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CSE499 – Guideline for internship program

Department of CSE, IUB

Dear Students,

Congratulations and best of luck for your internship.

The internship guideline for Summer 2024 is given below.

Take Care.

Md Abu Sayed
Internship Coordination Taskforce
Dept of CSE, IUB


1. Registration Process of CSE499:

a. Potential Students (completed 110 credits or more) are emailed in advance to inform that, they
need to fulfill the following requirements to be able to register CSE499:
i. They MUST participate in a mandatory training program in previous semester, designed
to enhance industry-readiness and their employability to be recruited as intern
ii. Before registration, they MUST secure an organization for their internship
iii. The invitation to shortlisted students for mandatory training are normally sent towards the
beginning of the previous semester. For example:
● to qualify for Summer-24 CSE499 registration, they enrolled and completed training
in Spring-24 or earlier.
b. Without attending mandatory training and securing an organization, students can’t register CSE499
for the Summer-24.
i. After checking their status, only eligible students meeting the above requirements are
added to CSE499 by the department office.

c. If an unit within IUB wants to recruit students as intern for their project, then:
i. The unit needs to arrange campus interview session (before course registration) to
interview and screen potential students (from the student list who completed the mandatory
ii. If selected, the unit will give the student an employment/internship offer letter (paid/unpaid)
to work as an intern
iii. Since organizational/corporate experience is an essential part of intern’s learning, the
recruiting unit of IUB needs to treat the interns as an employee with an appropriate ToR
iv. These students also will present their project idea to the pre-assessment board as well
and the board will evaluate their project idea for acceptance/rejection.
v. based on the pre-assessment result:
● The department will assign an academic supervisor to the student.
● A recruiting unit representative will act as organizational supervisor.

d. Organizations are invited and an effort is made to arrange campus-interview for potential interns
who have participated in mandatory training.

e. As all students may not be able to secure an organization from campus-interview, they also need
to try on their own to secure an organization.
i. Based on feedback from supervisor(s) / students / other sources, it was found that there
were some arranged internship offered by some organizations, and we asked our students
not to do their internship from such organization
● A list of these organizations is available with the department office, and students
must consult the department office to cross check and avoid such an incident.

f. Oftentimes, the recruiting organization requires a forwarding letter from the university to recruit a
student as an intern. Therefore, the students are advised to acquire the forwarding letter/s from the
department of CGP of IUB. To get this: CSE office will review the organization names in CGP
(Career Guidance & Placement office) application form and get it approved from the HoD,
department of CSE. Based on HoD’s approval, CGP office will issue recommendation letters
addressed to your nominated organizations. Once recruited as an intern, students need to upload
their scanned Internship Offer Letter via google-form to be used as a reference for CSE499

g. All registered students of CSE499 will be enrolled to sec-1 offered in the name of the HoD.

h. All registered students will also be enrolled to a coordinated google classroom for CSE499.

2. Pre-Assessment of Project Idea, Data Collection and Assignment of Academic

a. ALL registered students will present their project idea to a pre-assessment panel, who will assess
the relevance and appropriateness of the proposed project work as a CSE internship.
b. ALL registered students must submit a primary data collection form to the department. Submission
of the data collection form is mandatory.
c. Organizational data (specially the contact details) submitted by the students will be verified by the
personnel as designated by the HoD as per the requirements. Finding any false information will
lead to a fail (F) grade for the student.
d. Based on the verified organizational data and pre-assessment result, students will be assigned an
academic supervisor. From this point, the academic supervisors will be the mentor and
responsible for continuous assessment of the progress of the intern under their

3. Modality of Pre-Assessment:

Based on the outcome of pre-assessment presentation, student need follow one of the followings options:

a. Option-1: If a student’s status is “To be continued”, then the student will continue his/her
internship work as presented in pre-assessment presentation.

