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Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Program 2. Four 3. Machine 4. Spacewar 5. High Level Language
6. Assembly 7. LISP
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. High Level Language 2. High Level Language
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Source Program 2. (c) Interpreter 3. (b) Object Program 4. (b) John W.Tukey
B. Answer the following:
1. Machine language is considered as low level language as it is expressed in binary form i.e.
0 and 1. It is machine-dependent. This language has the advantage of high speed and very
low memory u liza on.
2. Machine language is expressed in binary form, i.e., '0' and '1'. 0 means 'Off' state and 1
means 'On' state whereas Assembly language uses 'mnemonic codes' or 'symbols' in
place of 0s and 1s. It is easier to work with Assembly language, where symbolic memory
addresses are used, rather than machine language.
3. High Level Language has following features:
ö It is simple and user friendly language.
ö It is machine-independent language.
4. INTERPRETER - This translator program is used to convert a high level language program
into machine language. It converts one line at a me, executes the instruc on and then
repeats the procedure for the remaining instruc ons. In case, if any errors are found, they
are to be immediately removed.
COMPILER - Compiler is a translator program used to convert a high level language
program into machine language. It translates the whole program at once, i.e., it generates
the object code for the program along with a list of errors, if any.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Organize 2. Copying 3. Windows 8 4. Send, Receive 5. Pictures
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False

2 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>

C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Start > All Programs> Accessories > Sound Recorder
2. Using Search box of start menu
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Disk Cleanup 2. (b) Aero Peek 3. (b) Jump List
B. Answer the following:
1. Microso Windows Media Player is used to play and organise digital media (Audio and
Video) on a computer and Internet. We can listen to radio sta ons from all over the world,
play and copy CD/DVD, create our own CD/DVD, and copy music and video to portable
2. Click on Start bu on > All Programs > Windows Media Player. Insert the CD, select the
songs which you want to rip and click on the Rip CD op on. The ripping process will start
and you can see the Rip Status of individual songs.
3. The process of wri ng data from a computer to CD is known as burning a CD.
4. Windows Mobile so ware power advanced, easy-to-use devices that allow the users to
send and receive e-mail, browse the Internet, and hundreds of applica on available to
extend the pla orm. Windows Mobile works differently depending upon place, me and
nature of work.
5. We can display two applica on windows side by side.
ö Open MS Word and MS PowerPoint programs one by one. The PowerPoint window is
ac ve at present.
ö Now right-click anywhere on the blank por on of the taskbar.
ö Click on Show windows side by side op on from the Shortcut menu. Both the
applica on windows will be displayed side by side.
6. Disk Cleanup removes the temporary internal and downloaded program files, emp es
the Recycle bin files and other items that are not being used for a long me. It frees
the disk space and helps the computer to run faster.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Main document 2. Tab 3. MS Word 4. Tick
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Mail Merge 2. In Data Source

IT apps 6 Answer Key >> 3

Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Record 2. (b) Merge Field 3. (c) Type a new list
B. Answer in one word or one sentence:
1. Data Source 2. Mailings Tab 3. Finish & Merge bu on
4. New Address List
C. Answer the following:
1. Mail Merge feature is used to combine a data source with the main document. It saves
our me and energy to send le ers at mul ple e-mail addresses.
2. Two documents : (1) Data Source (2) Main Document
3. Data source consists of mailing list, for example, Name, Address, City, Pin, Telephone
Number, etc. The data is organized in tabular form along with the field names.
4. Main Document contains the text that we wish to send to all the recipients.
5. To create a new mailing list follow these steps:
ö Select Type a new list radio bu on under Select recipients sec on and click on Create
op on.
ö The New Address List dialog box will appear on the screen. Click the Customize
Columns bu on.
ö Now enter data in the respec ve fields and click the New Entry bu on.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Insert Table 2. Layout 3. Shape Fill 4. Plot Area
5. Data Series 6. Draw Borders
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques on:
1. Title and Content slide Layout
2. Select Layout tab > Insert Below/Insert Above in Rows & Columns group
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (c) Cell 2. (b) Legend 3. (a) Alignment 4. (b)Table Tools
5. (c) Insert 6. (b) Six
B. Answer the following:
1. To insert a table:
ö Click the New Slide drop-down arrow on the Home tab. Select the Title and Content
4 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>
ö Click the Insert table command present on the slide. The Insert Table dialog box will
appear. Define the number of columns and rows. Click OK. Or
ö We can insert a table in a slide by clicking the Table op on on Insert tab. A menu will
appear. Drag the mouse over the grid to select the number of columns and rows in the
2. To add new rows in a table follow these steps:
ö Place the inser on point in a cell. Click the right mouse bu on.
ö Select Insert op on and click the Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below sub-op on.
You can also select any of the op on from the Layout tab.
3. To Apply Border to a table:
ö Select the table and click the Borders tool in the Table Styles group. Select All Borders
op on. Border will be applied on the table.
To Apply Border Colour:
ö Click the Pen Color tool in the Draw Borders group on the Design tab. A colour pale e
appears. Choose the required colour. Drag the mouse over the table and release the
bu on. The table colour will be changed.
4. To Apply a Table Style:
ö Select the table and Click the Design tab to access all the Table Styles and Op ons.
ö Point the cursor over a table style to see a live preview of the style on the slide.
ö Click the desired style to select it.
5. Select the text from the table. Click on Align Bo om bu on in the Alignment group from
the Layout tab. The text will be aligned to the bo om of a cell.
6. Chart is an effec ve way to display data in a pictorial form. Charts make it easier to show
comparisons and growth, rela onship among the values and trends in data. A chart gets
updated automa cally with any change in data. The components of a chart are: Chart
Area, Category Axis, Value Axis, Data Series, Category Name, Plot Area and Legend.
7. Select the data to be deleted by using Ctrl + A key combina on and press the Delete
bu on from the keyboard.
8. To change the chart type:
ö Select the chart. Click the Design tab.
ö Click the Change Chart Type bu on in the Type group on the Design tab.
ö The Insert Chart dialog box will appear. Select any Chart type and click OK.
9. To change the Chart Layout:
ö Select the chart and click the Design tab.
ö Scroll through the op ons in the Chart Layout group.
ö Select any chart layout according to the need.

IT apps 6 Answer Key >> 5

Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Transi on effects 2. Text, Objects 3. Custom Anima on 4. Play
5. Ac on Bu on 6. Microphone 7. From Beginning 8. Double-click
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Select Blank Slide layout> Click on Insert tab > Text Box.
2. From Insert Outline dialog box, browse the loca on of file and click on Insert.
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (c) Slide Show 2. (a) Anima on 3. (c) .wav 4. (c) Anima ons
B. Answer following:
1. The ability to move objects like text, graphics, charts, logos, etc., in all direc ons of the
slide is called Anima on. We can animate the text or objects in a presenta on by applying
sound effects or visual effects including movement. Anima on is very helpful when we
wish to focus on important points. It also controls the order of flow of informa on and
helps to increase the audience interest.
2. Transi ons are used to add visual effects to the slides. Transi on effects are the
movements you see when one slide changes to another in Slide Show view. You can apply
transi on effects to a single slide as well as to all the slides.
3. To insert your own sound in a presenta on:
ö Select the slide where you want to insert the recorded sound.
ö Click the Sound drop-down arrow in the Media Clips group on the Insert tab.
ö Choose the Record Sound op on from the drop-down menu.
ö The Record Sound dialog box appears. By default, the sound will be named 'Recorded
ö Press the red bu on to record, and the square bu on to stop the recording.
4. An Ac on Bu on is a ready-made bu on shape for defining hyperlink to run a program, or
to play a sound. We can use Ac on Bu ons in a slide to link to a web page, e-mail address,
file, slide in same presenta on and a slide in different presenta on.
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Three 2. Merge & Center 3. Formula 4. Sheet 5. Column
6. Tab 7. F12
6 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5.False 6. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Double-click on the worksheet tab. It will be highlighted, then type the name Time Table
and press Enter key.
2. 500-TOTEXP
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) AutoSum 2. (a) Le 3. (c) 1048576 4. (b) Name
5. (a) Equal to (=) 6. (b) Three
B. Answer the following:
1. Microso Excel is the most popular spreadsheet so ware. It is a powerful tool that helps
to organise, calculate and analyse data in rows and columns. It also allows us to represent
data pictorially in the form of chart.
2. The MS Excel file is referred to as a workbook, in which you work and store data. Each
workbook consists of several worksheets. It is similar to pages in a notebook. Worksheets
are like pages and workbook is like a notebook. The Excel window that appears on the
screen is called a workbook.
3. A cell is an intersec on of a column and a row in a worksheet. Each cell is denoted with a
cell address. For example, A5 refers to the cell at the intersec on of column A and row 5.
Data is stored in a cell. A cell can contain upto 32,767 characters.
4. The Formula Bar is located to the right of the Name box. This bar shows the characters and
formulas that you enter in an ac ve cell.
Name box is located above the Column heading on the le side of the window. This area
displays the loca on of the cell pointer.
5. To rename a worksheet follow these steps:
ö Double-click the sheet tab which you want to rename. It will be highlighted.
ö Type a new name and press Enter key.
6. Three types of data can be entered in an excel worksheet. They are:
ö Numbers - Numbers are values that consist of numerals like 0 to 9 and the characters,
like, +,-,!, @, $, %, ^, &, etc.,.
ö Text - Text data can contain le ers, numbers, spaces and special characters, such as, !
and &.
ö Formulae - A formula is a mathema cal equa on involving number values, operators
and cell addresses, used for performing calcula ons on worksheet.

