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Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 320: E425–E437, 2021.

First published December 28, 2020; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00534.2020


Separating insulin-mediated and non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake during

and after aerobic exercise in type 1 diabetes
Thanh-Tin P. Nguyen,1 Peter G. Jacobs,2 Jessica R. Castle,3 Leah M. Wilson,3 Kerry Kuehl,4
Deborah Branigan,3 Virginia Gabo,3 Florian Guillot,3 Michael C. Riddell,5 Ahmad Haidar,6 and
Joseph El Youssef2,3
School of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Portland, Oregon; 2Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Portland, Oregon; 3Harold Schnitzer Diabetes Health Center, Oregon Health &
Science University, Portland, Oregon; 4Department of Sports Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Portland,
Oregon; 5School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and 6Institut de Recherches
Cliniques de Montre al, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Aerobic exercise in type 1 diabetes (T1D) causes rapid increase in glucose utilization due to muscle work during exercise, followed by
increased insulin sensitivity after exercise. Better understanding of these changes is necessary for models of exercise in T1D. Twenty-
six individuals with T1D underwent three sessions at three insulin rates (100%, 150%, 300% of basal). After 3-h run-in, participants per-
formed 45 min aerobic exercise (moderate or intense). We determined area under the curve for endogenous glucose production
(AUCEGP) and rate of glucose disappearance (AUCRd) over 45 min from exercise start. A novel application of linear regression of Rd
across the three insulin sessions allowed separation of insulin-mediated from non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake before, during,
and after exercise. AUCRd increased 12.45 mmol/L (CI = 10.33–14.58, P < 0.001) and 13.13 mmol/L (CI = 11.01–15.26, P < 0.001)
whereas AUCEGP increased 1.66 mmol/L (CI = 1.01–2.31, P < 0.001) and 3.46 mmol/L (CI = 2.81–4.11, P < 0.001) above baseline
during moderate and intense exercise, respectively. AUCEGP increased during intense exercise by 2.14 mmol/L (CI = 0.91–3.37,
P < 0.001) compared with moderate exercise. There was significant effect of insulin infusion rate on AUCRd equal to 0.06 mmol/L
per % above basal rate (CI = 0.05–0.07, P < 0.001). Insulin-mediated glucose uptake rose during exercise and persisted hours after-
ward, whereas non-insulin-mediated effect was limited to the exercise period. To our knowledge, this method of isolating dynamic
insulin- and non-insulin-mediated uptake has not been previously employed during exercise. These results will be useful in inform-
ing glucoregulatory models of T1D. The study has been registered at as NCT03090451.
NEW & NOTEWORTHY Separating insulin and non-insulin glucose uptake dynamically during exercise in type 1 diabetes has not
been done before. We use a multistep process, including a previously described linear regression method, over three insulin infusion
sessions, to perform this separation and can graph these components before, during, and after exercise for the first time.

aerobic exercise; clamp study; glucose tracer; insulin-mediated glucose uptake; type 1 diabetes

INTRODUCTION hypoglycemia. The use of continuous glucose monitoring

(CGM) and closed-loop technology helps detect and reduce
The pathognomonic feature of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is in- the likelihood of hypoglycemia in T1D (6, 7), but rapid
sulin insufficiency due to autoimmune destruction of beta changes during aerobic exercise and the slow time action
cells (1). People with T1D may exhibit features of type 2 dia- profile of subcutaneous insulin makes it challenging to com-
betes (T2D), such as insulin resistance and metabolic syn- pletely eliminate the risk of hypoglycemia. Improving our
drome (2). Therefore, current T1D guidelines include the understanding of glucose metabolism during exercise will
importance of regular physical exercise (3). Physical exercise help to improve models of T1D and allow better adjustment
confers other health benefits besides improving glycemic of insulin therapy before, during, and after exercise.
control, including reducing cardiovascular risk factors, During exercise, glucose uptake into active muscle
weight loss, and improving overall physical and mental well- increases dramatically, initially through non-insulin-medi-
being (4). Despite these positive effects, several barriers exist ated effects, namely, increased substrate penetration due to
for people with T1D trying to achieve recommended exercise contraction and improved perfusion to muscles, and then
goals (5), the most significant being exercise-induced through a more protracted increase in insulin sensitivity

Correspondence: J. El Youssef (

Submitted 29 October 2020 / Revised 15 December 2020 / Accepted 15 December 2020 0193-1849/21 Copyright © 2021 the American Physiological Society E425

