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Signal Processing 68 (1998) 113—118

Fast communication

Optimization of QAM signal constellation in

the presence of Rayleigh fading
Jong-Ki Han*, Hyung-Myung Kim
Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 373-1 Kusong-dong Yusong-gu Taejon
305-701, South Korea
Received 30 March 1998

This paper considers a communication system consisting of a vector quantizer (VQ) whose selected codevectors are
mapped into points in the modulation signal space. The modulation signal is transmitted over Rayleigh flat fading
channel. We optimize the modulation signal constellation to minimize the overall distortion of the system for the fixed
VQ codebook. The optimization is obtained by partitioning the modulation signal space. Simulation results show that
the signal constellation based on the proposed optimization scheme outperforms the conventional ones. ( 1998
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: VQ; QAM; Rayleigh flat fading channel

1. Introduction is the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)

which is widely used for the high-speed data trans-
Many applications of VQ can be found in the mission [1,4,6,7].
several signal processing areas. As in most data In order to optimize the VQ communication
processing systems, it is of great importance that system, the design of modulation signal set has
a VQ system is robust against noise. We consider the been considered in [1,4,6,7]. In [1], Foschini con-
system of transmitting information from a vector sidered equally probable signal points and an equal
source over noisy channels without employing the cost for error events, and optimized the signal con-
channel coding technique. The digitally modulated stellation under the criterion of minimum symbol
VQ codevector is assumed to be transmitted over error probability. Sundberg et al. derived the
Rayleigh flat fading channel. Furthermore, it is weighted QAM constellations for 8-bit PCM in
assumed that the modulation format of the system [6]. In [1,6], the modulation signals were modified
to reduce the symbol error probability without
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #82 42 869 3440; fax: #82 considering codevectors. In [4], Liu et al. optimized
42 869 3410; e-mail: the modulation signals for the fixed codebook.

0165-1684/98/$19.00 ( 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 1 6 8 4 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 8 2 - 6
114 J.-K. Han, H.-M. Kim / Signal Processing 68 (1998) 113–118

Thus, the relative effect of each codevector to the 2. System model

overall distortion was considered. While the sys-
tems described in [1,4] had been optimized for The communication system model considered in
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, this paper is described in Fig. 1. A k-dimensional
Webb [7] proposed Star QAM constellation for data vector ½ is quantized by the VQ encoder into
Rayleigh fading channels to reduce the symbol a codeword X chosen from a set of k-dimensional
error probability without considering the code- vectors, C"MX ,2, X N, where N denotes
0 N~1
vectors. the size of the VQ codebook. The binary index-
The objective of this paper is to design a modula- vector I(X ) of the codevector X is directly mapped
i i
tion signal set of QAM system over Rayleigh flat into the modulation signal S . The set S"
fading channels, where the signals are optimized for MS , S ,2, S N forms the QAM signal constella-
0 1 N~1
the fixed codebook. The optimization is achieved tion given in Fig. 2. Each signal S is represented
by partitioning the modulation signal space. The as a complex number. We assume that
paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a gen- !¸)ReMS N, ImMS N)¸, where ¸ denotes the
i i
eral communication system model is described and limit of the signal space, so as to maintain a limited
the design problem considered in this paper is for- average power of signal set S.
mulated. In Section 3, the optimization method of As shown in Fig. 3, S is transformed to SI due to
i i
QAM signal constellation is proposed. The simula- the Rayleigh fading, and then the Gaussian noise
tion results are presented in Section 4. Section 5 displace the faded signal SI into the received signal
contains conclusions. Z . The signal Z arrived at the receiver can be
r r

Fig. 1. A communication system consisting of VQ encoder over Rayleigh fading channel.

Fig. 2. Square QAM constellation. Fig. 3. The effect of Rayleigh fading and AWGN.
J.-K. Han, H.-M. Kim / Signal Processing 68 (1998) 113—118 115

represented as 3. Optimization of QAM signal constellation

Z "FS #G"SI #G, (1)
r i i
where F denotes the amplitude attenuation factor In order to minimize D in Eq. (5) for the fixed C,
due to the Rayleigh fading factor whose probability it is necessary to describe the transition probabili-
ties P(S DS ) of Eq. (5), by considering the relation-
density function and the second moment are given j i
ship among the transmitted signal S , the faded
by, respectively, i
signal SI , and the received signal Z shown in Fig. 3.
i r