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Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Format 2. Delete Sheet Columns 3. Insert Sheet Rows 4. Enter, Cancel
5. End 6. Space
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Click on Insert > Insert Sheet Columns op on on the Home tab.
2. Using Auto Fill Feature
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) F4 2. (b) Paste 3. (c) Ready 4. (a) Shi
5. (a) Ctrl+Z 6. (b) Apostrophe
B. Answer in one word or one sentence:
1. Clear bu on in edi ng group is used to clear the contents of the cell.
2. F2
3. Click on Format > Format Cells on the Home tab and select Number tab in the Format Cells
dialog box. Click on Date or Time category and select the format.
C. Answer the following:
1. To make modifica ons in cell contents, select any cell. Double-click on the cell to edit it.
The inser on point will blink within the cell. The Edit mode is indicated on the le side of
the Status bar. Posi on the pointer at a desired place and change the contents. Press the
Enter key.
2. To insert mul ple columns, select the same number of columns that you want to insert.
Click on Insert drop-down bu on in the Cells group on the Home tab and choose Insert
Sheet Columns op on. The selected number of columns will get inserted in the
3. To cancel the changes and retrieve the previous data we use Undo command. This
command allows you to undo the last ac on performed. The Redo command is used to
quickly repeat the last ac on that you have done using Undo command.
4. Hold down the Shi key to select a range i.e., a group of adjacent rows or columns To
select the non-adjacent cells hold down the Ctrl key while you click on the other cells for
selec on.
5. Select a cell or a range of cells. Posi on the mouse pointer at the edge of the selected
cells. The pointer changes from a white cross symbol to move pointer. Drag the selected
cell or a range of cells to a new des na on, and release the mouse bu on. The data will
be moved to a new loca on.
8 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>
6. Auto Fill is the easiest method to fill data in cells automa cally. Type first two-three items
and select them. Move mouse pointer to the right corner, it changes to '+' sign, hold the
mouse and drag it down to fill the cells.
7. To copy data, use the Cut, Copy and Paste bu ons on the Home tab in the Clipboard
group. These commands use Windows Clipboard. Or
Select the data to be copied and press Ctrl + C key combina on. Place the pointer to the
desired loca on and press Ctrl +V key combina on. The data will be copied.
D. You have been asked to plan a friend's birthday party. Set up a spreadsheet to make an
es mate of the expenditure.
1. D4… =B4*C4 2. B2 3. D8 4. Edit Mode
D6… =B6*C6
D9… =D4+D5+D6+D7+D8
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Stage 2. Timeline 3. Polystar 4. Control > Test Movie
5. Straighten
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Pencil Tool 2. Ctrl + G
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Ctrl + G 2. (b) F6 3. (c) Pen 4. (a) Ctrl + B
B. Write the func on of the following tools briefly:
1. Pencil tool is a free hand tool. It helps to draw lines in different modes.
2. Pen tool is used to draw precise paths as straight lines or curves.
3. Eraser tool is used to erase lines and fills of an object from the stage.
4. Ink Bo le tool is used to change the stroke color, width and style of line or shape outlines.
C. Answer the following:
1. Flash is an anima on so ware package. It provides a versa le and easy way to create
anima on. We can make any object in Flash with anima on and make movies with sound
and ac on. The main parts of Flash working environment – The Stage, Menu bar, The
Tools Panel, Timeline, The Proper es Panel.
2. The stroke color is used to choose the style and thickness of the line whereas Fill color is
used to fill the colour in an object with a single click.

IT apps 6 Answer Key >> 9

3. The three different modes of pencil tool are: Straighten, Smooth and Ink.
Straighten : Straighten mode automa cally straightens the line drawn by the Pencil Tool.
4. The different eraser mode modifiers are Erase Normal, Erase Fills, Erase Lines, Erase
Selected Fills and Erase Inside.
Erase Normal : Erases all lines and fills wherever the eraser is moved.
Erase Fills : Erases only the fill colours while lines are unaffected.
5. Keyframes are special types of frames where we define change in the object for an
anima on like posi on, color, shape, etc.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Symbol 2. Three 3. Morphing 4. F8 5.Two
B. Write True or False:
1.True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5.False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Shape Tween 2. Mo on Tween
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Ctrl + L 2. (b) Ctrl + Enter 3. (c) Mo on Guide Layer 4. (b) Library
5. (a) Movie Clip
B. Answer the following:
1. A symbol is a reusable object for sta c images or anima on. They are either created with
the help of drawing tools or imported from other sources. Symbols reduce the file size
and simplify the edi ng process of a movie. There are mainly three types of symbols
available in Flash.
ö Movie Clip ö Bu on ö Graphic
2. Instance is a copy of the original symbol. The size, colour, shape and posi on can be
altered without affec ng the original symbol.
3. When a series of images appear in a fixed interval of me, then it appears to show some
movement. This can be termed as anima on.
4. Mo on Guide Layer is used to draw a path which is being followed by the object while in
mo on.
5. Select the object by using the Selec on tool and place it on the first key frame. Convert it
into graphic symbol by using Modify > Convert to Symbol op on.
6. Tweening means 'in between'. The movement from one key frame to the other becomes
convenient with the use of Tweening method. There are two types of Tweened
Anima on: Mo on Tween and Shape Tween.
10 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Constant 2. Character Set 3. BEDMAS 4. Numeric Value
5.Double Quotes
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. False
8. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. <> 2. F5
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) $ 2. (c) A2 = 21 3. (b) F6 4. (c) .Bas 5. (b) Esc
B. Answer the following in one word or one sentence:
1. Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruc on Code 2. Numeric & String
3. N-224, +12, AC-“192” “RAGHAV” 4. Rela onal 5. PRINT
6. Arithme c, Rela onal and Logical 7. John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz
C. Answer the following:
1. BASIC is a programming language used for beginners. It is very easy and simple to
understand. BASIC stands for Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruc on Code. It was
developed in Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA by Professor John G. Kemeny and
Thomas E.Kurtz in May 1964.
2. There are many ways to run a program in QBasic which are as follows:
ö By pressing F5 key.
ö By selec ng Run menu and clicking on Start op on.
ö By typing RUN in the Immediate mode and pressing the Enter key.
3. A variable is a loca on in memory to which any value can be assigned. It con nues to hold
the value un l another value is assigned to it. There are two types of variables:
ö Numeric ö Alphanumeric or String
4. Any numeric value, an integer or a real number, posi ve or nega ve is called a Numeric
constant. For example: 224, + 12, 0, - 7.4 are valid numeric constants.
An alphanumeric constant consists of a sequence of characters, A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9 and certain
special symbols, like, % ? # ^ & * ( ) ; : “ ' / \, etc., enclosed in double quotes. For example,
“RAGHAV”, “SUM = Rs 84”, “192” are a few valid alphanumeric constants.
5. Hierarchy defines the order in which the operators are executed in any Basic expression.
We use BEDMAS for the hierarchy of opera on. The full form of BEDMAS is:

