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Pham Minh Tuan

Driven pulley
• Belt drive operates based on
• Can transmit rotation between
distant axles.
• Consist of the belt (flat, round,
V types), driving and driven
pulleys, and idler or tension Driven pulley
pulley in some cases.

Driving pulley
khoảng cách
Belt Types nối đai

đai dẹt
Normally ≤ 15 m

đai tròn

đai thang

đai răng

Belt types
• Flat belt • V belt
Belt Drives
Non-reversing open belt

Quarter-twist belt
Reversing crossed belt

Reversing crossed belt

Merits & Drawbacks
• Used to transmit power of ≤ 50 kW.
• Recommended transmission ratio (<5 for flat belt and <10 for V-belt).
• Can transmit motion to long distances.
• Simple, smooth operation.
• Prevent overload, reduce vibration.
• Large dimension, high bearing pressure.
• Non-stable transmission ratio.
• Short service life.
Belt Tensioning Methods

Pivoted motor mount

Manual adjustment

Weighted idler pulley

Characteristics of Flat Belt
Characteristics of Flat Belt


Number Thickness (mm) Minimum pulley’s diameter (mm)
of plies With protective layer Without protective layer v = 30 m/s v = 5 m/s
3 4,5 3,75 160 80
4 6 5 224 112
5 7,5 6,25 280 160
Standard width (mm): 20, 25, 30, 90, 50, 60, (65), 70, 75, 80, 100, (115), (120), 125, 150,
(175), 200, 225, 250, (275), 300, 400, 450, (550), 600 and up to 2000 with 100-mm intervals
Characteristics of Flat Belt
Characteristics of Flat Belt
Characteristics of V-Belt
Characteristics of V-Belt
bp bo yo
Type h (mm) A (mm2) L (mm) T1 (Nm) d1 (mm)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Z 8,5 10 6 2,1 47 400 ÷ 2500 < 25 70 ÷ 140
A 11 13 8 2,1 81 560 ÷ 4000 11 ÷ 70 100 ÷ 200
B 14 17 10,5 2,8 138 800 ÷ 6300 40 ÷ 190 140 ÷ 280
C 19 22 13,5 4,0 230 1800 ÷ 10600 110 ÷ 550 250 ÷ 400
D 27 32 19 4,8 476 3150 ÷ 15000 450 ÷ 2000 320 ÷ 630
E 32 38 23,5 6,9 692 4500 ÷ 18000 1100 ÷ 4500 500 ÷ 1000
SPZ 8,5 10 8 2 56 630 ÷ 3550 < 500 < 150
SPA 11 13 10 2,8 93 800 ÷ 4500 90 ÷ 400 90 ÷ 400
SPB 14 17 13 3,5 159 1250 ÷ 8000 300 ÷ 2000 300 ÷ 2000
Standard length (mm): 400, 450, 500, 560, 630, 710, 800, 900, 1000, 1120, 1250, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2240,
2500, 2800, 3150, 4000, 5000, 5600, 6300, 7100, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11200, 12500, 14000, 16000, 18000, …
(wrapping angel) >120 degree
Parameters of Belt Drive Contact angle of small pulley (rad):
β/2 driven β/2 d2 – d1 d 2 − d1 d1 ( u − 1)
α1 = π − = π−
driving a a
Contact angle of small pulley (degree):
β α1
β/2 d 2 − d1 d1 ( u − 1)

O1 O2 α=
1 180 − 57 = 180 − 57
a a
d1 The length of belt (mm):
π ( d 2 + d1 ) ( d 2 − d1 )
2a + +
center The length of V-belt is standard. 2 4a
The length of flat belt must be increased 100÷400 mm for belt joints.
π ( d1 + d 2 )  π ( d1 + d 2 ) 
  d −
 2 1d

 L −  +  L −  − 8  
 2   2   2 
Center distance (mm): a=
Velocity & Transmission Ratio in Belt Drive
Peripheral velocity of the belt on the driving pulley (m/s): v1 =
6 ⋅ 104
πd 2 n 2
Peripheral velocity of the belt on the driven pulley (m/s): v 2 =
6 ⋅ 104
n2 d2 n1/n2=d2/d1
Transmission ratio: =u =
n1 d1 (1 − ξ )
where: d1 and d2 are the diameters of driving and driven pulleys (mm)
ξ = 0,01 ÷ 0,02 is the relativie slip coefficient of the belt drive, dependant on loading.
n2 d2
In case the slip of belt drive is ignored: =
u ≈
n1 d1
Tensions in Belt Drive Initial tension (N):
F0= Aσ0