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that persists even after exercise is complete (8, 9). The exact activity or to put the participant at risk for a cardiovascular
time course of these two independent components of glu- event during exercise including, but not limited to, history
cose uptake is not well understood. Wasserman et al. (10) of stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction, unstable an-
demonstrated a dramatic change in insulin sensitivity in gina, and second- or third-degree heart block, 3) significant
healthy individuals after exercise, but the time course was renal or hepatic failure, 4) history of severe hypoglycemia or
not elucidated, and this experiment was not repeated in peo- hypoglycemic unawareness based on an eight-point ques-
ple with T1D. In addition, Wasserman et al. (10) and Shumak tionnaire, and 5) insulin resistance requiring more than 200
et al. (11) observed linearity between insulin-dependent glu- units per day of insulin.
cose utilization across a wide range of physiological and
pharmacological plasma insulin levels. Shumak et al. (11) Study Design
used linear regression analysis to demonstrate that non-in- We designed a single center, randomized, two-treatment,
sulin-mediated glucose uptake occurs at rest in individuals three-dose (2  3) study of aerobic exercise in adult partici-
with T1D, at modest rates depending on glucose levels, but pants living with T1D. Participants were initially randomized
participants did not perform exercise in this study. Basu et into each arm of the study (see Fig. 1) to either moderate or
al. (12) estimated endogenous glucose production (EGP) and intense exercise using a simple randomization scheme. In
rate of disappearance of glucose (Rd) in individuals with T1D each arm, participants were then randomized to receive a
during exercise using a triple tracer method, providing an low (L), medium (M), or high (H) insulin infusion rate (IIR)
expected dynamic profile of EGP during aerobic exercise. using block-of-six pseudorandomization for combinations of
Although Schiavon et al. (13, 14) calculated insulin sensitivity the three sessions, that is, L-M-H, L-H-M, M-L-H, M-H-L, H-
at rest and during exercise in healthy individuals, they did L-M, H-M-L.
not disambiguate non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake
from insulin-mediated glucose uptake during exercise. Study Procedures and Materials
In this study, using a previously described tracer method-
ology in a novel way, we aimed to identify the dynamic insu- Participants underwent a 2-h screening procedure, with
lin-dependent and insulin-independent effects of aerobic review of medical history and medications, physical exami-
exercise on glucose uptake in individuals living with T1D. nation, consenting, and evaluation of maximum V_ O2
(V_ O2max) on a Medgraphics Ultima CardiO2 gas exchange an-
alyzer (MGC Diagnostics, MN). Participants completed the
Clarke Hypoglycemia Unawareness questionnaire (15) and
Ethical Outline and Study Oversight Physical Activity Readiness questionnaire (16) (PAR-Q) and,
once successfully screened, were randomized. Review of
This study was designed and implemented by the total daily basal and bolus insulin by study clinicians
Oregon Artificial Pancreas group at Oregon Health and allowed estimation of basal intravenous IIR in units/h
Science University (OHSU) and was funded by the needed to maintain a target glucose of 120 mg/dL, called the
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney low IIR rate. The medium IIR rate was 1.5 times the basal
diseases (NIDDK). All study procedures were reviewed rate, and the high IIR rate was 3 times the basal rate. Loess
and approved by the OHSU Institutional Review Board regression analysis of data from VO2max testing established
and followed ethical principles outlined by the World heart rate ranges for 40%–45% of VO2max (moderate exer-
Medical Association in the Declaration of Helsinki. All cise target) and 60%–65% of VO2max (intense exercise tar-
study procedures, protocol modifications, accrued data, get). A minimum period of 2 wk was respected between
and adverse events were reviewed by an assigned data visits. Participants of child-bearing potential not on hormo-
monitor to ensure patient safety. Written informed con- nal methods of birth control were scheduled during the fol-
sent was obtained from all participants or a legally licular phase of their cycle to limit changes in insulin
accepted representative. The study has been registered at sensitivity. (NCT03090451). Participants were advised to avoid physical activity
beyond light walking for 2 days before visits and were pro-
vided structured, low-fat meals for dinner and breakfast
Participants living with T1D were recruited from OHSU through the OHSU Bionutrition Department for home con-
clinics, via flyers posted in approved places at OHSU or sumption. Participants on multiple daily injections of insulin
posted on the OHSU Harold Schnitzer Diabetes Health were advised to take morning basal insulin doses on the day
Center webpage, Facebook page, and electronic newsletter, before the session and to take 50% of their evening basal
and from the OHSU Subject Recruitment website. A prescre- doses no later than 7 PM. Participants ate breakfast 2 h before
ening waiver was obtained to review patient records from the start of the session with their rapid-acting insulin bolus
the Harold Schnitzer Diabetes Health Center to find poten- and did not take any basal insulin injections. Insulin pumps
tial participants. were suspended after the breakfast dose. Participants were
Eligible participants were recruited based on the following admitted to the OHSU in-patient research center and those
inclusion criteria: 1) 18–45 yr of age at the time of randomiza- of childbearing potential had a repeat pregnancy test. Two
tion, 2) T1D diagnosis for at least 12 mo, 3) hemoglobin intravenous catheters were placed, one on each arm, for
A1c < 10%, 4) ability to perform 45 min of aerobic treadmill drawing blood and infusing study drugs. Heating pads facili-
exercise. Major exclusion criteria included: 1) pregnancy, 2) tated venous blood draws through a double stop-cock system
cardiovascular disease significant enough to limit physical on the drawing arm, whereas a sequential Y-catheter system