IT apps 6 Answer Key >> 11

B Brackets ()
E Exponen a on ^
D Division /
Same Priority
M Mul plica on *
A Addi on +
Same Priority
S Subtrac on -
Lab Session : Perfec on Through Prac ce
Write QBasic programs for the following:
1. 10 Rem To display “WISH YOU A GOOD DAY”
30 End
2. 10 Rem To display the Entrance Form
20 Print “Name : Rehan Khanna”
30 Print “Age : 23”
40 Print “Father`s name : Mr. Rohan Khanna”
50 Print “Occupa on : Marking Execu ve”
60 Print “Address : # 45 D, Patel Nagar, Delhi”
70 Print “Contact Number : 09698765436
80 End
3. 10 Rem To display “Success is a MARATHON, its not a SPRINT”
20 Print “Success is a MARATHON, its not a SPRINT”
30 End
Write the answers of these as per Basic hierarchy:
1. -18 2. 161 3. 1 4. -9 5. -516 6. -613
Correct the following:
2. A = 15 : LET A = 15
3. B$ = "100+10" : NO ERROR
5. 2A%=60 : A2%=60
6. 60/100=MARKS : Marks = 60/100
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Semicolon 2. Tabular 3. Input 4. CLS 5. Decisions, Comparisons
6. Then 7.IF THEN ELSE 8. Control
12 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Print X,Y 2. GOTO
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) REM 2. (b) Input 3. (c) Print Tab 4. (b) Square brackets
5. (c) GOTO 6. (a) ELSEIF
B. Iden fy the errors:
C. Write Basic statements for the following statements:
1. Z= X+Y 2. A= A+10 3. A$ = “Abhinav”
4. C= A*B 5. PRINT “JUHI”; “NANDA”
D. Answer the following:
1. The INPUT statement in QBasic is used to accept the data item from the user and store it
in a variable. While using INPUT statement, the computer does the following things:
ö It stops further processing of the program.
ö It prints a ques on mark on the screen.
ö It waits for the user to key in its response and press the Enter key.
ö It stores or assigns the same data item into the corresponding variable men oned in
the INPUT statement.
2. The TAB func on is used to move the print posi on to the column indicated in its
argument. This statement is quite suitable for prin ng tabular type of results.
Syntax: PRINT TAB (C); “Constant / Variable / Expression”
Where C is the column number
3. PRINT with comma is used to display the values one a er another with plenty of spaces in
between. Only five values can be printed in one line. In case of more than five values, the
remaining values will be printed on the next line.
PRINT with semicolon is used to display the values one a er another, without any space
in between.
4. IF-THEN-ELSE is a condi onal decision making statement. If the condi on given a er IF is
true, statement(s) specified a er THEN is executed. But if the condi on is False, the ELSE
statement will be processed.
Syntax: IF <condi on> THEN <statement1> ELSE <statement2>
5. In a QBasic program, GOTO statement is used to transfer the program control from one
statement to another.

IT apps 6 Answer Key >> 13

Syntax: [ Line No.] GOTO <Line No.>
For example: 10 A = 1
20 B = A * A
40 A = A + 1
50 GOTO 20
60 END
Lab Session : Perfec on Through Prac ce
Find the output of the following programs:
2. 2,3
3. NAME? Sakshi Sharma
4. How many players are there in a football team?
Enter number of players? 10
Do you want to try again?
Enter choice Y/N:? N
My Ac vity : Learning While Playing
Make the following programs:
1. 10 REM To input any two numbers and print their sum and product.
20 INPUT "Enter First number:"; A
30 INPUT "Enter Second number:"; B
40 S = A + B
50 P = A * B
60 PRINT "Sum="; S
90 PRINT "Product="; P
100 END
2. 10 REM To interchange their values of two numbers.
14 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>
20 INPUT "Enter First number:"; A
30 INPUT "Enter Second number:"; B
40 C = A
50 A = B
60 B = C
70 PRINT "First number:"; A
80 PRINT "Second number:"; B
90 END
3. 10 REM To print area and circumference of a circle.
20 INPUT "Enter the radius of a circle:"; R
30 Pie = 3.14
40 Area = Pie * R * R
50 Circum = 2 * Pie * R
60 PRINT "Area and Circumference of the circle ="; Area, Circum
70 END
4. 10 REM To find the number of days
20 Speed = 50
30 Distance = 2800
40 Time = Distance / Speed
50 Days = Time / 24
60 PRINT "The number of days taken to cover the distance"; Days
70 END
5. 10 REM To print the sum of 100 natural numbers.
20 n = 1
30 sum = 0
40 IF n <= 100 THEN GOTO 50 ELSE GOTO 80
50 sum = sum + n
60 n = n + 1
70 GOTO 40
80 PRINT "Sum of 100 natural numbers = "; sum
90 END
6. 10 CLS
20 INPUT "Enter number = "; N
30 IF (N > 0) THEN PRINT "Posi ve Number "; ELSE PRINT "Nega ve Number ";
40 END
7. CLS
IT apps 6 Answer Key >> 15
8. 10 CLS
20 INPUT "Enter first number = "; N
30 INPUT "Enter second number = "; M
40 MUL = N * M
60 END
9. 10 REM to print the odd 500 to 1000
20 N = 501
30 IF N < 1000 THEN GOTO 40 ELSE GOTO 70
50 N = N + 2
60 GOTO 30
70 END
10. 10 CLS
40 IF CH = 1 THEN C = A + B
50 IF CH = 2 THEN C = A - B
60 IF CH = 3 THEN C = A * B
70 IF CH = 4 THEN C = A / B
100 IF Q$ = "N" THEN GOTO 20
110 END
11. CLS

16 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>

12. CLS
P = (M + E + H + C + S) / 5
IF (P >= 80) THEN
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Network 2. WWW 3. Chat 4. Video Conferencing 5. E-mail
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True
C. Give the full form of the following:
1. Internet Service Provider 2.World Wide Web 3.Uniform Resource Locator
4. Advanced Research Project Agency Network 5. Interna onal Network
D. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1.Skype (Video Call) 2. E-Banking
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) 15th Aug 1995 2. (b) Skype 3. (c) Home Page 4. (a) Signature
5. (b) Facebook
B. Answer in one sentence:
1. Cha ng, E-commerce, Video conferencing, Social Networking, E-banking.

