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PTMA 2024

Submitted to Complete Graduation Requirements Communication Internship


By :
Andika Gunawan / L100204090


PTMA 2024
Arranged by:
Andika Gunawan / L100204090

Internship Report Was Approved of Non- MBKM Communication Study Program

Faculty of Communication and Informatics

On November 20, 2023


Head of Study Program Internship Supervisor

Sidiq Setyawan, S.I.KOM., M.I.KOM Niedya Nofandrilla, S.E., M.A

NIP 0624048803 NIP 0608118605

Praise be to God Allah SWT for the completion of writing this internship report with
the title: "Report on the Implementation of Internship at Silat Apik PTMA 2024" was carried
out to fulfill one of the requirements for completing an internship at Silat Apik PTMA 2024. I
appreciate the help and guidance I have received during my internship period. Therefore, I
would like to thank:

1. Mrs. Niedya Nofandrilla, S.E., M.A, as Internship Supervisor whose having me in the
event of Silat Apik PTMA 2024.
2. Mr. Yudha Wirawanda, M.A., as Head of Communication Transportation &
Accomodation SILAT APIK PTMA 2024
3. Families who have provided a lot of material and moral support.
4. Internship colleagues for the period November 2023 to March 2024 at Silat Apik
PTMA 2024

This report aims to convey my achievements as one apprentices who have completed
internships at Silat Apik PTMA 2024. Hopefully this report can provide benefits to readers.

Surakarta, March 20th, 2024

Andika Gunawan

VALIDITY SHEET......................................................................................ii
CONSENT SHEET....................................................................................iii
INTERNSHIP RECEIVED LETTER.......................................................
LETTER OF INTERNSHIP ASSIGNMENT............................................
v FOREWORD.............................................................................................
vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................1
1.1 Background.......................................................................................1
1.2 Objective .........................................................................................1
2.1 Vision and Mission of Silat Apik PTMA 2024 ...... 3
2.2 Organizational Structure .............................................................. 5

CHAPTER III INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES.............................................

3.1 Place and Time of Internship .......................................................... 6
3.2 Description of Function/Athnic Place of Internship ....................... 6
3.3 Job Description .......................................................................... 6
4.1 WEEK I.............................................................................................
4.2 WEEK II......................................................................................... 10
4.3 WEEK III.........................................................................................
4.4 WEEK IV........................................................................................ 12
4.5 WEEK V......................................................................................... 13

Andika Gunawan / L100204090, Field Work Practice Report in the Part of

Internship Staff at Silat Apik PTMA 2024. Bachelor of Communication Science
Program, Faculty of Communication and Informatics, Muhammadiyah University
of Surakarta. This field work practice aims to gain experience and knowledge
about the events which held annually for the Forum of Communication Science
department in Muhammadiyah University around Indonesia. Field work practice
is carried out to fulfill one of the subjects of the Bachelor of Communication
Science Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
This report contains practical activities during field work practice at the
Transportations and accommodations, Silat Apik PTMA 2024. The assignment
given to the practitioner was to accommodating the Participants and providing
transportations during the events since arrival to departure at Muhammadiyah
Surakarta University. I am also responsible for helding the sub event such as
SARASEHAN which assembly all participants to know each other and made
conference for further. The practitioner gains knowledge and experience about the
helding and maintaining the event that equivalent as National Events.

Keywords: Transportations, Accommodations, Events, Silat Apik PTMA



The Association of Communication Science Study Programs - Muhammadiyah

and 'Aisyiyah (APIK-PTMA) is an organization whose members consist of
Communication Science Study Programs from Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah
Higher Education Institutions throughout Indonesia. The aim of APIK-PTMA is
to contribute to the field of knowledge for associations, institutions, and academic
individuals through activities that support the learning process, research, and
community service. SILAT (Silaturahmi) APIK-PTMA is an annual event that
involves lecturers and students from APIK-PTMA across Indonesia. The purpose
of this event is to enhance collaboration among Communication Science Study
Programs in PTMA in the areas of learning, research, community service, and Al-
Islam Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK). The first SILAT APIK PTMA was held at
Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo in 2017. The SILAT APIK-PTMA event
in 2024 will be held at the Communication Science Study Program of
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) with the theme "APIK PTMA:
Towards an Enlightened Communication Science Study Program for the


The purpose of writing this report is to provide an overview of the description and
tasks during the internship period as a student at Silat Apik PTMA 2024. I also
have several plans that I hope to realize during Silat Apik PTMA 2024:

1. Carry out duties as an intern at Sie Transportations and Accommodations Silat

Apik PTMA 2024 properly, appropriately and satisfactorily.

2. Learn better and get to know more closely about the culture, events, norms,
rules, society, and Service.

3. Carry out direct practice related to the Events for next opportunity.

4. Observe Public relations through the work that will be carried out in the events.

2.1. Vision and Mission of Silat Apik PTMA 2024

In accordance with the alignment of the vision and mission of Silat Apik
PTMA 2024, the Vision and Mission of Silat Apik PTMA 2024 is " to foster
collaboration among the Communication Science study program at PTMA
Around Indonesia". The following is the Mission of Silat Apik PTMA 2024:

The primary objective of this activity is to foster collaboration among the

Communication Science study program at PTMA. This collaboration aims to
strengthen the program's engagement in various domains, including learning,
research, community service, and Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK).

