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A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q.

, 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 91

Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus

from Waste Streams This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License

A. Salkunić,a,* J. Vuković,b and S. Smiljanićb

Production analysis engineer specialist,
Elixir Zorka – Mineralna đubriva, doi:
Hajduk Veljkova 1, 15000 Šabac, Serbia Review
Faculty of Technology Zvornik, Karakaj 34a, 75400, Received: February 15, 2022
Zvornik, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina Accepted: June 8, 2022

Phosphorus is essential to the growth of living organisms, and, therefore, its pres-
ence is considered vital for all forms of life. Research shows that phosphate rock reserves
are reducing. Phosphate rock is used as raw material for the production of phos-
phate-based fertilizers, and its lack of supply could have adverse effects on the global
food supply. New resources that can be a potential replacement for phosphate rock in the
production of fertilizers and other phosphorus-containing substances are investigated.
This paper provides an overview of technology implementations, methods, and process-
es, as well as the latest achievements in the field of phosphorus recovery from waste
streams. Different methods of phosphorus regeneration from sewage sludge and solid
waste, and forms of phosphate regeneration are described. In addition, an overview of the
following methods is given: nanonucleation, adsorption and ion exchange, solar evapora-
tion, biological assimilation of P, and membrane technologies.
phosphorus, recovery, waste streams, phosphorus fertilizers

Introduction directly as a fertilizer due to low phosphorus avail-

ability and high transportation costs. Therefore, it
Phosphorus is an essential element, and its de- serves as a basic raw material in the manufacture of
ficiency can lead to a range of harmful effects on artificial fertilizers.
living organisms. It is a building block of DNA and The rate of exploitation of phosphate deposits
RNA, and, being a constituent of phospholipids, exceeds by far the rate at which they are formed,
also has a significant role in building cell mem- making phosphorus a non-renewable resource.
branes. It is also important for energy transfer Phosphorus fertilizers are the leading input of inor-
through living cells, whereas significant amounts of ganic phosphorus for agricultural soil, and approxi-
phosphorus – mainly in the form of calcium hy- mately 70–80 % of phosphorus in cultivated soils is
droxyapatite, are present the bodies of living things, inorganic4. However, the increasing use of phos-
primarily in bones and teeth1,2. All living organisms phate fertilizers in agriculture has led to the deple-
satisfy their phosphorus requirements through the tion of phosphate ores, and there has been more and
food chain, primarily through the biological intake more concern about a possible phosphate crisis in
of phosphorus from the soil. However, the avail- recent years.
ability of phosphorus in the soil is low3. Namely, Phosphate rocks are non-renewable resources.
phosphorus can never be found free in nature due to In 2014, the European Commission classified this
its high reactivity; instead, minerals containing raw material as critical from the aspect of estimated
phosphorus (predominantly phosphates) are scattered stocks. However, according to literature data on es-
around the world, mostly in sedimentary rocks. timated phosphorus reserves from 20103,5, the phos-
Phosphate rock is the primary source of phos- phorus crisis has been postponed for more than 300
phorus and phosphates. Phosphate rock formations years. Yet the distribution of world phosphorus re-
evolved over geologic time, as dissolved phospho- serves remains problematic. More than 70 % of
rus in the ocean, gradually precipitated under cer- world reserves are found in one country (Morocco).
tain conditions. Although phosphates are available The imbalance between consumption and sources
as mineral deposits, phosphate rock is rarely used makes phosphorus a “geostrategic time bomb”6. On
the other hand, about 85–90 % of phosphate in su-
Corresponding author: E-mail:
perphosphate is soluble in water7, so the rainwater