IT apps 6 Answer Key >> 17

2. Chat rooms are places on the Internet where one can converse with different types of
3. A link is a coloured and underlined Text on a website.
4. Airtel, Sify, Tata, Reliance and BSNL.
5. To open any website on the Internet, you have to type its web address in the address bar
of the web browser.
C. Answer the following:
1. The Internet is a “network of networks” that consists of millions of computers spread
across the world. Internet allows us to share the informa on worldwide, with just a
mouse click.
2. E-Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce, i.e., commercial ac vi es over Internet.
Internet offers us convenient ways to shop from our home or office for almost everything,
like, air/rail/movie ckets, clothes, electronic items, books, gi s, etc. Some useful sites
for E-shopping are: ö ö
3. The World Wide Web is a large computer network where by using a browser, such as,
Netscape, Internet Explorer, you can surf and get informa on. It consists of all the public
web sites connected to the Internet worldwide, including the client devices that access
web contents.
4. ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. It is a company that gives you access to the
Internet for a fee. The browser will not display pages unless the computer is connected to
an ISP. For example, BSNL, Tata, Airtel, Reliance, etc.
5. Social Networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups who for example,
share ideas, ac vi es, events, interest, photos, messages and videos. It func ons like an
online community of internet users. In social networking web sites, every user has a
profile, which contains informa on about them. Some of the popular social networking
sites are: Facebook, Orkut, LinkedIn, hi5, etc.
6. Internet is basically a vast resource of informa on. We can search and find informa on
about websites, images, news, ques ons and answers, videos, etc. All the websites used
exclusively for searching informa on are termed as Search Engines. For example,,, etc.
7. Video Conferencing involves the use of video cameras connected to two or more
computers. Images and sounds are then sent through the Internet where users not only
hear each other but can also have a face to face conversa on. This technology is mainly
used for virtual mee ngs among a group of people to discuss poli cal, business, medical
or social affairs.
8. E-Mail stands for Electronic Mail. It is a facility on Internet to compose, store, send and
receive messages to any part of the world. We can also a ach photos, videos or other
important data along with our message. The popular sites, which provide the facility to
send or receive mails are: and
18 IT apps 6 Answer Key >>
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1.2 2. Decimal number 3. 8 4.10 5. Binary 6. Hexadecimal 7. 0
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Mul ply the decimal number with the base 80, 81 so on and add the individual result.
2. 0 – 1 = 1 (with a borrow 1 taken from next place).
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Aryabhat 2. (a) Digital Computer 3. (c) Binary 4. (b) 1 5. (a) 2
B. Answer the following:
1. In early days there were no means of coun ng, people used to count with the help of
fingers, stones, s cks, etc. These methods were not adequate and to overcome the
limita ons number system was originated. Commonly used types are – Decimal, Binary,
Octal and Hexadecimal.
2. Rules to convert decimal number into binary number are:
ö Divide the given decimal number with the base 2.
ö Write down the remainder and divide the quo ent again by 2.
ö Repeat the step 2 ll the quo ent is zero.
3. In decimal number system when any number is mul plied by zero, it becomes zero.
Similarly, in binary number system when you mul ply any number with zero, it becomes
zeroand 1 * 1 becomes 1.
4. The Octal number system consists of 8 digits, i.e., 0 to 7 with the base 8. The procedure of
octal to decimal conversion is similar to 'binary to decimal' conversion. The only
difference is the change of base.
Lab Session: Perfec on Through Prac ce
A. Convert the following Decimal number into Binary numbers:
a. 68 =(1000100)2 b. 987 = (1111011011)2
B. Convert the following Binary number into Decimal numbers:
a. 1011 = (11)10 b. 100110 = (38)10
c. 11001 = (25)10 d. 10101 = (21)10
C. Perform Binary addi on on the following:
a. 10101+00111 = (11100)2 b. 1001101 + 1000101101 = (1001111010)2
c. 1101 + 1001 = (10110)2 d. 101010001+0101011 = (101111100)2

20 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>

D. Find the difference between the following Binary numbers:
a. 10011 - 01010 = (01001)2 b. 11001001 - 01100110 = (01100011)2
c. 111-001= (110)2 d. 101110-110111 = (001001)2
E. Mul ply the following Binary numbers:
a. 101 x 011 =(01111)2 b. 1011 x 101 = (110111)2
c. 101010 x 1011 = (111001110)2 d. 11010101 x 11111 = (1100111001011)2
F. Divide these Binary numbers:
a.1111 ¸ 11 = 101 b. 111001 ¸ 101 = 1011
c. 111111111 ¸ 1011 = 101110 d. 10100110111 ¸ 111 = 01110011
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Managing data 2. Content 3. Mouse 4. Home
5. Hiberna on
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. On-Screen Keyboard 2. Details View
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) Library 2. (a) Sleep 3. (b) 4 4. (a) Font 5. (c) Extra large icons
B. Answer the following:
1. Windows Explorer enables you to display directory structure that includes drives, folders.
It organizes and manages the files in a computer.
2. Different view formats are: Extra Large and Large Icons, Medium Icons, Small Icons, List,
Details, Tiles and Content.
a. Extra Large and Large Icons – They display gigan c and large icons of the files and
folder. These two can be very useful when working with images and video files.
b. Medium Files - It displays the files and folders as medium – sized icons, giving you a
be er idea of the file content.
3. To set the date and me for your computer follow these steps:
ö Click on Date and Time op on in Control Panel. The Date and Time dialog box will
ö Click on Change date and me tab. The Date and Time Se ngs dialog box appear.
ö You can change the date and me from the dialog box and click on the OK bu on.