σ0 is the initial stress (MPa)

[σ0] ≤ 1,8 MPa for flat belt
căng [σ0] ≤ 1,5 MPa for V-belt.

lực căng phụ (li tâm)

Tension on the tight side (N): F=
1 F0 + Centrifugal tension (N):
2 Fv = q m v 2
Tension on the slack side (N): F=
2 F0 − where qm is the length
tangent force desity of belt (kg/m)
Circumferential force (N): Ft = F1 − F2 = 1 input torque
d1 pulley

Friction in Belt Drive

F1 − Fv F1
Euler formular: ≈ ef ′α
F2 − Fv F2 α1
where: α is the slip angle in rad (α ≤ α1)
f is the friction coefficient between the belt & the pulley F1
f’ is the equivalent friction coefficient
for flat belt: f ′ = f  F
 F0 =
t e (f ′α
+1) + Fv or
ef ′α − 1
2 ( F0 − Fv ) f ′α
Ft =
for V-belt: f ′
; γ ≈ 40 °

2 e −1 (
f ′α
) e +1
sin  Ft ef ′α
2 ⇒  F= f ′α
+ Fv
e −1
α1 
Shaft load: Fr ≈ 2F0 sin  Ft
2 =  2 ef ′α − 1 + Fv
α 
In case of no belt-tensioner: Fr ≈ 3F0 sin 1 
Stress in Belt Drive
Maximum belt stress (Mpa):

for flat belt: tight

1000P1 efα
σ max
= ⋅ fα
vA e − 1
−6 δ
+ρv ⋅ 10 + E
for V-belt:
1000P1 ef ′α
σ max
= ⋅ f ′α
vA e − 1 where: ρ is density of belt (kg/m3)
−6 2y0 v is peripheral velocity (m/s)
+ρv ⋅ 10 +
d1 δ is thickness of flat belt (mm)
Creep of Belt
v1 − v 2
Relative slip coefficient: ξ = %
Creep curve

Ft ef ′α − 1
Traction coefficient:=
ϕ = f ′α
2F0 e + 1
Belt Flat Flat Flat P2
V Efficiency: η =
types (leather and wool) (rubber) (cotton) P1
φmax/φ0 1,35÷1,5 1,15÷1,3 1,25÷1,4 1,5÷1,6
Normally, η = 0,95 ÷ 0,96
Failure Modes and Design Consideration
Failure mode Design consideration
Slipping due to overload Design based on traction capability
Damage due to fatigue Design based on service life

Condition to prevent slipping: ϕ ≤ ϕ0

 σr 
  ⋅ 10 7
Service life (hour): L h =  max 
2 ⋅ 3600 ⋅ i

Revolutions per second: =i

< [i ] where σr is the limit fatigue stress of belt (MPa)
L σr = 6: flat belt with protective layer
Flat belt: m = 5 ; [i] = 5 σr = 7: flat belt without protective layer
V-belt: m = 8 ; [i] = 10 σr = 9: V-belt
Design of Belt Drive Timing belt Yes u = const


Min Max v > 30 m/s No V-belt

Min diameter speed
Belt types speed Yes
efficiency dmin ratio
(mm) umax
Flat 0,98 70 40 10 Flat belt Yes v > 40 m/s
V 0,80 30 67 7
Narrow V 0,86 40 60 8
Timing 0,98 50 16 20÷30 u>7

u>8 No
Design of Flat Belt based on Traction Capability
Effective stress (MPa): σ t ≤ [σ t ] = [σ t ]0 ⋅ C
Calculated load correction factor: C = Cr C v CαCo
1 − c v ( 0,01v 2 − 1)
Cv: Velocity correction factor C v =

Cα: Contact angle correction factor Cα = 1 − 0,003 (180° − α1 )

