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Part 1: Listening
1-2. Listen and choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO things make the museum unusual?
a. the guides b. the events c. the animals d. the buildings e. the objects
3-4. Listen and choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO things can visitors do at the museum?```
a. buy home-made bread b. ride a horse c. ride on a tram
d. buy copies of original posters e. go down a coal mine.
Listen and label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to questions 5-10
5. The exhibition center ……e………… 6. The High Street …………a……
7. The farmhouse ……c………… 8. The coal mine ………h………
9. The Manor House ………f……… 10. The Railway Station …b……………

Part 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
1. A. specific B. admirable C. animate D. realize
2. A. graduation B. beneficial C. instrumental D. temperature
3. A. deliberate B. exhibit C. atmosphere D. participant
4. A. conferee B. generosity C. contribute D. sociology
5. A. advantageous B. exchange C. prediction D. deliver
Part 3: Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following sentences
1. The better ___________ you have of words, the better meaning you can express.
A. demand B. command C. market D. performance
2. The recent economic crisis has brought about a ___________ in world trade.
A. sag B. droop C. tilt D. slump
3. When we came back from holiday, our suitcases were___________ by the Customs Officers.
A. guarded B. tested C. corrected D. examined
4. The child was so noisy that his mother told him not to be such a ___________
A. nuisance B. trouble C. bothersome D. worry
5. We don’t sell foreign newspapers because there is no _________for them.
A. request B. claim C. demand D. requirement
6. Children should be ________ by their parents on the first day of school.
A. accompanied B. followed C. involved D. associated
7. People have used coal and oil to ________ electricity for a long time.
A. cultivate B. breed C. raise D. generate
8. We are considering having ________ for the coming New Year.
A. redecorated our flat B. to redecorate our flat C. our flat to be redecorated D. our flat redecorated
9. About 20 percent of U.S electricity currently _________ nuclear power plants.
A. come from B. coming to C. comes from D. came from
10. The salary of a computer programmer is ________ a teacher.
A. as twice much as B. as much as twice of
C. twice as higher as that D. twice as high as that of
Part 4: Use the word at the end of each of the following sentences to form a word that fits suitably in the blank.
1. The unresponsive audience made the lecturer somewhat __________. What a shame! (HEART).
2. He works for UNESCO in a purely ___advisory___ role (ADVICE)
3. ___unaccpopanied____children will not be allowed to cross busy roads. (ACCOMPANY)
4. They won the case because of the __disappear____of the defendant. (APPEAR)
5. As a result of her __upbringing_____, Ethel has strong sense of the difference between right and wrong. (BRING)
6. When I was a child, I often got a weekly ____allowance_______ of 15 dollars. (ALLOW)
7. She was extremely ____unknowledgable_______ about the history of Vietnam. (KNOWLEDGE)
8. I had only a day to visit all the tourist ___attractions_____ (ATTRACT).
9. He’s so ___decisive_____ He just can’t make up his mind! (DECIDE)
10.The organization was formed to ___prioiritize_____ the needs of older people. (PRIORITY)
Part 5: Complete each of the following sentences with ONE correct particle or preposition.
1. You can deal with this ____at______ your discretion.
2. Dr. Smith sees patients only ___by_______ appointment.
3. I ‘ll leave the key with the porter _____for_____ convenience.
4. His life is ___in_______ the balance but the doctors has said he will recover.
5. Keep your enthusiasm _____under______ limits.
6. Her bright red hair made her stand___out____ from the others.
7. I have already told her that I won’t go to Spain, but she’s still trying to talk me___ảound____
8. Paul won’t do anything without asking his wife first. She’s really got him __under_____her thumb.
9. I’ll keep your application ___in____file for the time being.
10. The painting was a valuable family possession which had been handed __dơn_____ from generation to generation.
Part 6: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Find out the mistake and correct it.
In countries where two or more language  LANGUAGES are spoken. Language is frequently political and highly
emotive issue. Although Canada is officially bilingual, the French-speaking province of Quebec introduced the law in
1976 which, among other measures, banned languages rather than French on commercial signs and restricted
admissions to English- speaking schools. In 1998, the supreme court of Canada rules that some sections of this law were
illegal. No sooner had they done so when thousands of French speakers took to the streets in protest. Under the regime
of General Franco, the Basque language, spoken by about 600,000 people in Spain, was forbidden. Such strict was this
ban that people using Basque in public could be imprisoned.
Linguistic suppression still goes on, but on a whole, governments today are more tolerable of their minority
languages. Nowhere has this reverse of attitudes been more pronounced than in Wales. Until the twentieth century,
Welsh was all but illegal, and its user was forbidden in schools and at many places of work. Only a long campaign of
protest and vandalism by Welsh speakers in the 1960s did the British government allow Wales to become an official
Part 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of
the blanks.
