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cento, 251122

Booster jabs give one the hubris of supposed invincibility, theory turned augury
though in this case taken one step too far, neither safe
nor timely.
a little flamingo-dance of
the autumn,
and yet also winter
bespectacled anime antagonists.
gold glint of glasses glancing off the lone stagelight. perhaps its secrets waiting to be discovered
by one only,
a firm belief in preserving artistic integrity.
all the world’s a stage: let our lives play out on their own
in this play, you can’t play god
too used to having everything easy, maybe i become a fraud in the face of adversity.
12% carbon, 12% graphite, maybe? atomic differences
on the molecular level, you are the sum of your parts-
stained glass flickers through the rare sunlight hours. head bowed, i sit on a pew, reflecting. the
glass dissects me
here, we look back into history.
has time posed its few meagre riddles
wind but a melodic fragment in my head / cd turns the melody into a raging sea
pews tumble past a hairsbreadth away maybe the grace of God in such close proximity moors
me where i stand
this is how the river runs and once more i wait for that something beyond the shore / a faraway
horizon and a siren call
maybe this is how it would be, if Love could be contained in one building,
even so, what if infinity was but a drop in the ocean, if we crossed civilisations every time we
took a step? (would it actually matter?
zoom. how the world connects. i'm not of the world;
the classes go missing with such startling frequency that the modal class is a shadow of a
history long gone.
phrased as if i had a choice)
are we really getting somewhere or is it just a futile grind, false prescience
and false hope? it always starts with a clash of ideologies, of beliefs. that’s how it is, in the end;
light to shadow, shadow to light, predestined loops. Spontaneous universes flashing before
half-lidded eyes, compliance
only calling a truce during exams.
bittersweet musings. the labour of her hands
repaid in a next life, five times, five dimes.
for someone to sit and listen to you until daybreak
ask provocative questions on a retainer
is that what friends are for?

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