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How to Create a Talent Review Meeting in Oracle Fusion Cloud

Step 1: Access the Talent Review Module

1. Sign In to Oracle Fusion Cloud:
- Open your web browser and navigate to the Oracle Fusion Cloud login page.
- Enter your username and password, then click Sign In.

2. Navigate to Talent Review:

- From the home page, go to the My Client Groups tab.
- Click on Talent Review under the Talent Management section.

Step 2: Initiate a New Talent Review Meeting

3. Create a New Meeting:
- In the Talent Review work area, click on the Create Talent Review Meeting button.

4. Enter Meeting Details:

- Name: Provide a name for the Talent Review Meeting.
- Description: Enter a brief description of the meeting's purpose.
- Meeting Date and Time: Select the date and time for the meeting.
- Duration: Specify the expected duration of the meeting.

Step 3: Select Review Population

5. Add Population:
- Click on Add Population to select the employees who will be reviewed.
- Use filters such as department, job role, or location to narrow down your selection.
- Select the employees to be included in the review and click OK.

Step 4: Define Facilitator and Reviewers

6. Assign Facilitator:
- Choose the individual who will facilitate the meeting.

7. Add Reviewers:
- Add the participants who will review the employees. Typically, these are managers or
other key stakeholders.
8. Assign Reviewers to Employees:
- Click on Assign Reviewers to link reviewers with the employees they will evaluate.
- Ensure that each employee has at least one assigned reviewer.

Step 5: Configure Meeting Settings

9. Select Rating Model:
- Choose the rating model that will be used for evaluations (e.g., performance, potential).

10. Configure Presentation Settings:

- Determine how the data will be presented during the meeting, such as charts, graphs, or

11. Set Security Settings:

- Define who can view and edit the meeting details to maintain data confidentiality and

Step 6: Review and Confirm

12. Review Meeting Details:
- Go over all the entered details to ensure everything is accurate.

13. Save and Close:

- Once you have reviewed all details, click Save and Close to finalize the setup.

Step 7: Conduct the Talent Review Meeting

14. Access the Meeting:
- On the scheduled date, access the Talent Review work area to start the meeting.

15. Review and Discuss:

- Use the tools provided to guide the discussion, review employee data, and make
informed decisions.
- Capture notes and action items as necessary during the meeting.

Step 8: Post-Meeting Actions

16. Follow-Up:
- After the meeting, ensure all action items and decisions are followed up on.
- Update the system with any changes to employee data or career plans based on the
meeting outcomes.

Screenshots and Examples

Include screenshots of each step to help users visualize the process. This will enhance
understanding and make it easier to follow the instructions.

Tips and Best Practices

Preparation: Ensure all data is accurate and up-to-date before the meeting.

Engagement: Encourage active participation from all reviewers for a productive meeting.

Follow-Up: Timely follow-up on action items is crucial for effective talent management.

Access Issues: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to create and manage Talent
Review Meetings.

Data Accuracy: Verify the accuracy of the employee data being reviewed.

Technical Support: Contact Oracle Support if you encounter any technical issues.

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