b. If a student’s status is “On hold”, then after consultation with and guided by his/her
IUB-supervisor, the student needs to follow one of the following options:
i. Option-2: The student’s projected work (which is presented) needs to be enhanced /
modified, and he/she needs to present an enhanced / modified version of the projected
work to his/her IUB-supervisor within the deadline given by his/her IUB-supervisor.
● If the enhanced proposal is accepted by IUB-supervisor, the student will continue
● Otherwise, the IUB-supervisor will guide the student on how he/she can enhance /
modify his/her proposed work within the context of the same organization only,
and the student is expected to complete his/her internship as per your
IUB-supervisor’s recommendation within Summer-24.
ii. Option-3: If the student is unable to provide an enhanced-version of his/her proposed
work within the deadline given by his/her IUB-supervisor, then:
● In addition to the proposed work (which is already presented), the IUB-supervisor
will assign the student a separate DEVELOPMENT work which the student needs
to carry out under the supervision of the IUB-supervisor.
● The student is expected to complete both the work within Spring-24 and face the
final defense (presentation + demo).
iii. The student may also be on-hold, if the legitimacy of the organization is in question during
pre-assessment. In that case, after verification with satisfactory outcome only the student
may be allowed to continue in that organization.

c. If a student’s status is “Absent”, then the student needs to:

i. Give an application with proper justification to the Head of the Department through the
CSE499 coordinator.
● If the application is NOT deemed valid by the department, a fail (F) grade will be
assigned to the student.
● If the application is deemed valid by the department, the justification and his/her
work-proposal must be evaluated by a special panel formed by the HoD.
● Based on the recommendation of the panel, either the student will be assigned a
supervisor with a recommended option (option: 1/2/3), or a fail (F) grade will be
assigned to the student.
ii. NO i-grade will be given to a student who will be absent in the pre-assessment session.
d. If “Option-1: TBC” is not applicable to the student, after consultation with his/her IUB-supervisor,
the deadline to FINALIZE an alternate option (Option-2 / Option-3) is 30-June-24.

e. NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) Policy: If an organization has a strict NDA policy and the
student is unable to present the source-code during final demonstration to the panel members to
evaluate the authenticity and contribution of the student, then irrespective of the pre-assessment
result, the student MUST inform that to the panel during pre-assessment.
i. Thereafter, if the student is allowed to continue by the pre-assessment board, the
academic-supervisor will discuss with the organization and make arrangements to verify
the authenticity of the student’s claimed contribution. Mechanism of such arrangement will
be at the discretion of the academic supervisor.

f. If a student is assigned an i-grade in Spring-24:

i. If the student is continuing his/her Spring-24 work, then he/she will complete his/her
i-grade within Summer-24 under the supervision of the same IUB-supervisor only.
ii. If the student is starting his/her work in a new organization, then he/she will complete
his/her i-grade within Summer-24 under the supervision of the new IUB-supervisor
assigned by the department.