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ENROLLMENT Assessed for eligibility = 38 Subgroup randomization for session order

Excluded = 10 Group 1: Moderate exercise (n=14)

- 4 failed screening
- 4 withdrew before sessions began LMH LHM MLH MHL HLM HML
- 2 no shows 3 2 2 2 2 3*
Randomized = 28 Group 2: Intense exercise (n=13)
Group 1 Group 2
Moderate Intense exercise 3 2 2 2 2 2
exercise = 14 = 14
Session order groups:
Dropped out L = low IIR, M = medium IIR, H = high IIR.
before sessions * One subject only completed initial session
began = 1
Final session count by subgroup
Each subject scheduled for 3 sessions: low,
medium and high insulin infusion rate Moderate Intense Total
Exercise Exercise
Group 1 Group 2
Moderate Intense exercise Low IIR 13(14) 13(13) 26(27)
exercise = 14 = 13
Medium IIR 13(14) 13(14) 26(28)
Dropped out after
High IIR 14(15) 13(13) 27(28)
first session = 1
TOTAL 40(43) 39(40) 79(83)
Group 1 Group 2
Subjects included Subjects
Numbers in parentheses are all sessions
= 14 included = 13
completed, numbers outside parentheses are all
Sessions included Sessions
sessions included in analysis.
= 40 included = 39
Figure 1. Transparent reporting of enrollment, with final study counts. Twenty-six participants underwent three sessions each after successful screening,
and one participant completed only the first session before dropping out, for a total of 79 sessions included in the final analysis. Four sessions had to be
repeated due to technical difficulties (included in the study counts within parentheses in the lower right table). IIR, insulin infusion rate.

allowed infusions of regular human insulin at 0.5 units/mL, prevent significant hypoglycemia during exercise while
6,6 di-deuterated glucose tracer (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, allowing constant glucose infusion during and after exercise.
MO) at 10 mg/mL and 10% dextrose solution supplemented Before exercise began, a Zephyr bio-patch heart rate monitor
with 2% tracer. 10 mEq/L of potassium was added to the dex- and accelerometer (Medtronic Zephyr, Boulder, CO) was
trose solution for medium and high IIR sessions. attached to participants and secured using a chest strap.
Participants’ glucose levels were clamped during the Exercise began at minute 180 for 45 min and was maintained
initial 3-h run-in period to a target of 120 mg/dL using a by achieving the target heart range determined during
proportional-integral algorithm based on a paper by VO2max testing.
Bequette (17). Samples of blood were drawn at various intervals
During the run-in period, insulin and concentrated tracer before, during, and after exercise for measurement of se-
infusion rates were constant, whereas the 10% dextrose solu- rum total and tracer glucose, insulin, glucagon, catechol-
tion infusion rate was adjusted based on recommendations amines (epinephrine and norepinephrine), and free fatty
by the clamp algorithm. The tracer infusion rate was based acids (FFA). Commercially available ELISA assay kits
on data obtained from Shetty et al. (18) and a triple-tracer were used to measure insulin (Mercodia, Inc., Winston,
study by Mallad et al. (19): at 0 min, priming bolus of 3.3 mg/ Salem, NC) and catecholamines (Diagnostica GMBH,
kg, followed by infusion rates in (mg/kg)/h as follows: Hamburg 61348, Germany). Glucagon was measured
minutes 0–180, 2.4; minutes 180–190, 3.5; minutes 190–210, using a radioimmunometric assay (EMD Millipore Corp,
4.2; minutes 210–225, 4.8; minutes 225–245, 3.5; and after mi- Burlington, MA) and FFA by a colorimetric method
nute 245, 2.4. Tracer infusion rates were based on an (Zenbio, Research Triangle Park, NC).
expected rise in EGP during exercise of 2–2.5 times the pre- Participants were monitored for 3 h after exercise ended
exercise rate. and provided a meal at the end of the study period.
Participants exercised using a portable treadmill. At mi- Subcutaneous insulin was given and overlapped with intra-
nute 150, dextrose infusion was fixed between 1.5 and 2 times venous insulin for a minimum of 30 min. Basal insulin doses
the baseline rate determined during the run-in period to were provided, or insulin pumps restarted, before discharge

