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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Lintas Minat)

Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Atas
Kelas/Program : XI IPS/MIPA
Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 Menit

The following text is for the questions number 1-5

Inaya : Hai Zidan, have you completed the assignment from Mr. Barrack?
Zidan : No, I haven’t. I feel under the weather. Do you want to help me?
Inaya : Of course Zi. You may call me anytime to finish the task. But first of all,
you should drink more water then try to take a rest. I hope you’ll be
better soon.
Zidan : Yeah, sure. Thank you. I heard Mr. Barrack is a discipline teacher. We
shouldn’t be late.
Inaya : I heard so. We better not dissappoint him.
Zidan : No problem, give me 3 hours break and we’ll finish this task on time.

1. What is the topic of the dialogue?

A. A plan to finish an assignment
B. Finishing a backyard project
C. Making an appointment
D. A new teacher at school
E. My dad’s unfinished project

2. What did Inaya suggest to Zidan?

A. To dissappoint Mr. Barrack
B. To drink milk everyday
C. To consume water often
D. To visit a doctor
E. To do the assignment as fast as possible.

3. “I feel under the weather” This expression means … .

A. Feeling unwell
B. Having a bad mood
C. Thinking out of the box
D. Feeling guilty
E. Boring and lazy

4. “You can call me anytime to finish the task”

The underlined phrase has the same meaning with … .
A. whenever to call
B. whoever to call
C. whichever to call
D. wherever to call
E. whatever to call

5. ‘We better not dissappoint him’ indicates that Inaya … .

A. Responding Zidan’s suggestion
B. Refusing Zidan’s suggestion
C. Rejecting Zidan’s suggestion
D. Receiving Mr. Barrack’s suggestion
E. Accepting Zidan’s suggestion

The following te xt is for the questions number 6-10

6. The purpose of the writer writing the text is?
A. To give suggestion about how to be happy.
B. To give recommendation of choosing a right occupation.
C. To give advice about having a personal relationship.
D. To explain the process og getting the right job.
E. To make the people feel unhappy with their job.

7. According to text, What should we do before we take a job?

A. Know what we want from the job.
B. Think about the the global relationship.
C. Change our family’s behaviour.
D. Decide to take a full time job.
E. Find the profit of the company.

8. ‘…, many of these ideas are common sense’.

The underlined phare means … .
A. An adequate way to life
B. A general feeling
C. A sense of being a human
D. An unappropriate life style
E. A prospect of life

Look at the following dialogue

Mr.Humala : Morning, Peter. Please compile all data for today‟s meeting.
Peter : Sure, Sir. It is being printed.
Mr.Humala : ……. ?
Peter : Of course, Sir, i have already prepared it . Is there anything else, Sir?
Mr.Humala : I think that is more than enough. I‟ll be waiting at the main office.
9. The best expression to complete the dialogue is … .
A. Have you made the report of the month
B. When will you prepare the report
C. Do you have their confirmation
D. Where did you make the report
E. I have made the report, Sir

Look at the following dialogue

Mr. Zidane : Thank you for coming to the press conference, ladies and gentlemen. As the President
has explained before that the corona virus gives big impacts on our life, I believe that you are all
understand on how to put these stories into a big positi ve ideas right on the corner of your magazine.
Do you have any question?
Ms. Anjani : Excuse, Mr. Zidane. I am Anjani from Times. I have one question for you, please. What
happenned to the people after the government change their lock down policies, especially in regards
with the people mobilities?

Mr. Zidane : Well, so far, the travel companies said that the rate of bookings …… after the
government announced that current restriction will be eased. I hope they know on how to keep
themselves in distance so there won’t be any significance number of covid 19 victims.

