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Rak 8 st a SPSL Veeud ars ello Ia lengua en la parte anterfor del paladar. Se representa~ Th en este Libro por les letras "ech" y sarvind para diferenctarlas de palabras my sinilares que se prommeim con “sh, cam por ejemplo: chair (vehéar) = stlla y Shure (shfar) ~ porte, porcién {do por wa wezcla de ecr.y cor, en este Libro se epresentard por "eer", cano por ejenplo ent First (féerst) = primero, duty éertt) - sxio 8 ‘pa "Wh die, eometacee bilabial, wale dete nto ahs en eanblo la Ww" debe prommciarse “Lablo dental”, Semi oe dita cles naw bo arb, ‘om po J. Ba la teminacién inglesa "rg", 1a letra "g" cast no se pronin- ‘cla, pero a cablo de ella la letra *n" se pronmcia como wna doble “ni, 7 en este Libro se representaré por "mi", como por ejemplo: ‘Wrong (ron) = equtvocads wetting (eSitim) = escrtbtendo Bath constituido por 26 letras que son: SEC t 0 eee AARRSLS: veer beueee ‘comme 9 Este Libro se ha dividido en tres cspitules La materia que contlene este capitulo es el siguiente: a. Modisnos de uso més frecumte Proverb! Palabras que en castellano se dicen de fos do uso mis frecumte sma" forma y que en inglés se dice de dos", "exes" 0 "is formas". ‘Tereer Capitulo contiene: ‘a, Palabras inglesas que describe d. Lista de verbos irregulares con sus respectivas Jo que significa, com por ejemplo: sidecalie (Gado canfnar) = vereda, con su respective ta- ducefén Literal. tzadicciones y prounciaciones, clasificados de 1a “a” @ la “a! \y \ c wb a 4 Cu a LTS woeobebbirvere Ce ae => cut shore ff beeeelly Abrochar ‘Gon botones (canisa) To button Gp) G) (ea bat Gp) con troche (cinta = = To fasten (c) (os fiasen) no tle (up) (x) eu tat ep) 5 Pre vb \ 3 t bot Actarar We oro Lie ~ Teme egies (oe te te) - i = To clear () (ex tax) a) Bas” = To thin dom (x) (tu ain diun) v Uh problera = clarity (©) (eu Elarieat cc i HL dia est aclarmn- T : a (el alba) = The day fs breaking (Ge dt $2 bxétkimy | Coe? i ‘Acostar (se) ca? ‘tee persone "pt to bed (ou put bed e.? Bn la coma = To go to bed Cet ghu tu bed) - 2 Bn cualquier parte = To Lie down (ea 1ét dun) © 4 7 ‘Act ey] 2 ‘Act, accién Act Gake) 4 Cerenonia = Ceremony (sérimont) = Gonedia de dos actos = Tho. act play (ois dale p16) 4 evo sen Somal trwerccurse (séksinnl Sneeroors) = ‘oto reflejo Refles action (isflets éatshen) . Hacer acto de pre +? sencia = To be present (eu BAL pésene) cla Yserto en acto de | servicio = Killed in ection GL in dakshen) oy 2 | Acuerdo | * | De acuerdo con ‘= In accordance with — Gin akéordms wld) co? I Decminscundo = Byeommeceme’ (Gli hem Eset) I ! Estar de acuerdo con = To agree with (<) (ta agrid wld) cy? Uegar a im acuerdo, = To came to an (oa mtu dan Ay ponerse de acuerdo | agreement ‘ageliomt) ey | ‘Adelantar a Ta relog Te por forsord (ea put. fbor-vaed) ds = fo - (x) = ‘head (x) = ‘Ponerse en cuclillas = To crouch (r) (ea kenistch) a : 5 > | Rie que lo pein To lem ower (&) (bu Lf in éuver) i al = nr ee 4 7 itt mise wed i a t i ff on ve Ajeno do prejuicios = Free from profudice (frit fron prélindis) Por razones afenns a ~ For reasons beyerd (for rLisens billéed mestra witntad aur control dear kontrél) Ajustar The tape, in vestide, = to fit ea WN aa plezas en necintca, etc, Ajustar wn horario = 16 r ‘imetable (&) hdecest) ha cent = settle @ (au sett Ajustar el alquiler =o fix the rent (tu fix de rent dat) at (x) Ajustar viojas =o settle old scores (tu sett éuld rencillas @ shiers) = give der atv) iG Th vestido, ete, To fae dr as las “1p tsp sey carpefias from bad compeny Beta i ‘Aisja de ti esa Sea = Get rid of that idea (get xidov dist dtdtay |C_— El bus se alejé = The bus moved off (de bas m&uvd of) 1 2 Sto pus as tte () (eu place fe) =m «eo a igh gan rece ee ee eC te : eee eee eeee ee [Flmes, etc. = To alter @) (ox Soler) To disturbe the (co distéerb go i peace (=) pis) = amy, &) (es erst) ‘To anger’ (x) (ox danger) ie S (oa spo) Tai (eo) High gay ‘The upper floors iper fléars) Aiowd (else Inte at night (Géseat nite) from the top of (from de pov) On the high seas an de fa stis) = Ina loud wice ——_(Inelaul wis) Pasar por alto = To pass overhead (x) (oa plas Gaverjed) Eh alta mr 0 the Igh seas "(on de Jt sis) 33 a2 2} CF [naar a gto énortabl) 5 oo . Se = To be afraid Er (es bit conta zi C2 |Rainmne Ibtwdmede Gutiieame ¢ - 2 ‘bash ch) a? Se = To walk on tiptoe rte ea 3 a de to- = To tha ewcee” & 3 eich pee SS ee SS |e ch i See S| seaish sien ex bs wee ue ei 2 le “Soeset. Geert ce > Anim ea : eee oe a + [at aga sea acerse part = ee Peer en ee es 5 ° ea ~ @ (oo tehttrap) ? f= & Antes de ayer ‘biféor = es ‘The day before @ > 612 |e. Sere eg negocio anda bien = Cem ‘goin 5 - = aa 2 | ae sjor = the pres @ nate Last) ——— 13 |S RE Ee = = == = go le Tecine (© sore th tie) os = To be short of money Peace a ee cancel ‘kdansel) : ‘andar a caballo =. ae : é = To ride on a horse Ss Toe rete = (ea rdid éne jéors) a 2 ee 2 ft Eee. : 2 = &) (ba ripily ot ca Mt weoevv n f cece ee As i 5 ‘el sofl en = To lean the V & i 4 a a3 aE 4 zg * & qe | ee foe's ©), fp io Jed z dipoyer a wn cindi- = To support a candi- (ia sapéort oy? |e wee ©) ‘hasse) BD | Lormccyo wt tcoria = Ttase ay theory (BE bie mld, efor CSS LRM ccretse "on enerwen facts en fone flakes) rod Apretado oy TEL cartho de wa bo- = The cock of a bottle (de bork ove botl, ag | cette ened my apro- ie very tight is véri tait) é tado Un vestido, mado ‘Tight (eat) af ‘Un tejido apretado lose weave @ Kidas uiiv) ‘Un colchin apretado hard mattress (e jéard miatres) Ia gence = croaed Ceci) on tanto aneble el = With so mich foms- (o/d ofa mech corto esth my a ture the moon is féernlsher de rium preted very cluttered fo vérk Wéterd) Is labios = Tide cate Miserable, tacafo = TightSisted (eaitegster) Miserly, stingy __(witzel, stindlli) SB = 7 3 = dot of ems itt ov kas) ota may aed = tm wry Da op (62M vert harap) | Cap [ee de ames cow ofan Gah oy tes “Apuntar 2 (Presenter emmas! = Present arms! (geizént dams) cL enone nnanon Sees ee easblseoeeeseeHHTEHHSeooeeee Bendix ares el ° —To present ams to Coa prizsot dems tu = exe Daim ey 4 | ees the presidene (©) ge petaldant) fosar a alten = polne 2 somone (en pina afm) <2 Rendiro encregar = To surrender one’s (tu serninder wine one =O ‘ocs) ‘Agmtar por escrito = To take dou Gos 88th dun) cal Err = Slope ams! ares) Weslo enim Pats on my acoamt inks mkt aime) | Tg | tem feces Sete cme oS Es easantoesoeteeeeasteaeeeeeteeePaasooetneEEPTSTHCEC ‘arena a * ‘generat = Sand (ehand) o. 7 frtamomquia = Bullring Coiteinn) - Hovedise Tqucieas Gathscand) Beloj Go arena = Saniglass, homplase (olmdplas, éurglas) | ¢__—@™ $$$ eee eas) ‘Argumento A [Basal Sagem "Gaga BGie Tne os eg eee De pelicula = Flot, st (lot, stéort) a " oy 6 Trap : La ‘81 plume es su nica — His pen {5 his only Pendbante Ttacring Ceci) fe au ‘Pera las servilletas = Ring (im) De tonel, Lanta = Hoop (jen) on Arrancar Tne planta =Dpll we é (e pala) ‘To uproot: (1 (ex Spout) te coche -bam (a sue) th denen, m pelo “to pull om Ge) (eu plas) the rma de cn fetol = To pall e area es ple Bantch off the tree (r) of de trit) ; eco oct a 29 28: Se eee ad we © issap) EL cuerpo = wrinlde (© (ea cine) ¢. 