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from the research center. A follow-up phone call was con- Q_ S1 ¼ ðk01 þ k21 ÞQS1 þ k12 QS2 þ US ; ð1Þ
ducted within 48 h of discharge.
Q_ S2 ¼ k21 QS1  k12 QS2 ; ð2Þ
Data Analysis
The data from our tracer sessions were analyzed in two QS
GS ¼ ; where VG ¼ 0:16 L=kg: ð3Þ
steps. First, we used a simple two-compartment model of VG
glucose fluxes and solved for EGP and Rd using Bayesian pa- The subscript S denotes the glucose species and can be
rameter estimation. Then, we disambiguated insulin-medi- replaced with either T (for total glucose) or D (for tracer
ated and non-insulin-mediated effects using a novel method deuterated glucose). Q S1 and QS2 denote the glucose
involving linear regression of Rd across insulin-loading mass (mmol/kg) within either the accessible compart-
conditions. ment (QS1) representing plasma or the inaccessible com-
To solve for the parameters of interest EGP and Rd, we partment (QS2). G S is the glucose concentration (mmol/
used a two-compartment model to estimate internal glucose L) and can be calculated from the volume of distribution
fluxes (Fig. 2A) originally described by Radziuk (20) and Mari of glucose (VG). US is the glucose rate of appearance
(21). The first compartment is termed the accessible com- (mmol/kg/min) where U T = u D10 þ u D2 þ EGP and UD =
partment and its content is estimated by blood glucose uD2. u D10 is the D10% infusion rate and uD2 is the tracer
measurements—all intravenous infusions enter into this infusion rate.
compartment. The second compartment is the inaccessible The fluxes between compartments are defined by k12 and
compartment, through which glucose circulates but from k21; the values of these rate constants were derived from pre-
which it is not eliminated. Given glucose infusions and blood vious experiments by Hovorka et al. (22) and kept fixed dur-
glucose levels, we can solve for the glucose mass moving out ing the experiment, whereas k01 and EGP are parameters
of the first compartment (Rd), and alternately, the EGP enter- that were solved at each time point. Initial conditions of the
ing into the first compartment. The system of ordinary dif- two-compartment model were solved by assuming steady-
ferential equations (ODEs) is given by the following state conditions. In additional, a 10-min delay was imple-
equations (18, 20): mented on the glucose infusions into the first compartment.


US k21
QS1 QS2 Exercise
k01 k12
QT1, QD1, UT, UD

B Model

k01, EGP, Rd, Ra

H y = mx + b
Rd M b = NIMGU Linear
L m = IMGU Regression of
Insulin vs. Rd
% basal insulin NIMGU, IMGU
High Insulin
Rd Continuous
IMGU and
Medium Insulin NIMGU
Low Insulin

Figure 2. A: schematic of the Radziuk–Mari two-compartment model. B: method for calculating insulin- vs. non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake. Linear
regression was performed at each time point across three different insulin infusion curves. The slope of the line at each point is the insulin-mediated glu-
cose uptake and extrapolating the line to theoretical zero insulin gives the non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake. (C) workflow showing inputs and out-
puts for each step of data analysis. EGP, endogenous glucose production; k, rate constant; (N)IMGU, (non) insulin-mediated glucose uptake; Q, mass
compartment; Rd, glucose rate of disappearance; Ra, glucose rate of appearance; S, glucose species; U, glucose input.

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Table 1. Baseline characteristics of participants in each study arm

Moderate Exercise Intense Exercise Value
n 14 13 –
Male, n (%) 4 (28.6) 6 (46.2) 0.345
Age, yr, means ± SD 32.6 ± 6.6 28.2 ± 6.1 0.079
Duration of diabetes, yr, means ± SD 19 ± 9.4 15.3 ± 7.4 0.146
Weight, kg, means ± SD 79.1 ± 16.4 76.2 ± 8 0.572
BMI, kg/m2, means ± SD 26.3 ± 4.5 24.8 ± 2.95 0.332
Hemoglobin A1c, %, mmol/mol means ± SD 7.4 ± 1.1 (57.6 ± 11.7) 7.4 ± 1 (57.9 ± 10.4) 0.950
TDI, units/day, means ± SD 54.3 ± 13.1 54 ± 16 0.959
Percent of TDI as basal, means ± SD 54.8% ± 6.3% 55.9% ± 6.1% 0.638
MDI users, n (%) 5 (35.7) 2 (15.4) 0.228
CSII (pump) users, n (%) 9 (64.3) 11 (84.6)
Student’s two-tailed, unpaired t test used for nominal data, v2 test for categorical data. CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infu-
sion; MDI, multiple daily injections; TDI, total daily insulin.

For the unknown parameters, we defined a Bayesian prob- Carlo algorithm to explore the posterior. Our Bayes posterior
ability function, with study data used to calculate the likeli- distribution is defined as follows:
hood. Bayes parameter estimation was chosen to constrain
parameter values to physiologically probable values and was
 PðG T ; G D jk01 ; EGPÞPðk01 ; EGPÞ
performed using the R-STAN software package (23) in which P k01 ; EGPjG T ; G D ¼  : ð4Þ
the ODE parameters were fitted using a Hamiltonian Monte P GT ; GD

EGP During Moderate Exercise EGP During Intense Exercise

0.25 0.25 Low Insulin

Medium Insulin
High Insulin

0.2 0.2
EGP (mmol/L/min)
EGP (mmol/L/min)

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

150 200 250 300 350 400 450 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
time (min) time (min)
Figure 3. Interquartile plots of endogenous glucose production (EGP) across insulin conditions and exercise arms. Area under the curve (AUC)EGP was
higher in the patients undergoing intense exercise (3.46 mmol/L over baseline, 95% CI = 2.81–4.11, P < 0.001) compared with moderate exercise
(1.66 mmol/L over baseline, 95% CI = 1.01–2.31, P < 0.001) with a difference between exercise groups of 2.14 mmol/L (95% CI = 0.91–3.37, P < 0.001).
There was no difference in AUCEGP across insulin infusion groups, P = 0.7. Exercise occurred during the shaded interval.

