Sdlc lo2 ppt

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Key Drivers

Performance of Software

Performance Testing is defined as a type of software testing to ensure software

applications will perform well under their expected workload.

A software application's performance like its response time, reliability, resource usage
and scalability do matter. The goal of Performance Testing is not to find bugs but to
eliminate performance bottlenecks.
Performance Testing is checking a software program’s
1. Load testing Determines maximum user load the software application can handle.
Load testing is the simplest form of performance testing. A load test is usually
conducted to understand the behaviour of the system under a specific expected load.
2 . Stress Testing is to verify the behaviour of the system once the load increases
more than the system’s design expectations. This testing addresses which
components fail first when we stress the system by applying the load beyond the
design expectations. So that we can design more robust system..
• Soak Testing is aka Endurance Testing. Running a system at high load for a
period of time to identify the performance problems is called Soak
Testing. It is to make sure the software can handle the expected load over a long
period of time.

• Volume testing - Under Volume Testing large no. of. Data is populated in a
• database and the overall software system's behaviour is monitored. The objective
• is to check software application's performance under varying database volumes.

• Stability - Determines if the application is stable under varying loads.

• Speed Testing - Determines whether the application responds quickly

Software Efficiency

• Efficiency As a business, increasing the efficiency of your systems is

key in ensuring you get the maximum return on your efforts. Every
system you employ.
• Truthfully, your businesses processes should work to your benefit in
saving time and money – not the opposite.
To achieve efficient software development there are a number of
steps to take:

• 1. Define the Inefficiencies

• Understanding the delays and loss of productivity occurring due to inefficiencies

plays a major role in pinpointing the problems and bottlenecks to develop a
blueprint that will address the errors.
2. Develop or Improve Documentation

You won’t know what to do if you don’t have instructions on how to do

it. Organizations are notorious for their lack of accurate documentation
. This works against the company, holding no one accountable.
Introducing an automated process in establishing documentation will
increase efficiency while allowing team to enhance productivity
through accurate monitoring and reporting.
• 3. Collaborate

• Although cross-teams and collaborative processes sound good,

companies are still having problems with the implementation. Fully
embracing collaboration across the entire organization will alert
management to what types of software is needed to improve
efficiency, can offer additional benefits.
4. Transparency

Getting the right IT needs addressed from the very beginning can solve the current
challenges of the operation. Additionally, a software developer can create software that
meets the current needs, while anticipating future needs as the company grows. Before
consulting with a developer, ask questions across the organization –

What exactly do you need and why do you need it?

What you do need the software to do to meet that goal?

Do you predict your company to grow in the near future? How should the software
support that?

How many employees will be using this software?

Who will be monitoring the software an improving it over time?

Legacy System Upgrade

In computing, a legacy system is an old method, technology, computer system,

or application program, "of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated
computer system, yet still in use. This can also imply that the system is
out of date or in need of replacement.

Systems tend to slow down as they get older and user interfaces may become
troublesome or buggy. With a legacy system upgrade, we will take your system
and modernize it - making it better than new.
How to upgrade Legacy System?

. Automate your tasks and reduce the amount of manual effort required
during your day.

. Increase your system’s performance using the latest technologies


. Team of certified developers can take what you imagine and create

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