IT apps 7 Answer Key >> 21

4. Sleep is a power saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power
opera on when you start working again. It puts our work and se ngs in memory and
draws a small amount of power.
5. To change the mouse se ngs select the Mouse op on in Control Panel dialog box.
6. Control Panel is a system folder using which we can make changes in the appearance and
current se ngs of Windows. It also helps in hardware/ so ware setup and configura on
and se ng of clock, language and personaliza on of desktop.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Calcula ons 2. = 3. Cell reference 4. Absolute reference
5. Exclama on mark and Cell address 6. Arguments 7. Parenthesis
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Max () & MIN () func on 2. =15000*10/100 ¿
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (c) Sheet1! D4 2. (c) Alt + = 3. (c) Max () 4. (a) MOD
5. (b) A3
B. Answer the following:
1. A formula is an expression that can include cell addresses, numbers, arithme c
operators and parenthesis. It must begin with = symbol followed by cell references and
operators. For example: =A2+B2*C4-SUM(E3:E5).
2. The cell address in the formula is known as the cell reference. Types of cell reference are –
Rela ve Reference, Absolute Reference and Mixed Reference.
3. Absolute reference is used when we do not want to change the address of the cell on
copying the formula to another cell. To make absolute reference of a formula, you have to
add dollar ($) sign before the column and row number, for example =$A$1+$A$2.
4. To rename a sheet tab follow these steps:
a. Right-click on the 'Sheet' tab at the bo om of the Excel sheet.
b. A pop-up menu will appear. Click on the Rename op on. The cursor will appear in the
Sheet tab.
c. Type the required name and press Enter key.
5. Range is a rectangular area consis ng of group of cells, adjacent to each other. It can be an
en re worksheet as well.
6. Func ons are pre-designed formulas in Excel to perform simple and complex
22 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>
calcula ons. They eliminate the chance of wri ng the wrong formulas. They accept the
arguments and return values. Some of the commonly used func ons are: SUM,
7. Rules to enter a func on are :
ö All Excel func ons must begin with = sign.
ö Func on name must be a valid Excel name, e.g., SUM, AVERAGE.
ö Func on name must be followed by opening and closing parenthesis.
ö Parenthesis contain arguments within it. For example, =SUM (A1:A5).
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Par cular 2. Form 3. Field Name 4. Data Valida on
5. Criteria 6. Pivot Table
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False
6. False 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques on:
1. Data > Filter
2. Apply MAX () and MIN() func on on the Marks column
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Data Valida on 2. (c) Remove Duplicates 3. (a) Form 4. (a) Record
5. (a) Sort
B. Answer the following:
1. A database is a collec on of informa on related to a par cular subject, such as
maintaining addresses and phone numbers, a list of library books, keeping students'
records pertaining to academic and co-curricular achievements, etc. It helps the users to
organise, retrieve, sort and edit data as per their requirements.
2. Rules to enter Field Names are :
a. Each Field name should be placed in a separate cell.
b. Field names should be unique.
3. Sor ng means arranging the given data according to a par cular field either in ascending
(increasing) or descending (decreasing) order in a worksheet. Once the data is organised,
it becomes very easy to work with.
4. The Filter feature allows you to see only those records that you want to see while it hides
away the rest of the data temporarily from the view.
IT apps 7 Answer Key >> 23
5. PivotTable is a powerful tool for consolida ng, summarising and presen ng data.
6. The Filter feature allows you to see only those records that you want to see while it hides
away the rest of the data temporarily from the view.
The Advanced Filter op on is used to filter the data in mul ple fields using specified
criteria, or to copy the filtered records to a different loca on, or to find unique records.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Chart 2. Data Series 3. Legend 4. Bar 5. Value Axis
6. Data, Formulas, Forma ng Effects 7. Clip Art
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Pie Chart 2. Format Plot Area
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (c) Goal Seek 2. (a) Data Series 3. (b) Pie 4. (c) F11 5. (a) Shi
6. (a) Datasheet
B. Answer the following:
1. Chart is an effec ve way to display data in a pictorial form. Charts make it easier to draw,
compare and analyze the growth, rela onship and trends among the values in a range. It
provides more accurate analysis of informa on.
2. A Column chart is used to show changes in data over a period of me, whereas a Bar
chart displays comparison among individual items.
3. The Chart area includes all the area and objects in a chart. Plot area is a window within a
Chart area. It contains the actual chart and includes the plo ed data, data series,
category and value axis as well.
4. Create a new workbook. The Sheet 1 is ac ve. Press and hold the shi key. Click on Sheet3
tab. Release the Shi key. Note that all the three worksheet tabs have become white and
the word “Group” appears in the tle bar.
5. Consolida on refers to combining of data either in the same or different worksheet.
C. Briefly explain the following terms:
1. Data Series: Data series are the bars, slices or other elements that represent the data
2. Category Name: The Category names are the labels, which are displayed on the X and Y-
24 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>
3. Value Axis: Value axis or Y-axis is the ver cal axis used to plot the values.
4. Goal Seek: Goal Seek is a wonderful feature for fixing a specific result for one cell, by
adjus ng a value in another cell.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Anima on, Adobe Systems 2. Workspace 3. Stage 4. Work Area
5. Timeline 6. Layers
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. F8 2. .fla
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) Frames 2. (b) F5 3. (c) F8 4. (a) Library 5. (c) Ctrl+ Enter 6. (a) .fla
B. Answer in one line or sentence :
1. 550 x 400 pixel
2. 4 Parts - Tools, View, Colors and Op ons. Op ons sec on displays modifiers for the
currently selected tools.
3. Frame by Frame and Tweened Anima on.
4. 2 types of gradient - Radial and Linear gradient.
C. Answer the following:
1. Flash is a powerful anima on so ware package developed by Adobe Systems. It provides
a versa le and easy way to create anima on that consists of images, sound and video
with various effects. It is extremely useful for developing highly interac ve web sites,
online adver sements, computer games and contents for various mobile devices.
2. Frame in Flash can be defined as the li le rectangular cell that appear on the Timeline.
Each frame has a number, which you can find on top of the Timeline. Keyframe is a special
types of frame, where we define some change to an object's proper es for an anima on -
like posi on, colour, shape, etc.
3. The Property Inspector is a panel that displays the proper es of the selected object (text,
symbol, an image, a line or a shape). You can make changes to the object or document
a ributes in the Property Inspector.
4. Gradient means filling colour in an object from light to dark that basically gives shade to
an object or a colour formed by mixing of two or more colours in an object.
5. To rotate the object follow the given steps:
IT apps 7 Answer Key >> 25
ö Select the object.
ö Select Modify > Transform > Rotate and Skew.
ö Click on the corner handle of the object, the pointer changes to rota on handle. Drag
a corner handle to rotate the object.
ö To end the transforma on, click outside the selected object. An outline of the object
appears as you rotate.
ö Release the mouse bu on and see that the object has rotated.
6. To import graphics from another file follow the given steps:
ö Select File > Import > Import to Stage.
ö You will get the Import dialog box.
ö Browse the filename to import. Select the filename and click Open.
7. Anima on involves a series of s ll images, usually painted or sketched, displayed in rapid
sequence. Then only it appears to show some movement. Anima on in flash is created by
changing the contents of successive frames. Keeping the space in view this line will not be
8. Tint Tweening is used to change the colour of an object. Tint effects work only on symbols
and cannot be added to the objects that are drawn directly on the canvas of the movie.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Transparent 2. Pencil icon 3. Instance 4. View > Grid > Show Grid 5. Mask
B. Write True or False:
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Rota on With Masking Effect
2. She should click the black dot under the Lock column indicated with Pad lock icon.
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) Onion Skin 2. (c) Ctrl +Loop Playback 3. (c) Ctrl + G
B. Answer the following:
1. Layer is like transparent sheet that can hold objects and are stacked on top of each other.
It is useful while developing a very big anima on. Layers allow you to organise the
artwork, anima ons and other elements of your movie.
2. You can add a new layer either by clicking on the Insert Layer bu on present at the
bo om of the Timeline or by selec ng the Layer op on present on the Timeline on Insert
26 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>
3. To rename a layer either select the Proper es op on from the Context menu or click on
layer and change the name by double- clicking on the name op on.
4. Masking in Flash is an instance (or any image object) that acts as a hole through which we
see the contents of a layer or layers beneath it. Masking is o en used in Flash to create
spotlight effect that would display the text through a hole.
5. Onion Skin Tool allows you to see a faint ghost image of the previous frame. By using
Onion skin tool you can see where to place the image for the next me.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. John G. Kemeny, Thomas E. Kurtz 2. Input 3. Variable 4.IF…Then
5. String, Dollar 6. Line
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. False 8. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Draw Command 2. SCREEN 7COLOR 5, 15 LINE (60,60)-(130,100),6, BF
3. X-axis
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) PRINT 2. (c) Line 3. (b) BF 4. (c) Screen 5. (c) Screen 0
B. Answer the following:
1. The INPUT command is used to enter the values (text or number), while the program is
being executed. This command waits for the user to enter the informa on and then
assigns the values accordingly.
2. IF…THEN statement is used to make decision on the basis of result of comparison while
IF…THEN….ELSE is a condi onal decision making statement. If the condi on given a er IF
is true, statement specified a er THEN is executed. But if the condi on is false the
statement specified a er ELSE is executed.
3. There are many screen modes that can be used in QBasic. Every mode has a different
resolu on and supports different number of colours. For example, Screen 1 supports 4
colours, Screen 2 supports 2 colours, etc.
4. B indicates the box op on and BF specifies the filled box op on.
5. We can draw rectangle with LINE statement.
COLOR 5,15
IT apps 7 Answer Key >> 27
LINE (60,60)-(130,100), 6,B.
6. To set a point from where a par cular drawing should start on the screen, PSET statement
is used. For example, PSET(X, Y), C. X is column, Y is row and C is color code.
LAB SESSION : Perfec on Through Prac ce
A. Write programs to generate the following series:
(i) 10 a = 1
20 IF a <= 10 THEN GOTO 30 ELSE GOTO 70
30 b = a * a
40 PRINT b
50 a = a + 1
60 GOTO 20
70 END
(ii) CLS
B. Write programs to display the characters in the given format:
(i) 10 CLS
20 A = 4
30 FOR C = 1 TO 5
40 A = A + 1
50 FOR D = C TO A
100 END
(ii) 10 FOR c = 5 TO 1 STEP -1
20 FOR i = c TO 1 STEP -1
30 PRINT " @ ";
40 NEXT i
28 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>
60 NEXT c
70 END
(iii) 10 PRINT " $"
20 PRINT " $ $ $ "
30 PRINT "$ $ $ $ $"
40 PRINT " $ $ $ "
50 PRINT " $"
60 END
C. Write programs for the following:
1. 10 CLS
20 n = 1
30 s = 0
40 sq = 0
50 If n<20 THEN GOTO 60 ELSE 100
60 sq = n*n
70 n = n+2
80 s = s + sq
90 goto 40
100 PRINT s
110 END
2. 10 SCREEN 7
20 CLS
30 PRINT "A blue color square of 100X100 pixels whose centre lies at the screen"
40 LINE (90, 50)-(190, 150), 1, BF
50 END
3. 10 SCREEN 7
20 LINE (160, 30)-(250, 180), 4
30 LINE (250, 180)-(70, 180), 2
40 LINE (70, 180)-(160, 30), 1
50 END
4. CLS
CIRCLE (160, 100), 30, 2
CIRCLE (160, 100), 20, 2
CIRCLE (160, 100), 10, 2

