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1-The frog acted cleverly and got rid of the nightingale.

As the nightingale died, he became the

unrivalled king of the bog once more.

2-The nightingale believed blindly whatever the frog told in his appreciation. She never tried to
know the fact. She failed to look through the conspiracy of the frog. Being credulous, she came
to the conclusion that the frog was a better singer. So, she herself was responsible for her death

4-The narrator and his companion were surprised that the boys were doing so many things at
such a young age. Under the hot sun they sold fruits, newspapers, ran errands and were tourist
guides as well. They did any odd job that they were asked to do. Their willingness to do any
kind of work impressed the narrator and his companion.

5-At first, the narrator was impressed by the hard work the boys put in. He became fond of them
whenThe boys were working hard to provide all possible help to their sister, Lucia,
who was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They did not disclose their
problems to the author as they wished to retain their pride and dignity. They did not
want their private suffering to be made public.
6- : The boys were working hard to provide all possible help to their sister, Lucia,
who was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They did not disclose their
problems to the author as they wished to retain their pride and dignity. They did not
want their private suffering to be made public
8- Mrs.Packletide offered a thousand rupees to villagers for arranging an opportunity to shoot a tiger without much risk or
exertion. An old tiger that had given up hunting and confined himself to eating domestic animal was chosen for this

9- This world is swayed by hunger and love


1- We learn that we should not be jealous and vain. The best example that
shows the misery of vain people is the character of Mrs Packletide in
the story Mrs Packletide's tiger by Saki. We see how her vain ambition
of outshining Loona Bimberton ends up in her shame, embarrassment,
and financial loss
2- Miss Mebbin brought to everybody’s notice that Mrs.Packletide had not killed the tiger but the
goat. The tiger died because of a heart-failure caused by the sound of the gun shot. Miss Mebbin
intended to blackmail Mrs. Packletide with this piece of information. She wanted to take more
money from her. Mrs. Packletide was very annoyed at this disclosure. However, she told herself
that Miss Mebbin was only a paid companion who would keep the secret to herself if given more

3- The narrator was deeply touched by the devotion of Jacopo and Nicola towards their
work. They did not resort to any shortcut methods. They had self-respect and were
highly secretive in not revealing their personal problems to strangers. Their love and
care for their sister also touched the narrator. He realized that these two boys were the
embodiment of selflessness, nobility, and gentle manliness. They gave promise of a
greater hope for the human society. In the days full of a variety of disasters and
distractions faced by the humans, the two boys stood apart to show him hope, faith,
positive thinking.

5-In the poem 'The Frog and the Nightingale', the naive nightingale trusted
the cunning frog blindly; he took undue advantage of her naivety. He not
only gave her wrong training, but also exploited her. As a result, she was
deeply hurt; she became terribly depressed and following the frog's shrewd
intentions died.
6- The frog, who was not at all talented, ruled in the end by dint of his
cunningness and wickedness. He was jealous of the nightingale and
hatched a plot to get rid of her. He was dismissive and condescending and
treated the nightingale as a stupid creature

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