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International Study and Language Institute

Progress Report
Student: Zi Yang Tey (30822590)
Degree Programme: IFP in International Foundation Programme
Programme Length: Full-time (3 terms) (05/Sep/2022 to 31/Jul/2023)

Provisional Module results as at 7 Jan 2023

Safety Net
Adjusted Full Module
Module Title Year Credits Module
Module Mark
IF0ACA Academic Skills 2022/3 20
Assessment Weight % Mark
CW Reference list & Source submission 10
CW Report 40
CW Presentation 25
CW Essay 25
IF0IBM An Introduction to Business and Management 2022/3 40
Assessment Weight % Mark
XM Final Exam 50.00
TEST EOTT1 10.00
CW Marketing report 20.00
TEST EOTT2 20.00
LW0LAW Law 2022/3 40
Assessment Weight % Mark
XM Written exam 1 35
XM Written exam 2 35
CW Contract Assignment 10
CW Tort Assignment 10
PY0PSY Psychology 2022/3 40
Assessment Weight % Mark
XM Written exam 50
CW Research Report 20
CW Case Report 10
Students should be aware that marks and grades given to them during any part of a degree programme are subject to moderation by internal and external
examiners, who may recommend changes either to the marks of a particular student or to those of a whole group. Marks remain provisional until they have
been scrutinised and approved by the appropriate Examiners’ Meeting and formally published by the University. Provisional marks are provided for guidance
only and you should be mindful that they may change before the formal publication of results.
A Mark of 70-100
B Mark of 60-69
C Mark of 50-59
D Mark of 40-49
Deemed not to have sat granted (normally used for exams) or alternative assessment granted (normally used for
E Mark of 35-39 / Mark of 0-39 (Postgraduate - level M modules)
F Fail / Mark of 0-34 / Mark of 0-39 (Foundation - level 0 modules)
F1 Fail with deemed not to have sat offered to student
G Mark of 0-29
I Mark of 60-69
ID Mark of 70-100
II Mark of 40-59
J 3rd attempt granted (normally used for Pharmacy)
NA Not assessed
P Pass
P1 Pass with deemed not to have sat offered to student
PR Student has the opportunity to resit this item of assessment
RN Result not yet available
RW Not assessed. Overall module mark will be adjusted accordingly
S Suspended
T1 Student is not allowed to resit
T2 Student has decided not to resit any items of assessment
T3 Student has decided not to resit an individual item of assessment
W Withdrawn
X Student's request for extenuating circumstances being considered
X1 Deemed not to have sat offered to student
X3 Deemed not to have sat declined by student
X6 Extension granted (including rearrangement of in-class test)
X9 Alternative reassessment method set for student
Y Academic misconduct under investigation
Y1 Academic misconduct (minor) - mark in relevant assessment has been reduced
Y2 Academic misconduct (minor/significant) - fail relevant assessment retaining right to resit
Y3 Academic misconduct (minor/significant) - fail relevant module retaining right to resit
Y4 Academic misconduct (significant) - fail relevant assessment without right to resit
Y5 Academic misconduct (significant) - fail relevant module without right to resit
Y6 Academic misconduct (major) - fail relevant modules without right to resit and cap classification to pass
YF Fail - academic misconduct under investigation
YP Pass - academic misconduct under investigation
Z Non Submission
SRL: SPR.SMM_002 / SMR.SMM_002

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