor’s Design and provides the results to the Project Manager.

6.8.4 The Contractor’s repairs of core sample locations to have the same properties as the sprayed
concrete lining.

6.8.5 Cores are obtained as close to 24hours after spraying in the works as practical, and stored in
accordance with BS 12390-2 until tested.

6.8.6 The Contractor undertakes a minimum of 50 per cent of core tests for compressive strength,
density, excess voids and permeability on cores taken from sprayed concrete placed in the
works and the remainder on test panels.

6.9 Production testing - General

6.9.1 Production testing is carried out in accordance with BS EN 14487-1 inspection category 3.

6.9.2 The Contractor undertakes a minimum of three tests unless specified otherwise. The test
results are the average of the three individual tests.

6.9.3 The Contractor increase the frequency of tests should the tests not meet the specified
requirements of the Contractor’s Design.

6.10 Production concrete compressive strength test and sprayed

concrete strength test
6.10.1 Cores for compressive strength in accordance with BS EN 12504-1 are taken through the full
thickness of the sprayed concrete for primary linings and nominally two thirds the thickness
for secondary linings to avoid damage to any water proof membrane and tested in accordance
with Table 1 in the direction of spray.

6.10.2 Visual inspection is carried out on all samples to be tested, to confirm the sprayed concrete is
dense, homogeneous and has no aggregate segregation or imperfections or defects.

6.10.3 The compressive strength of sprayed concrete is acceptable if the results comply with the
minimum performance requirements set out by the Contractor from pre-construction trials
and are in accordance with the Contractor’s design.

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Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

6.11 Flexural strength, residual strength class and flexural

6.11.1 The Contractor determines flexural strength and residual strength class by testing beams cut
from panels prepared as for pre-production trials or directly from sprayed concrete trials.

6.11.2 The panels are sprayed in the vertical position adjacent to the tunnel face, in accordance with
BS EN 14488-1. The test method is BS EN 14488-3.

6.11.3 Sprayed concrete is acceptable if the results meet the Contractor’s design performance
requirements and:

a. no single value of flexural strength is less than 75 per cent of the average result for
each test, and

b. no single test beam has a stress versus deflection curve which falls below the next
lower residual strength class (with the exception of beams specified for Class S1)
from BS EN 14487-1, Table 2.

6.12 Bond tests

6.12.1 The Contractor undertakes a bond test (comprising the average of six test specimens from the
crown, shoulder, axis, knee and invert from same general area of the works) at the frequency
given in BS EN 14487-1.

6.12.2 Bond test values are assessed in accordance with B EN 14487-1 and the minimum
requirements of the Contractor’s Design.

6.12.3 Where there is a delay exceeding 12 hours between layers then the interface between layers
are prepared in accordance with BS EN 14887-2, Section 9.1. The inter-layer bond are assessed
by both hammer soundness and bond testing. The bond strength requirement is not less than
1.0 MPa.

6.13 Permeability tests

6.13.1 The Contractor undertakes permeability tests at the frequency given in BS EN 14487-1. One
test comprises at least 3 specimens.

6.13.2 The maximum depth of water penetration is 25mm.

6.13.3 Sprayed concrete is acceptable if the average permeability test result (at least three samples)
is less than the specified maximum depth of water penetration and no individual sample
exceeds the maximum depth of penetration given in BS EN 14487-1 by more than 50 per cent.

6.14 Consistency
6.14.1 The Contractor tests every load of concrete for consistency against the target value in
accordance with the criteria in BS 8500-1.

6.14.2 For fibre reinforced sprayed concrete, slump tests according to BS EN 12350-2 or flow tests
according to BS EN 12350-5 are acceptable if suitable reference parameters have been

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Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

established by comparison of the design mix to the results of a Vebe test according to BS EN

6.15 Fibre content

6.15.1 Conformity is obtained if the mean value of measured fibre content in fresh concrete from a
set of at least 6 samples is not lower than Vf – 10 % by mass, where Vf is the target value for
the fibre content specified according to preconstruction testing.

6.15.2 Conformity of steel fibre content in hardened concrete is obtained if the mean value from a
set of at least 6 samples is not lower than Vf – 15 % by mass, where Vf is the value obtained
from preconstruction tests of sprayed concrete.

6.16 Failure to meet requirements

6.16.1 Should the results of any test not comply with the specified requirements of the Contractor’s
Design, the test procedures are first checked to confirm the validity of the non-compliance.