A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…

92 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

that enters an uncontrolled body of water leads to again by living beings. This part of the process,
eutrophication, which causes negative consequenc- where the phosphate takes over the fauna and flora
es for aquatic ecosystems. and then returns to the soil, can be repeated several
Therefore, there is a growing imperative to de- times.
velop technologies that would regenerate phospho- Today, the phosphorus cycle is dominated by
rus from other materials and, consequently, reduce human activities, especially agriculture. The obvi-
the intake of phosphate in aquatic ecosystems. The ous human impact on the phosphorus cycle comes
focus in science nowadays is to replace phosphate from the exploitation of phosphate ore and its distri-
ores with secondary phosphates from waste streams bution throughout the planet in the form of fertiliz-
according to the principles of circular economy. ers, animal feed, and detergents. Under human im-
Unlike linear economy and the “take-make-dispose” pact, approximately 3 times more phosphorus is
approach, circular economy is based on the “re- released per cycle than in the period before the an-
duce-reuse-recycle” model, which can be the key to thropogenic activities8. Deforestation and associated
solving the crisis caused by phosphate ore deple- land loss have also led to faster phosphate loss from
tion. In addition, this model can be the solution for soil, due to increased erosion, and its transfer to sur-
some environmental issues caused by excessive face waters. There is also a global movement of
phosphate intake, such as the eutrophication of wa- phosphorus through trade in agricultural products,
ter. livestock, and animal products. The movement of
This paper provides an overview of the litera- phosphorus locally from terrestrial to aquatic eco-
ture on phosphorus regeneration from waste streams. systems also takes place through the discharge of
The focus of the analysis are original research stud- untreated wastewater and leaks from septic tanks.
ies, which provide sufficient details about the ap- The increased amount of phosphate in the soil from
plied technological procedures and methods for fertilizers and animal feces also leads to increased
phosphorus regeneration. A review of the most im- phosphate uptake into watercourses. Increased
portant results is given further herein. phosphate content in aquatic systems leads to an-
thropogenic eutrophication, followed by the huge
development of blue-green algae, which depletes
Phosphorus cycle water of oxygen and decimates aquatic ecosystems.
Thus, human activities affect many parts of the
The phosphorus cycle is one of the slowest bio- phosphorus cycle and result in the redistribution of
geochemical cycles on Earth. Its movement from phosphorus. It is obvious that the geological forma-
rocks, across the land to the ocean is very slow (500 tion of phosphate rocks is negligible compared to
million years). Unlike many other biogeochemical their exploitation9,10.
cycles, the atmosphere does not significantly affect Due to the slow biogeochemical cycle of phos-
the movement of phosphorus. The global phospho- phorus, there is a problem with its recovery on land,
rus cycle includes new phosphorus inputs into eco- which is manifested in declining reserves of acces-
systems, from weathering of rocks and minerals sible phosphate rocks, and more phosphorus in
containing phosphorus and its transfer to soil and ­surface waters. These problems present the need for
watercourses, deposition in the oceans, to the for- efficient phosphorus recovery and recycling sche­
mation of new rocks due to pressure and tempera- mes, which essentially replace the geological rege­
ture, and eventual uplift to terrestrial environment. neration of phosphate rocks on a time scale relevant
Over time, some of the phosphorus is lost in water- to the human-disturbed phosphorus cycle.
courses and eventually in the sea, where it is re-in-
corporated into sedimentary rocks over long peri-
ods. The rate of phosphorus release due to rock Phosphorus crisis
decay depends on the type of mineral, topography,
climate, and biota. Elution of primary minerals is an Humans directly exploit phosphorus from rocks
irreversible process. Once out of the rock structure, to produce fertilizers and other phosphorus com-
phosphorus can be physically or chemically ad- pounds. In 2021, approximately 22 million tons of
sorbed on soil particles or sediments that move by phosphorus were excavated, of which about 95 %
erosion or other processes that cause soil move- was added to agricultural systems in the form of
ment. Adsorption reactions are usually reversible. fertilizers or animal feed11,12. As the global popula-
Phosphorus is taken from water and soil by mi- tion is expected to grow, demand for phosphorus
crobes and plants, and then by animals. Phosphorus will increase due to the rising need for food produc-
is returned to the soil by excretion from animals tion. There is still a huge amount of unused phos-
during their life and decomposition of plants and phate resources due to the lack of feasible and eco-
animals after death, where it can be taken over nomically viable methods for their extraction. In
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 93