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PðG T ; G D jk01 ; EGPÞ is the likelihood and represents a com- independent of insulin. For a given patient and at a given
parison between model-generated values, given a particular time point, we plotted Rd against insulin infusion rate. We
k01 and EGP, and the data, which is accepted as ground applied a linear regression to approximate the Rd per
truth. In other words, the likelihood function is a normal dis- amount insulin infusion, and extrapolated the linear model
tribution centered on the data value of G T and G D from the to the point on the y-axis, where insulin equals zero; this was
tracer sessions with input to the Gaussian function equal to taken to be the insulin-independent effect (Fig. 2B). The in-
their generated values from the ODE model. sulin-dependent effect, then, was taken to be the slope of the
We implemented uniform priors for both k01 and EGP. Taken linear regression line of best fit. A flow chart of the steps in
together, the likelihood penalizes simulated glucose values that data analysis is provided in Fig. 2C.
result in glucose too far away from experimental values and the
uniform prior, as opposed to a prior that forces a correlation Statistical Analysis
between time points, reduces smoothing and the influence of
model error on adjacent k01 and EGP estimations. Our k01 and Power analysis and sample size determination were per-
EGP values were then used to calculate glucose rate of appear- formed using Gpower software (24). A sample size of 13 sub-
ance (Ra) and glucose rate of disappearance (Rd) as follows: jects per arm (26 participants total) was found to be adequate
to show at least a 30% difference in the peak effect for insu-
Ra ðtÞ ¼ UD2 þ UD10 þ EGP þ k12  GT2 ; ð5Þ
lin- and non-insulin-mediated changes. This assumed at
least 25% standard deviation between groups and a pre-
Rd ðtÞ ¼ ðk01 þ k21 Þ  GT1 ; ð6Þ
dicted effect size of 1.37, with an a error of 5% and power of
The second step aimed to identify glucose disposal at each 90%. Sample size minimum was 10 per group and 13 was
time point that was due to insulin versus disposal that was chosen in case of higher than expected standard deviation.

Rd During Moderate Exercise Rd During Intense Exercise

1.3 1.3 Low Insulin

Medium Insulin
High Insulin
1.2 1.2

1.1 1.1

1 1
R (mmol/L/min)

R d (mmol/L/min)

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

150 200 250 300 350 400 450 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
time (min) time (min)
Figure 4. Interquartile plots of glucose rate of disappearance (Rd) across insulin conditions and exercise arms. Rd was systematically higher for higher ba-
sal insulin dosing. AUCRd increased 12.45 mmol/L (95% CI = 10.33–14.58, P < 0.001) during moderate exercise and 13.13 mmol/L (95% CI = 11.01–15.26,
P < 0.001) during intense exercise compared with baseline, with a significant effect of insulin infusion rate equal to 0.06 (mmol/L)/% above basal rate
(95% CI = 0.05–0.07, P < 0.001). There was no difference in AUCRd between moderate and intense exercise groups, P = 0.34. Exercise occurred during
the shaded interval.

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AUCRd and AUCEGP were calculated over the 45-min exer- AUCEGP (95% CI = 0.91–3.37, P < 0.001) in the intense exer-
cise period, as well as during the preexercise baseline period. cise group.
AUC is presented in units of mmol/L representing the total There was a separation between insulin infusion groups
glucose mass moved during the exercise or baseline period. on the interquartile plots of Rd (Fig. 4), showing that for
A linear mixed effects model was used to determine the sig- higher insulin infusion rates, the rate of disposal of glucose
nificance of the effect of insulin infusion rate and exercise increased. AUCRd was found to be affected by insulin infu-
intensity on AUCRd and on AUCEGP, with study participant sion (Fig. 5). Linear mixed effects analysis showed that the
as the random effect and insulin infusion rate and exercise AUCRd increased 12.45 mmol/L (95% CI = 10.33–14.58, P <
level as the fixed effects. Single-factor ANOVA and paired t 0.001) during moderate exercise and 13.13 mmol/L (95%
test analyses were used to compare differences in hormone CI = 11.01–15.26, P < 0.001) during intense exercise compared
and FFA levels across insulin-infusion conditions. with baseline, with a significant effect of insulin infusion
rate equal to 0.06 (mmol/L)/% above basal rate (95%
CI = 0.05–0.07, P < 0.001) such that as insulin infusion
RESULTS increased from 100% to 300%, AUCRd increased by 12 mmol/L.
Comparing moderate-to-intense exercise, there was no signifi-
Participant baseline characteristics are shown in Table 1. cant effect of exercise intensity on AUCRd (P = 0.34).
There was an increase in EGP during the intense exercise We found a sharp increase in non-insulin-mediated glu-
period that continued after exercise stopped (Fig. 3). Our cose uptake with the start of exercise, whereas insulin-medi-
mixed effects model analysis demonstrated no significant ated glucose uptake saw a more gradual increase (Fig. 6). In
effect of insulin infusion rate (P = 0.700) on AUCEGP, but addition, non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake increased at
showed an increase of 1.66 mmol/L (95% CI = 1.01–2.31, P < the onset of exercise and decreased when exercise ended,
0.001) during moderate exercise compared with baseline, whereas insulin-mediated glucose uptake remained elevated
versus 3.46 mmol/L (95% CI = 2.81–4.11, P < 0.001) during for longer after exercise (Fig. 6). Interestingly, the insulin-
intense exercise. When comparing moderate-to-intense exer- mediated glucose uptake started to rise around minute 150
cise, we found a significant increase of 2.14 mmol/L on before the onset of exercise, which may have been caused by

