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English Pronunciation Vietnamese
Have school /hæv skuːl/ Đi học
Lesson / ˈlɛsn/ Tiết học
Study /ˈstʌdi / Học
On holiday /ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ/ Đang trong kỳ nghỉ
Except /ɪkˈsɛpt/ Ngoại trừ
Copybook / ˈkɒpɪbʊk/ Sách mẫu
Primary school /ˈpraɪməri skuːl/ Trường tiểu học
Year /jɪə/ Năm
August /ˈɔːgəst / Tháng 8
September /sɛpˈtɛmbə/ Tháng 9
Today /təˈdeɪ/ Ngày hôm nay
Tomorrow /təˈmɒrəʊ/ Ngày mai
Break time /breɪk taɪm/ Giờ giải lao
School day /skuːl deɪ/ Ngày đi học
Monday / ˈmʌndeɪ/ Thứ 2
Tuesday / ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ Thứ 3
Wednesday / ˈwɛnzdeɪ/ Thứ 4
Thursday / ˈθɜːzdeɪ/ Thứ 5
Friday / ˈfraɪdeɪ/ Thứ 6
Saturday / ˈsætədeɪ/ Thứ 7
Sunday / ˈsʌndeɪ/ Chủ nhật
Mathematics/maths /ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks/mæθs/ Môn toán
Vietnamese / ˌvjɛtnəˈmiːz/ Môn tiếng việt
PE (Physical Education) /ˈfɪzɪkəl ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən/ Môn thể dục
IT (Information Technology) /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən tɛkˈnɒləʤi/ Môn công nghệt hông tin
Music / ˈmjuːzɪk/ Môn âm nhạc
Art /ɑːt/ Môn mỹ thuật
English / ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ Môn tiếng anh
Science / ˈsaɪəns/ Mônkhoahọc

1.Hỏi xem ai đó học bao nhiêu tiết
(?) How many lessons + do/does + S + have?
(+) S + have/has … lessons.
Ví dụ:
How many lessons do you have today? Bạn học bao nhiêu tiết hôm nay?
I have five lessons Tớ học 5 tiết.
How many lessons does Lan have in the morning? Lan học bao nhiêu tiết sáng nay?
She has four lessons Chị ấy học bốn tiết
2.Hỏi về tần suất học môn gì của ai đó.
(?) How often + do/does + S + have + subject?
(+) S + have/has it + ...
Ví dụ:
How often do you have english? Bao lâu thì bạn học tiếng anh một lần
I have it twice a week. Tớ học 2 lần 1 tuần
How often does Mai have Maths? Bao lâu thì Mai học toán một lần
She has it five times a week. Cô ấy học toán năm lần một tuần


1. Look at the picture and write the name of the relevant subject.

1. ……………… 2. ……………………….

3. …………….… 4. …………….

5. ………………………

3. Complete the sentence with an available word/ phrase.

September Sunday Music break time Wednesday Saturday
primary Monday summer holiday school day
1. I am nine years old, so I'm studying in a
2. At......., we play sports and games.
3. My.............starts at 7:30 and ends at 11:30 a.m.
4. Today is the first day of the week. Today is ...........
5. The day after Saturday is .......
6. Tomorrow is Thursday. The day before tomorrow is ....
7. My school year starts in .....
8. After a school year, students have a .........
9.Tomorrow is Sunday. Today is ........
10. In ....., we learn to sing songs.
1. Look at the time table and answer the question.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maths English Science PE Music
IT Art English Vietnamese Maths
Vietnamese IT Art Music PE
Art Music Maths English IT
1. what lessons do you have on Monday?
2. How many English lessons do you have?
3. How often do you have Music?
4. What lessons do you have on Thursday?
5.Do you have Science once a week?
2. Underline the incorrect word and rewrite the correct sentence.
1. She has Art two a week.
2. Jonny and Ann have Maths on the morning
3. How many lessons Vietnamese does your sister have on Monday?
4. Does she has IT on Tuesday or Wednesday?
5. Giang and her sister have fours English lessons in the morning.
3. Complete the sentence with a suitable word.
I. How many lessons do you have………....?-Today I have five lessons
2. I have four lessons in the……….. .....and three lessons in the afternoon.
3. How .................... do you have Art?- Three times a week.
4. Do you have any Music …………… Yes. Two.
5. ....................lessons did you have yesterday?-Three in the morning and four in the afternoon.
4. Match each question with each answer.
1.will you be at school this weekend? A.well, I have it five times a week often does your sister have Maths?, I won’t
3.i have Vietnamese once a day. How about you? C. I have PE
4.will you have English tomorrow? D.yes. two lessons. you have PE or IT today? E.she has it twice a week.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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