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Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207


Novel findings on the bioactivities of black ginger of Vietnam

and optimization of its extraction using response surface
Thi Van Anh Nguyen1 · Thanh Hang Nguyen1 · Thi Kieu Oanh Nguyen1,2 · Phuong Nhung Nguyen3 ·
Hong Luyen Le1

Received: 1 March 2023 / Accepted: 9 April 2024 / Published online: 23 April 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2024

The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity and antithrombotic effect of the n-hexane extract from rhi-
zomes Distichochlamys citrea (DC-R), an endemic ginger species of Vietnam. Results showed that DC-R expressed a more
potent antioxidative effect against ABTS than DPPH radical (p < 0.05). DC-R contained a total phenolic content of 3.41 g
GAE/100 g and a total flavonoid content of 18.33 g QE/100 g of the dried extract. At concentrations of 1, 2 and 4 mg/mL,
DC-R reduced the percentage of platelet aggregation triggered by ADP, collagen and ristocetin in a dose-dependent manner
(Pearson’s correlation, r > 0.95, p < 0.05). DC-R also exhibited anticoagulant activity by significantly prolonging the activated
prothrombin time (APTT) at all concentrations tested (p < 0.05 compared to DMSO 0.1%). GC–MS revealed 41 volatile
components in DC-R, in which several compounds were firmly bound to receptors COX-1 and P2Y12 of the platelet aggrega-
tion and factors X and II of the blood coagulation cascades. Using response surface methodology with central composition
design, the extraction yield of DC-R reached the highest value (1.011 ± 0.008%) at optimized conditions: liquid/ solid ratio
13.5 mL/g, ultrasonic power level 80%, extraction time 30 min, and extraction temperature 34 °C.

Keywords Distichochlamys citrea · Antioxidative effect · Antiaggregatory activity · Anticoagulant activity · Optimization
of extraction · Response surface methodology

Introduction to prevent platelet aggregation (antiplatelet drugs) or blood

clot formation (anticoagulant medicines). Those agents are
In 2019, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) killed 17.9 million relatively effective but responsible for several side effects,
people, representing approximately one-third of all deaths such as bleeding and drug resistance, limiting their use
globally (WHO 2021). Heart attacks and strokes, which (Mackman et al. 2020). This fact leads to a growing need
account for more than 80% of all cardiovascular-related for safer and more potent antithrombotic agents for CDVs
deaths, are most commonly caused by thrombosis, the devel- patients. Moreover, consuming natural antioxidants is also
opment of thrombi in blood arteries (Mackman 2008). The believed to contribute considerably to reducing the risk of
main antithrombotic medications on the market now work atherosclerosis and other heart-related diseases (Allouche
et al. 2010; Halliwell 1994; Mary et al. 2003).
Distichochlamys, belonging to the Zingiberaceae family,
* Hong Luyen Le is an endemic ginger genus in Vietnam. Up to date, four Distichochlamys species have been revealed, including D.
1 citrea, D. orlowii, D. benenica, and D. rubrostriata (Larsen
Department of Life Sciences, University of Science
and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Newman 2001; Nguyen and Leong-Škorničková 2012).
and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam D. citrea, also called black ginger, has been used by local
Laboratory Mixte International of Drug Resistance people to treat many health issues, such as stimulating diges-
of Southeast Asia (LMI DRISA), Hanoi, Vietnam tion, immunity enhancement, diabetes disease, and heart
Department of Basic Science, Hanoi University of Pharmacy, diseases. Only a few reports on the chemical profile of this
Hanoi, Vietnam plant have been documented. Earlier authors showed that the

5192 Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207

principal compounds contained in D. citrea’s essential oil 2010). In each well, 10 µL of the plant extract was incubated
included α-pinene, β-pinene, β-linalool, α-terpineol, 1,8-cin- with 190 µL of DPPH (0.1 mM in methanol) at 37 °C for
eole, cis-geraniol, β-citral, and α-citral (Le et al. 2017; Pham 20 min. The absorbance of the mixture was measured at
Viet Ty et al. 2017). Similarly, limited scientific evidence 517 nm using a Microplate spectrophotometer (xMark, Bio-
on the pharmacological benefits of D. citrea has previously Rad). Ascorbic acid was used as the positive control. The
been published, such as antioxidant and alpha-glucosidase scavenging percentage was calculated as follows:
inhibitory effects (Van Chen et al. 2022), and antimicro-
bial activity (Thinh et al. 2022; Van Hue et al. 2022). But % Inhibition = 100 − ( x100%)
as far as we know, there has not been any research on the
antithrombotic properties of this plant. where As and Ac are the absorbance of the sample and the
The present study investigated the antioxidative activity control, respectively.
and the inhibitory effect of the n-hexane extract of D. cit- IC50 values are the concentration of samples that scav-
rea (DC-R) on platelet aggregation and blood coagulation enged 50% of radicals.
for the first time. Volatile components of this fraction were
identified using GC–MS. The main compounds in DC-R ABTS assay
were then docked with several platelet receptors and coagu-
lant factors to predict their potential interactions that might This study was performed according to the method of Bel-
induce the antithrombotic effect of this plant. Finally, the lik (2014). The ABTS.+ radical cation was generated by the
ultrasonic-assisted extraction of DC-R was optimized using reaction between potassium persulfate solution at 2.45 mM
response surface methodology (RSM) with central compos- in water and ABTS+ solution at 7 mM in water (ratio 1:1,
ite design (CCD). v/v) at 25 °C for 14 h in the dark. 10 μL of the plant extract
was mixed with 190 μL of the diluted solution of ABTS.+ (in
ethanol) at room temperature for exactly 10 min in the dark.
Experimental The absorbance was measured at a wavelength of 734 nm
with a microplate reader. Trolox was used as the positive
Chemicals and reagents control.