6.16.2 The Contractor determines and record the extent and impact of a non-compliance or defect on
the works, including strength, durability and watertightness, in accordance with the Technical
Standard Materials and Durability HS2-HS2-CV-STD-000-000003.

6.16.3 Prior to applying further sprayed concrete in the works the Contractor propose measures to
avoid re-occurrence of the non-conformance to the Supervisor.

6.16.4 The Contractor submits proposals to the Supervisor for acceptance to either:

a. remove the defective sprayed concrete in such a way that the safety and stability of
the works or personnel are not endangered and replace the defective work with
sprayed concrete that is acceptable, or

b. apply an additional layer of sprayed concrete or other support measure to stabilise the
works and meet the performance and design requirements and Employer’s
requirements including internal space requirements.

6.16.5 If the Contractor considers that the non-compliances could lead to a collapse, the Contractor
implements emergency measures to stabilise the excavation immediately.

7 Test methods
7.1 General
7.1.1 The Contractor carries out tests in accordance with the specified standard(s) unless specified
otherwise in the following sections.

7.2 Testing of accelerators – setting times of cement paste

7.2.1 The Contractor determines the dosage of accelerator required, in general accordance with EN
196-3, except with the mixing time reduced to the minimum needed to fully mix the paste.

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Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

7.2.2 The Contractor develops a detailed method, including the duration of the reduced mixing
times and any other changes, in order to ensure repeatability of the adapted standard test.

7.2.3 The Contractor increases or decreases the dosage within the range specified by the
manufacturer to establish the dosage that provides initial and final setting times within the
acceptable range for the Contractor’s Design.

8 Fabrication
8.1 Lattice girders
8.1.1 Lattice girders are manufactured to meet the requirements of the Contractor’s Design and:

a. facilitate prompt remote assembly and placement without working under

unsupported ground;

b. minimise the creation of injection shadows and voids;

c. provide an adequate bond between the steel and sprayed concrete;

d. ensure stability against buckling; and

e. achieve the clearances required taking account of fabrication and construction

tolerances and deflection under load.

9 Production and transport

9.1 Batching and mixing
9.1.1 The Contractor ensures a consistent continuous supply of sprayed concrete to meet the
worksite demands with sufficent back up in readiness for an emergency.

9.1.2 (P02) Where a factory-blended mix stored on the Working Area within a silo is proposed for
both the production supply or as an emergency back up supply, then full details of the
equipment, mix composition and procedures for assessing the quality of the concrete,
including control of consistence and water content of the basic mix to be provided to the
Project Manager.

9.1.3 The supply is from a supplier with third party certification and in accordance with BS8500.

9.1.4 Batching plants have integral automated fibre addition and supply sprayed concrete to the
accuracy defined in BS EN 14487-2. The method of fibre addition demonstrates consistent
dispersal of the correct dose of fibres throughout the concrete without fibre clumping.

9.1.5 Records of batching is maintained for all the sprayed concrete used throughout the Works to
be made available to the Project Manager.

9.1.6 Measuring Equipment is zeroed daily. Calibration is carried out at least every two weeks or
sooner should the autographic records indicate batching errors.

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Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

9.1.7 The Contractor measures the moisture content of all aggregates in accordance with BS 812-
109, at the start of each sprayed concrete production shift. This is supplemented as necessary
by additional testing. The additional testing uses alternative testing methods providing these
are calibrated against the BS 812-109 methods.

9.1.8 Aggregate is sampled in such a way as to ensure the sample is representative of the moisture
condition of the aggregate in the works sprayed concrete.

9.1.9 The Contractor adjusts the volume of water added to the mix to take account of the moisture
content of the aggregate as measured and achieve a consistent water / cement ratio
complying with the maximum permissible identified by the Contractor’s Design.

9.1.10 Aggregate bins are designed and maintained by the Contractor to ensure no contamination or
intermingling of the single size aggregate fractions.

9.1.11 Regular checks are made to ensure that complete mixing is consistently achieved.

9.1.12 For each sprayed concrete mix design the Contractor proposes a maximum time between
batching and spraying based on trials.

9.1.13 Sprayed concrete that exceeds this accepted maximum time are not incorporated in the

9.2 Transport and storage

9.2.1 The Contractor transports sprayed concrete using Equipment that ensures the wet material is
continuously agitated and free from segregation.