10. The best phrase to complete the dialogue is … .

A. have exploded
B. has exploded
C. had exploded
D. is exploded
E. have explode

The following te xt is for the questions number 11-14

At 7 a.m. Sunday morning

Mother : “Brian! … Brian!”
Brian : “Wait, I’m still busy studying, Mom. Where’s my coffee?”
Mother : "Brian! Listen to me. I need to talk to you."
Brian : "Please Mom, I’m really busy. Please just give me the coffee. Do you really want to talk to
me while I am studying? I'll be able to go downstairs and talk to you when I have my
coffee. I'll have drunk my coffee by about nine o'clock, and then I'll have finished making my
video by about half past eleven, and then I'll edit it. By lunch time, I'll have made myself a
spectacular short movie and I'll have launched it."
Mother : “Brian!”
Brian : "What's the matter, Mom? Is the coffee ready now?"
Mother : "No, the coffee isn't ready now! That's what I want to talk to you about. You won't have
drunk your coffee by nine o'clock because I won't have made it."
Brian : "Why won't you have made it, Mom? You are the best Mom I’ve ever had."
Mother : "I won't have made it because we don't have any coffee."
Brian : "Oh! ... Why don't you say so?"
Mother : "I've tried to tell you several times, but you started talking and keep on talking."
Brian : “I’m so sorry, mom.”
Mother : "Now, are you listening?"
Brian : “Yes, I’m listening. I’ll go to the house next door. Is a kilo will be enough?
Mother : “That’s my son!”

11. What did Brian asked his mother to?

A. To be silence
B. To bring him a cup of coffee
C. To buy a kilo of coffee
D. To finish the video
E. To help him with the homework
12. From the text we know that if Brian’s mother …. coffee, she …. make a cup for him.
A. have - would
B. had - would
C. has – will have
D. has - would
E. had had - will

13. What will Brian have done by 11.30?

A. He will have drunk his coffee
B. He will have completed the video
C. He will have launched the movie
D. He will have edited the video
E. He will have had lunch

14. What caused Brian won’t have drunk his coffee at nine o’clock?
A. He has to do many assignments
B. He likes tea better than coffee
C. His mother talks a lot
D. They are run out of coffee.kljmklll
E. There’s no sugar at home.

The following te xt is for the questions number 15-18

I have to tell you how I feel

Sometimes my words may not seem real

You do what you do to make me laugh when I cry

Most importantly you always try

I know that no matter what or where

You will always and forever be right there

You loved me then, You love me now

Knowing this it is hard to frown

I love you more than words can tell

Life without you would be just Hell

Forever in my heart I know you will be

The only man I thank God for letting me

You are my mentor, You should know

No matter how little I let it show

Thank you for all your love and caring

Forever your heart will be hearing
Adapted from

15. What is the message of the poem?

A. Mother is the best creature.
B. A father is always be welcomed and loved by his children.
C. Life is too short to be lived.
D. Never walk alone in the middle of the night.
E. Life is a never ending happy story.

16. How many stanza does the poem have?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
E. 10

17. ‘knowing this it is hard to frown’

The underlined phrase means .. .
A. The writer can’t get angry with her father
B. The writer get annoyed to her parents
C. The writer has a bad image
D. The writer feels happy
E. The writer’s father always trouble her

18. From writer’s idea we can conclude that life ….. be a misery if we …… love our father.
A. will – do
B. will – don’t
C. would – do
D. would – don’t
E. would have – hadn’t had

The following te xt is for the questions number 19-21

It roars like a lion,

Yet so calm and sincere,
Like a refined diamond.
Much beauty lurks here.

It's in the ocean you find true beauty,

Where worlds hide in the deep.
The ocean is where you find mystery,
Where things live, die, and sleep.
The ocean is where you go to ponder.
It relaxes the mind, body, and soul.
In the ocean I often wander.
It helps me focus on my goal.


19. What does the first 4 lines mainly talk about?

A. Lion
B. Diamond
C. Beauty
D. Ocean
E. Goal

20. What is the purpose of the writer?

A. To express his idea about a relaxing and peaceful sea
B. To persuade people to clean the ocean
C. To tell people to keep the environment of the ocean
D. To present two ideas about a beautiful place
E. To let people know that ocean is a good place to live.

21. The words ‘ponder, soul, wander and goal’ indicate …. Of the poem.
A. The rhytm
B. The theme
C. The rhyme
D. The meter
E. The stanza

The following te xt is for the questions number 22-25

There once was a little boy who had a quite a temper and got angry very easily. His father
gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a
nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over
the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily
gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those
nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it
and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to
hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that
all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well,
my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say
things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw
it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there."