Aspirin, ticagrelor, ADP, collagen, ristocetin, heparin,

and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were provided by Sigma- Total phenolic content
Aldrich. Reagents for blood clotting assay were obtained
from Dade Behring Marburg GmbH (Marburg, Germany). The Folin–Ciocalteu assay was applied in this experiment
Reagents for antioxidant activity and hexane (LC–MS grade) according to the previous method (Ali et al. 2018). 10 μL of
were purchased from Thermo Fisher. Ultrapure water was DC-R was incubated with 95 μL of Folin–Ciocalteu reagent
taken from a Millipore System (Merck). and 95 μL of ­Na2CO3 6% at 40 °C for 15 min in a 96-well
plate. The absorbance was measured at 765 nm.
Plant materials A standard curve of gallic acid was established at con-
centrations from 31.25 to 500 μg/mL. The total phenolic
D. citrea rhizomes were collected in Thua Thien Hue prov- content (TPC) of DC-R was calculated as grams of gallic
ince, Vietnam (16.4674° N, 107.5905° E), in June 2021. acid equivalents per 100 g of dried sample (g GAE/100 g
Dr. Nguyen Quoc Binh of the Vietnam National Museum sample): TPC = (CGAE × 100)/C0.
of Nature, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology where CGAE is the concentration of gallic acid equivalent
(VAST) identified it. The Department of Life Sciences at the (g/mL) and C0 is the concentration of DC-R (g/mL).
University of Science and Technology of Ha Noi received a
voucher specimen with the identification number SH 1195. Total flavonoid content
10 g of dried rhizomes were macerated under sonication
with 100 mL of hexane for 2 h. The crude extract (DC-R: This study was done according to the previous method with
430.2 mg) was obtained after evaporation under reduced slight modifications (Ali et al. 2018). 40 μL of DC-R was
pressure and then stored at 4 °C until analysis. mixed with 10 μL of ­NaNO2 5% and incubated for 6 min at
room temperature. Then, 10 μL ­AlCl3 10% was added to the
DPPH assay mixture and the solution was set for 6 min. Finally, 80 μL
of NaOH and 60 μL of EtOH were consecutively added
This experiment was performed on 96-well plates using and incubated for another 15 min at room temperature. The
the previous method with slight modifications (Zhao et al. absorbance was measured at 510 nm.
Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207 5193

A standard curve of quercetin was made at concentrations and colleagues (Madhumita et al. 2019). 1 μL of DC-R
ranging from 15.625 to 1000 μg/mL. The total flavonoid con- was analyzed by a GC–MS system (a Thermo Scientific
tent (TFC) of DC-R was determined as grams of quercetin GC-TRACE™ 1300 combined with an MS- DSQ II). All
equivalents per 100 g of dried sample (g QE/100 g sample) runs were performed using a capillary column TG-5MS
according to the following equation: TPC = (CQE × 100)/C0. (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm) (Thermo Fischer Scientific). A
Where CQE is the concentration of quercetin equivalent gradient oven temperature was carried out with the program
(g/mL) and C0 is the concentration of DC-R (g/mL). as follows: the initial temperature of 50 °C was kept for 2 min
before being progressively raised to 180 °C at the rate of 5 °C
Blood samples preparation /min and remained at 180 °C for 3 min. The temperature was
then increased to 280 °C at 4 °C/min and kept at 280 °C for
Healthy volunteers were free of antiplatelet or anticoagulant 5 min. 1.2 mL/min of helium was used as the gas carrier. The
agents at least three weeks before the test. Briefly, blood mass scan was set for acquisition from 40 to 800 m/z. A mix-
samples were anticoagulated with 3.2% sodium citrate ture of n-alkanes (­ C8–C20) was used as a reference in calcu-
before being centrifuged at 500 rpm and then 3000 rpm for lating retention indices (KRI). The raw files were converted
10 min to obtain platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet- into cdf files by Xcalibur software (Thermo Scientific); then
poor plasma (PPP). After being collected from volunteers, processed by Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and
all blood samples were used within three hours. Identification System (AMDIS) software. Volatile compounds
were identified and quantified using the NIST mass spectral
Antiplatelet aggregation assay library (NIST27, WILEY7) and essential oil components by
GC/MS Version 4 by Robert Adams (Adams 2007).
The method described by Lordan et al. (2020) was used with
slight modifications. 50 µL of DC-R (at final concentrations Molecular docking
of 1, 2 and 4 mg/mL in DMSO 0.1%) were gently mixed
with 450 µL of PRP and incubated for 3 min at 37 °C. Then, The elucidated compounds of DC-R were docked against sev-
the platelet aggregation was triggered by several agonists eral targets to study ligand protein interactions by Autodock
such as ADP (5 µL, 10 µM), collagen (1 µL, 2 µg/mL), or Vina 4 software. The binding affinity of all 41 compounds
ristocetin (5 µL, 1.25 µg/mL). The negative control was and the positive control (aspirin and ticagrelor) to COX-1 and
DMSO 0.1%; while, the positive controls were ticagrelor at P2Y12 (PDB-IDs of 3N8Z and 4NTJ, respectively) was evalu-
0.002 mg/mL (for ADP) and aspirin at 0.1 mg/mL (for col- ated for antiplatelet aggregation. In the case of anticoagulant
lagen and ristocetin). The maximum percentage of aggrega- activity, 41 components in DC-R were docked to factor II
tion (%) was recorded by a Chrono-Log 530 VS aggregator and factor X (PDB-IDs of 5JZY and 1KSN), and the positive
(USA). All samples were tested with three blood samples. control was heparin. The structure of receptors was obtained
from Protein Data Bank (https://​www.​rcsb.​org/) and after
Anticoagulant assay ligands and solvent removal, the proteins were prepared by
Autodock Tools version 1.5.7 by adding hydrogen and assign-
This study used classical coagulant assays (Dhahri et al. ing Gasteiger charges. The structure of small molecules was
2020). Briefly, 50 μL of DC-R and 450 μL of PPP were incu- extracted from the PubChem database (https://​pubch​em.​ncbi.​
bated at 37 °C for 5 min. Then clotting reagents were added nlm.​nih.​gov/) in 2D sdf format, converted to pdb format by
to the mixture according to the machine’s instruction (ACL MarvinSketch version 22.3, and prepared to Autodock format
TOP500, USA). The APTT (activated partial thromboplas- (pdbqt) by Raccoon plugin (Forli et al. 2016) with hydrogen
tin time), PT (prothrombin time), and TT (thrombin time) addition, Gasteiger charge calculation, and torsion assignment.
values were measured after a 6 min curve was recorded. The The docking protocols were validated by redocking the co-
negative control was DMSO 0.1%, and the positive control crystallized ligands through their ability to recover the docking
was heparin 0.2 IU/mL (for APTT and TT parameters) or pose and essential interactions of the co-crystallized ligands.
2 IU/mL (for PT parameter). The experiment was done in Through docking procedures, the binding affinity of mol-
triplicate. ecules in DC-R and positive controls with specific receptors
was evaluated by the best pose’s binding energy (BE) (kcal/
GC–MS analysis mol). Ligand protein interaction was visualized by Discovery
Studio Visualizer.
The analysis of volatile components in DC-R was investi-
gated with some modifications to the method of Madhumita
5194 Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207

