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Tổng hợp bộ từ vựng luyện thi SAT thí sinh cần biết

Từ vựng về lịch sử

Từ vựng Loại từ Phát âm Ý nghĩa

Archaeologist n /ˌɑːrkiˈɒlədʒɪst/ nhà khảo cổ học

Benevolent adj /bɪˈnevələnt/ nhân từ, nhân ái

Condone v /kənˈdəʊn/ chấp nhận, tha thứ

Enigmatic adj /ˌenɪɡˈmæt̬ ɪk/ bí ẩn, khó hiểu

Enthroned adj /ɪnˈθrəʊnd/ được kế vị, tôn làm vua

Indigenous adj /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/ bản địa

Inevitable adj /ɪˈnevɪt̬ əbəl/ không thể tránh khỏi

Obsolete adj /ˌɑːbsəˈliːt/ lỗi thời

Hierarchy n /ˈhaɪrɑːrki/ hệ thống thứ bậc

Prehistoric adj /ˌpriːhɪsˈtɒrɪk/ thời tiền sử

Prevail v /prɪˈveɪl/ chiếm ưu thế, đánh bại

Primeval adj /praɪˈmiːvəl/ nguyên thủy

Privilege n /ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ/ đặc quyền

Quaint adj /kweɪnt/ cổ, lạ

Reminisce v /ˌremɪˈnɪs/ hồi tưởng

Susceptible adj /səˈseptəbəl/ dễ bị ảnh hưởng

Tactic n /ˈtæktɪk/ chiến thuật

Từ vựng về nhân văn học

Từ vựng Loại từ Phát âm Ý nghĩa

Acclaim n /əˈkleɪm/ Hoan nghênh (tác phẩm nghệ thuật, văn


Cadence n /ˈkeɪdəns/ nhịp điệu

Chronicle n /ˈkrɒnɪkəl/ sử sách

Critics n /ˈkrɪtɪks/ nhà phê bình

Erudite adj /ˈerudaɪt/ thông thái, uyên bác

Etymology n /ˌet̬ əˈmɒlədʒi từ nguyên học


Excavate v /ˈekskəveɪt/ khai quật

Folklore n /ˈfəʊklɔːr/ văn hóa dân gian

Inspiration n /ˌɪnspɪˈreɪʃən/ nguồn cảm hứng

Laconic adj /ləˈkɒnɪk/ ngắn gọn, súc tích

Movement n /ˈmuːvmənt/ phong trào

Nature n /ˈneɪtʃər/ bản chất

Parody n /ˈpærədi/ châm biếm tác phẩm

Performance n /pəˈfɔːməns/ buổi biểu diễn

Prescient adj /ˈpreʃənt/ tiên tri

Prose n /proʊz/ văn xuôi

Renown n /rɪˈnaʊn/ danh tiếng

Tome n /toʊm/ quyển sách dày

Playwright n /ˈpleɪˌraɪt/ Nhà viết kịch, nhà soạn kịch

Từ vựng về xã hội

Từ vựng Loại từ Phát âm Ý nghĩa

Allege v /əˈledʒ/ cáo buộc

Bureaucratic adj /ˌbjʊəˈkrætɪk/ quan liêu

Coin v /kɔɪn/ tạo ra từ ngữ mới

Consensus n /kənˈsensəs/ thỏa thuận chung

Conviction n /kənˈvɪkʃən/ sự kết án

Diversity n /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ sự đa dạng

Embezzle v /ɪmˈbezəl/ biển thủ, chiếm đoạt trái phép

Exemption n /ɪɡˈzempʃən/ sự miễn (thuế)

Migrate v /ˈmaɪɡreɪt/ di cư, di trú

Philanthropic adj /ˌfɪlənˈθrɑːpɪk/ nhân ái

Policy n /ˈpɒlɪsi/ chính sách

Progression n /prəˈɡreʃən/ sự tiến bộ

Reclusive adj /rɪˈkluːsɪv/ tách biệt

Refute v /rɪˈfjuːt/ bác bỏ

Relegate v /ˈrelɪɡeɪt/ Giao cho (ai để quyết định hoặc thi

hành... )