Co: Orientation and tensioner correction factor

v (m/s) < 10 10 ÷ 20 >20 Orientation 0° ÷ 60° 60° ÷ 80° 80° ÷ 90°

cv 1 0,04 0,03 (rubber) Co 1 0,9 0,8
Co = 1 if automatic tensioner is used
Design of Flat Belt based on Traction Capability
Effective stress (MPa): σ t ≤ [σ t ] = [σ t ]0 ⋅ C Loading Static
Dynamic Dynamic
(light) (hard)
Calculated load correction factor: C = Cr C v CαCo Cr 1 ÷ 0,85 0,9 ÷ 0,8 0,8 ÷ 0,7 0,7 ÷ 0,6
Cr: Operation correction factor 2-shift operation: -0,1 ; 3-shift operation: -0,2

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 75 100
Multiply Rubber 2,10 Cα = 12,21
2,17 − 0,003 (
2,25 180 ° − α2,30
2,28 1 ) 2,33 2,37 2,40
Leather 1,40 1,70 1,90 2,04 2,15 2,23 2,30 2,40 2,50 2,60
Cotton 1,35 1,50 1,60 1,67 1,72 1,80 1,85 1,90 1,90 1,95
Wool 1,05 1,20 1,30 1,37 1,42 1,47 1,50 1,55 1,60 1,65
If σ0 = 2,0 MPa, [σt]0 increases 10% ; If σ0 = 1,6 MPa, [σt]0 decreases 10%
If pulleys are made by plastics or woods, [σt]0 increases 20%
When working in dusty and humid environment, [σt]0 decreases 10 ÷ 30%
Design Procedure of Flat Belt Drive
Given parameters: P1 (kW), n1 (rpm), u, working condition
1. Select type & material of belt.
2. Determine diameter of small pulley: d1 (1100 ÷ 1300 ) 3 3. Calculate v1
4. Select ξ, calculate d2 and round to standard value, recalculate u
5. Determine a based on:=
L min or a ≥ 2 ( d1 + d 2 ) → without belt tensioner
= L min or a ≥ ( d1 + d 2 ) → with belt tensioner
8 ÷ 10
6. Calculate L based on a 7. Verify i 8. Calculate α1
9. Select belt thickness: d1 δ ≥ 25 ( leather ) ; d1 δ ≥ 30 or d1 δ =40 ( rubber )
10. Calculate C 11. Calculate b and round to standard value
12. Select pulley’s width 13. Calculate Fr
Design of V-Belt based on Traction Capability
Ft z 2÷3 4÷6 >6
Effective stress (MPa): t ≤ [σt ] Cz 0,95 0,9 0,85
1000P1 P1
Number of belts: z ≥ =
[σt ] vA [ P]
Allowable power (kW): [ P] = [ P0 ] C
Correction factor: C = Cr C v CαCu Cz C L
Cv = (
1 − 0,05 0,1v 2 − 1 )
Cα 1,24 1 − e −α1 /110
= )
Cu: Transmission ratio correction factor
Cz: Number of belt correction factor
u 1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,8 ≥ 2,5
CL: Belt length correction factor C L = 6 L Lo Cu 1 1,04 1,07 1,1 1,12 1,14
Design Procedure of V-Belt
Given parameters: P1 (kW), n1 (rpm), u, working condition
1. Select section type of belt.
2. Calculate diameter of smaller pulley: d1 = 1,2d min
and select the standard nearest value (63, 71, 80, 90,
100, 112, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 224, 250, 280, …)
3. Select ξ, calculate d2 and round to standard value,
recalculate u
4. Calculate a or initially select a based on d2,
Calculate and select standard L, recalculate
and verify a: 2 ( d1 + d 2 ) ≥ a ≥ 0,55 ( d1 + d 2 ) + h
u 1 2 3 4 5 6
a = …d2 1,5 1,2 1 0,95 0,9 0,85
5. Calculate α1 and check slipping condition
6. Calculate z 7. Select pulley’s width 8. Calculate Fr
Example of Flat Belt
Given parameters: P1 = 6,02 (kW); n1 = 968 (rpm); u = 3,25; static loading

1. Flat belt made from multiply rubber is selected.

2. Diameter of small pulley: d1 = 1100 ÷ 1300 ⋅ 3 P1 = 1100 ÷ 1300 ⋅ 3 6,02 = 202 ÷ 239 ( mm )
n1 968
→ Select d1 = 225 mm
πd1n1 π ⋅ 225 ⋅ 968
3. Peripheral velocity of belt:=v1 = = 11,4 ( m s )
6 ⋅ 10 4
6 ⋅ 10 4