Optimization of DC‑R extraction yield 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 °C; while, the other parameters were
kept constant at 30%, 10:1 mL/g, and 15 min, respectively.
Ultrasound‑assisted extraction

2 g of D. citrea rhizomes powder was soaked with 100 mL Screening of factors

of n-hexane in an ultrasonic bath (WUC-D22H, 528 W,
40 kHz, Daihan, Korea) with the ultrasonic power levels The four factors mentioned above were simultaneously
ranging from 30 to 100%. Several extraction conditions investigated to determine their effect on the response of
were varied using preliminary single factor experiments. the experiment. Two levels (high and low) for each factor
Then, the extract was obtained after being centrifuged at were chosen from the preliminary studies, as shown in
10,000 rpm for 10 min and filtered to remove the solid resi- Table 1. A total of 8 experiments were carried out. Minitab
dues. Next, a rotary evaporator was employed to remove the statistical software (Release 18, Minitab Inc.) was used to
solvent at 50 °C. Each experiment was performed twice, and analyze the data of this study statistically.
the extraction yield was calculated as follows:
Yield(%) = × 100 Optimization of extraction yield

where me is the mass of DC-R extract, and ms is the mass of Using RSM, CCD with axial points was used to assess
the dried sample. the effective combinations of several variables needed to
optimize the yield of DC-R extraction. The range of each
Single factor experiments significant extraction parameter was chosen based on the
result of the screening step: the ratio between solvent and
The impact of four factors, including liquid/ solid ratio, dried material from 5:1 to 15:1 mL/g, and extraction tem-
level of ultrasonic power, extraction time, and extraction perature from 30 °C to 60 °C. A total of 14 experiments
temperature was evaluated by varying one factor while generated with six replications at central points for the
holding the other three constants. For instance, the effect complete design matrix of CCD was presented in Table 2.
of ultrasonic power was examined at levels 30, 40, 60, A second-order polynomial model, represented in the
80, and 100%; while, the extraction time, extraction tem- equation below, was used to fit all the experimental results:
perature, and liquid/ solid ratio were, respectively, set at Y = X0 + XA A + XB B + XAA A2 + XBB B2 + XAB AB
15 min, 40 °C, and 10:1 mL/g. The impact of extraction
time on the yield of DC-R was studied at 5, 15, 30, 60, where Y is the predicted extraction yield, X0 is the offset
and 90 min with the ultrasonic power of 30%, the extrac- term, XA , XB are the regression coefficients for factors A
tion temperature of 40 °C, and the liquid/ solid ratio of and B, XAA , XBB are quadratic effects, and XAB is interaction
10:1 mL/g. The effect of the liquid/ solid ratio was exam- effects. A and B are liquid/ solid ratio, and extraction tem-
ined from 5:1 to 30:1 mL/g; while, the ultrasonic power, perature, respectively. The matrix of experimental design,
extraction temperature, and extraction time were kept at regression coefficients, and graphical optimization was ana-
30%, 40 °C, and 15 min, respectively. Five temperature lyzed by using Design expert version 12 software.
points were chosen to examine the impact of temperature,

Table 1  Fractional factorial Run Ratio (mL/g) Temperature Power (%) Time (min) Extraction yield (%)
design with the mean of (°C)
extraction yield for each run
1 5 30 30 5 0.253 ± 0.004
2 15 60 30 5 1.020 ± 0.038
3 5 60 80 5 0.390 ± 0.010
4 15 30 80 5 0.707 ± 0.018
5 5 60 30 30 0.328 ± 0.002
6 15 30 30 30 0.722 ± 0.008
7 5 30 80 30 0.395 ± 0.010
8 15 60 80 30 0.953 ± 0.010
Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207 5195