Revenue n /ˈrevənuː/ doanh thu

Subordinate adj, n /səˈbɔːrdənət/ dưới quyền lực, cấp dưới

Squander v /ˈskwɒndər/ tiêu xài phung phí

Unfounded adj /ʌnˈfaʊndɪd/ không có chứng cứ

Urbanization n /ˌɜːbənɪˈzeɪʃən đô thị hóa


Từ vựng về khoa học tự nhiên

Từ vựng Loại từ Phát âm Ý nghĩa

Aggregate n, adj /ˈæɡrɪɡət/ tổng hợp chất

Analysis n /əˈnæləsɪs/ sự phân tích

Antiseptic n /ˌæntiˈseptɪk/ chất khử trùng

Atmospheres n /ˈætməsfɪər/ bầu khí quyển

Cognitive adj /ˈkɒɡnətɪv/ liên quan đến nhận thức

Combust v /kəmˈbʌst/ đốt cháy

Compound n /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ hợp chất

v kết hợp

Conventional adj /kənˈvenʃənəl/ thông thường

Erode v /ɪˈrəʊd/ xói mòn

Fuse v /fjuːz/ làm nóng chảy

Hypothesis n /haɪˈpɒθəsɪs/ giả thuyết

Perusal n /pəˈruːzəl/ sự nghiên cứu cẩn thận

Pragmatic adj /præɡˈmætɪk/ thực tế

Scholar n /ˈskɑː.lɚ/ học giả

Constellation n /ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃən/ chòm sao

Statistics n /stəˈtɪstɪks/ số liệu thống kê

Subject n /ˈsʌbdʒekt/ chủ đề, đối tượng nghiên cứu

Theoretical adj /ˌθɪəˈrɪtɪkl̩ / mang tính lý thuyết

Về nghề nghiệp
Từ vựng Loại từ Phát âm Ý nghĩa

Aesthetics n /esˈθetɪks/ mỹ thuật

Algorithm n /ˈælɡərɪðəm/ thuật toán

Archaeologist n /ˌɑːrkiˈɒlədʒɪst/ nhà khảo cổ học

Artisan n /ˌɑːtɪˈzæn/ nghệ nhân, thợ thủ công

Athletic adj /æθˈletɪk/ thuộc về thể thao

Cobbler n /ˈkɒblər/ thợ sửa giày

Confection n /kənˈfekʃən/ thực phẩm kẹo, đồ ngọt

Cosmetic n /kɒzˈmet.ɪk/ mỹ phẩm

adj làm đẹp, trang điểm

Cultivation n /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃən/ canh tác

Data n /ˈdeɪtə/ dữ liệu

Eminent adj /ˈemɪnənt/ lỗi lạc

Mechanization n /ˌmekənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ sự cơ giới hóa

Patent n /ˈpeɪ.tənt/ bằng sáng chế

Qualified adj /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/ có đủ năng lực, được đào tạo

Virtuoso adj /ˌvɜː.tʃuˈəʊsəʊ/ (nghệ sĩ) tài năng xuất sắc

Các từ vựng SAT phổ biến khác

Từ vựng Loại từ Phát âm Ý nghĩa

Abrupt adj /əˈbrʌpt/ đột ngột

Accessible adj /ækˈsesəbl̩ / có thể dễ dàng tiếp cận

Adhesive n /ædˈhiːsɪv/ chất dính

Ambiguous adj /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ mơ hồ

Arguable adj /ˈɑːr.ɡjʊəbl̩ / có thể tranh cãi

Bargain n, v /ˈbɑːrɡɪn/ mặc cả, thương lượng

Confer v /kənˈfɜːr/ thảo luận

Consequently adv /ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli/ do đó, kết quả là