9.2.2 The Contractor undertakes a trial to demonstrate that the method of transport using the
longest expected time under the most onerous climatic conditions between batching and
spraying is appropriate. The Contractor undertakes tests to confirm the concrete properties
remain in accordance with the Contractor’s Design and in accordance with section 6.3.

10 Application
10.1 Profile and thickness control
10.1.1 The Contractor controls the tolerances of the sprayed concrete lining to achieve the
thicknesses and profiles required by the Contractor’s Design.

10.1.2 The excavation profile, sprayed concrete thickness and sprayed concrete profile is controlled
by remote surveying techniques to meet the tolerance requirements

10.1.3 The Contractor’s Design takes account of the rate of gain of strength of sprayed concrete
when determining the thickness of interim layers.

10.1.4 Profile and thickness control techniques are undertaken remotely and do not require entry
into personnel exclusion zones.

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Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

10.2 Excavation
10.2.1 The Contractor constructs the sprayed concrete lining to accommodate the secondary lining
and allow for all construction tolerances, convergence, regulating layer and membrane.

10.2.2 The Contractor minimises over-excavation.

10.2.3 Any over-excavation is backfilled with sprayed concrete.

10.2.4 The Contractor’s Design and methods of working minimises the ground movement to ensure
that the structural integrity of existing surface and sub-surface infrastructure is not adversely

10.2.5 No excavation starts without an accepted Required Excavation Support Sheet (RESS).

10.2.6 No excavation commences until the sprayed concrete Equipment and a sufficient amount of
wet mix concrete to support the excavated profile is available for immediate use.

10.2.7 The Contractor’s Design details the different excavation sequences and support measures
required for the anticipated ground conditions.

10.2.8 The Contractor’s Design details the means of ground water management and control
measures for sprayed concrete construction.

10.2.9 The Contractor designs all sprayed concrete lining joints to ensure they can be constructed to
achieve full integrity and structural continuity across the joints. See section 6.3.

10.2.10 The Contractor designs the joints in the primary lining so that they are staggered relative to
the secondary lining.

10.2.11 The Contractor develops a method for the removal of temporary sprayed concrete structures
including temporary sidewall or invert struts that:

a. does not damage the remaining primary lining;

b. retains the structural integrity of the joint to the enlargement lining; and

c. minimises dust and vibration in the tunnel environment.

10.2.12 The Contractor designs the additional support measures, including instrumentation,
monitoring and inspection to be used in the event of face instability or a stoppage, greater
than the accepted excavation cycle.

10.2.13 Excavation formations and sprayed concrete inverts are protected against wear or
deterioration in accordance with the Contractor’s Design.

10.3 Sprayed concrete application

10.3.1 The Contractor provides methods for the control of ground water ingress and measures to
prevent it adversely affecting the works.

10.3.2 The Contractor ensures the substrate is clear of loose material and is sufficiently prepared to
ensure adhesion of the sprayed concrete to the substrate.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

10.3.3 No rebound material are incorporated in the works.

10.3.4 The Contractor’s Design provides pressure relief holes to prevent the build-up of hydrostatic
pressure behind the lining where required.

10.3.5 The temperature of the mix before placing is as the Contractor’s Design.

10.3.6 Spraying is not undertaken when ambient temperature is below 5°C unless special measures
are taken to monitor and regulate the temperature and strength development of the concrete
to prevent a non-conformance.

10.4 Sprayed concrete surface

10.4.1 The Contractor ensures that sprayed concrete to be used to form the final internal surface
satisfies the Employer’s aerodynamic roughness requirements and durability requirements.

10.4.2 The Contractor applies a regulating layer to the sprayed concrete for locations where sheet or
spray applied waterproof membranes are used to ensure the surface meets the accepted
manufacturer’s recommendations and is steel fibre free.

10.5 Spraying onto waterproofing membranes

10.5.1 The application of sprayed concrete onto the waterproofing membranes is in accordance with
the recommendations of the membrane manufacturer and Works Information WI 4060
(Employer’s works specification – tunnelling – waterproofing).

10.6 Sprayed concrete application on frozen ground

10.6.1 In the event that ground freezing is necessary to enable the works, the Contractor develops a
design, sprayed concrete mix design and method including pre-production tests.

10.6.2 The Contractor determines the thickness of sprayed concrete that is adversely affected by
ground freezing and take this into account in the design.