Table 2  Experiment design Run Ratio (mL/g) Temperature Power (%) Time (min) Extraction yield (%)
matrix of the central composite (oC)
1 6.5 55.6 80 30 0.750 ± 0.014
2 10 45 80 30 0.850 ± 0.011
3 10 45 80 30 0.848 ± 0.006
4 13.5 55.6 80 30 0.915 ± 0.013
5 10 45 80 30 0.854 ± 0.020
6 6.5 34.4 80 30 0.545 ± 0.002
7 13.5 34.4 80 30 0.992 ± 0.006
8 10 45 80 30 0.862 ± 0.004
9 5 45 80 30 0.506 ± 0.018
10 10 60 80 30 0.906 ± 0.018
11 10 45 80 30 0.860 ± 0.017
12 10 30 80 30 0.823 ± 0.023
13 15 45 80 30 1.028 ± 0.007
14 10 45 80 30 0.851 ± 0.009

Statistical analysis essential oil of Z. officinale rhizomes also had a significantly

higher ­IC50 value (110.14 mg/mL) (Bellik 2014) than DC-R
GraphPad Prism 9.1 software was used to analyze the data of ­(IC50 = 1.50 mg/mL) when scavenging ABTS radical. In this
this study statistically. Data were determined as mean ± SD. study, the TPC value of DC-R (3.41 g GAE/100 g extract)
Group means were compared using an independent t test seemed to be smaller than the one of Z. officinale rhizomes
and one-way ANOVA. Differences were significant when (60.34 mg GAE/g extract), but the TFC of DC-R (18.33 g
p < 0.05. QE/100 g extract) was found to be much higher than the
content of flavonoid in Z. officinale (40.25 mg QE/g extract)
(Ali et al. 2018).
Results and discussion Earlier studies led to the suggestion that the antioxidant
activity of DC-R may be possibly associated with the pres-
Antioxidant activity ence of several major volatile components such as citral (Shi
et al. 2016), β-selinene (Chandra et al. 2017) or eucalyptol
DC-R exerted an antioxidative effect in a concentration- (Lee and Shibamoto 2001). Moreover, the ability to scav-
dependent manner (Pearson’s correlation, r > 0.995, enge free radicals of DC-R might come from many minor
p < 0.01) against both DPPH and ABTS radicals (Table 3). constituents with strong antioxidative effects, such as n-hex-
In addition, the ­IC50 obtained for ABTS was significantly adecanoic acid Kalpana Devi et al. (2012), β-bisabolene
lower than DPPH (1.50 vs. 2.26 mg/mL, respectively). How- (Kazemi and Rostami 2015) or β-sesquiphellandrene (Zhao
ever, the extract exhibited much higher I­ C50 values than the et al. 2010).
positive controls (p < 0.001). The TFC value (18.33%) of
DC-R was remarkably more elevated than the TPC value Antiplatelet aggregation activity
(3.41%) (p < 0.01).
In the literature, the DPPH scavenging capacity of ginger Three agonists ADP, collagen and ristocetin were used to
Zingiber officinale fractions (­ IC50: 2.81 to 5.57 mg/mL) (Yeh induce platelet aggregation. Figure 1 showed that DC-R
et al. 2014) seemed to be weaker than the effect of black gin- reduced the percentage of platelet aggregation triggered
ger in the present study ­(IC50: 2.26 mg/mL). Similarly, the by all agonists in a dose-dependent manner (Pearson’s

Table 3  Antioxidant activity of Sample DPPH ­(IC50, mg/mL) ABTS ­(IC50, mg/mL) TPC (g TFC (g QE/100 g DW)
DC-R GAE/100 g

Positive control 0.008 ± 0.002 0.009 ± 0.005

DC-R 2.26 ± 0.06 1.50 ± 0.04 3.41 ± 0.16 18.33 ± 1.08
5196 Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207