Criteria n /kraɪˈtɪəriə/ tiêu chí

Depict v /dɪˈpɪkt/ miêu tả

Disparity n /dɪˈspærət̬ i/ sự chênh lệch

Distinguish v /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ phân biệt

Evoke v /ɪˈvoʊk/ gợi lên

Incorporate v /ɪnˈkɔːrpəreɪt/ hợp nhất

Regardless adj, adv /rɪˈɡɑːrdləs/ không quan trọng

Mitigate v /ˈmɪt̬ əɡeɪt/ làm giảm nhẹ

Occur v /əˈkɜːr/ xảy ra

Prevalence n /ˈprevələns/ sự phổ biến

Prominent adj /ˈprɒmɪnənt/ nổi bật

Relative adj /ˈrelətɪv/ tương đối

n người thân

Substantial adj /səbˈstænʃəl/ đáng kể, có ý nghĩa lớn lao

Đây là danh sách các từ vựng SAT, sắp xếp theo thứ tự từ được xuất hiện nhiều
nhất cho đến ít nhất:
● aesthetic (adj.) – concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty (49%)
● undermine (v.) – to damage or weaken the foundation; sabotage (49%)
● profound (adj.) – having great depth or insight (45%)
● refute (v.) – to prove false; overthrow by argument (45%)
● skeptical (adj.) – doubtful; disbelieving (45%)
● ambivalent (adj.) – having mixed feelings (44%)
● hostile (adj.) – unfriendly; having ill will (44%)
● condemn (v.) – to express strong disapproval of (40%)
● assert (v.) – to confidently make a statement (38%)
● nostalgia (n.) – a longing for the past (38%)
● pretense (n.) – a false appearance or action intended to deceive (38%)
● cynical (adj.) – wary of people’s motives; believing people are selfish (36%)
● obscure (adj.) – unclear; hard to perceive (36%)
● convention (n.) – accepted tradition or practice (35%)
● contempt (n.) – a feeling that someone is inferior or worthless; scorn (33%)
● foster (v.) – to bring up; nurture (33%)
● pragmatic (adj.) – practical; concerned with usefulness in the real world
● revere (v.) – to regard with respect and awe (33%)
● anecdote (n.) – short personal story (31%)
● disparage (v.) – to speak of someone in a disrespectful way; belittle (31%)
● exemplary (adj.) – perfect; worthy of following (31%)
● substantiate (v.) – to support with proof; verify (31%)
● trivial (adj.) – of little significance or value; unimportant (31%)
● depict (v.) – to represent in words; describe (29%)
● indifferent (adj.) – having no concern; uncaring; apathetic (29%)
● anthropology (n.) – the study of humans and society (27%)
● futile (adj.) – useless or ineffective; having no useful result (27%)
● indignant (adj.) – filled with anger and resentment (27%)
● reconcile (v.) – to settle or resolve; to unite (27%)
● sarcasm (n.) – a cutting, ironic remark to mock something (27%)
● abstract (adj.) – theoretical; difficult to understand (25%)
● advocate (v.) – to support a cause or position (25%)
● ambiguous (adj.) – unclear; open to interpretation (25%)
● eccentric (adj.) – weird or odd; having a wacky personality (25%)
● implausible (adj.) – hard to believe; unrealistic (25%)
● intemperate (adj.) – having no self-control; reckless and wasteful (25%)
● plausible (adj.) – believable; credible (25%)
● rhetoric (n.) – the art of using language effectively and persuasively (25%)
● rigorous (adj.) – extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate (25%)
● subtle (adj.) – difficult to detect or describe (25%)
● temperate (adj.) – having self-control; exercising moderation (25%)
● archaeological (adj.) – related to the study of people and their history (24%)
● arrogant (adj.) – having a sense of superiority or self-importance (24%)
● complacent (adj.) – self-satisfied to the point of being unconcerned (24%)
● embellish (v.) – to make beautiful; to decorate (24%)
● evoke (v.) – to bring forth or call to mind, especially feelings (24%)
● immodest (adj.) – lacking humility or decency (24%)
● modest (adj.) – humble (24%)
● prudent (adj.) – wise in handling practical matters; having good judgment
● suppress (v.) – to put an end to forcibly; bring under control (24%)
● vindicate (v.) – to clear from accusation, blame or suspicion (24%)
● deride (v.) – to treat with ridicule or contempt (22%)
● diligent (adj.) – hard-working (22%)
● disdain (v.) – to treat with contempt; despise (22%)
● empathy (n.) – an understanding of another’s situation and feelings (22%)
● erroneous (adj.) – mistaken (22%)
● fundamental (adj.) – basic; elementary (22%)
● improvise (v.) – to invent or perform with no preparation (22%)
● mundane (adj.) – everyday and dull; boring (22%)
● naive (adj.) – showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment (22%)
● superficial (adj.) – shallow; having no depth of character (22%)