22. The main idea of paragraph 2 is … .

A. A boy had to pull out the nails to lose his temper
B. A boy has a bad temper and got angry easily
C. A father gave a bag of nails to loosen his boy’s anger
D. A father took his son to a fence
E. A boy must hammer a nail into a fence

23. What should the boy do when he got angry?

A. Asked for his father forgiveness
B. Fixed the fence at the back yard
C. Count the nails in the bag
D. Hammer a nail into the fence
E. Hang a nail into the back of the fence

24. The moral value taken from the story is … .

A. Do not get angry since it leaves a deep wound
B. We have to obey our father no matter happenned
C. Fix our fence if it is broken
D. When we feel guilty we have to say sorry
E. A father should look after his son

25. If the father hadn’t taught his son, the son wouldn’t have controlled his anger.
The meaning of the sentence above is … .
A. The father taught his son and the son was able to control his anger.
B. The father teach his son and the son was able to control his anger.
C. The father do not taught his son and the son was able to control his anger.
D. The father didn’t taught his son and the son was able to control his anger.
E. The father didn’t teach his son and the son was able to control his anger.

The following te xt is for the questions number 26-30

There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker. One day the baker decided
to weigh the butter to see if he was getting the right amount, which he wasn‟t. Angry
about this, he took the farmer to court.

The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure to weight the butter. The
farmer replied, “Honor, I am primitive. I don‟t have a proper measure, but I do have a

The judge asked, “Then how do you weigh the butter?”

The farmer replied; “Your Honor, long before the baker started buying butter from me, I
have been buying a pound loaf of bread from him. Every day when the baker brings the
bread, I put it on the scale and give him the same weight in butter, if anyone is to be
blamed, it is the baker.”
26. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the story above?
A. To describe a life of farmer
B. To entertain the readers by the story
C. To tell people how measure butter
D. To explain the function of a scale
E. To report the baker from cheating the farmer

27. Why did the baker get angry to the farmer?

A. The baker cheat the farmer
B. The baker got the right amount of butter
C. The baker didn’t get the right amount of butter
D. The farmer steal a pound of butter from the baker
E. The farmer do not want to buy the bread’s baker

28. What can we infer from the story above?

A. The baker gave less than a pound of bread to the farmer.
B. The farmer and the baker were best friend.
C. The farmer gave a pound of butter to the baker.
D. The judge gave punishment to the baker.
E. The farmer’s scale had been bought from the baker.

29. What is the message we can get from the story?

A. Never cheat people as what you give is what you’ll get.
B. The right scale gives an appropriate measurement.
C. As neighbours we have to live in harmony.
D. A fair jugde will not cause any harm to people.
E. Never judge people by how they look.

30. From the text we can conclude that if the baker …. the right measurement, the farmer ….. done the
A. had given – would have
B. will given – will
C. give – would
D. given – will
E. is given - will

The following te xt is for the questions number 31-35

In a small Italian town, hundreds of years ago, a small business owner owed a large
sum of money to a loan-shark. The loan-shark was a very old, unattractive looking guy
that just so happened to fancy the business owner‟s daughter. He decided to offer the
businessman a deal that would completely wipe out the debt he owed him. However,
the catch was that he would only wipe out the debt if he could marry the businessman‟s

Needless to say, this proposal was met with a look of disgust. The loan-shark said that
he would place two pebbles into a bag, one white and one black. The daughter would
then have to reach into the bag and pick out a pebble. If it was black, the debt would be
wiped, but the loan-shark would then marry her. If it was white, the debt would also be
wiped, but the daughter wouldn‟t have to marry the loan-shark.

Standing on a pebble-strewn path in the businessman‟s garden, the loan-shark bent

over and picked up two pebbles. Whilst he was picking them up, the daughter noticed
that he‟d picked up two black pebbles and placed them both into the bag. He then
asked the daughter to reach into the bag and pick one. The daughter naturally had three
choices as to what she could have done: first, to refuse to pick a pebble from the bag,
second, to take both pebbles out of the bag and expose the loan-shark for cheating, or
to pick a pebble from the bag fully well knowing it was black and sacrifice herself for her
father‟s freedom.