Fig. 1  Effect of DC-R on the maximum percentage of the plate-

let aggregation. (−) The negative control, ( +) The positive control,
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 compared to the negative control
Fig. 2  Effect of DC-R on the coagulation time (s). (−) The negative
control, ( +) The positive control, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001
compared to the negative control
correlation, r > 0.95, p < 0.05). DC-R significantly inhibited
the platelet aggregation at 2 and 4 mg/mL compared to the
negative control (p < 0.05). Moreover, the highest percent- clots following the intrinsic pathway were represented by
age of inhibition (%I = 61.8 ± 3.5) was obtained by DC-R at the APTT parameter; the PT parameter demonstrated the
4 mg/mL in the case of ADP. However, DC-R at all doses extrinsic coagulation pathway, and the common coagula-
showed a considerably less potent inhibitory impact than the tion pathway where fibrin is generated from fibrinogen was
positive control, regardless of the agonists used (p < 0.01). represented by TT value. Results showed that DC-R sig-
Platelet aggregation is primarily attributed to thrombo- nificantly increased the APTT value at all concentrations
sis; thus, antiplatelet agents would be crucial in decreasing tested (p < 0.05), but it possessed no prolongation effect on
the risk of thrombosis and cardiovascular-related diseases two other parameters (p > 0.05 compared to DMSO 0.1%)
(Mackman et al. 2020). Several in vitro and in vivo stud- (Fig. 2). The extract exhibited remarkably lower APTT, PT,
ies on the antiplatelet aggregation of ginger Z. officinale and TT compared to heparin (p < 0.001).
were reported a long time ago. In the 1980s, Srivastava and Like the antiplatelet aggregation activity, Z. officinale was
colleagues demonstrated the inhibitory effect of this gin- also documented to have an inhibitory effect on blood coag-
ger species on various agonists-induced platelet aggrega- ulation. An aqueous extract of rhizomes Z. officinale was
tion (Srivastava 1984; Srivastava and Mustafa 1989). The shown to significantly inhibit the in vitro blood coagulation
n-hexane extract of ginger also reduced platelet thrombox- by increasing prothrombin time (Taj Eldin et al. 2016). In
ane formation and platelet aggregation (Srivastava 1986). 2017, Ajala and colleagues showed that the ginger’s metha-
Primarily, gingerol isolated from Z. officinale remarkably nol extract remarkably exhibited an in vivo prolongation
inhibited aggregating of platelets triggered by collagen, of three coagulation pathways in rats (Ajala et al. 2017).
arachidonic acid, or thrombin (Guh et al. 1995). In 1997, Recently, sulfated ginger extracts were shown to effectively
a three months study performed on those with coronary prolong clotting times through different pathways (Abd
artery disease indicated a considerable restraint of ADP and El-Hameid et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020). In the current
epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation by a 10 g-dose of study, the non-polar fraction of Vietnamese black ginger was
ginger powder each day (Bordia et al. 1997). More recently, able to inhibit blood coagulation only through the intrinsic
ginger was considered a potential antithrombotic agent by pathway by extending the APTT parameter. The possible
reducing platelet thromboxane-B2 ­(TXB2) production in rats interaction between components in DC-R and receptors of
with daily oral administration of 500 mg/kg for four weeks the intrinsic coagulation pathway was predicted in further
(Thomson et al. 2002). In the current study, DC-R exerted studies.
the inhibitory effect for all three agonists. This finding added
scientific evidence of the anti-aggregatory effect of D. citrea Volatile components analysis
for the first time.
A total of 41 compounds accounted for 98.95% of the
Anticoagulant activity extract were annotated by matching their retention times
and the similarity in the mass spectra with those that were
In this experiment, DC-R was investigated for its anti- dedicated in the libraries (Table 4). In detail, the oxygen-
coagulant activity through three parameters: the blood ated hydrocarbons represented the highest abundance with
Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207 5197

Table 4  Volatile components in DC-R

ID KRI RI Chemical name Formula %

1 1027 1032 Eucalyptol C10H18O 6.67

2 1162 1176 Rosefuran epoxide C10H14O2 0.83
3 1167 1177 Terpinen-4-ol C10H18O 1.62
4 1169 1184 E-Isocitral C10H16O 0.76
5 1181 1189 α-Terpineol C10H18O 2.88
6 1234 1240 Neral C10H16O 14.69
7 1269 1270 Geranial C10H16O 17.24
8 1298 1300 Geranyl formate C11H18O2 0.25
9 1388 1382 Geranyl acetate C12H20O2 12.18
10 1397 1391 β-Elemene C15H24 1.19
11 1404 1404 Vanillin C8H8O3 0.52
12 1410 1391 Sesquithujene < 7-epi- > C15H24 0.42
13 1421 1415 cis-α-Bergamotene C15H24 0.35
14 1452 1447 cis-Eudesma-6,11-diene C15H24 0.49
15 1463 1454 Humulene C15H24 0.48
16 1463 1464 Sesquisabinene C15H24 0.47
17 1485 1492 4a,8-Dimethyl-2-(prop-1-en-2-yl)-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7-octahydronaphthalene C15H24 0.44
18 1498 1486 β-Selinene C15H24 14.04
19 1506 1494 α-Selinene C15H24 1.55
20 1517 1509 β-Bisabolene C15H24 1.53
21 1521 1514 β-Curcumene C15H24 0.4
22 1533 1524 β-Sesquiphellandrene C15H24 1.58
23 1567 1581 trans-Sesquisabinene hydrate C15H26O 0.61
24 1595 1581 Caryophyllene oxide C15H24O 0.93
25 1610 1596 Guaiol C15H26O 0.26
26 1621 1606 Humulene epoxide II C15H24O 0.51
27 1670 1660 Intermedeol C15H26O 0.87
28 1677 1678 Aromadendrene oxide-(2) C15H24O 1.66
29 1695 1698 4-(1,5-Dimethylhex-4-enyl)cyclohex-2-enone C14H22O 1.52
30 1803 1809 Ambrial C16H26O 0.65
31 1904 1909 3a,9-Dimethyldodecahydrocyclohepta[d]inden-3-one C16H26O 1.2
32 1942 1960 m-Camphorene C20H32 0.5
33 1966 1962 geranyl-α-terpinene C20H32 0.48
34 1981 1968 n-Hexadecanoic acid C16H32O2 2.5
35 2063 2150 Pallensin C15H20O4 0.32
36 2133 2113 6-Methyl-4,6-bis(4-methylpent-3-en-1-yl)cyclohexa-1,3-dienecarbaldehyde C20H30O 2.2
37 2161 2141 Oleic acid C18H34O2 1.13
38 2184 2172 Octadecanoic acid C18H36O2 0.42
39 2248 2251 Androstan-17-one, 3-ethyl-3-hydroxy-, (5α)- C21H34O2 0.4
40 2366 2383 (E)-Labda-8(17),12-diene-15,16-dial C20H30O2 0.82
41 2682 2777 Geranyl palmitate C26H48O2 1.41
Diterpenes (2 compounds: 32, 33) 0.98
Sesquiterpenes (12 compounds: 10, 12, 13, 14–22) 22.94
Oxygenated hydrocarbons (27 compounds: 1–9, 11, 23–41) 75.03
Total 98.95