AUC of R d during moderate exercise AUC of R d during intense exercise

60 60

55 55

50 50

45 45
AUC (mmol/L)

AUC (mmol/L)

40 40

35 35

30 30

25 25

20 20
100 150 300 100 150 300
Insulin Basal Rate (%) Insulin Basal Rate (%)
Figure 5. Glucose disposal during 45 min of exercise. Red lines indicate medians, blue boxes indicate 25th–75th percentile, and horizontal black lines
indicate lower and upper adjacent. Medians for low, medium, and high insulin infusion rates during moderate exercise are 28.077 (Q1 = 26.474,
Q3 = 29.383), 34.160 (Q1 = 32.427, Q3 = 36.583), and 44.505 (Q1 = 40.842, Q3 = 46.300) mmol/L, respectively. For intense exercise, medians were 26.913
(Q1 = 24.485, Q3 = 31.247), 31.844 (Q1 = 27.006, Q3 = 39.720), and 48.558 (Q1 = 43.027, Q3 = 55.838) mmol/L, respectively. Q, mass compartment.

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Rd /%Basal Insulin (mmol/L/min) Insulin-Mediated Glucose Uptake

Moderate Exercise
0.5 Intense Exercise




150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Non-Insulin-Mediated Glucose Uptake

Rd (mmol/L/min)





150 200 250 300 350 400 450
time (min)
Figure 6. Insulin-mediated and non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake plotted across the duration of the experiment. Asterisks indicate time points where
Rd is significantly different from baseline at minutes 150. Exercise occurred during the shaded time period. 95% confidence intervals are shown in dotted

the increased dextrose infusion applied before exercise to DISCUSSION

help avoid hypoglycemia during exercise (Fig. 7). We there-
fore used the period from minute 120 to minute 150 as a base- In this paper, we present results showing how aerobic
line for comparison of changes in both insulin- and non- exercise impacts insulin- and non-insulin-mediated glucose
insulin-mediated glucose uptake during and after exercise, uptake. To the best of our knowledge, the methods that we
as shown in Fig. 6. use to calculate insulin- and non-insulin-mediated glucose
Insulin plasma levels corresponded appropriately with the uptake as a function of exercise have not been previously
insulin infusion rate during sessions, showing a rise during published. We used methods described by Shumak et al (11),
the exercise period as previously demonstrated by Mallard where non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake was determined
(19) (Fig. 8). Insulin levels showed a significant increase in participants living with T1D (resting only), by measuring
across different infusion sessions by ANOVA (P < 0.001) and glucose disposal at three different insulin infusion rates and
were significantly higher on average between low and me- then linearly extrapolating to an infusion rate of zero. We
dium (P < 0.001), medium and high (P < 0.001), and low and extended this by measuring both insulin- and non-insulin-
high (P < 0.001) sessions via paired t test. Data for free fatty mediated uptake before, during, and after different exercise
acid, glucagon, and catecholamine levels are presented in intensities to quantify how exercise impacts glucose dis-
Fig. 9. For free fatty acid levels, Student’s t test showed sig- posal. This method assumes linearity of the insulin dose-
nificance (P < 0.01) between low and high IIR sessions for response curve when extrapolating to zero insulin. The main
both moderate and intense exercise groups at all except the strength of our estimation method is that glucose uptake
200-min time point. For glucagon levels, there was signifi- was obtained directly from physiological data using a mini-
cance (P < 0.05) between low and high IIR sessions from mi- mal model blind to both insulin and exercise conditions.
nute 200 and onwards, but this did not persist after Our results show an increase in insulin-mediated glucose
accounting for exercise intensity, whereas for catecholamine disposal during exercise, which persists for several hours af-
levels, significance between moderate and intense exercise ter a single bout of aerobic exercise is completed before
groups from minute 120 to minute 200 (P < 0.05) did not per- returning to baseline. Also, the non-insulin-mediated effect
sist after accounting for insulin conditions. appears to be limited to the exercise period, rising quickly

