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=o catch wnaware "= Carelessnos De Lmes a Viernes =P) a st vrs ff (ea pik de eréips of) = pick the seeds (eu pik de side dur) ©) [ ts neusitico, globo =o alate G) Ga disiaiy ——— ‘Waa plema, etc. = To mke the swelling (tu mifk de sudlion @ dom a iu diam) ay Desigual ‘Tratantento = Untate (ened 0 someone Donde a largo plazo = Long-term debt Dia del. santo = Nae dy (niin 465) Ala luz det dfa = In the daytine in de déitainy Al dia (sin atraso) = Up to date (ep tu date) Poner al dia = To bring wp to date (eu beim ap tu détt) Vivir al dia = To live from hand to (tu Liv from jéand to. south, ‘miuz) De dia = By ay (ois ast) ‘Tene los dias con- ~ His days are mubered (Jis dis dar nfsberd) 74 3 [coer datas 7 T contract debts (x) (cu kintraake det) ‘Tener una dewia con = To be in debt with (ts bLL in det uld | hb i {i i t Ae east gi oY a it s At = a =? Diseribaiaor ee Del, auto Distributor (GisteBbiipor) “Ee De un producto Dealer (@ifler) 3 & Doblar bess 2 Flegar } hold © (ox foal) teusk wp 5 ae Deplicar "To double (x) (ea dabl) @ | Elect, Ia rodilla ~ To bend (eu bend) oie Una esquina To wun (x) (ea then) anaes © (ua exeéinall) c-y i Dominar Yes place en tame =o se Ge pates OE SE C1 3 pane ae et abet geet ae aD C7 | te mevce, sca: = Bocas (Cone) a“ bale © ) SATE lan eects ct cas orcs (os Gverpaice) CP | tre rtetin, tc. = 20 pur om (ou pur en) Aw | tn stwentio, wm = To control ( (on hones) Ky | etseaia, pastes -@ | Un teua, Ia misics ~ To master ( (tu master) oo Uh Sena 1 ccxmand ( (lone) Ay “Dominio cy z i : 2 Le » 2 > - (bliond dée) 1m fn ae ataeatn (fln n cl abans To be deubesid 0 Chet Tteteminetion ai Srieapeo do hacarto = His detemination (jie dteminéishn to do it To fatten (up) (e) = You are making me fat ~ You are getting fat (iu dar gétdn fat) = Bread is fattening ( brédie Shavers) = fall in debe. t A Stas ria ey? Mablar por las es - = To talk betiind som- (co téck bfjéind sam. | Cag D> alas ce ace ws tad Vs Foc la espaida From behind (rem bendy cy % A her yy la espermza = Mhave a Estado sbi = Sold state Gsoiga Stet Gobtem = state Goesie) Estado fistco = Fiysical condition (Eisfcal tendfshen) Bstado efvid = Gill seatus (shui stéteas) Estallar Th avid, we nina = To Blow up (a bhbuap) explode (r) (ou fspléns) _| 90 Un ola, escindsio = To break (es bbl) Un neu {co = To bese (va béerst) Una revolucién, gue- = To break out (tu bréstensr) ra, inoendio Eecallar de risa ~ to burst cut Imghing (tu béerst ut Litm) Estallar en aplausos = To burst into (cu béerst ints apléoe) Ta ropa (retorcer) = To wring (cu rim) [Dei 2 stn = a Trains (ou isk wine beéins) © Etiqueta a ated Trafe de etiquta = Yoral dress (fécrmai, dros) Recibir @ un con = To entertain somone (ts entectéin sen-uln) 1 Stertath somone (Gu entertéin sen-uin) | RAM acarat er Pictures on show Ge pliahers ate | | TR iielay, chown dill, em de | =the =A cottagelenposed to (e kitiéch teptued ta} the wind de wind) TP moke a nistake (eu nélianiatedio = Bed memers (biad mianers) “Ten dollars are wiss- (ten Glare dat alsin ‘i from the pecey from de pit kash) cash 7 Gore fe lacking bere Gate £6 idakern jhar) "7 She lacks character (Sait Lists Iaralcoec) Tp fait in duty (2) (eu setnine assed) = Your birthday 1s two Ciiéor béerzde! ds tina days off isor) 7 Grain te be done cu ringin eu bUd my | © TIRE 2 Pell the tuth (noe eu tel de tie) © To lack respect for (tu dak etsplkt Teor someone (e) ‘sau-uin) _ 7% break one’s vord (eu brétle wine dard Gn de front nia) Gain, ties) 4 auuseecgis aad fg bid durbboedu Lf, ARAMA ft TEL trabajo no a dav = the work hasn’t given (Ge uberk Jaasent given go ningin frato ary result fe iste) Dar frizo (les plan- = Tp bear fruit (en blar frie) eerie Wo dae Eu wo be fruitless (ou bit titties) Fuego Tnoeniio, ama de = Fire itez) ‘fiaego Lambre (uz) = Light ait) A fuego lento (co- = On a low flame (Gre lou £1éim) ina) fom de fuego = Fisearn (ehserenmm) Fuente Ee [Plate sande Ciel) = 0h, serving dich Gah, olan Gay) SL) 5 Platter (pldatex) De wm rio, de divi- = Source (séors) ss, de fecotin Natiral o artificial = Ramtain (etontiny De fuente dosoonect- = Fram en unin (from annimoun efor) co some Fuerte Olor, viewto, Wehida » Ste (exam) wp, % ine Henne Crbeneg Tarde 30 Gita = sopeaydeo ee = "9 seoey = @) sors 1p Berm a0 2 farsa = “IRE oT reyduoseg cm Gimp a 9p anmpazep na) = (Tae arg) ia Garris ma (ope am (Guemogszed) (Sapp zerrppuepy RR 3 paazesep 3 = eaYp ano om of = i Vendedor de gineres = Dealer in initted (diller ga nfeie 1 0: 5 AMAL TEES MM it Cerrar de golpe (una = btow, a pach Ablow, a ‘To slan (r) Goma [cmcto er a oma do borser = Eubber, eraser (cher, trbtser) com de mascar = Gheving gm (echizsion gen) om do pagar = Give ie) Goma Lace Shellac cor) Gordo Persona = et Gia) Une ama gorde A chick beanch (@ sil bekantch) Dedo gordo del pie = Big toe hig tia) Racer vista gorda = To tuna blind (bu téerne blind ee @) 4) Hine cas gordo = Tcan't stand hin (41 kame stdand Jim) eces gordos Far cats, big shots (féat idats, big shote) Premio gordo (lote- = First prize (éberst prhiz) ria) rand prize (griaod pris) Gota ota a epee = Drop by deve (Gee BAL drop) Ta Gitta gota hace = Te’s the last straw (ts de Mast strbo rebasar La copa ‘hae breaks the ‘dat beétks de ‘canel's back ‘idenels bia) No ver ni gota = To be as blind as (ou bit das blAinds a bet bist) coer gota a gota = To drip (x) (ex dep) Gots (en medtcina) = Gout (int) Gracia 108 Greet (pardon, wirsty eee iReme st favow (x) (ox grlante féivor) (grtis) cee eoee & Neutre de pila, = Rane (ee fi pestos oe weil iizce Yat Ffs1 DOSS PETTITTE Grado eee eer eer eee ere reece reer reer "Temperatura, parca = Degree 7 tafe, parenceseo, (aserit) Jecarquia, efeulo universitario, mate- iieas, Fisica i meat Tumaicy — (dfrit ov jiumidied) Hf distnene Glgst or Aetbint) 50, 5 ST Taste, flavor (hist, flbiver) Anmm of good taste (e mimove gud thtst) ben gusto ‘A gusto de todos = To everybody's Liking (bu évribadis 1étkinn) B TL Hacer reir a alguien ~ To make somone laugh (ba milk saa-uin Inf) Hacer Yorar a al- = To mike someone cry Cor métk sam-usn iaki)| AOD Hacerse tarde = To get late (ta get 1éit) fcerse viejo = To get old (es gheauta) ‘Mandar a hacer una = To have s coat made (tu fave kiut mid) ehaquete Ei que le hace 1a = One mist face the (wim mast £65 de or poe consequences ‘ensStasmnses) TS Heck et Dicho y hecho No sooner said than (edu staner sed ddan co. done én) I Hecho @ mano Hond-nade ‘Géand wit) ty Hecho a méquina = Machine-nade Gamshiin nite) 1o hecho hecho estd = Nae is done ts done Coseds den z dan) Tt i f i i : ' i 2D & the right thing (an a =P hace (aa de HE em) a Pafos higiinicos = Smteary towels edanftarl thuels) oI Papel Belénico = Tollet paper (eotlte pltpae) cay? Historia C42 [ene cams Sy ort) ! el EL pasado = History istori) ee Ee eee Eee cee Pee cas ius | > De érbol, 2 Libro = Laat aie) :

Maleta Be rope Tiltease (Gites) 3 De coche = tank (em) Seer Yalevin = Bclefcase (eiifkeis) a =o fugit () eu EL) Teva el compés = To beat tine es bse ein) Malo, la alos persanientas © Bvil thowghes Give abot) (dat de rom téim) ‘No me gusta su nane- =I don't Like his xa de esertbir A said, on de left) (ea Kdatch red jéandet)| Gderuats) ‘= Hand in hand * i = J och a say that (Gn sitchourt déat) " Bi es mt meno dere- = He 1s my right hand (jit Js mil rife jhand cha nn wlan) Poner 1a mano al = To 61 ) Manso como in corde-= Gentle as a lanb (lene! ase Lda) it é oon é TA aaah

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