RT Retention time, KRI Calculated Retention Index, RI Theory Retention Index reported by library
5198 Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207

Table 5  BE of top compounds with platelet receptors and coagulation factors
For platelet receptors
No Chemical name % in DC-R COX-1 (kcal/mol) P2Y12

1 Sesquithujene < 7-epi- > 0.42 − 7.7 − 7.3

2 Eudesma-6,11-diene < cis- > 0.49 − 7.8 − 6.7
3 Curcumene < beta- > 0.40 − 8.3 − 7.6
4 Sesquiphellandrene < beta- > 1.58 − 8.0 − 7.7
5 Guaiol 0.26 − 6.9 − 8.7
6 4-(1,5-Dimethylhex-4-enyl) cyclohex-2-enone 1.52 − 7.7 − 7.2
7 m-Camphorene 0.50 − 7.6 − 8.5
8 Geranyl-α-terpinene 0.48 − 7.2 − 8.8
9 Androstan-17-one, 3-ethyl-3-hydroxy-, (5α)- 0.40 − 4.3 − 7.9
10 Aspirin − 6.9
11 Ticagrelor − 8.9
For coagulation factors
No Chemical name % in DC-R Factor X (kcal/mol) Factor
II (kcal/

1 Geranyl-α-terpinene 0.48 − 7.7 − 7.2

2 m-Camphorene 0.50 − 7.5 − 8.0
3 Pallensin 0.32 − 7.5 − 7.8
4 Selinene < beta- > 14.04 − 7.2 − 6.8
5 6-Methyl-4,6-bis(4-methylpent-3-en-1-yl) cyclohexa-1,3-di- 2.2 − 7.2 − 7.2
6 α-Selinene 1.55 − 7.0 − 6.8
7 Heparin − 4.9 − 2.6
8 Apixaban − 9.2
9 Pegnivacogin − 6.0

75.03%, followed by sesquiterpenes (22.94%) and diterpenes Therefore, the anticoagulant action of DC-R might come
(0.98%). The main volatile constituents in DC-R included from minor constituents or the synergic effect of compounds
geranial (17.24%), neral (14.69%), β-selinene (14.04%), in this extract.
geranyl acetate (12.18%), and eucalyptol (6.67%). Besides the antiplatelet effect, geranial and eucalyptol in
In the literature, 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol, 23.0%), (E)-cit- DC-R were shown to display several pharmacological effects
ral (geranial, 18.9%), (Z)-citral (neral, 15.0%), and geraniol such as anti-inflammatory activity (Juergens et al. 2003;
(9.3%) were reported by earlier workers as the key compo- Liao et al. 2015), immunomodulatory capacity (Farhath
nents of D. citrea rhizome oils (Le et al. 2017). The variation et al. 2013), and the inhibition of human 5-HT3 receptors
of chemical composition and each component’s yield of the (Jarvis et al. 2016) or the treatment of chronic diseases (Seol
same species might be due to the location of the sample, and Kim 2016). Moreover, other key components in DC-R,
cultivars, the extraction method, or other environmental fac- such as neral and geranyl acetate also showed potential in
tors. Among volatile components elucidated from DC-R, treating different types of cancer (Qi et al. 2018; Quintans-
several compounds were demonstrated to have an inhibition Júnior et al. 2013; Silva et al. 2022), making them com-
action on platelet aggregation, such as citral (Huang et al. pounds of great therapeutic value.
2017), eucalyptol (Alatawi et al. 2021), oleic acid (Nunez
et al. 1990) or caryophyllene oxide (Lin et al. 2003). These
compounds’ presence might contribute to the anti-aggre- Molecular docking
gatory effect of DC-R. However, the main compounds in
DC-R, such as geranial, neral, β-selinene, or eucalyptol were According to the above result, DC-R exhibited a good
not previously documented to prolong coagulation time. inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation and an inhibition
Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207 5199

Fig. 3  Interactions of top ligands to COX-1

action on blood coagulation through the intrinsic pathway by carboxylic group and hydrogen of a residue in the protein
prolonging the APTT parameter. Therefore, 41 compounds (SerA:530), as well as the alkyl—alkyl or alkyl—π inter-
elucidated by GC–MS from this extract were docked against action. Meanwhile, compounds in DC-R were bound to
two typical receptors in the aggregation process, including the receptor mainly by the later interactions and, in some
COX-1 and P2Y12, and two factors involved in the intrinsic cases, Van der Waals force (Fig. 3). This might explain the
pathway, including FX and FII. weaker inhibitory effect of DC-R than the positive controls
on platelet aggregation.
For P2Y12, geranyl-α-terpinene (BE = − 8.8 kcal/
Antiplatelet targets mol), guaiol (BE = − 8.7 kcal/mol), and m-camphorene
(BE = − 8.5 kcal/mol) from DC-R showed the highest
Docked compounds exhibited a wide range of binding affin- affinity to the receptor, which is close to the affinity of
ity, and the binding energy (BE) of top molecules and the ticagrelor. Apart from hydrogen bonds, π—π stacking,
positive controls were shown in Table 5. especially the stacking between TyrA:105 and an aromatic
For COX-1, several constituents of DC-R had better ring of ligand, plays a vital role in strengthening the bind-
BE than aspirin used as the positive control. Compounds ing of ligands and P2Y12 (Fig. 4).
with the strongest binding affinity to the receptor, such as
β-curcumene (BE = − 8.3 kcal/mol), β-sesquiphellandrene
(BE = − 8.0 kcal/mol), or cis-eudesma-6,11-diene Anticoagulant targets
(BE = − 7.8 kcal/mol) were found as minor compounds
in DC-R. The interaction of aspirin with the protein was Many compounds of DC-R had a stronger affinity with FX
stabilized by hydrogen bonding between the oxygen of the and FII than heparin (− 4.9 and − 2.6 kcal/mol for factors
5200 Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207