By promoting cooperation in these areas, the program seeks to create a dynamic

and comprehensive educational environment for its students.Another key goal of
this activity is to enhance the competence and achievements of students in the
field of communication science.

Through targeted initiatives, the program aims to improve students' knowledge,

skills, and performance in various aspects of communication. By providing them
with opportunities to develop their abilities, the program strives to equip students
with the necessary tools to excel in their academic pursuits and future
careers.Furthermore, this activity aims to elevate the competence and
achievements of students in the field of communication science. By offering a
range of resources, mentorship, and platforms for showcasing their work, the
program seeks to empower students to reach their full potential. The program is
dedicated to nurturing a supportive and inspiring environment that encourages
students to explore their interests, expand their horizons, and achieve remarkable
accomplishments in the field of communication.
2.2 Organizational Structure

Steering Commitee :
Mr. Muhammad Himawan Sutanto, S.Sos, M.Si
Penasehat :
1. Mr. Sidiq Setyawan, S.I.Kom, M.I.Kom
2. Mr. Dr. Choirul Fajri, S.I.Kom,. M.A
3. Mrs. Dr. Adhianty Nurjanah, S. Sos., M. S.i

The Chairman of Silat Apik PTMA 2024

 Mr. Agus Triyono, S.sos., as Chairman

 Mrs. Niedya Nofandrilla, S.E., M.A, as Vice Chairman 1
 Mr. Rino Andreas, S.I.kom., M.A as Vice Chairman 2
3.1 Place and Time of Internship

Internship work implementation activities take place from Tuesday,

August 2th 2023 to Thursday, August 3th 2023 with the work schedule as
follows:  Working Days : Monday – Friday  Working Hours : 08.00 - 16.00
The internship is carried out on site at the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok,
Kingdom of Thailand at the following address: 600, 602 Phetchaburi Rd,
Thanon Phetchaburi, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400. 3.2. Description of
Function/Athnic Place of Internship 1. Education and Culture Attache Increasing
cooperation in the fields of education, culture, research and technology between
Indonesia and Thailand. 2. Participate in meetings on education, culture,
research, and technology in the area of accreditation. 3. Deliver suggestions and
policy recommendations from the results of studies or observations on
developments in education, language and culture, research and technology, in
accredited countries to the Ministry of Education and Culture and other relevant
Ministries. 4. Fostering students in Thailand in order to increase a sense of
nationality and introduce Indonesian culture to Thai people. 3.3. Job Description
The scope of the Education and Culture Attache's duties includes maintaining
good bilateral relations between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of
Thailand in Education. As an internship student, of course I do not participate in
carrying out confidential assignments. But the assignment that I got as an intern
student included preparing an analysis report on an Education Seminar such as
for example the ASEAN University Network at Chulalongkorn University,
Thailand. 7 A. Media Center (Public Relations) Media Center (Education and
Culture Attache) is a center or means of managing communication and
information based on technology or the internet (online) which is used to collect,
process, provide and disseminate information and data from attached activities
to be uploaded to the Website and Instagram to provide information about
Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok to the community. Providing access and easy
flow of information within the framework of public communication can only be
implemented well if it is supported by a communication network and
coordination between the Education and Culture Attache at the Indonesian
Embassy in Bangkok, providing public information services, and creating
convergence. and circular program communication between the Education and
Culture Attache and institute. This Media Center was initiated as an effort to
develop an information exchange network between agencies. The government's
efforts are one part of ensuring that the public gets information about policies,
activities, etc. in a timely, fast, accurate and cheap manner, especially in
completing communication back with the audience of an institute. So within the
scope of its work, the Media Center regulates information publication,
documentation and massive information dissemination by creating interesting,
interactive and persuasive content. B. Internship Implementation While carrying
out an internship for approximately one month at the Education and Culture
Attache as a Social Media Specialist covering the media center field. Where the
Social Media Specialist also has an important role to manage the smooth running
of internal and external activity systems starting from making news to be
uploaded on social media platforms. The activities carried out during the
internship are as follows: 1. Record Education and Culture Attache meetings for
guests from other institute. 2. Manage certificates or administration for students
in Thailand who take part in seminars with Education and Culture Attache. 3.
Manage the Diplomatic Reception Independence Day of Indonesia -78 at
August, 29th 2023. 4. Receive calls to connect guests with Chair of Education
and Culture Attache. 8 5. Communicate directly with guests and play a role in
providing the needs or needs of guests and directing them to related sections. 6.
Create presence data for guests. 7. Become the Master of Ceremony in the
"Syukuran, Bazaar, and Panggung Gembira” of the Indonesian Embassy in
Bangkok on 19 August 2023.

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