4. Engaging/Handshaking with Organizational Counterparts:

a. The department will share the submitted primary data with the student’s organizational supervisor.
b. If the pre-assessment board allows a student to continue with his/her presented internship idea,
then the student needs to prepare an abstract about his/her internship work which the student
MUST submit to google classroom. The student will also email the abstract as explained below.
i. TO: to his/her IUB-supervisor
ii. CC: to his/her organizational supervisor (using organizational supervisor’s official email
ONLY) that is available to the department
iii. CC: to internship coordinator
iv. The abstract MUST be endorsed by the student’s organizational supervisor. The student
must pursue his/her organizational supervisor to endorse the abstract by sending an email
to the corresponding IUB-supervisor & a CC to CSE499 coordinator.
c. If the student is kept on-hold, then he/she needs to prepare and submit the abstract after
consultation with his/her organizational and IUB-supervisor (as guided by his/her IUB-supervisor).
Depending on the alternate option chosen, the abstract MUST be endorsed by the student’s
d. Student’s organizational supervisor will be asked to evaluate the student’s performance towards
the end of the semester. The student needs to pursue with his/her organizational supervisor to
ensure that the evaluation feedback is given. Otherwise, the student will not be awarded any mark
for external evaluation.
i. Evaluation feedback will be asked at the Last week of August 2024.
5. Evaluation Criterion:
An intern student will be evaluated based on the following:
a. Contentious assessment on the work on progress of the student, reflected on different
components/chapters of the internship project-report
i. by the IUB-supervisor (wholly)
ii. by other panel members of your panel (partially)
b. Performance evaluation score received from organizational-supervisor
c. Final presentation of the project
d. Final demonstration of the final product
e. Score of a comprehensive google-form based exam on core subjects (data structure, algorithms,
database management, object-oriented Programming, system analysis & design, web application
& internet, software engineering).
i. The exam is designed to demonstrate overall learning of a student during his/her
four-year study at IUB relatable to internship, which is mapped with one of the
department’s Program Learning Outcome: “Life long learning”.
f. In case of non-responsiveness to meet/communicate with IUB-supervisor, the student will be
recommended a Fail grade by his/her IUB-supervisor. A student can’t simply be absent or
non-responsive and ask for an i-grade at the end of the semester.
g. Policy for recommending incomplete (I) grade:
i. The supervisor will not recommend i-grade for a student if the student is non responsive
to the supervisor and/or deliverables are not submitted to google classroom.
ii. I-grade may be recommended on medical grounds, if the student was consistent in
communicating with the supervisor and in submitting deliverables to google classroom till
his/her major illness that the supervisor wishes to consider. It is mandatory for the
student to provide genuine medical documents to his/her supervisor, which may be
iii. If the organization expresses dissatisfaction on the progress of the internship work
and/or refuses to issue internship completion certificate for a student, then the student
may be recommended an i-grade, if the student was consistent in communicating with
IUB-supervisor and in submitting deliverables to google classroom.
● However, in such cases, if the student was non responsive to IUB-supervisor
and/or deliverables were not submitted to google classroom, a fail (F) grade will
be assigned to the student.
h. Policy for returning students:
i. For a returning student who got fail (F) grade earlier:
● must repeat the whole process once again starting from attending training (if not
already done), securing organization and so on.
● As per the recommendation of the pre-assessment panel / department,
IUB-supervisor will be assigned (non necessarily the previous supervisor).
ii. For a returning student who started their internship in an organization in Autumn-23 but
got incomplete (I) grade earlier:
● Must present to the pre-assessment panel: what they have done so far in the
previous semester, and what they are going to do in the current semester to
complete the incomplete grade.
● The pre-assessment panel will assess their presentation and will recommend
option 1/2/3 to follow.
● The student will continue and complete his internship under the supervision of
the same IUB-supervisor.

6. Deliverables to Receive from Student and Mark Distribution:

Material to evaluate
Deliverable Abstract in classroom Marks Deadline Evaluator(s)

Abstract of the Project: ##

Will be verified with the
After submission, IUB-supervisor will communicate
Abstract - 25-May-24 organizational supervisor
with organizational supervisor for
by the IUB-supervisor
acknowledgement the authenticity of the abstract

Project report: ##
Part-1: Chapter(s) written on: "Problem statement, Will be evaluated by
Submission-1 8% 30-Jun-24
Literature review & Methodology" IUB-supervisor only
Part-2: Lesson Learned in part-1

Project report: ##
Part-1: Chapter(s) written on: "Project management
05-Jul-24 Will be evaluated by
Submission-2 plan and financing" 8%
IUB-supervisor only
Part-2: Lesson Learned in part-1 Google Form as
submission [date, description, hours worked]
There will be
BLIND-Evaluation of
Project report: ## submission-3 by all the
Submission-3 Part-1: Chapter(s) written on: "Body of the Project" 30% 31-Jul-24 members of the specific
Part-2: Lesson Learned in part-1 panel, and average mark
will be awarded for

Project report: ##
Will be evaluated by
Submission-4 Part-1: Chapter(s) written on: "Result and Analysis" 8% 05-Aug-24
IUB-supervisor only
Part-2: Lesson Learned in part-1

Project report: ##
Part-1: Chapter(s) written on: "Sustainability along
Will be evaluated by
Submission-5 with environmental and social effects, Future work, 8% 12-Aug-24
IUB-supervisor only
and Conclusion"
Part-2: Lesson Learned in part-1
Project report: ##
Will be evaluated by
Submission-6 Part-1: Chapter(s) written on: "Lesson Learned" 8% 19-Aug-24
IUB-supervisor only
Part-2: Lesson Learned in part-1