Fig. 4  Interactions of top ligands to P2Y12

X and II) but were weaker than other standard compounds Optimization of DC‑R extraction
(Table 5).
For factor X, apixaban has a high affinity to the recep- Single factor experiments
tor with BE of − 9.2 kcal/mol. This fact can be explained
by the contribution of many π—π stacking interac- The impact of each independent variable on the DC-R’s
tions between aromatic amino acid residues (TrpA:215, extraction yield was shown in Fig. 7. The result given in
TyrA:99, PheA:174) and phenyl group as well as amide—π Fig. 7a indicated that the extraction efficiency was improved
stacking of CysA:191 and SerA:214 with six-member aro- with the increase in the ultrasound power from 30 to 80%.
matic ring (Fig. 5). Heparin had low BE of − 4.9 kcal/mol This was in agreement with the basis of mass transfer since
although this ligand can form multiple hydrogen bonds the higher ultrasound power caused extensive cavitation,
with the receptor. Geranyl-α-terpinene displayed the best quickly disrupting the plant tissue, and thereby enhancing
BE (− 7.7 kcal/mol), but the binding affinity with factor X the extraction of intracellular compounds into the solvent
remained weaker than apixaban. The weaker interactions (Samaram et al. 2015). However, the yield sharply dropped
of tested compounds to the receptor may be due to the when the ultrasound power exceeded 80%. This could be due
absence of stacking interactions. to the loss or degradation of volatile compounds because
Similarly, the ligand with π—π and amide—π stack- of the thermal reaction at a high ultrasound power value
ing interactions, such as m-camphorene, show good BE (Mohammadpour et al. 2019). Therefore, 30–80% range
(− 8.0 kcal/mol) to factor II (Fig. 6). Heparin has a high power was chosen for the subsequent experiments.
polarity, so it mainly forms hydrogen bonds with the Figure 7b showed that the liquid/ solid ratio increas-
receptor and the interaction with factor II is even weaker ing from 5:1 to 15:1 mL/g resulted in significant growth
than that with factor X. Like Heparin, pegnivacogin did in extraction yield, reaching a peak at a ratio of 15:1 mL/g.
not create stacking interaction; hence, its binding energy Because of the possibility that the high rate of solvent-to-
is also low (− 6 kcal/mol). sample increased the solvent’s diffusivity into the cell, lead-
ing to a higher extraction efficiency. However, the extraction
Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207 5201

Fig. 5  Interactions of top ligands to factor X

yield significantly decreased as the liquid/ solid ratio rose. extraction yield. From Fig. 7c, increasing extraction time
The presence of excess solvent had a detrimental effect on resulted in a rise in the extraction yield of DC-R until get-
the intense cavitation due to the viscosity of the medium. ting a maximum value of 0.872% at 30 min. However, pro-
In the wave function’s rarefaction zone, negative pressure longed extraction time over 30 min led to a slight decline
was necessary for cavitation to emerge to resist the forces in extraction efficiency, possibly because some components
of nature that act cohesively (Xu et al. 2014). Hence, the were degraded or oxidized by prolonged exposure to ultra-
higher viscosity of the solvent, the higher the cohesive forces sonic settings (Tiwari et al. 2009). As a result, the extraction
would be, which might result in lowering cavitation phenom- time ranging from 5 to 30 min was selected for the future
ena (Gogate and Pandit 2004). Consequently, the suitable experimental design.
range of liquid/ solid ratio was determined to be from 5:1 As illustrated in Fig. 7d, the extraction yield of DC-R
to 15:1 mL/g. increased by about 52.6% when the temperature was raised
The extraction process by UAE method contains two from 30 °C to 60 °C. An increase in extraction tempera-
steps: washing process and slow diffusion. Washing is the ture referred to a rise in cavitation bubbles, enhancing the
first stage to extract bioactive compounds on the sample’s extraction efficiency (Febriana et al. 2016). Nevertheless,
surface. Then, the compounds inside the cell plant are it is witnessed a detrimental effect on extraction efficiency
transferred into solvent through slow diffusion. Therefore, at a temperature higher than 60 °C. The breakdown of
increasing the extraction time resulted in increasing the numerous chemicals may have produced this observation
5202 Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207

Fig. 6  Interactions of top ligands to factor II

during extraction at an unusually high temperature or by significantly impacted the response (p < 0.05). On the con-
the vaporization of solvent, which caused the solvent loss trary, other factors’ effects and interactions were insignifi-
(Khemakhem et al. 2017). Again and colleagues (Again cant (p > 0.05), not presented in Table 6.
et al. 2022) also obtained the maximum extraction yield
of antioxidative compounds from Bentong ginger at 60 °C. Response surface optimization
Hence, the chosen temperature applied for extraction
ranged between 30 °C and 60 °C. The Model F-value of 179.08 with p < 0.05 indicated the
model’s validity (Table 7). As observed, A, B, AB, and A2
were significant model terms. It is seen that the liquid/ solid
Determinant factors affecting the extraction yield ratio and extraction temperature were the main determi-
nant parameters of the response. The model’s coefficient of
Table 6 displays the results of the analysis of variance determination (R2) was 0.9922, and the predicted (R2) was
(ANOVA), which included the regression coefficients for 0.9200, which means the regression model could be consid-
the intercept, linear, and terms that interacted with one ered to navigate future outcomes. The response of the model
another in the model. The model was statistically signifi- was expected using the following equation:
cant (p value = 0.001, F = 55.30).
The regression model's coefficient (R2) is 0.9765, indi- Y = −0.9535 + 0.2081 × A + 0.0205 × B − 0.0018
cating that it accurately fits the data and may be used to × AB − 0.0037 × A2 + 0.00001 × B2
forecast future results. Table 6 showed that the liquid/
solid ratio, extraction temperature, and their interaction
Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207 5203