She drew out a pebble from the bag, and before looking at it „accidentally‟ dropped it
into the midst of the other pebbles. She said to the loan-shark; “Oh, how clumsy of me.
Never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which
pebble I picked.”

The pebble left in the bag is obviously black, and seeing as the loan-shark didn‟t want to
be exposed, he had to play along as if the pebble the daughter dropped was white, and
clear her father‟s debt.

31. What is the story tells us about?

A. A clever girl
B. A greedy banker
C. A successful bussinesman
D. An unfortunate loaner
E. A smart child

32. Why did the loan-shark want to help the businessman?

A. He wanted to wipe out the debt the businessman owed him.
B. He intended to invest his money in a business.
C. The businessman offered him a lot of money.
D. The girl wanted him to be his wife.
E. He wanted to marry the businessman’s daughter.

33. ‘… he had to play along as if the pebble the daughter dropped was white …’
The above phrase means …
A. The loan-shark pretended that he kept his words.
B. The businessman was a good actor.
C. The loan-shark like to play pebble.
D. The daughter and the loan-shark tended to play pebble.
E. The pebble was dropped by the businessman.

34. Based on story, we know that if the girl hadn’t thought cleverly, …….. .
A. the loan-shark wouldn’t have married her
B. the loan-shark would have married her
C. the loan-shark would married her
D. the loan-shark would marry her
E. the loan-shark will marry her

35. From the text we can learn that …

A. To be able to think critically in a critical situation safes your live.
B. True friend is the one who supports you in any situation
C. Whe you work together, you are stronger
D. It’s always good to have the ability of cheating
E. Never underestimate the weakest opponent

The following te xt is for the questions number 36-37

Receptionist : Good morning, Madame. How may I help you?

Caller : I’d like to reserve a table for ten.

Receptionis : Certainly, Sir. For which day and time please?

Caller : It is for Tuesday, the 15th, at 8:00.

Receptionist : May I know what name I should make the reservation under?

Caller : Smith

Receptionist : And a phone number where we can reach you?

Caller : It’s 1-800-456-789 (1-800-456-789)

36. Where did the conversation might happenned?

A. A hotel
B. An office
C. A restaurant
D. An airport
E. A police station

37. How many people made the reservation?

A. Fifteen
B. Ten
C. Eight
D. Four
E. One

1. Cult Taxi. May I help you?

2. Yes. It’s Victoria Flat, Block D, Massachusetts.
3. What time will you leave?
4. Yes, please. I want to know whether or not I can go to GW Hospital tomorrow?
5. Oh, sorry. My name is Kaylie.
6. It’s 8 a.m. Or sooner will be good.
7. May I know with whom I am speaking?
8. Okay, Mrs. Kaylie. May I know your location?
9. Okay. Thank you.
10. Okay. We will schedule your book for tomorrow and call this number when our driver is on your

38. The best arrangement of the conversation is … .

A. 1-2-4-7-10-3-9-6-5-8
B. 1-4-7-5-8-2-3-6-10-9
C. 1-4-5-8-7-2-3-6-10-9
D. 1-2-8-4-7-10-3-9-6-5
E. 1-10-7-4-5-8-2-3-6-9

39. Where did Mr. Wallace work?

A. At the 3rd floor of galaxy Mall
B. At Best Computer
C. At CS Computer
D. In an office
E. In a mall

40. Why did Mr. Wallace send the catalogue to Ms. Tina?
A. Ms. Tina asked Mr. Wallace to send it to her
B. Mr. Wallace would like to promote his products
C. CS Computer had many high quality products
D. Mr. Wallace and Ms. Tina were partners
E. Ms. Tina had a big interest on the shop

Back up question

41. What is the best title for the poem?

A. My Words
B. Always and Forever
C. My mentor
D. Dearest Dad
E. Dear Mother

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