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1 sign boards with name specialities and reg no. 3 sign boards 1. name 2.

specialities, 3 facilities
3 door plates door plates with name degree and designation
4 staff id card hospital id card
10 facilities sitting space
alternate light source
dust bin
mosquitoo and fly profing wire guaze
toilet with water
ac in ot/labour room
11 patient privacy examination and information privacy
17 early detection, containment & abbatment protocols fire (sand, fire extingueshers, alarms, exit plan)
insect (spray)
fight guard 115
18 safe exit plan safe exit plan
26 pt has unifier number record software
intense analysis
41 services displayed services on board
66 high risk obs pt/their neonates are cared or not displayed in waiting are
93 high risk medicine defined & listed
94 high risk medicine orders are verified document sops + practiced
95 procedure for recall of medicine document sops + practiced
97 labeling included pt name, GENERIC NAME,conc,direction for use,prescibing per
109 uniform category pricing pricelist
118 have proper consumable,collection,handling system, EQUIPMENT AND FACITLITY FOR CONTROL OF INFECTION
pts right and responsibilities
staff rights and responsibility
one market 3day 20000
one market 2 10000
monthly market/ 2 hammad 3000
once market 3 60000
once market 2 3000
once market 2 5000
once market 2 1000
once market 3 15000
once market 1
monthly market 2 3000
monthly market
monthly market 1000
monthly market
monthly market 1000
monthly market 30000
105 market
signboard market
market 1000
223 paper/banmarket 1000
225 paper/banmarket 1000
227 paper/banmarket 1000
on for use,prescibing person, datesticky notemarket 5000
banner market 1000

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