1. Introduction to Biology

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Definition Branches of Biology
 The word biology is derived  There are three main
from the Greek words, bios, branches of biology namely:
meaning life, and logos, 1. Zoology- This is the study
meaning knowledge. of animals. A scientist
 Therefore, Biology is the specialized in this area is
branch of science that deals called zoologist.
with the study of living 2. Botany- This is the study
organisms. of plants. A scientist is
 Science is the knowledge called botanist.
about the structure and 3. Microbiology- This is the
behaviour of the natural study of microscopic
world based on facts that can organisms. A scientist is
be approved by experiments. called microbiologist.

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Other branches of biology 5. Parasitology- This is the study of
1. Anatomy- This is the study of the parasites. A scientist is called
internal structure of living things. parastologist.
A scientist is called anatomist. 6. Entomology- This is the study of
2. Physiology- This is the study of insects. A scientist is called
body functions. A scientist is entomologist.
called physiologist. 7. Cytology- This is the study of the
3. Genetics- This is the study of cell. A scientist is called
inheritance and variation. A cytologist.
scientist is called genetist. 8. Pathology- This is the study of
4. Ecology- This is the study of the diseases. A scientist is called
relationship between organisms pathologist.
and their environment/ study of 9. Biochemistry- This is the study
living organisms and their of chemical changes inside the
surrounding. A scientist is called organism. A scientist is called
ecologist. biochemist.

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10. Morphology- This is the 14. Ornithology- Study of
study of external structure birds. The scientist is called
of organisms. The scientist ornithologist.
is called Morphologist. 15. Ichthyology- study of fish.
11. Bacteriology- study of The scientist is called
bacteria. The scientist is Ichthyologist.
called bacteriologist. 16. Taxonomy- This is the
12. Histology- study of study of classification of
structure of tissues. The organisms. The scientist is
scientist is called called Taxonomist.
histologist. 17. Embryology- study of
13. Virology- study of viruses. development of organisms
The scientist is called from egg to adult. The
virologist. scientist is called

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Importance of studying Biology.
1. It helps us to understand the 4. It helps us to promote
developmental stages in international cooperation in
human body. areas like medicine and
2. It helps in solving environmental conservation
environmental problems e.g. to solving emerging problems
pollution, shortage of food, like HIV and AIDS.
global warming / drought, 5. It helps learner to acquire
poor health, misuse of scientific skills e.g.
natural resources (forests, observation , identification,
wildlife, water and soil. drawing, recording,
3. It enables one to pursue classifying, measuring,
careers e.g. agriculture, analyzing and evaluating
veterinary, public health, data and apply them in daily
medicine, tourism, life.
pharmacy, dentistry, nursing,
biology education/ teaching,
and horticulture.

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1. Nutrition- a process by which 3. Gaseous exchange- this is the
living things acquire and utilize process whereby respiratory gases
nutrients. Plants (oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide)
synthesize/make their own food pass across the respiratory
using light energy, carbon (IV) surface.
oxide, water and mineral salts,  Examples of respiratory surfaces
while animals feed on already include stomata in leaves, Alveoli in
manufactured foods. lungs, gills in fish, skin in frogs, cell
2. Respiration- a process in which membrane in unicellular organisms.
organic compounds are broken  Living organisms carry out gaseous
down to produce energy. Energy exchange.
is used by the organisms to carry
out essential activities e.g. growth 4. Excretion- is the process by which
and movement. metabolic wastes are separated
and eliminated from the body
 During respiration, oxygen is usually cells. This is to avoid
used while energy, carbon (IV) accumulation to toxic levels
oxide and water are the products. leading to death.
 Living organisms carry out  Living organisms carry out
respiration. excretion/ excrete.