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A Glucose Infusion Rate (ml/hr of D10%W) Glucose Infusion Rates

250 Low IIR

High IIR



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Glucose Levels Across All Subjects

B 300
Med Exercise
Intense Exercise

Glucose (mmol/L)
Glucose (mg/dL)



100 6.0

50 3.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
time (min)
Figure 7. Glucose infusion rates for each insulin infusion group and glucose levels across all study participants. A: the upper graph shows the dextrose
infusion rate for the low, medium, and high insulin infusion groups, with standard deviations. Dextrose infusion was increased at minutes 150 to limit
hypoglycemia and to allow a constant dextrose infusion rate during exercise. B: the lower graph shows average glucose levels for each exercise condi-
tion, with gray lines denoting individual study participants. The average for both conditions in shown in bold with bars indicating standard deviations.

during exercise and then dropping quickly at the end of exer- which can persist for hours, may be responsible for the
cise (Fig. 6). Other groups including Berger et al. (25) have longer term impact on glucose uptake as reported by
demonstrated that there can be a sharp increase in insulin McMahon et al. (26).
sensitivity during aerobic exercise. They showed a several- Our results also show an increase in Rd and EGP during
fold increase in plasma levels of tracer [3H]-insulin between exercise (Figs. 4 and 5), which correspond with the rise in in-
15 and 90 min after the start of exercise compared with sulin-mediated and non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake
during a rest control period. The insulin-mediated effect, (Fig. 6). There was also a clearly defined dose effect across

† †
100 * * * * * * *
Average - High IIR
Average - Med IIR Figure 8. Plasma insulin levels during
80 Average - Low IIR exercise across insulin infusion groups,
Insulin (mIU/L)

* * showing a rise in insulin plasma levels dur-

60 ing exercise, despite a constant intrave-
nous infusion rate of insulin. Shaded area,
exercise period; IIR, insulin infusion rate.
40 P < 0.01 for High vs. Med and High vs.
Low. †P < 0.0001 for minutes 200 and
20 minutes 220 insulin plasma levels com-
pared with minute 180 for Low, Med, and
0 High IIR.
90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510
Time from study start (min)

AJP-Endocrinol Metab  doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00534.2020 E433

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Average - Low IIR
400 Average - Medium IIR 400
Free Fatty 300 Average - High IIR
Acid Levels
(μmol/L) 200 200
Mean ± SD
100 100

0 0
60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
80 80
70 70
60 60
Glucagon 50 50
(ng/L) 40 40
Mean ± SD 30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
2000 2000

1500 1500
(pg/mL) 1000 1000
Mean ± SD
500 500

0 0
60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
120 200
Nor- 150
epinephrine 80
(pg/mL) 60 100
Mean ± SD
0 0
60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Figure 9. Free fatty acid, glucagon, and catecholamine levels separated by insulin infusion rate and exercise intensity. Shaded area shows the period of

insulin infusion subgroups on Rd, with Figs. 5 and 6 showing levels of fitness (27), which may have impacted the lack of
that Rd increases significantly for higher insulin infusion separation on Rd between the two study arms as well. As
conditions. Surprisingly, there was not a significant impact noted in Fig. 6, the calculation for insulin-mediated glucose
of exercise intensity on either insulin-mediated or non-insu- uptake was based on percentage of basal insulin infusion
lin-mediated glucose uptake using our methods, as com- rate rather than on insulin concentration, to equalize the
pared with the effect seen with estimates of EGP, though this assessment across varying insulin sensitivity profiles.
may be due to the fact that the levels of exercise intensity The findings reported here may be helpful as exercise
chosen for moderate and intense exercise were not suffi- metrics are incorporated into automated insulin and gluca-
ciently separated. The participants in the study had varying gon delivery systems to help prevent exercise-induced

E434 AJP-Endocrinol Metab  doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00534.2020