4s dean pesca He ca ste ih) me sland Ta rope Wo crease (©) (or keke) a #8 EL caf = % freun () (es flan) 2 7 om =o sexew one's (ea sku wins c face up ‘f6isap) +2 Artesania cals [ Arsecenle Ghtiesa ~ Gitiem ante (cclian ouaray 1 ‘vecande 7 Hindieraste Giendsieaatesy © | 2 Articulo © { 2 ‘En gramitica = Article GartiKl) 2 Arefeulos de conn = Consumer goods Giensfiamer gis) e| Act{eules alimenti- = Food products ‘(fod prédakts) |? clos Artioulos de escri- Stationery, (stéishenert) Caen roxio ws Arcfoulos de primera = Baste comodtties, (bliatk mntisete — ecestded tetera ain mete <7 = Ce areiealos do tocadar ~ Cosmetics Geeentesis ~ tows that iat) ‘Aceioulo (de wn po- = Article Gareskd) “; | ier asi dectrio = So to aposle os Fi6dico) a en iB Weaide tase fitig of hele ftom ov de 46 = Ghuaber of comerce (echéinber ov kéneers) = Guunher of Deputies (tchéinber ov dépiutss)| =o reverse the roles (tu rivéers ge réuls) =o change hands (x) (tu tebéindll. jdande) = To go the wrorg vey (tu gf de zor wll) conn ° Veooes f (A v uf —L | veae reenne WOU UAL - & , wo ‘(danca) (@abL biarrel_ gan) SER neg von rm fs hTt vee shh cE ft whee 5 SUM oe beeud SE SALT LS vovewbbh Pf f¢ oe wevVELI paon| Fi Objeto principal = Objective, goal Ba el contxo de la = In the middle of calle the street En clertos cases. = Ih some 1 cases oda Earaocine sats , aia frm es gn ae ta Ta pata, wets = Geel Gar = eacenaidn eae Ta moche, cielo = Darke (Chari) Ta Twa = Hwy (erty 4 ona Sharp, tight Garp, tate) Obstinado = Uncomnicative 14 ‘yy corp Thick, din (alk, dim al jos cemadcs = Blindfold (bldindouta) “4 Poets Comadas ~ Blind closed dooce (hind Kidust dors) | 71 : Getta Grciin cerraéa = Taneras ovation (oinamat Coates) | © Lal co cn astite ge ny, 2 este Guster) can © | gL o teneario Bad (end) Ventana, puerta, ‘To she ‘Coa shat) “| © 4 Guta To close (c) (te tas) <2 Ta general Gon corrojo Bb (ea bea) las pternas, los ojos = To cloce (=) (eu fads) am Una carta © seal (2) (ex e681) a 2 Uh camino (bioquear) = Mo block (=) (ox bad eo 1h grito ‘turn (@) (ou eer) ed fw be WALA NS ieeeetepeen rrelelt te gent nite i Phono UATE T enn a 3st Asti = aa Boo SALES \ du -> wr «1? «|? 9 q cls =) Aptitnde (Gaptstudy J ses Confianza ole ‘sie de enfin = aa Ral ss Ee ey Berio Coron ~ In alt confidence Gato eaten) oy? De oontiana = Reliable (cttétabi) t Ba oonttanza = In cnfidece in kéneigens) ey 7 Ton Shgmtiaes = To be aang fetonts fer Bl a trendy 9 ‘Tener conftmea en = To be self confident (on Di sate Kinthdent)| | C—| soew bud 1 - (es Bit shore) TT be fainthearteds (ex bit eéintjaartet) ~ fe AE te were your Cas ftir wae Lior idea aidia) ~ = T elve wp as lose (eu givap das tose) = Pet's @other matter Géats ander miater) ree Sona tia That's my business Gis ail times Te que son las cosas = Mich to my suprise match ea mit Por una cosa u otra = For one reason or quer Sgga14) ft wa —- : Gin short) Je | tse core por a = En takiog cacpe of Gm stn ecto conta or + ‘Tener en cuenta = To bear in ming (tu béar Jn mindy 3 Cuerdas Cay D [oe chtems, oes. Cap) De camo medio = coed lets (téord) {9 | snacemia = Gora Cased) eG | cumsts vocates I a { i : pS SN é f. SM ase Lf g ~res ie Ges ber felt) eher 1a culpa a uno ~ Tb put the blame on (ea put de tide, on ~ Be give people seme (ee ade pig thing to ealicateas | acim = led es Tent) 2B kw and damn CM = Free in Shines on my “Ge sen dd ms a a fits) 2% shesn't matter Ge disent mater) uma pres 20098 cn) (sRIa9n 29 uf) (emp & Fe

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