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5. Growth and Development- Growth 7. Irritability/sensitivity- This is the
is an irreversible/permanent increase ability of living organisms to
in size and mass while Development perceive/detect changes in their
is the irreversible change in the surroundings and respond
complexity of the structure of living appropriately .
things.  For example living things react to changes
 Living things grow in order to attain in temperature, humidity, light, pressure
the maximum size and mass which are and to presence or absence of certain
essential for their body function. chemicals.
 Living organisms grow and develop. 6. Movement- is a change in position by
either a part of or the whole living
6. Reproduction - is the process by
organism. Living organisms move.
which living organisms give rise to
new individuals of the same kind.  Movement from one place to another is
called locomotion.
 Living organisms reproduce.
 Movement in animals include swimming,
walking, running, flying e.t.c.
 Movement in plants include closing of
leaves, folding of leaves, closing of
flowers and growing of shoots towards
6 Sam obare light. 19-Dec-20
Study questions.
1. A car/aeroplane is able to move 3. State the characteristics of living
from place to place and give out organisms that are specific to
exhaust gases however it is not plants.
classified as a living organism. i. Autotrophic/ manufacture
Explain. their own food/
This is because it does not reproduce, photosynthesis;
respond to changes in the ii. Show alternation of
environment, grow, develop, excrete, generation;
carry out nutrition and respire. iii. Have limited movement;
2. How does nutrition differ in plants iv. Have limited excretory
and animals? products/ unspecialized
Plants manufacture their own food/ are respiratory structures;
autotrphic; while animals do not v. Have localized growth/ growth
manufacture their own food/ are occurs at specific regions;

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4. The photograph below 5. Name the characteristic
illustrates living organisms. of living organisms
Study it and answer the illustrated by each of
question that follow. the activities described
a) Dressing heavily-
 Irritability/ sensitivity/
response to a stimulus
b) Bursting of the
sporangium in Rhizopus
 State two characteristics of
living organisms illustrated in  Reproduction.
the photograph
1. Reproduction
2. Growth and development.
8 Sam obare 19-Dec-20
Collection of specimens
 A specimen is a whole organism or 3. Do not destroy the natural
part of an organism being studied or habitat of the of specimens.
examined. 4. Live specimens should be
Importance of collection of specimens returned to their habitats
 It is important for further study, whenever possible to maintain
observations and preservation for ecological balance.
future reference in the laboratory. 5. Dangerous or injurious
Precautions during collection and specimens (e.g. stinging insects or
observation of specimens plants) should be handled with
care (using forceps and gloves) to
1. Collect only the number of avoid injury/ for protection.
specimens needed to avoid
wastage. 6. Highly mobile animals should be
immobilized using suitable
2. Do not harm the specimens chemical substances (e.g.
during the collection exercise Chloroform or diethylether) for
because it can distort the features easy observation.
of the specimens

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Apparatus used for collection of
1. Sweep net- used to catch 5. Pooter- it is used for sucking
flying insects e.g. bees, small animals from rock
butterflies, grasshoppers. surfaces or barks of trees e.g.
2. Bait trap-used for attracting ants, termites.
and trapping small animals 6. Pair of forceps- it is used for
e.g. rats and mice. picking up stinging animals
3. Pitfall trap- it is used for and plants e.g. centipedes,
catching crawling animals e.g. spiders, stinging nettle.
millipedes, spiders, ants, 7. Specimen bottle- it is required
cockroach. for keeping collected
4. Fish net- used for trapping specimens.
small fish and other water 8. Hand lens- it is used to
animals e.g. crabs and enlarge objects and observe
shrimps. external features of collected

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Apparatus used for collection of
1. Sweep 3. Pit fall Cover to
net trap prevent rain
from getting in

2. Bait
trap Trap
4. Fish net

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5. Pooter 7. Specimen

6. Pair of 8. Hand lens


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Differences between plants and
Plants Animals
1. Most plants are green in colour/ 1. They lack chlorophyll hence do not
have chlorophyll hence make their make their own food/ feed on
own food. already manufactured food.
2. They respond to changes in their 2. They respond to changes in their
environment slowly. environment faster.
3. They do not locomote/ move from 3. They locomote/ move from one
one place to another. place to another.
4. Growth occurs at specific regions/ 4. Growth occurs all over the body.
meristematic cells only.
5. They lack complex excretory and 5. They have complex respiratory and
respiratory organs/ structures. excretory organs/ structures.

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