IT apps 7 Answer Key >> 29

Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Looping 2. Counter 3. Ini al, Final 4. NEXT 5. FOR…NEXT
B. State True or False:
1.True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. STEP 5 2. Counter Variable/ Control Variable
3. FOR I = 1 TO 10
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) Control 2. (b) Step 3. (b) While 4. (a) Next 5. (b) Wend
B. Answer the following:
1. Looping means repeated execu on of a statement or a set of statements in a program.
2. The control variable is assigned an ini al value and the final value with FOR statement.
The Next statement increments the value of the control variable by one and transfers the
control back to the FOR statement.
3. By default, the NEXT statement increments the value of the control variable by 1, but we
can increase or decrease the value as per our choice using STEP statement. STEP value is
op onal and can either be posi ve or nega ve.
4. The use of a loop statement within another loop statement is known as nested loop. The
FOR…NEXT which lies outside or encloses the second FOR…NEXT statement is called
Outer Loop. The one, which lies inside is called Inner Loop.
5. WHILE…. WEND statement is executed repeatedly while a given condi on remains true
whereas DO UNTIL statement is executed while a given condi on remains false or
becomes true.
6. Accumulator stores the sum of the numbers entered during the execu on of a loop.
LAB SESSION : Perfec on Through Prac ce
A. Make programs for the following statements.
1. CLS
FOR N = 20 TO 1 STEP -2
30 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>
Sq = n * n
S = S + Sq
2. FOR I = 6 TO 8
FOR J = 1 TO 10
PRINT I; "*"; J; "="; I * J
3. CLS
50 GOTO 20
60 END
SUM = 0
FOR A= 1 TO 100 STEP 2
6. 10 CLS
20 FOR N = 1 TO 30
30 INPUT "Enter student's Name="; N$
40 INPUT "Enter English Marks"; E
50 INPUT "Enter Maths Marks"; M
60 INPUT "Enter Hindi Marks"; H
IT apps 7 Answer Key >> 31
70 INPUT "Enter Science Marks"; SCI
80 INPUT "Enter Marks"; SSt
90 Total = E + M + H + SCI + SSt
100 Per = Total / 5
110 PRINT "Name of the student is:"; N$
120 PRINT "Total Marks:"; Total
130 PRINT "percentage is:"; Per
140 NEXT N
150 END
B. What shall be the output of the following programs?
? 28
2) 252635364546
3) 1 0
2 1
3 3
4 6
5 10
4) 100
SUM= 220
5) 0

32 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>

Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Blog 2. Microblogging 3. 140 4. Signature 5. E-mail
6. Google
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5.False 6.True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Visit the site: 2. Twi er
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) At (@) 2. (b) Spaces 3. (c) Pop-ups 4. (a) Jack Dorsey
B. Briefly explain the following terms:
1. Microblogging: It is a new form of communica on in which users can describe their
status in short posts distributed by small messages, mobile phones, e-mail, digital audio
or the web.
2. Mailing List: A mailing list is a system by which a group of people can have a discussion via
3. Chat Room: Chat rooms on the Internet are equivalent to 24-hour coffee shops, with
people online to chat any me you want.
C. Answer the following:
1. A newsgroup is an internet community, which is dedicated to the discussion of a
par cular topic of interest. They are about current events and cover everything from
computers to research, poli cs to humani es, etc.
2. To add a new contact, click on Mail drop-down arrow, select the Contacts op on. Click on
New Contact, a form will appear, fill it and click on Save Now tab. The contact details will
be added to the address book.
3. We can add an a achment by clicking on A ach bu on. The Open dialog box opens.
Select the file and click on open op on. The file will be a ached.
IT apps 7 Answer Key >> 33
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Disrupts 2. Speed, destruc on 3. enters 4. data, programs
5. floppy, E-mail or Internet 6. Self-replica ng 7. Clock, Friday the 13th
8. An virus So ware
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. False 7. True
8. False 9. False 10. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Install An virus So ware 2. Program file viruses
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Boot Virus 2. (c) Trojan Horse 3. (c) 1987 4. (c) April First
5. (c) Farooq Alvi Brothers
B. Answer the following:
1. A computer virus is a program or a set of programs that disrupts the normal opera on of a
computer. It enters the computer without the user's knowledge and destroys data. The
types of virus are: Trojan Horses, Worms, and Spyware.
2. A virus can cause problems in a computer in many ways, such as:
ö Decreasing the speed of a computer by decreasing the memory.
ö Causing strange movements or pa erns on the screen.
ö Displaying unusual messages like “Your PC is stoned”.
3. Spyware is a type of malware that is installed on computers and collects informa on
about users without their knowledge. Spyware programs secretly monitor the user's
compu ng. Some mes they also change computer se ngs that result in slow connec on
speed and wrong func onality of other programs.
4. Trojan Horse are simple programs that pretend to be useful applica ons while they
always do something destruc ve - mostly they damage a computer, like erasing a disk.
They are not self-replica ng. A Trojan Horse can spread only when it is copied to another
5. To prevent virus infec on, follow the given ps:
ö Every PC should be equipped with some an -virus program.
ö Always scan the pen drive before copying files.
ö Do not install pirated so ware.
6. An virus so ware is a computer program which is designed to iden fy, prevent and
remove virus from your computer.

34 IT apps 7 Answer Key >>

Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Communica on 2. Data, Resources 3. Single point 4. Nodes
5. Wireless networking 6. MAN, LAN
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True
5. False 6. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. LAN 2. Peer-to-Peer 3. Network Card 4. Bluetooth
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (c) Ethernet Network Card 2. (b) Bluetooth 3.(a) Nodes 4. (a) Network
5. (c) WAP
B. Answer the following:
1. Networking is the interconnec on of a group of computers and other peripheral devices
so that they can share data and hardware resources. For example, LAN, MAN, WAN
2. ö Data can be shared on a central computer.
ö It reduces the cost of hardware as hardware resources can be shared.
ö Upda on of data is done at a single point.
ö It reduces the need of hard copies, as so copies can be shared.
1. In LAN, two or more computers and 1. This type of network connects two or
peripheral devices are connected within more computers located at far away
a small area, such as room, office building places.
or a campus.
2. In Local Area Network, computers are 2. In Wide Area Network, computers
connected to each other through wires. are connected to each other through
Satellite signals.
3. The data transmission speed in LAN is 3. Data transmission speed is faster as
slower than WAN. compared to LAN.

4. Network Security means protec ng data and resources from any unauthorised access.
Since many users are accessing the same data, so we must ensure that only the
authorised persons can access or modify data. There are two levels of network security:
a) Login security b) Rights security
36 IT apps 8 Answer Key >>
5. In client-server architecture, several computers called clients or worksta ons are
connected to the main computer called the server. Clients send request to server in order
to share data and other resources with it.
C. Define the following terms:
1. WAP: WAP stands for Wireless Access Point. It connects wireless communica on devices
to form a wireless network.
2. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless technology used to interconnect mobile phones,
computers, printers using short-range wireless connec on.
3. Server: A Server is a computer that provides services to clients and controls access to
hardware, so ware and other resources.
4. Node: Node is a computer that par cipates in a network as well as it works


Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Database 2. Tables, Common 3. File 4. Alt + F4 5. Queries
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Create > Table Templates 2. Alt + F4
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Ctrl + S 2. (b) DBMS 3. (b) .accdb 4.(a) Two
B. Answer the following:
1. A Database is an organized way of storing informa on. It helps us to manage and access
large amount of informa on quickly and efficiently. Some of the examples of database
are: Student's records system, Telephone diary, List of books and authors in a library,
Dic onary
2. ö MS-Access organizes the data in the form of tables.
ö Data can be shared, searched and updated easily.
ö It provides data security.
ö Through queries, we can retrieve data in a desired way.
3. There are mainly two types of Database:

IT apps 8 Answer Key >> 37

ö Flat file database: In flat file database you can store and retrieve informa on. This
data type is not capable of linking the files together. For example, MS Excel.
ö Rela onal database: A rela onal database links separate tables together to get a
common piece of informa on. MS Access, MY SQL, SYBASE are some of the examples
of Rela onal database.
C. Define the following terms:
Field: Field is a column name that contains only one type of informa on.
Record: A record contains the values for all the fields that belong to a single person or an
en ty.
Report: Reports allow you to present the data in a meaningful and summarized manner.


Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. 255 2. AutoNumber 3. Primary 4. Tab 5. Hyperlink
6. Memo 7. Toggle 8. Delete Rows
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False
6. False 7. True 8. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. MobileNumber 2. OLE Object
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) Shi + Tab 2. (c) 64 3.(c) Record Naviga on Bar 4. (b) Alt + F5
5. (a) Ctrl + W 6. (a) Pencil
B. Answer the following:
1. A table is a database object which consists of rows and columns. It is used to store
informa on in an organized manner. In Access, a table can have maximum of 255 columns
with unlimited rows.
2. Data type is used to declare the fields of a table. It determines the type of data, a
par cular field can accept. Once the data type is defined, we cannot enter a different type
of data in a field.
3. A primary key is a sort of check on the table that every record in the table is unique and does
not contain any duplicate data. A table can have only one primary key. The value in the
primary key field is different for every record.
38 IT apps 8 Answer Key >>
4. To insert a new field in a table, follow the given steps:
ö Open the table in Design view.
ö Click on the row where you want to add a new field.
ö Click on Insert Rows bu on in the Tools group on Design tab. A blank row gets
inserted. Specify the field name and the data type for the new field.
5. a) Select the record by clicking on its row header .
b) Press the Delete key. The selected row gets deleted.
6. a) Select the field you want to sort.
b) Click on the small arrow present next to the field name and choose the desired sort
op on and observe the change in the database.
7. To add a new row, place the cursor at the last field of a record and press the Tab key. A new
row gets added. Now, enter the new row according to the fields.


Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Table 2. Criteria 3. Or 4. Sort 5. Design Grid 6. Report
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. In Criteria field of Design grid type <50 in the Marks field. 2. Form
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Update 2. (b) Two 3. (b) Create 4. (a) Selected table 5. (b) Three
6. (a) Primary key
B. Answer the following:
1. A Query is a database object that is used to extract some informa on from the database.
2. The Query window has two panes: Top and Bo om. The top pane displays the table(s)
selected for the query. The bo om pane displays the Design Grid.
3. Criteria is a condi on on the basis of which the records are filtered in the Query output.
4. MS Access provides four types of queries:
ö Select query ö Update query ö Cross tab query ö Append query.
5. You can add fields to the query by dragging them from the field list to the design grid or by

IT apps 8 Answer Key >> 39

double-clicking on the field.
6. A form is an Access object that allows the user to add and update data in one record at a
me in a table. Data can be easily inserted, updated and deleted from a table using a
Form. If you change a record in a form, it will be reflected in a table also.
7. Report is an effec ve way to organise and summarise data for viewing or prin ng. It can
be created exactly in the same way as we create a form.


Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. GIF 2. 1987 3. Tools Pale e 4. Specific area 5. Black
6. Pale es 7. Gradient 8. Selec on tool
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Crop Tool 2. Lasso Tool
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) CS6 2. (a) Thomas Knoll 3. (b) Context Menu
4. (a) .psd 5. (c) Crop 6. (b) Ctrl + D
B. Answer the following:
1. Adobe Photoshop is a graphics edi ng program developed by Adobe Systems. It is widely-
used by millions of graphics ar sts, web developers, photographers, as well as common
people to create posters, magazine covers, book covers, brochures, etc.,Some of the
features of Adobe Photoshop are given below:
ö Photo edi ng can be done in lesser me and with li le effort.
ö It has powerful tools to enhance or change the colour of an image.
ö It is used to create graphics for web applica ons with reduced file size, thereby,
helping in faster loading of the website.
2. The Magic Wand tool is used to automa cally select the adjacent areas of the same
colour in an image.
3. Cropping refers to the removal of unwanted areas of an image. With the help of Crop tool
you can select a specified area which you want to focus and remove the unwanted parts
of a picture.
40 IT apps 8 Answer Key >>
4. A marquee tool is used to select an image or part of it in rectangular, square, ellip cal or
circular shape, whereas Lasso tool is used for selec ng irregular shapes.


Brain Developer
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Retouching, Edi ng 2. [ , ] 3. Caps Lock 4. Black, White
5. Color Replacement 6. Type 7. Hand, Zoom
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
6. True 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Brush Tool > Color Replacement Tool
2. Clone Stamp Tool
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Caps Lock 2. (b) Spacebar Key 3. (c) Brush 4. (c) Create Warped Text Tool
5. (a) Hand tool 6. (c) Adjustments
B. Answer the following:
1. Pain ng tools are used to edit photographs to make them a rac ve and appealing.
Some of the pain ng tools are:
ö Spot Healing Brush
ö Clone Stamp Tool
ö Color Replacement tool
2. Foreground Color is used to paint, fill and for stroke selec ons, whereas , Background
Color is used to make Gradient fills and fill colour in the erased areas of the image. By
default, foreground color is black and background color is white.
3. Hue/Satura on dialog box allows us to adjust the hue (colours), satura on (intensity of
colours) and lightness of an image.
4. Type Tool is used to add text in an image. To insert text in an image:
ö Click on the Type tool and select the desired forma ng op on from the context
ö Click on the image and type the text.
5. Warping is used to posi on the le ers or text in different shapes. Warping text allows us to
IT apps 8 Answer Key >> 41
bend the text and to change the orienta on of the text horizontally and ver cally. We can
warp the text orienta on both horizontally and ver cally.
6. Layers are the transparent, sheets that can hold objects and are stacked on top of each
other. We can draw and edit objects on one layer without affec ng the objects on
another layer.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Basic 2. Events 3. Form 4. Toolbox 5. Proper es 6. Code
7. Recent Project Panes 8. F5
B. Write True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Text Property 2. Solu on Explorer
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (c) Control 2. (a) Design Mode 3. (a) Solu on Explorer
4. (b) Max Length 5. (c) F5 6. (c).VB
B. Answer in one word or a line:
1. TextBox will not move and the size will remain the same.
2. File > Exit or click on Close bu on
3. Val (TextBox Name .Text)
4. Label is used to display text and TextBox is used to receive input from the user.
C. Answer the following:
1. Visual Basic is a popular programming language among beginners. It was developed by
Microso in May, 1991. It is based on the BASIC language and provides a variety of tools
to create user-friendly applica ons with Graphical User Interface. It creates Event Driven
applica ons, which encourage higher user interac on through icons, menus, pointers,
bu ons, dialog boxes, etc.
2. While using an applica on, a user performs ac ons, such as pressing a key, clicking a
mouse, selec ng a checkbox or selec ng a list item, etc. Such ac ons are known as
Events. The proper es are a ributes that define the appearance and behaviour of
objects such as forms and other Controls.
3. In event driven programming, the statements are not executed in the sequence in which
they are wri en. They only get executed when a corresponding event occurs.
4. Visual Basic IDE i.e. Integrated Development Environment provides us a user friendly
interface where we can design, edit, compile and execute the applica on on a single
pla orm.
42 IT apps 8 Answer Key >>
5. Project window is used to view the project lists, various forms and objects included in the
project , whereas, Proper es window is used to define the appearance and behaviour of
forms and other objects.
D. Iden fy the following controls and write their names in the space provided.
: Command bu on : PictureBox
: Label : Pointer
MY Ac vity : Learning While Playing
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Bu on1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on1.Click
TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) + Val(TextBox2.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Bu on2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on2.Click
TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) - Val(TextBox2.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Bu on3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on3.Click
TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) * Val(TextBox2.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Bu on4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on4.Click
TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) / Val(TextBox2.Text)
End Sub
End Class
Project Work : Using Crea vity
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Bu on1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on1.Click
Dim c, f As Double
f = Val(TextBox1.Text)
c = 5 / 9 * (f - 32)
TextBox2.Text = c
End Sub
Private Sub Bu on2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on2.Click