4. Select ξ = 0,01 ⇒ = d 2 ud1 (1 −= ξ ) 3,25 ⋅ 225 (1 − 0,01=) 723,9 ( mm ) → Select d2 = 710 mm

d2 710 3,19 − 3,25
Transmission ratio: u = = 3,19 → Error: = ∆u = 1,85%
tính lại theo lt d1 (1 − ξ ) 225 (1 − 0,01) 3,25 cho phép nhỏ
hơn 2.5%
5. Center distance: 15000 ≥ a ≥ 2 ( d1 + d 2 ) ⇔ 15000 ≥ a ≥ 2 ( 225 + 710 ) ⇔ 15000 ≥ a ≥ 1870 ( mm )
→ Initial selection: a = 1870 mm thực tế giới
hạn dưới
6. Belt length:
π ( d 2 + d1 ) ( d 2 − d1 ) π ( 710 + 225) ( 710 − 225)
2 2

L =+
2a + =
2 ⋅ 1870 + + 5240 ( mm )
2 4a 2 4 ⋅ 1870
Increase the belt length about 100 ÷ 400 mm for belt joint → Select L = 5400 mm
làm tròn, ra ngoài mua dễ
v 11,4
( ) ( )
= 2,2 s −1 < [i ] = 5 s −1 → Satisfactory
7. Revolution of belt per second: i = =
L 5,24
d − d1 710 − 225
8. Contact angle of small pulley: =
α 180 − 57 2 = 180 − 57 ⋅ = 165,2= ° 2,88 ( rad )
a 1870 tính cả 2 giá trị độ và rad
9. Select the belt thickness δ = 6 mm that satisfies the condition of d1/δ ≥ 30
Selection of belt thickness (δ) based on pulley diameter (dmin)
Belt types
Recommended Allowable
Synthetic 100 50
Multiply rubber 40 30
Leather 35 25
Cotton 30 25
10. Correction factors:
Contact angle correction factor: Cα = 1 − 0,003 (180° − α1 ) = 1 − 0,003 (180 − 165,2 ) = 0,9556
Velocity correction factor: C v =1 − c v ( 0,01v 2 − 1) =1 − 0,04 ( 0,01 ⋅ 11,42 − 1) =0,988
Orientation and tensioner correction factor : Co = 1 (the drive is in the horizontal plane)
Operation correction factor: Cr = 1 (static loading)

= C CαC v C=
oC r 0,9556 ⋅ 0,988=
⋅ 1 ⋅ 1 0,9441
11. Allowable calculating stress: [σ t ] =[σ t ]0 ⋅ C =2,21 ⋅ 0,9441 =2,09 ( MPa )
where the allowable-experimental stress [σt]0 = 2,21 (MPa) with d1/δ = 37,5
1000P1 1000 ⋅ 6,02
12. Belt width: b ≥ = = 42,11 ( mm )
δv [σ t ] 6 ⋅ 11,4 ⋅ 2,09
Select b = 50 mm based on standard.
tiêu chuẩn
13. Pulley width: select B = 63 mm based on standard.
Selection of pulley width (B) based on flat-belt width (b)
b (mm) 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 71 80 90
B (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 71 80 900 100

14. Initial tension: F0 = [σ0 ] bδ = 1,8 ⋅ 50 ⋅ 6 = 540 ( N )

 α1   165° 
15. Shaft load: Fr =2F0 sin   =⋅
2 540 ⋅ sin  =561,4 ( N )
 2   2 
16. Minimum friction force based on the condition to prevent belt slip:

F0 ≥
Ft efα + 1
)⇔ f min
1  2F0 + Ft 
ln  =
1  2 ⋅ 540 + 528 
cách giảm so vs
 ln   0,37 thực tế
( fα
2 e −1 ) α  2F0 − Ft  2,88  2 ⋅ 540 − 528t 

In order to reduce fmin, increase the initial tension F0 by increasing the belt width b.
For example: in case b = 63 mm → F0 = 680,4 N and fmin = 0,28.
17. Maximum belt stress:
1000P1 efα δ
σ max ⋅ fα + ρv 2 ⋅ 10−6 + E
vA e − 1 d1
1000 ⋅ 6,02 e0,37⋅2,88 6
= ⋅ 0,37⋅2,88 −6
+ 1200 ⋅ 11,4 ⋅ 10 + =
100 4,6 ( MPa )
11,4 ⋅ 50 ⋅ 6 e −1 225
where: Belt density ρ = 1200 kg/m3
Belt modulus of elasticity E = 100 MPa