10.7 Curing of sprayed concrete linings

10.7.1 The Contractor submits the methods and Materials for curing both primary and secondary
sprayed concrete lining.

10.7.2 The Contractor undertakes Working Area trials for permanent works sprayed concrete to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the curing methodology.

10.7.3 Curing is in accordance with BS EN 14487-2, except that sprayed concrete in Consequence
Class 3 structures under exposure classes other than X0 or XC1, is cured until the strength has
reached at least 70 % of the specified compressive strength class.

10.8 Defects and repairs

10.8.1 The Contractor ensures that all sprayed concrete is in accordance with the Contractor’s Design
and free from defects.

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

10.8.2 The Contractor submits proposals for inspecting the works to ensure compliance with the
section 10.8.1 and submit these to the Supervisor for acceptance.

10.8.3 Defects are addressed in accordance with Section 6.16.

10.9 Additional support measures

10.9.1 The Contractor designs a series of additional support measures to be used in conjunction with
sprayed concrete lining techniques to cater for variations in ground conditions and tunnel

10.9.2 The Contractor provides details of additional support measures to the Project Manager.

10.9.3 The implementation of the additional support measures is determined by the Contractor to
stabilise the ground conditions and subject to ratification by the SRG and recorded on the

10.9.4 Any reduction in additional support measures once implemented is determined by the SRG
and recorded on the RESS prior to implementation

10.9.5 The Contractor ensures that Equipment and Materials required for the implementation of the
additional support measures are always available in the tunnel.

10.9.6 The Contractor determines and provides the quantities of additional support measures
required on site.

11 Equipment
11.1 General
11.1.1 The sprayed concrete system supplies air, water and other constituents free from
contamination by Material deleterious to sprayed concrete. The Contractor tests a minimum
of once a shift to ensure that the air supply is clean, dry and oil-free. A moisture trap and/or
filter is installed in the supply line from the compressor.

11.1.2 Equipment for sprayed concrete is thoroughly cleaned at least once per shift. The spray nozzle
components are checked daily for wear and where necessary replaced.

11.1.3 The Equipment incorporates a suitable metering and regulating device for the addition of
liquid accelerating admixtures with the air stream at the nozzle to ensure a consistent dosage
in accordance with the Contractor’s Design.

11.1.4 Equipment allows application of sprayed concrete to all surfaces with the nozzle at the
distances from the surfaces to be sprayed in accordance with this specification. Equipment
which does not provide a uniform mixture and flow of materials during spraying and/or results
in banding and other defects is not used.

11.1.5 The Contractor submits his proposals to reduce dust and rebound to as low as reasonably
practical, by selection of appropriate Equipment, Materials, process design, and by means of
additional ventilation, water sprays, and by maintaining Equipment in good order. The

Series 4030 Employer’s works specification- tunnelling sprayed concrete linings
Document no.: HS2-HS2-CV-SPE-000-014030
Revision: P03

Contractor uses the Japan Society for Civil Engineering Test Method JSCE-F 563-2005 to
measure rebound.

11.2 Automatic dosing

11.2.1 All dosing is carried out automatically and not by hand.

11.2.2 Each machine provided for the wet mix process incorporates the following:

a. a memory programmable control system to coordinate and control all functions of the
machine including the dosing of all admixtures. The system is capable of printing out
comprehensive records of all dosing quantities and concrete throughput for all the
sprayed concrete works;

b. an integrated proportioning unit to dispense admixtures at the specified dosages

controlled by the throughput of concrete. The Equipment is capable of delivering
admixtures such that the accepted dosages are dispensed to an accuracy of  0.5
percent of the required dosage and calibrated and operated in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions;

c. should any machine not meet the requirements of sections 11.2.2, its use is suspended
until such time that the machine(s) can;

d. The Contractor provides copies of calibration records to the Project Manager when

e. manual calibration checks on the accelerator dosage is undertaken regularly to

provide a visual evidence of compliance; and

f. Measures to manage and prevent modification of the designed dosages are


11.3 Remote controlled spraying

11.3.1 As far as practicable all sprayed concrete is applied using remote controlled spraying
Equipment appropriate to particular applications. Hand spraying of concrete is not permitted
other than in exceptional circumstances when accepted by the Project Manager.

11.3.2 Remote controlled spraying Equipment is provided with sufficiently long reach to allow the
operator to observe the nozzle at all times during spraying from a safe distance, and provide
the operator with full and effective control of the nozzle articulation and other functions.


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