f f2 Let SI (x) denote a faded signal with the amplitude x.
P ( f )" exp ! , 0(f(R, (2) i
F p2 2p2 Then SI (x) is represented as SI (x)"x ) d , where
F F i i i
d denotes a two-dimensional unit vector in the
and E[ f 2]"2p2. G denotes the AWGN of the i
F direction of S . It is known [8] that the amplitude of
channel. Hard decision detector ¶ maps the re- i
the faded signal SI has the following probability
ceived signal Z into the modulation signal S if i
r j density function:
Z belongs to a region R among the disjoint parti-
r j
tion X"MR , R ,2, R N of the two-dimen-
0 1 N~1 x x2
sional received signal space R2, i.e., P I (x)"P(SI (x)DS )" exp ! ,
Si i i p2 2p2
i i
¶(Z )"S , if Z 3R , j3M0, 1,2, N!1N. (3)
r j r j 0(x(R, (6)
We will describe the optimal partition of R2 in the
next section. where 2p2 denotes the second moment E[x2] of x.
The performance of the above system is mea- Then p2"ES E2p2 since x"S ) f from Eq. (1).
i i F i
sured in terms of the mean squared error (MSE) Hence, the transition probability P(S DS ) can be
between the transmitted vector X and its recon- j i
i described as
structed vector X . Let the transition probability
P(X DX ) denote the probability that the codevector
j i =
X is decoded when X is transmitted, 0)i, P(S DS )" P I (x)P(S DSI (x)) dx, (7)
j i j i Si j i
j)N!1. Then, the distortion due to the channel 0
noise is given by where P(S DSI (x)) denotes the probability that
j i
N~1 N~1 a faded signal SI (x) is decoded to S by the detector
D" + + P(X DX )d(X , X ), (4) i j
j i i j and is given by
i/0 j/0

where d(X , X ) is the squared Euclidean distance
i j P(S DSI (x))" P(Z DSI (x)) dZ . (8)
between two vectors X and X , i.e. EX !X E2. j i r i r
i j i j R j
Since I(X )s are assigned to S s, the transition
i i
probability is P(X DX )"P(I(X )DI(X ))"P(S DS ). Let N be the variance of the white Gaussian noise.
j i j i j i o
Therefore, Eq. (4) can be rewritten as Then the transition probability that a faded signal
SI (x) becomes the received signal Z due to AWGN
N~1 N~1 i r
D" + + P(S DS )d(X , X ). (5) can be represented as [5]
j i i j
i/0 j/0

1 d(SI (x),Z )
For a given VQ codebook C, D becomes a function P(Z DSI (x))" exp ! i r , (9)
of S only. Hence, the channel distortion D can be r i J2pN 2N
o o
minimized by the optimal construction of modula-
tion signal constellation. We will show that the where d(SI (x),Z ) is the squared distance between
i r
equivalence of obtaining the optimal partition X of a faded signal SI (x) and a received vector Z , i.e.,
i r
the received signal space and constructing the opti- ESI (x)!Z E2"x2#EZ E2!2xEZ Ecos h , where
i r r r i
mal signal constellation in the next section. h denotes the angle between S and Z .
i i r
116 J.-K. Han, H.-M. Kim / Signal Processing 68 (1998) 113–118

Substituting Eqs. (6)—(8) into Eq. (5) gives where

N~1 N~1 =x
x2 =
D" + + d(X ,X ) exp ! C(x)" e~ttx~1 dt, x'0, (16)
i j p2 2p2
i/0 j/0 0 i i 0
P(Z DSI (x)) dZ dx.
r i r
D (x)"ex2@4
~2 S AS
e~x2@2!x 1!U

When a particular Z is in a region R *, i.e.
r j

Z 3R *, the amount of distortion introduced by
r j 2 x 2
Z becomes U(x)" e~t dt. (18)
r Jp 0
D(Z )" + d(X ,X *) Let
r i j
Mp2#N N EZ Ecos h
=x x2 b" i o and c"! r i. (19)
] exp ! P(Z DSI (x)) dx (11) 2N p2 N
p2 2p2 r i o i o
0 i i
N~1 Thus by applying Eq. (15) to Eq. (13) along with
" + d(X , X *)¼(Z , S ), (12) (19) and C(2)"1 [2] (p. 938), Eq. (13) becomes
i j r i

where 1 EZ E2 N p2
¼(Z , S )" exp ! r o i
r i p2J2pN 2N (p2#N )
exp(!EZ E2/2N ) i o o i o
¼(Z , S )" r o
r i
p2J2pN EZ E2p2cos2h
i o ]exp r i i