18. Service life of belt:

 σr   6 

  ⋅ 10 7
 4,6  ⋅ 10 7
 = max  = 
Lh 2383,5 ( hours )
2 ⋅ 3600 ⋅ i 2 ⋅ 3600 ⋅ 2,2
where: σr = 6: the limit fatigue stress of flat belt with protective layer
m = 5 for flat belt with [i] = 5
đai thang

Example of V-Belt
Given parameters: P1 = 6,02 (kW); n1 = 968 (rpm); u = 3,25; hard dynamic loading.

1. B-type belt is selected; h = 10,5mm; dmin = 140 ÷ 280mm

2. Diameter of small pulley:
d1 =1,2d min =1,2 ⋅ 140 =168 ( mm ) → Select d1 = 180mm
πd1n1 π ⋅ 180 ⋅ 968
3. Peripheral velocity of belt:= v1 = = 9,14 ( m s )
6 ⋅ 10 4
6 ⋅ 10 4

4. Select ξ = 0,01 ⇒ = d 2 ud1 (1 −= ξ ) 3,25 ⋅ 180 (1 − 0,01 =) 579,15 ( mm ) → Select d2 = 560mm

d2 560 3,14 − 3,25
Transmission ratio: u = = 3,14 → Error:
= ∆u = 3,4%
d1 (1 − ξ ) 180 (1 − 0,01) 3,25 dưới 3% là đẹp
5. Center distance: 2 ( d1 + d 2 ) ≥ a ≥ 0,55 ( d1 + d 2 ) + h
2 (180 + 560 ) ≥ a ≥ 0,55 (180 + 560 ) + 10,5
1480 ≥ a ≥ 417,5
→ Initial selection: a = d2 = 560mm (for u = 3)

u 1 2 3 4 5 6
a = …d2 1,5 1,2 1 0,95 0,9 0,85
6. Belt length:
π ( d 2 + d1 ) ( d 2 − d1 ) π ( 560 + 180 ) ( 560 − 180 )
2 2

L=2a + + =⋅
2 560 + + =2346,9 ( mm )
2 4a 2 4 ⋅ 560
→ Select L = 2500mm = 2,5m following standard
v 9,14
7. Revolution of belt per second: i = =
L 2,5
( )
= 3,656 s −1 < [i ] = 10 s −1 → Satisfactory ( )
8. Recalculate the center distance:
π ( d1 + d 2 )  π ( d1 + d 2 ) 
   d 2 − d1 

 L −  +  L −  − 8  
 2   2   2 
π ( 560 + 180 )  π ( 560 + 180 ) 
   560 − 180 

 2500 −  +  2500 −  − 8  
 2   2   2 
= 640,6 ( mm )
Verify the limits: 1480 ≥ 640,6 ≥ 417,5 → Satisfactory
d 2 − d1 560 − 180
9. Contact angle of small pulley: α=
1 180 − 57 = 180 − 57 ⋅ ° 2,55 ( rad )
= 146,2=
a 640,6
10. Correction factors:
( ) (
Contact angle correction factor: Cα =1,24 1 − e −α1 /110 =1,24 1 − e −146,2/110 =0,91)
Velocity correction factor: C v =1 − 0,05 ( 0,1v 2 − 1) =1 − 0,05 ( 0,1 ⋅ 9,142 − 1) =1,008
Transmission ratio correction factor: Cu = 1,14
Number of belt correction factor (initial selection): Cz = 1
chọn 1 dây đai
Operation correction factor: Cr = 0,85
Belt length correction factor: C L 6=L Lo 6 2500=
2240 1,018
C CαC u C LCz C r C=
v 0,91 ⋅ 1,14 ⋅ 1,018 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 0,85 ⋅ 1,008
= 0,905
11. Select [Po] = 3,8kW and Lo = 2240mm with d1 = 180mm and v = 9,14m/s
1000P1 P1 P1 6,02
12. Number of belts: z ≥ == = 1,75 → Select z = 2
[σt ] vA [ P] [ Po ] C 3,8 ⋅ 0,905 chọn 2 đai

13. Calculate forces and stresses in belt drive following given formulas.
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