● whimsical (adj.) – playful and fanciful; imaginative; childlike (22%)
● alleviate (v.) – to relieve pain (20%)
● antagonize (v.) – to cause someone to become hostile or unfriendly (20%)
● bolster (v.) – to support or build up something (20%)
● capricious (adj.) – impulsive and unpredictable (20%)
● convoluted (adj.) – complicated or confusing (20%)
● digress (v.) – to stray from the main topic (20%)
● diminish (v.) – to make smaller; to reduce (20%)
● dispute (v.) – to argue about; debate (20%)
● dubious (adj.) – having doubts; undecided (20%)
● eloquent (adj.) – having persuasiveness and expressiveness as a
communicator (20%)
● indulge (v.) – to give in to desires excessively, esp. with food or drink (20%)
● precedent (n.) – an earlier case or event that is now considered a guide for
similar cases (20%)
● reprehensible (adj.) – blameworthy; terrible (20%)
● resilient (adj.) – able to withstand difficulty; flexible (20%)
● satire (n.) – the use of humor, exaggeration, or irony to mock something or
someone (20%)
● underscore (v.) – to emphasize (20%)
● vulnerable (adj.) – open to injury or attack; lacking protection (20%)
● amiable (adj.) – friendly (18%)
● astute (adj.) – wise; shrewd (18%)
● benevolent (adj.) – kind; charitable (18%)
● bewilder (v.) – to confuse or baffle someone (18%)
● coherent (adj.) – clear and logical; makes sense (18%)
● commend (v.) – to praise someone (18%)
● elite (adj.) – considered to be superior or the best (18%)
● generalization (n.) – a general statement based on specific cases (18%)
● impetuous (adj.) – acting or done quickly without thought or care (18%)
● negligent (adj.) – failing to take proper care in doing something (18%)
● phenomenon (n.) – a remarkable event/situation that is observed to
● presumption (n.) – having a particular attitude or assumption as a basis
● reticent (adj.) – quiet and reserved (18%)
● scorn (n.) – contempt; hatred; feeling that someone is worthless (18%)
● scrutinize (v.) – to examine or inspect closely and thoroughly (18%)
● somber (adj.) – gloomy and sad (18%)
● tyranny (n.) – cruel and oppressive government or rule (18%)
● acquire (v.) – to buy or obtain for oneself (16%)
● aspiration (n.) – a hope or ambition of achieving something
● augment (v.) – to make something greater by adding to it (16%)
● avid (adj.) – having a deep interest in or enthusiasm for something, esp. a
hobby (16%)
● belie (v.) – to misrepresent; disguise or deceive (16%)
● concise (adj.) – clear and short in words; brief (16%)
● discern (v.) – to perceive, recognize, or distinguish something (16%)
● disillusion (v.) – to shatter someone’s illusions; to set straight or open
someone’s eyes (16%)
● disingenuous (adj.) – not candid or sincere; dishonest (16%)
● emphatic (adj.) – expressed or performed with emphasis (16%)
● endure (v.) – to carry one through, despite hardships (16%)
● eradicate (v.) – to destroy completely; put an end to (16%)
● exacerbate (v.) – to make a problem or bad situation worse (16%)
● frugal (adj.) – careful with spending money; thrifty or economical (16%)
● illuminate (v.) – to light up; enlighten; help to clarify or explain (16%)
● ingenuous (adj.) – innocent and unsuspecting (16%)
● lament (v.) – a passionate expression of grief or sorrow (16%)
● meticulous (adj.) – showing great attention to detail; very careful (16%)
● orthodox (adj.) – following what is traditionally accepted as right (16%)
● perpetuate (v.) – to make something continue indefinitely (16%)
● prevalent (adj.) – widespread in a particular area (16%)
● provocative (adj.) – causing a strong reaction, often emotional (16%)
● spontaneous (adj.) – as a result of a sudden inner impulse; not planned
● subjective (adj.) – based on or influenced by personal feelings or opinions
● supplant (v.) – to take the place of; replace (16%)
● analogous (adj.) – similar; comparable (15%)
● articulate (adj.) – having the ability to speak fluently and coherently (15%)
● autonomy (n.) – independence; self-government
● callous (adj.) – not caring for others; insensitive (15%)
● camaraderie (n.) – mutual trust and friendship within a group (15%)
● candid (adj.) – truthful and straightforward; frank (15%)
● cantankerous (adj.) – bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative
● collaboration (n.) – teamwork (15%)
● conciliatory (adj.) – intended to please or bring about agreement (15%)