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hypoglycemia (6, 7, 28, 29). It may also be helpful in decision on insulin-mediated and non-insulin-mediated glucose
support systems and meal bolus calculators that rely on flux before, during, and after exercise for the purpose of
accurate estimations of insulin sensitivity that is affected by inclusion in such models.
exercise. For example, Fabris et al. report on use of a smart It is apparent in Fig. 6 that the insulin-mediated glucose
meal bolus calculator that is informed about changes in in- uptake appears to increase before exercise. This phenom-
sulin sensitivity caused by aerobic exercise. They found that enon is also apparent in Fig. 4 that shows Rd increasing
use of the exercise information to inform changes in insulin before the onset of exercise. We looked carefully at this in
sensitivity helped to reduce hypoglycemia and rescue carbo- each session and determined that this was due to an artifact
hydrates (30). of the experimental method. At minute 150, the dextrose
Models of glucose homeostasis in individuals with type 1 infusion was increased to help prevent hypoglycemia during
diabetes continue to be refined, with the inclusion of addi- exercise scheduled at minute 180. Consequently, in Fig. 6,
tional aspects of human behavior that can impact glucose the insulin-mediated glucose uptake can be seen rising
levels, such as exercise, meals, sleep, and even stressful before exercise begins, at roughly minute 150. Implementing
events by using appropriate sensors (31). The results that a delay variable for intravenous dextrose infusion into our
we present here may help enable improved glycemic con- glucose model to account for the time for infused dextrose to
trol by allowing the control algorithms to adjust insulin take effect only shifted the sudden rise in insulin-mediated
dosing based on changing insulin sensitivity; such adapt- glucose uptake but did not correct the effect. This implies a
ive changes in insulin sensitivity within models have been nonphysiological effect caused by inadequate accounting for
shown to be beneficial in adaptive controls (32). Current the sudden change in dextrose infusion rate. The absence of
guidelines provide expert advice based on observations of tracer glucose data between minutes 120 and minutes 165
glucose changes during exercise (33), but these recommen- likely contributed to this nonphysiological effect. The non-
dations from a consensus statement remain broad and do insulin-mediated glucose uptake in Fig. 6 did not show a
not provide quantitative resolution for use in control algo- similar rise before the start of exercise, suggesting that this
rithm models. This study represents a first step toward effect is not present at the extrapolated zero-insulin thresh-
quantifying and separating the dynamic effect of exercise old. In some participants, the artifact was not present as

A 0.4

Rd (mmol/L/min)





150 200 250 300 350 400 450


Rd (mmol/L/min)




150 200 250 300 350 400 450
time (min)
Figure 10. Representative Rd traces during two experiments. A: Rd for one participant that shows increase at the start of exercise as is expected. B: Rd
for another participant that shows a nonphysiological increase at minute 150 at the time that dextrose was increased to help prevent hypoglycemia dur-
ing exercise.

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shown in Fig. 10A, whereas for others, the artifact was conflict of interest has been reviewed and managed by OHSU. In
observed to start around minute 150, but then dissipated by addition, he reports research support from Xeris, Dexcom, and
minute 180 as shown in Fig. 10B. Likely, the variability in Tandem Diabetes Care. Jessica R. Castle has a financial interest in
timing of this artifact’s onset and offset caused the average Pacific Diabetes Technologies, Inc., a company that may have a
effect to appear as is in Fig. 6. commercial interest in the results of this type of research. This
potential conflict of interest has been reviewed and managed by
There are several limitations to this study. First, as noted
OHSU. In addition, she reports advisory board participation for
above there was an issue with the increase in dextrose infu-
Zealand Pharma, Novo Nordisk, Insulet, and AstraZeneca, consult-
sion before the start of exercise. Although we could have ing for Dexcom, and a U.S. patent on the use of ferulic acid to stabi-
avoided this artifact by not increasing dextrose so close to the lize glucagon. Michael C. Riddell reports grant funding from Insulet,
start of exercise, this would have increased the risk of hypo- nonfinancial support from Dexcom, and personal fees from
glycemia occurring in the participants during the study. We Medtronic, Novo Nordisk, Lilly, and Zucara. Ahmad Haidar received
wanted to keep study participants safe while also maintaining research support/consulting fees from Eli Lilly, Medtronic,
consistent dextrose infusions during the exercise period with- AgaMatrix, Tandem, and Dexcom, and has pending patents in the
out supplying an increase in dextrose to respond to a hypogly- artificial pancreas area. None of the other authors has any conflicts
cemic event. Also, there appears to be similarity between the of interest, financial or otherwise, to disclose.
change in dextrose infusion rates (Fig. 7) and the change in in-
sulin-mediated glucose uptake (Fig. 6), which may represent AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
an inherent, model-based correlation. Second, our parame- P.G.J., J.R.C., K.K., D.B., V.G., M.C.R., A.H., and J.E.Y. conceived
ters for k12 and k21 were fixed at previously published values, and designed research; J.R.C., L.M.W., K.K., D.B., V.G., F.G., and
which may have limited how the sampling method accounted J.E.Y. performed experiments; T-T.P.N., P.G.J., D.B., V.G., F.G., and
for physiological differences between patients. Finally, it is J.E.Y analyzed data; T-T.P.N., P.G.J., J.R.C., L.M.W., M.C.R., A.H.,
unclear if the methods that we used to estimate non-insulin- and J.E.Y. interpreted results of experiments; T-T.P.N., P.G.J., D.B.,
mediated glucose uptake using the linear extrapolation to V.G., and J.E.Y. prepared figures; T-T.P.N., P.G.J., J.R.C. and J.E.Y
zero insulin as described by Shumak et al. (11) are optimal. We drafted manuscript; T-T.P.N., P.G.J., J.R.C., L.M.W., K.K., M.C.R.,
could have potentially used a nonlinear extrapolation such as and J.E.Y. edited and revised manuscript; T-T.P.N., P.G.J., J.R.C.,
a Michaelis–Menton relationship between substrate concen- and J.E.Y approved final version of manuscript.
tration and reaction velocity. However, this may have
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