Will be evaluated by

Organizational Student’s organizational supervisor will be asked to However, if the

evaluate intern student’s performance till this point,
Supervisor’s 5-10% 25-Aug-24 organizational supervisor
and the feedback will be collected via point-based
evaluation does not provide any
structured questionnaire
mark, you will not be
awarded any mark for
this part
Students need to upload draft final report
Uploads for Final To be used by panel
(pdf) and final presentation (pptx) to google 10-Sep-24
Defense members
date will be
given by
presentation to
IUB supervisor

Comprehensive Based on the answer

Google form based MCQ type exam 5-10% 15-Sep-24 provided by the question
Will be evaluated by all
PowerPoint presentation by the student to the
Final presentation 10% the members of the
Panel members
specific panel
15-Sep-24 (BLIND-evalustion), and
Final Demonstration of final product/outcome by the average mark will be
demonstration student to the panel members awarded for presentation
and demonstration
The student needs to collect an internship
completion certificate from his/her organization,
completion 30-Sep-24
and need to submit the PDF to google classroom to
receive his/her grade

Total Marks 100%

** ALL marks will be collected from the IUB & organizational supervisors and other panel members via google
forms, and the coordinated grade sheet will be prepared for final grade.

7. Archival of Your Final Report:

Deadline to upload draft final report (pdf) and final presentation (pptx) to google classroom: 10-Sep-24
Turnitrin score of the draft final report (plagiarism check) checked by IUB-Supervisor need to be 15% or less

If a student miss deadline for a deliverable, then he/she will get zero (or will be penalized by the
evaluator/s while marking) for that specific deliverable

If a student does not appear on the final board for presentation and demo without consent of his/her
IUB-supervisor, his/her grade will be calculated based on previous deliverables submitted by you so far. In
that case, the IUB-supervisor may also recommend a fail (F) grade.
Deadline to upload ARCHIVABLE-FINAL-REPORT (pdf) to google classroom: 30-Jun-24
● During/after final defense, the student will collect ALL signatures on the Evaluation Committee Signature
sheet (supervisory-panel members) of his/her final report (see template), and will hand it over to his/her IUB-
supervisor to preserve.
● The IUB-supervisor will also sign the “Consent-form” to allow you to upload the archivable-version of your
final report. Your supervisor will not sign the consent-form unless you make necessary changes and corrections
suggested by your IUB-supervisor and/or supervisory-panel members before and/or during your final
○ Once corrections are made, the student’s IUB-supervisor will check the archivable final report using
Turnitin Plagiarism detection software. IUB-supervisor will NOT sign the consent form, unless the
Turnitrin score of the report is 15% or less.
○ Once completed and satisfied by your IUB-supervisor, s/he will sign the consent form and hand it back
along with the previously signed “Evaluation Committee signature sheet” to the student to collect
signatures from the coordinator and HoD.
○ Once ALL the signatures are collected, the student will scan the “Signed Consent-form” and “Fully
Signed Evaluation Committee signature sheet” and include them in the archivable-final-report pdf as
per the given template.
○ The department does not require any hard copy to be submitted by the student. However, the student
needs to submit a hard copy for IUB-Library.
○ Consented archivable final reports will be archived in GitHub. Previous final reports are already
archived in GitHub and can be found at following GitHub link:
● It is the student's responsibility to provide all the deliverables to his/her IUB-supervisor on time so that you can
get regular feedback and complete your archivable report properly within 30-Sep-24.
○ All the deliverables MUST be submitted via google classroom which will contain a digital footprint of
the submissions including timestamp.
● If a student fails to prepare his/her archivable version of the final report within 30-Sep-24, he/she will be given
an I-grade for Summer 2024, and the student needs to wait to change the grade till Autumn 2024 internship

## For details, refer to the final report template from the google classroom
(will be uploaded soon)

8. Grade range:

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F
90 to 85 to 80 to 75 to 70 to 65 to 60 to 55 to 50 to 45 to 0 to
100 <90 <85 <80 <75 <70 <65 <60 <55 <50 <45


● There will be a communication between organizational and IUB supervisor

○ Exchange feedback and/or to know about your performance at the organization
● Your organizational supervisor will also be part of your evaluation and grading
● You need to be aware of not doing your internship from a blacklisted organizations

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