● condescending (adj.) – acting superior and looking down on others (15%)
● credulity (n.)- a tendency to easily believe something as true (15%)
● dearth (n.) – a scarcity or lack of something (15%)
● disparate (adj.) – separate; completely different (15%)
● dogmatic (adj.) – narrow-minded; always believing in certain principles
● elucidate (v.) – to make something clear; explain (15%)
● emulate (v.) – to match or imitate something or someone (15%)
● epitome (n.) – a perfect example of something (15%)
● equivocal (adj.) – open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous (15%)
● exploit (v.) – to take advantage of; benefit unfairly from the work of (15%)
● flagrant (adj.) – offensive and blameworthy (15%)
● gullible (adj.) – easily persuaded to believe something (15%)
● hierarchy (n.) – a system in which people are ranked by status or authority
● idiosyncrasy (n.) – a personal oddity; an individual peculiarity (15%)
● inarticulate (adj.) – unable to speak distinctly or express oneself clearly
● incompetent (adj.) – unskilled; not able to do something correctly (15%)
● incontrovertible (adj.) – not able to be denied or disputed (15%)
● incredulous (adj.) – unwilling or unable to believe something (15%)
● inherent (adj.) – a characteristic that you are born with; a permanent trait in
the nature of something (15%)
● irrelevant (adj.) – not connected to or related to something (15%)
● liberated (adj.) – freed from social rules or enemy occupation (15%)
● notorious (adj.) – famous for something bad (15%)
● obsolete (adj.) – no longer produced or used; out of date (15%)
● oppress (v.) – to keep someone in hardship or obedience unjustly (15%)
● overwhelming (adj.) – very great in amount; overly strong (15%)
● partisan (adj.) – prejudiced in favor of one particular side (15%)
● perplex (v.) – to cause someone to feel confused or baffled (15%)
● petty (adj.) – having little importance; trivial (15%)
● prominent (adj.) – important; famous; sticking out (15%)
● propaganda (n.) – biased information used to promote a point of view (15%)
● reiterate (v.) – to say something again for clarity or emphasis (15%)
● scrupulous (adj.) – diligent, thorough, extremely attentive to details (15%)
● smug (adj.) – having excessive pride in oneself (15%)
● subsequent (adj.) – coming after something else in time; following (15%)
● superfluous (adj.) – unnecessary; more than enough (15%)
● sustain (v.) – to strengthen or support physically or mentally (15%)
● venerated (adj.) – regarded with great respect; revered (15%)
● vigor (n.) – physical strength and good health (15%)
● wary (adj.) – alert and cautious of possible dangers/problems (15%)
● zealous (adj.) – having or showing passion and enthusiasm (15%)
● abhor (v.) – to resent; regard with disgust and hatred (13%)
● adhere (v.) – to stick to something physically; to stick to beliefs (13%)
● alienate (v.) – to cause someone to feel isolated or lonely (13%)
● animate (v.) – to bring to life; give inspiration (13%)
● archaic (adj.) – very old or old-fashioned (13%)
● ardor (n.) – enthusiasm or passion (13%)
● atypical (adj.) – not common; not normal of a type, group, or class (13%)
● censure (v.) – to express severe disapproval of (13%)
● commemorate (v.) – to show respect for someone/something in a ceremony
● conscientious (adj.) – wishing to do what is right in duty or work (13%)
● console (v.) – to comfort someone at a time of grief (13%)
● conspire (v.) – to make secret plans together to commit an illegal act (13%)
● cunning (adj.) – skilled at deception/evasion to achieve something; wise
● deliberate (adj.) – done consciously and intentionally; careful and unhurried
● denounce (v.) – to publicly declare something or someone to be wrong or
evil (13%)
● derivative (adj.) – imitative, unoriginal, or secondhand (13%)
● didactic (adj.) – intended to teach; having an underlying moral lesson (13%)
● diplomatic (adj.) – dealing with people in a sensitive, effective way (13%)
● discreet (adj.) – careful in what one says (13%)
● divert (v.) – to cause someone or something to go in a different direction
● eclectic (adj.) – made up of a wide range of sources or ideas (13%)
● egotist (n.) – a person who only thinks about himself (13%)
● empirical (adj.) – based on observation and experience rather than theory
● fabricated (adj.) – invented or made up to deceive someone (13%)
● glutton (n.) – an excessively greedy eater (13%)