IT apps 8 Answer Key >> 43

End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
End Class
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Variable 2. Integer 3. Date 4. Operators
5. Rela onal 6. Logical 7. Control 8. Do While
9. For Next
B. Write True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
6. False 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Logical operators 2. Select case statement
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) Image 2. (b) Variables 3. (a) Declare a variable 4. (c) Rela onal Operator
5. (b) Radio Bu on 6. (c) Checked 7. (a) Select Case Statement
8. (b) For Next Statement
B. Answer the following:
1. Variable refers to a memory loca on used to store data temporarily. It has a unique name,
which is used to iden fy it in the program. Every variable has an associated data type,
such as, string, integer, etc., to specify the type of data to be stored. In Visual Basic
variables are declared using Dim statement.
2. Operators are special symbols used to perform calcula ons, make comparisons and
check logical condi ons in a program. For example:
ö Arithme c Operators
ö Rela onal Operators
3. Control statements are used to control the execu on of a program, either by repea ng,
or, by skipping the execu on of a statement or a set of statements. The various control
statements are : If…. Then …. Else Statement, Select Case Statement, Do While Statement
For……Next Statement
4. When the data type and value for a variable is defined by VB itself, then it is called Implicit

44 IT apps 8 Answer Key >>

declara on, Whereas, Explicit declara on allows the users to define the data type and
value for a variable by using "Op on Explicit" statement .
5. Dim statement is used to declare a variable in Visual Basic. Its syntax is :
Dim variable_name As data_type
6. We use message boxes to display a message that contains text, tle , a series of bu ons
and a small image etc. It waits for the user to perform an ac on such as Click a bu on ,
enter text, etc.
C. Differen ate between the following pairs of terms:
1. Rela onal and Logical operators
Rela onal operators are used to compare two values and return True or False as a result,
whereas, Logical operators are used to combine two or more condi ons, and display the
result accordingly.
2. Do While and For…Next statements
Do While statement is used to repeatedly execute a set of statements, ll the specified
condi on remain true. It stops execu ng the statements as the condi on becomes false.
For…Next statement is used to repeat a set of statements a fixed number of mes. It uses
a counter to count the number of execu ons.
3. Enabled and Visible property of CheckBox Control
The Enabled property sets True or False at run me display. Visible property determines
whether the control is visible or hidden.
Project Work : Using Crea vity
Project 1
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Bu on1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on1.Click
Dim Diff As Integer
If (TextBox1.Text > TextBox2.Text) Then
Diff = Val(TextBox1.Text - TextBox2.Text)
TextBox3.Text = "You have made Profit of Rs" & Diff
Diff = Val(TextBox1.Text - TextBox2.Text)
TextBox3.Text = "You have Suffered a Loss of Rs" & Diff
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Bu on2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on2.Click
End Sub

IT apps 8 Answer Key >> 45

Project 2
Private Sub Bu on1_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Bu on1.Click
Private Sub Bu on1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Bu on1.Click
Dim i, n, temp As Integer
n = Val(TextBox1.Text) + 1
temp = n + 10
Do While n <= temp
RichTextBox1.Text += n.ToString
RichTextBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine
n += 1
End Sub
Project 3
Dim a, b As Integer
a = Val(TextBox1.Text)
b = Val(TextBox2.Text)
If (a > b) Then
TextBox3.Text = "a is greater than b"
TextBox3.Text = "b is greater than a"
End If
End Sub
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. <BR> 2. Six 3. <P> 4. <P Align= “Right”> 5. <BODY BGCOLOR>
6. .html 7. Forward 8. Elements
B. State True or False:
1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. False
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Add .htm or .html a er your file name
2. <BODY BGCOLOR = "colour name">
3. <BR>

46 IT apps 8 Answer Key >>

Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Bold 2. (b) BR 3. (b) Two 4. (c) Physical markup 5. (a) SGML
B. Answer the following:
1. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. It is the most widely used language to
design web contents for the Internet.
2. A tag is a piece of code that instructs a web browser what to display and how to display. A
complete tag having an opening <tag> and a closing </tag> is known as element. The
HTML tags can be categorised as:
ö Container Tags ö Empty Tags
3. The tags that include both ON and OFF tags are called Container tags, whereas tags that
contain only ON tags are called Empty tags. <HTML> tag is an example of container tag,
whereas <BR> tag is an example of an empty tag.
4. The following tags are used to set the margins in a web page:
5. An a ribute is a property value that modifies an HTML element. It appears inside the
opening tag and value is always inside the quota on marks. For example: <FONT
6. Paragraph tag is used to display text in the form of a paragraph. A paragraph can be
aligned using the a ribute named, “Align”. Various a ributes of a paragraph element are:
<P>, <P Align= "Center">, <P Align= "Right">, <P Align= "Le "> , <P Align= "Jus fy">
7. BGCOLOR a ribute is used to change the background colour of the web page. In the
<BODY> tag, type BGCOLOR= “?”, replacing '?' with the name or a colour code.
Syntax: <BODY BGCOLOR= “colour name”>
8. BR tag breaks the line and displays the text from the next line, without giving any space
between two lines. It should be given at the end of the line a er which a new line is
9. <B>, <U> and <I> tags are used to apply bold, underline and italic proper es to the text
respec vely.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Rows, Columns 2. Table 3. Width 4. Cell Padding 5. Hyperlink 6. <TR>
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. <A Href> tag 2. <OL type = “I”>

IT apps 8 Answer Key >> 47

Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (a) <OL> 2. (a) Bordercolor 3. (b) Type 4. (c) </UL>
5. (a) <TR BGCOLOR> 6. (a) Disc
B. Answer the following:
1. Table arranges data in the form of rows and columns and provide an a rac ve way to
represent informa on. Tables are created to:
ö Present Informa on or data in a comprehensive manner.
ö Make compara ve analysis of data.
2. <TR> tag is used to create table rows , whereas, <TD> tag is used to enter data in the cells
of a table.
3. CellPadding sets the margins within a cell. It creates a distance between the edge of the
cell and the contents of the cell, whereas, CellSpacing is used to set the minimum
distance between two adjacent cells. It is measured in number of pixels between the
table cells.
4. BORDERCOLOR a ribute is used to apply colour to the border of a table. The default
colour of the border is gray, whereas, BGCOLOR a ribute is used to set the background
colour of a table.
5. To create a hyperlink, <A> (Anchor) tag is used. The HREF a ribute of the <A> tag stores
the reference (address) of the document that is to be linked. The text that appears on the
hyperlink is enclosed between the star ng tag <A> and ending tag</A>.
6. Ordered List is used to display the list of items in a specific order. The default ordered list
starts with number 1. We can change the style using the Type a ribute. Unordered List is
used when the items are not to be displayed in any par cular sequence. The default
bullet type for most web browsers is disc.
Forma ve Assessment
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Web Browser 2. WWW 3. Links 4. Chat 5. Weblog 6. Live Cam
B. State True or False:
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True
C. Applica on Based Ques ons:
1. Create a Blog using the site
2. Video conferencing through Skype
Summa ve Assessment
A. Mul ple Choice Ques ons:
1. (b) Ted Nelson 2. (b) 1989 3. (a) VoIP 4. (c) 1999
48 IT apps 8 Answer Key >>
5. (b) Vinton Gray 6. (c) HTML
B. Answer the following:
1. The computers on the Internet communicate with each other by sending and receiving
requests using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
2. Hypertext is a part of HTTP i.e. Hyper text transfer protocol. The various computers
exchange informa on among each other by using HTTP.
3. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is used as a unique address for a file that is
accessible on the Internet.
4. In streaming media, audio or video files are played as they are downloading. Only a small
wait, called buffering, is necessary before the file begins to play.
5. It allows mul ple users to communicate with each other over the Internet. Users can
share their audio , video or text files.
6. Skype is one of the most popular applica on of Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VOIP)
service. It allows you to do instant messaging and make voice and video calls to fellow
Skype users on the Internet for free. Two basic requirements to use this so ware are:
high speed internet connec on and a webcam for making video calls.
7. Blog is an easy-to-create web site that allows users to share their thoughts with the
world. The word "blog" comes from "Weblog" . We can create blog on any topic and add
comments to the blogs created by other people.
C. Give the full form of the following:
1. URL : Uniform Resource Locator
2. VoIP : Voice over Internet Protocol
3. HTML : HyperText Markup Language
4. TCP : Transmission Control Protocol
5. IP : Internet Protocol

IT apps 8 Answer Key >> 49

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