Television has changed the lifestyle of people in every industrialized country in the world. In the United States, where
sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made. TV, although not essential, has
become a(n) (1)_____ part of most people’s lives. It has become a baby- sitter, an initiator of conversations, a major
transmitter of culture, and a keeper of traditions. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it
becomes evident that TV is not a teacher but a sustainer. The poor (2)_____ of programs does not elevate people into
greater (3)_____, but rather maintains and encourages the status quo. The (4)_____ reason for the lack of quality in
American TV is related to both the history of TV programming development and the economics of TV. TV in American
began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with TV. (5)_______, the close
relationship, which the advertisers had with radio programs become the system for American TV. Sponsors not only pay
money for time within programs, but many actually produced the programs. Thus, (6)_____ from the capitalistic, profit-
oriented sector of American society, TV is primarily (7)_____ with reflecting and attracting society (8)_____ than
innovating and experimenting with new ideas. Advertisers want to attract the largest viewing audience possible; to do
so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than challenging. TV in America today remains, to a large (9)_____,
with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago. The hope for some evolution and true achievement
toward improving society will (10)_____ a change in the entire system.
1. A. integral B. mixed C. fractional D. superior
2. A. quantity B. quality C. effect D. product
3. A. preconception B. knowledge C. understanding D. feeling
4. A. adequate B. unknown C. inexplicable D. primary
5. A. Therefore B. Yet C. Although D. Nevertheless
6. A. going B. leaving C. coming D. getting
7. A. interested B. concerned C. worried D. connected
8. A. more B. rather C. less D. better
9. A. extent B. degree C. size D. amount
10.A. collect B. rise C. require D. complete
Part 8: Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Write your answer in
the numbered boxes.
People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospect that unprecedented change in
the nation’s economy would bring social chaos. In the years following 1820, after several decades of relative stability,
the economy entered a period of sustained and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of the nineteenth
century. Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featured increasing economic diversification and a
gradual shift in the nation’s labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other non-agricultural pursuits.
Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The
population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century. As the population grew, its
makeup also changed. Massive waves of immigration brought new ethnic groups into the country. Geographic and
social mobility, downward as well as upward, touched almost everyone. Local studies indicate that nearly three-quarters
of the population - in the North and South, in the emerging cities of the Northeast, and in the restless rural counties of
the West – changed their residence each decade. As a consequence, historian David Donald has written, “Social
atomization affected every segment of society,” and it seemed to many people that “all the recognized values of the
orderly civilization were gradually being eroded.” Rapid industrialization and increased geographic mobility in the
nineteenth century had special implications for women because these tended to magnify social distinctions. As the
roles men and women played in society became more rigidly defined, so did the roles they played in the home. In the
context of extreme competitiveness and dizzying social change, the household lost many of its earlier functions and the
home became to serve as a haven of tranquility and order.
As the size of families decreased, the roles of husband and wife became more clearly differentiated than ever before.
In the middle class especially, men participated in the productive economy while women ruled the home and served as
the custodians of civility and culture. The intimacy of marriage that was common in early periods was rent, and a gulf
that at times seemed unbridgeable was created between husbands and wives.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The economic development of the United States in the eighteen century.
B. Ways in which economic development led to social changes in the United States.
C. Population growth in the western United States.
D. The increasing availability of industrial jobs for women in the United States.
2. The word “prospect” in line 1 is closest in meaning to
A. regret B. possibility C. theory D. circumstance
3. According to the passage, the economy of the United States between 1820 and 1900 was
A. expanding B. in sharp decline C. stagnate D. disorganised
4. The word “roughly” in line 8 is closest in meaning to
A. harshly B. surprisingly C. slowly D. approximately
5. The word “its” in line 9 refers to
A. century B. population C. generation D. birth rate
6. According to the passage, as the nineteenth century progressed, the people of the United States
A. emigrated to other countries B. often settled in the West
C. tended to change the place in which they lived. D. had a higher rate of birth than ever before.
7. Which of the following best describes the society about which David Donald wrote?
A. A highly conservative society that was resistant to new ideas.
B. A society that was undergoing fundamental change.
C. A society that had been gradually changing since the early 1700s.
D. A nomadic society that was starting permanent settlements.
8. The word “magnify” in line 17 is closest in meaning to
A. solve B. explain C. analyze D. increase
9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of the social changes occurring in the United States after
A. Increased social mobility B. Increased immigration.
C. Significant movement of population. D. Strong emphasis on traditional and social values.
10. The word “distinctions” in line 17 is closest in meaning to
A. differences B. classes C. accomplishments D. characteristics
Part 9: Rewrite the sentence as similar in meaning as possible, using the word given. This word must not be altered in
any way.
1. I put a lot of care and attention into the letter. trouble
2. I bought it without thinking about it first. spur
3. She chooses the kind of hotels she stays in very carefully. fussy
4. He’s never afraid to say what he thinks. mind
5. Because I believed his lies, he got a lot of money from me. conned
Part 10: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence printed before it.
1. Ethan tried hard so that he would win the first prize.
With .......................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people.
Some people are ....................................................................................................................................................................
3. The man’s life was one of great poverty.
Throughout ............................................................................................................................................................................
4. You may be disqualified if you don’t obey the regulations.
Failure ....................................................................................................................................................................................
5. She doesn’t know why they are attracted to spending all day on the beach.
She can’t see ..........................................................................................................................................................................

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