● inconsequential (adj.) – not important or significant (13%)
● inconsolable (adj.) – not able to be comforted or alleviated from grief (13%)
● indigenous (adj.) – native (describing people of a particular area) (13%)
● ingenious (adj.) – clever, original, inventive (13%)
● innocuous (adj.) – not harmful or offensive; innocent (13%)
● juxtapose (v.) – to place side by side for contrast (13%)
● mar (v.) – to disfigure, spoil, or damage (13%)
● mediocre (adj.) – not very good; average (13%)
● nonchalant (adj.) – appearing casually calm, relaxed, and uninterested (13%)
● opportune (adj.) – done or occurring at a favorable time; well-timed (13%)
● prosaic (adj.) – commonplace; unromantic (13%)
● provincial (adj.) – narrow-minded; having a limited worldview (13%)
● quell (v.) – to put an end to (typically a rebellion) (13%)
● rebut (v.) – to claim or prove that a statement is false (13%)
● reclusive (adj.) – avoiding people; withdrawn from society (13%)
● sanguine (adj.) – cheerfully optimistic (13%)
● sentimental (adj.) – having feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia
● serene (adj.) – calm and peaceful (13%)
● tacit (adj.) – silent; understood without being stated out loud (13%)
● tenacious (adj.) – keeping a firm hold on something; not giving up (13%)
● transient (adj.) – lasting only for a short time; not permanent (13%)
● vigilant (adj.) – keeping careful watch for dangers or problems (13%)
● weary (adj.) – tired or worn out (13%)
● accessible (adj.) – able to be reached or entered; easy to talk to (11%)
● adept (adj.) – very skilled or proficient in something (11%)
● adulation (n.) – excessive admiration or praise (11%)
● agile (adj.) – able to move quickly and easily (11%)
● apathy (n.) – lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern; not caring (11%)
● apt (adj.) – suitable for the circumstances, fitting; inclined or likely to do
something (11%)
● austere (adj.) – strict and harsh; having no luxuries or comforts (11%)
● avert (v.) – to turn away (11%)
● awestruck (adj.) – filled with respect, fear, and wonder (11%)
● baffle (v.) – to totally confuse or perplex (11%)
● cajole (v.) – to persuade someone to do something through praise (11%)
● clarity (n.) – the quality of being clear (11%)
● constrain (v.) – to restrict or limit someone or something (11%)
● cordial (adj.) – warm and friendly (11%)
● corroborate (v.) – to confirm or give support to(11%)
● debilitate (v.) – to make weak (11%)
● debunk (v.) – to disprove; expose the falseness of (11%)
● defer (v.) – to put off to a later time, postpone (11%)
● detract (v.) – to reduce or take away from the value of something (11%)
● dilatory (adj.) – slow to act; intended to cause a delay (11%)
● discord (n.) – disagreement between people (11%)
● discrepancy (n.) – a difference or inconsistency between facts or opinions
● dispel (v.) – to drive something away; make disappear (11%)
● disperse (v.) – to distribute or spread over a wide area (11%)
● disseminate (v.) – to spread widely; disperse (11%)
● dissent (n.) – disagreement; refusal to accept certain beliefs (11%)
● earnest (adj.) – having a serious and sincere attitude/effort (11%)
● effusive (adj.) – expressing feelings of gratitude or enthusiasm openly (11%)
● elicit (v.) – to evoke or draw out (usually feelings in someone) (11%)
● enigma (n.) – something/someone that is mysterious or puzzling (11%)
● equanimity (n.) – mental calmness and composure (11%)
● esoteric (adj.) – understood only by a few with specialized knowledge (11%)
● estrangement (n.) – separation or isolation from a social group (11%)
● eulogy (n.) – a speech that praises someone who has just died (11%)
● exonerate (v.) – to free from guilt (11%)
● exorbitant (adj.) – unreasonably high; excessive (11%)
● extraneous (adj.) – irrelevant or unrelated to the subject (11%)
● exuberant (adj.) – having lively energy and excitement (11%)
● facetious (adj.) – treating serious issues with silly or inappropriate humor
● fallacy (n.) – a mistaken belief (11%)
● fallible (adj.) – capable of making mistakes or being wrong (11%)
● feasible (adj.) – possible to do easily or conveniently (11%)
● flippant (adj.) – not showing a serious or respectful attitude (11%)
● gregarious (adj.) – sociable; fond of company (11%)
● idealism (n.) – a belief in and pursuit of what is perfect but not realistic
● illusory (adj.) – not real; based on illusion (11%)