Fig. 7  Effect of ultrasonic power level (a), liquid/solid ratio (b), extraction time (c), and extraction temperature (d) on the DC-R’s extraction
yield (%)

variables but also to attain the best value of each factor for
Table 6  ANOVA for screening factor experiments
the outcome of the experiments (Dang et al. 2017).
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value p value The obtained result identified variable levels that favor
the desired extraction efficiency. Figure 8 illustrates the
Model 3 0.59331 0.197769 55.30 0.001
impact of two significant factors on the DC-R’s extraction
Linear 2 0.56518 0.282591 79.02 0.001
yield at a fixed extraction time (30 min), and ultrasonic
A-Ratio 1 0.51832 0.218320 144.94 0.000
power (80%). Increasing the extraction temperature to a
B-Temperature 1 0.04686 0.046862 13.10 0.022
specific value (optimum point) with increasing the liq-
2-Way Interactions 1 0.02812 0.028124 7.86 0.049
uid/ solid ratio enhanced extraction efficiency. Based on
Ratio*Temperature 1 0.02812 0.028124 7.86 0.049
Eq. (1), the best parameters for the highest extraction yield
Error 4 0.01430 0.003576
of DC-R were the liquid/ solid ratio of 13.5 mL/g, and
Total 7 0.60761
R2 0.9765
extraction temperature of 34.4°C. The predicted outcome
Adj.R2 0.9588
with these conditions was 1.017%.
Pred.R2 0.9058
For operational convenience, the optimal conditions
were slightly modified: liquid/ solid ratio of 13.5 mL/g,
DF Degrees of freedom, Adj SS Adjusted sum of squares, Adj MS extraction temperature of 34 °C, ultrasonic power of 80%
Adjusted mean square, Adj R2 Adjusted R2, Pred.R2 Predicted R2 and extraction time of 30 min. Three recovery experi-
ments were conducted under the adjusted extraction con-
ditions to validate the predicted model. A mean extrac-
where A is the liquid/ solid ratio, and B is the extraction tion yield obtained from verification experiments was
temperature. 1.011 ± 0.008% compared to 1.017% predicted by the
3D surface plots and 2D contour plots were constructed model (coefficient of variation % = 0.42%), demonstrat-
not only to visualize the relationship between two different ing that the anticipated model can precisely forecast the
optimum parameters of DC-R extraction.
5204 Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207

Table 7  ANOVA for the Source Sum of squares df Mean square F-value p-value Note
experimental results in the
optimization process Block 0.0005 1 0.0005
Model 0.2723 5 0.0545 179.08 < 0.0001 Significant
A-Ratio 0.2281 1 0.2281 750.15 < 0.0001 Significant
B-Temperature 0.0075 1 0.0075 24.80 0.0016 Significant
AB 0.0199 1 0.0199 65.49 < 0.0001 Significant
A2 0.0165 1 0.0165 54.33 0.0002 Significant
B2 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.0488 0.8315 Not significant
Residual 0.0021 7 0.0003
Lack of fit 0.0020 3 0.0007 28.50 0.0037 Significant
Pure error 0.0001 4 0.0000
Cor total 0.2749 13
R2 0.9922
Adjusted R2 0.9867
Predicted R2 0.9200

Fig. 8  Effect of liquid/ solid ratio and extraction temperature on DC-R extraction’s yield demonstrated by 2D-contour plot (a) and 3D-surface
plot (b)

Conclusions DC-R had a strong binding affinity to COX1 and P2Y12

receptors of the platelet aggregation and FII and FX fac-
The current work is the first study on DC-R’s antioxi- tors of the intrinsic coagulation pathway. The optimal
dant components and antithrombotic action. This extract parameters for DC-R’s extraction were determined using
showed moderate antioxidative activity but promising anti- response surface methodology to reach the highest extrac-
aggregatory and anticoagulant effects. GC–MS revealed tion yield of 1.011 ± 0.008%. In conclusion, DC-R might
that the oxygenated hydrocarbons (75.03%) dominated the be a potential source of active phytoconstituents for treat-
composition profile of DC-R, followed by sesquiterpenes ing cardiovascular-associated diseases.
(22.94%) and diterpenes (0.98%). Many constituents of
Chemical Papers (2024) 78:5191–5207 5205

Acknowledgments The authors thank the Vietnam Academy of Sci- characterization, and anticoagulant activity of a sulfated polysac-
ence and Technology (VAST) for financial support with the grant num- charide from Bursatella leachii Viscera. ACS Omega 5:14786–
ber: THTETN.09/21-23. 14795. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1021/​acsom​ega.​0c017​24
Farhath S, Vijaya P, Vimal M (2013) Immunomodulatory activity of
Declarations geranial, geranial acetate, gingerol, and eugenol essential oils:
evidence for humoral and cell-mediated responses. Avicenna J
Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest in writ- Phytomed 3:224–230
ing upon manuscript submission. Febriana ID, Kusuma HS, Galan S, Mahfud M (2016) The effect
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