= !(N #p2)x2#2EZ Ep2cos h x 4N (p2#N )
] x exp o i r i i dx. o i o
2N p2
0 o i EZ Ecos h p
]D ! r i i . (20)
(13) ~2 JN (p2#N )
o i o
Thus, for each Z , a region number j* should be And U(x) can be represented as
chosen to minimize D(Z ). It becomes clear that for
the fixed C, the problem of minimizing the channel U(x)"2[Q(0)!Q(DxD)], (21)
distortion D is identical to that of partitioning
R2 into the disjoint regions MR NN~1 so as to where Q(x)"(1/J2p):= e~t2@2 dt. Hence,
i i/0 x
minimize D. The optimum partition X"MR ,
0 DxD
R ,2, R N is such that D (x)"e~x2@4!xex2@4J2pQ , (22)
1 N~1 ~2 J2

R " Z : + d(X , X )¼(Z , S )
j r i j r i and it can be evaluated from the tabulated Q(x)
i/0 function. Therefore, we can compute ¼(Z , S )
r i
N~1 simply with Eqs. (20) and (22), instead of (13).
) + d(X , X )¼(Z , S ), ∀l, ∀Z . (14)
i l r i r It is easy to see that, for the fixed X"
MR , R ,2, R N, the new optimum signal set
The integral part of Eq. (13) can be simplified using 0 1 N~1
S"MS* , S* ,2, S* N must satisfy
the following relationship [2] (pp. 337, 930, 933, 0 1 N~1
S*"min E[d(Z ,y)D»"S ], j3M0,1,2,N!1N,

= j r j
x exp(!bx2!cx) dx y|R2
0 (23)

c2 c where » denotes a variable at the output of the
"M2bN~1C(2)exp D , b'0, (15)
8b ~2 J2b detector and E[ ) ] is the mathematical expectation.
J.-K. Han, H.-M. Kim / Signal Processing 68 (1998) 113—118 117

A successive application of Eqs. (14) and (23)

results in a sequence of signal set S and the parti-
tion X pairs for which the corresponding channel
distortion D form a nonincreasing sequence of non-
negative numbers. We will refer the final S—X pair
as the optimal QAM (O-QAM) signal constella-

4. Simulation results

In this section, numerical results on the perfor-

mance of the O-QAM system are given and com-
pared with those of other QAM systems. In Fig. 4. The performance comparison (at p "1.0) of various
designing the VQ codebook, 19 different 512]512 QAM systems.
real images are used as the training data for LBG
algorithm [3]. The codevector dimension and the
number of codevectors are set to k"16 and
N"64, respectively. In the simulation, Z s are gen-
erated by the uniform sampling of signal space R2,
where !¸)ReMZ N, ImMZ N)¸. By making the
r r
number of sampled Z s very large ('100 000 N),
we let the interval between the Z s become small
and effectively cover the continuous signal space.
A Lena image is used in the performance evalu-
ation. The simulation results are presented in terms
of PSNR and are measured at different values of
the CSNR (Channel Signal to Noise Ratio) and p .
CSNR is defined as

1 +N~1ES E2 Fig. 5. The performance comparison (at CSNR"23.2 dB) of

CSNR¢10 log N i/0 i . (24) various QAM systems.
10 N
In Figs. 4 and 5 , the performance of the system systems are very poor in the entire range of CSNR
consisting of O-QAM signal is compared with since those systems are not optimized for Rayleigh
those of other systems. The O-QAM system is fading channels. Thus, they are very sensitive to the
obtained by applying the proposed algorithm at Rayleigh fading.
p "5.0 and CSNR"23.2 dB. Foschini’s constel- The O-QAM system outperforms Star QAM
lation [1] had been obtained by minimizing symbol system. The reason is that O-QAM system is opti-
error probability for AWGN channel without con- mized for the given codebook while Star QAM
sidering codebook. The constellation proposed by system was proposed for equally probable signal
Liu [4] had been obtained by minimizing the points. In Fig. 5, the performances of the systems
averaged distortion due to AWGN for the fixed are measured at different p s for CSNR"23.2 dB.
codebook. Star QAM signals were proposed for It can be observed that the best performance of all
Rayleigh fading channels [7] (Chapter 11). systems are achieved at p "1.0. This is due to the
The simulations of Fig. 4 have been performed at fact that when S is a transmitted signal, the most
several CSNRs for the fixed p "1.0. The perfor- likely value of the faded signal SI is p [8], i.e. S p .
F i i i F
mances of Foschini’s, Liu’s and Square QAM In other words, when p "1.0, the most likely
118 J.-K. Han, H.-M. Kim / Signal Processing 68 (1998) 113–118

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