● induce (v.) – to succeed in influencing someone to do something (11%)
● inhibit (v.) – to hinder, restrain, or prevent (11%)
● inquisitive (adj.) – curious; showing an interest (11%)
● insipid (adj.) – tasteless; lacking flavor (11%)
● insolence (n.) – rude and disrespectful behavior (11%)
● invigorate (v.) -to give strength or energy to (11%)
● jaded (adj.) – tired or unexcited after too much of something (11%)
● legitimate (adj.) – reasonable or valid; following the rules or laws (11%)
● malice (n.) – desire to do evil; ill will (11%)
● mandate (n.) – an official order to do something (11%)
● monarch (n.) – leader of a state; king or queen (11%)
● morose (adj.) – gloomy, sad, and bad-tempered
● opaque (adj.) – not able to be seen through; not transparent (11%)
● opulent (adj.) – wealthy; having luxury (11%)
● ornate (adj.) – having complex patterns; very detailed (11%)
● paragon (n.) – a person or thing viewed as the model of excellence (11%)
● parody (n.) – an imitation designed to mock the original (11%)
● pristine (adj.) – in original condition; unspoiled; pure (11%)
● protagonist (n.) – the leading character in a book or play (11%)
● rancorous (adj.) – having bitterness and resentment (11%)
● renown (n.) – fame (11%)
● repudiate (v.) – to refuse to accept something (11%)
● repugnant (adj.) – extremely distasteful; disgusting or offensive (11%)
● resolute (adj.) – determined; not giving up or changing direction (11%)
● solemn (adj.) – formal and dignified; serious (11%)
● sycophant (n.) – a person who pleases people to gain an advantage; suck-up
● tactile (adj.) – related to the sense of touch; tangible (11%)
● tranquil (adj.) – free from disturbance; calm (11%)
● transcend (v.) – to go beyond a limit or range; to surpass (11%)
● treacherous (adj.) – dangerous and unpredictable (11%)
● turmoil (n.) – a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty (11%)
● vulgar (adj.) – rude and gross; offensive (11%)
● warrant (n.) – justification or authority for an action or belief (11%)
● abstruse (adj.) – difficult to understand; obscure (9%)
● acute (adj.) – severe and intense (pain); mentally sharp (judgment) (9%)
● adversary (n.) – an enemy or opponent (9%)
● amateur (n.) – a beginner; a recreational participant (9%)
● anachronistic (adj.) – out of place in a particular time period;(9%)
● arbitrate (v.) – to reach a judgment or agreement;(9%)
● arid (adj.) – dry; having no rain;(9%)
● assiduous (adj.) – showing great care and effort;(9%)
● audible (adj.) – able to be heard;(9%)
● authoritative (adj.) – able to be trusted as accurate or true; reliable;(9%)
● aversion (n.) – a strong dislike for something;(9%)
● banal (adj.) – lacking in originality; boring;(9%)
● caricature (n.) – an exaggerated description intended to mock someone;(9%)
● catastrophic (adj.) – disastrous; involving great damage or suffering;(9%)
● caustic (adj.) – sarcastic in a hurtful and bitter way;(9%)
● charlatan (n.) – a cheater or fraud; trickster;(9%)
● circumscribed (adj.) – restricted within limits; contained;(9%)
● concord (n.) – an agreement between people; a treaty;(9%)
● conducive (adj.) – making a certain outcome likely or possible;(9%)
● conformity (n.) – behavior according to socially accepted rules/beliefs;(9%)
● confound (v.) – to cause surprise and confusion in someone;(9%)
● consensus (n.) – general agreement;(9%)
● conspicuous (adj.) – attracting notice or attention; standing out;(9%)
● consummate (adj.) – supreme; highly skilled; complete and pure;(9%)
● contrite (adj.) – feeling regret or guilt for wrongdoings (9%)
● curative (adj.) – able to cure something (usually a disease) (9%)
● decisive (adj.) – resolute, firm, and purposeful; conclusive, critical (9%)
● deleterious (adj.) – causing harm and damage;(9%)
● delineate (v.) – to describe or portray something precisely;(9%)
● demeanor (n.) – outward behavior or attitude;(9%)
● denigrate (v.) – to criticize unfairly; disparage (9%)
● devoid (adj.) – entirely empty of something;(9%)
● differentiate (v.) – to identify differences between people or things;(9%)
● disclose (v.) – to make known; uncover; reveal;(9%)
● discredit (v.) – to cause something to seem false or unreliable;(9%)
● disgruntled (adj.) – angry or dissatisfied;(9%)
● docile (adj.) – ready to accept control or instruction; submissive;(9%)
● doctrine (n.) – a set of beliefs taught by a particular group of people;(9%)
