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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Columbio District I

Establishing a Referral System in Eday Elementary School


The well-being and academic success of students at Eday Elementary School are
paramount to its stakeholders, including the Barangay Local Government Unit
(BLGU), the Health Center, parents, teachers, and the pupils themselves. Recognizing
the need for a streamlined process to address and support various student needs, the
school embarked on establishing a comprehensive referral system. This initiative
aimed to create a structured framework for identifying, referring, and managing cases
requiring special attention, whether medical, psychological, or social. This report
outlines the steps taken, the results observed, and the action points for future

1. Stakeholder Engagement:
▪ Initial meetings were held with representatives from the BLGU, Health Center,
parents, and teachers to discuss the objectives and benefits of the referral
▪ Roles and responsibilities were clearly defined for each stakeholder, ensuring a
collaborative approach.
2. Referral Process Development:
▪ A detailed referral process was developed, including standardized forms and
documentation procedures.
▪ Clear criteria for referral were established, ensuring that students in need of
additional support were identified promptly.
3. Training and Capacity Building:
▪ Teachers and school staff received training on identifying signs of students
needing intervention and the proper referral procedures.
▪ Health Center personnel provided workshops on common health issues and
psychological concerns among children.
4. Communication Channels:
▪ Effective communication channels were established between the school, Health
Center, BLGU, and parents. This included regular meetings and an emergency
response protocol.
▪ A dedicated team was formed to handle referrals and follow-ups, ensuring that
no cases fell through the cracks.
5. Implementation and Monitoring:
▪ The referral system was piloted over three months, and its effectiveness was
closely monitored.
▪ Regular feedback sessions were conducted to address any issues and make
necessary adjustments.

The establishment of a referral system at Eday Elementary School has significantly
enhanced the ability to support students' diverse needs. By fostering a collaborative
environment among the school, BLGU, Health Center, parents, and teachers, the
system ensures that students receive timely and appropriate interventions. Initial
results indicate improved identification and management of cases, contributing to
better overall student well-being and academic performance.
Action Points
1. Continuous Improvement:
▪ Regularly review and update the referral process based on feedback and
emerging needs.
▪ Ensure ongoing training for teachers and staff to stay updated on best practices
in student support.
2. Resource Allocation:
▪ Secure funding and resources to support the sustainability of the referral
system, including dedicated personnel and materials.
3. Parental Involvement:
▪ Strengthen engagement with parents by organizing informative sessions and
creating a platform for them to share concerns and suggestions.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation:
▪ Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the
system's impact and identify areas for improvement.
▪ Conduct periodic reviews and publish reports to maintain transparency and
5. Community Partnerships:
▪ Explore partnerships with other local organizations and NGOs to enhance the
support network available to students.
▪ By continuing to refine and expand the referral system, Eday Elementary
School can ensure a holistic approach to student welfare, fostering an
environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive.

Prepared by:
School Nurse
School Head
Establishing a Referral System in Eday Elementary School

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