● domestic (adj.) – related to family and home;(9%)
● ebullient (adj.) – cheerful and full of energy;(9%)
● embroiled (adj.) – involved deeply in a conflict or argument;(9%)
● encompass (v.) – to completely surround or include;(9%)
● esteemed (adj.) – respected and admired;(9%)
● expedient (adj.) – convenient, practical, suitable;(9%)
● explicit (adj.) – stated clearly and in detail;(9%)
● extol (v.) – to praise enthusiastically;(9%)
● extravagant (adj.) – excessive; wasteful in spending on luxury;(9%)
● florid (adj.) – excessively detailed and complicated;(9%)
● flourish (v.) – to develop and grow rapidly and successfully;(9%)
● fortify (v.) – to strengthen mentally or physically;(9%)
● hackneyed (adj.) – overused; unoriginal; cliche;(9%)
● hedonism (n.) – the pursuit of pleasure;(9%)
● humble (adj.) – having a low estimate of one’s own importance or
● humility (n.) – humbleness; modesty;(9%)
● imperceptible (adj.) – impossible to notice or detect;(9%)
● implication (n.) – conclusion that is drawn from something;
● incongruity (n.) – being out of place; not fitting the circumstances;(9%)
● inconspicuous (adj.) – not attracting attention in any way;(9%)
● indictment (n.) – a formal charge or accusation of a crime;(9%)
● ineffable (adj.) – too great or extreme to be described in words;(9%)
● innovative (adj.) – having new ideas; original and creative;(9%)
● interrogate (v.) – to question someone formally and aggressively;(9%)
● intransigent (adj.) – unwilling or refusing to change one’s views;(9%)
● intuitive (adj.) – based on feelings rather than reason; instinctive;(9%)
● invocation (n.) – a calling upon for assistance or authority;(9%)
● invoke (v.) – to call forth; summon;(9%)
● lavish (adj.) – rich, elaborate, luxurious;(9%)
● longevity (n.) – a long life;(9%)
● maverick (n.) – an independent-minded person; rebel
● melodrama (n.) – a dramatic story filled with exaggeration/excitement;(9%)
● mitigate (v.) – to make less severe, serious, or painful;(9%)
● monotony (n.) – a lack of variety and interest; boring repetition;(9%)
● nuance (n.) – a subtle difference in meaning or expression;(9%)
● obstinate (adj.) – stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinions or
● oration (n.) – a formal speech, usually given at a ceremony;(9%)
● ornamentation (n.) – things added to provided decoration;(9%)
● ostensible (adj.) – appearing to be true, but not necessarily so;(9%)
● pacify (v.) – to bring peace to; to calm down;(9%)
● paradox (n.) – something that is self-contradictory;(9%)
● parasite (n.) – one who exploits others and gives nothing back;(9%)
● patronizing (adj.) – looking down on others;(9%)
● periphery (n.) – the outer limits or edge of an area or object;(9%)
● perspicacious (adj.) – having insight; having wisdom;(9%)
● pervasive (adj.) – spread throughout an area or group of people;(9%)
● placid (adj.) – calm and peaceful;(9%)
● pliant (adj.) – easily influenced; flexible;(9%)
● popularize (v.) – to cause something to become generally liked;(9%)
● precocious (adj.) – talented or intelligent at a very young age;(9%)
● proliferate (v.) – to increase rapidly in numbers; multiply;(9%)
● prolific (adj.) – productive; producing many works;(9%)
● prolong (v.) – to extend the duration of;(9%)
● prophetic (adj.) – predicting what will happen in the future;(9%)
● quantitative (adj.) – measured by quantity rather than quality;(9%)
● redundant (adj.) – no longer necessary or useful; excessive;(9%)
● reminiscence (n.) – a memory or story about the past;(9%)
● remiss (adj.) – lacking care or attention to duty; negligent;(9%)
● remorse (n.) – deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed;(9%)
● sanction (n.) – a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule;(9%)
● scarce (adj.) – rare; insufficient for the demand;(9%)
● speculative (adj.) – based on a guess rather than fact or knowledge;(9%)
● stifle (v.) – to stop or restrain an action;(9%)
● surreptitious (adj.) – kept secret; sneaky;(9%)
● susceptible (adj.) – easily harmed or influenced; sensitive;(9%)
● tact (n.) – skill in negotiating and dealing with others;(9%)
● tedious (adj.) – too long, slow, or dull; tiresome;(9%)
● tenuous (adj.) – very weak and flimsy;(9%)
● therapeutic (adj.) – related to the healing of disease; relaxing;(9%)
● thwart (v.) – to prevent someone from accomplishing something;(9%)

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