general, two main approaches address the issue of Various waste streams contain phosphorus18, and if
phosphorus deficiency. The first one claims that the properly managed, they can be a significant source
consumption rate will eventually regulate the rate of of this valuable element. Extracting phosphorus
depletion of reserves, which will lead to a rather from waste can reduce the pressure on natural re-
static state of reserves. Predictive approaches based sources and the exploitation of phosphorus pro-
on this assumption are the “ratio of reserves to con- duced by traditional mining.
sumption, i.e., production” (R/C ratio) for estimat- Over 50 % of human phosphorus consumption
ing the “lifetime” of available reserves. Prior to in a country’s economy is lost through wastewater,
2010, the R/C ratio for global phosphorus was esti- so wastewater is a major resource for its recovery.
mated at just over a century, while the R/C ratio Wastewater is mainly treated in wastewater treat-
today is more than 300 years11,13. Another prediction ment plants (WWTPs), where phosphate can be re-
approach consists of applying the Hubbert curve14. covered from several sources: watercourses (untreat-
This is based on the assumption that the production ed wastewater, urine, effluent after treatment), sewage
of raw phosphate will follow the Gaussian distribu-
sludge, or sewage sludge ash (SSA). Recovery of
tion, and that the peak is half of the used up re-
phosphorus from phosphorus-rich side streams has
a P recovery potential of maximum 50 % of incom-
Whichever assumption is correct, it should be ing phosphorus (using crystallization technologies),
distinct that some of the major phosphorus produc- while extracting phosphorus from sewage sludge or
ers have an R/C ratio of only a few decades. In par- sewage sludge ash can regenerate 90–95 % of in-
ticular, China and the United States of America coming phosphorus (total phosphorus removed
have had an R/C ratio of fewer than 30 years15.
from the WWTP is incorporated into sludge and
Walan et al. predict that exports in the future will
ash)19. In addition, there are alternative sources of
largely depend on Morocco16. Cooper et al. predict-
phosphate, including manure, slaughterhouse waste,
ed that 70 % of global production is currently pro-
duced from reserves that will be consumed within and steel slag. Table 1 shows the technologies for
100 years, and Morocco with 73 % of global re- the recovery of phosphorus from different waste
serves, will have to increase production by 700 % streams.
by 207517. The general characteristics of the process for
All the presented data indicate that there is still the recovery of phosphorus from promising (pro-
no crisis in phosphorus resources. Yet the lack of P, spective) waste streams and the forms in which phos-
whether it occurs decades or centuries from now, phorus can be recovered are given further herein.
would be catastrophic for humanity. This risk sug-
gests that society should now begin to modify cur- Removal of phosphorus from wastewater
rent practices regarding P resource management, When it comes to the removal of phosphorus
especially given that many of these practices result from wastewater, only a few processes are success-
in environmental problems. On the other hand, an fully applied for its removal. Most of these process-
unstable political situation can jeopardize the cer- es are additions to other pretreatment processes, and
tain supply of this particularly important raw mate- improve overall phosphorus removal. There are
rial, so it is necessary to work constantly on the de- three categories of processes for the removal of phos-
velopment of technologies that will enable efficient
phorus: physical, chemical, and biological. These
recovery – phosphorus regeneration.
processes can be part of the primary, secondary, or
tertiary treatment, depending on the configuration
Recovery of phosphorus from waste of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)83–85.
streams Only a minor part of total phosphorus is re-
moved by mechanical procedures. Significant re-
The rise in awareness of the limitations of nat- moval of most of the phosphorus from wastewater
ural resources and the need for better management can be achieved in two fundamentally different
has increased in recent decades, and efforts have ways: physicochemical and biological processes,
been made to develop a circular economy. The cir- ­although both of these essentially include the for-
cular economy has become a new reality for which mation of particles that can be separated from the
to strive. The use of circular economy in phospho- water. Chemical precipitation, biological removal,
rus management would be very useful, but exam- and enhanced biological removal of phosphorus are
ples of sustainable phosphorus chemistry are mostly more recent processes that reliably reduce the
limited to linear processes or small independent cy- ­phosphorus load in wastewater. In addition to these
cles, and do not close phosphorus cycles globally. two basic methods (physicochemical and biologi-
The idea of collecting and using waste is becoming cal), specific technologies are used, depending on
increasingly popular in the phosphorus industry. the level of phosphorus removal to be achieved.
94 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

Ta b l e 1 – Commercial technologies used for the recovery of phosphorus from waste streams
Commercial name Process Laboratory /
of the process/ Country Comment / Use Reactor type efficiency Pilot / Ref.
removal technology
technology (%) Industrial use
Recovery of phosphorus from
wastewater in the form of Continuous
AD-HAP Japan calcium hydroxyapatite. stirred-tank 72 – 10–22
Calcium chloride or lime is reactor
used as precipitating agent.
Recovery of phosphorus from
wastewater or anaerobic
Germany, Airlift reactor Crystallization, Commercially
digestion sludge in the form of
AirPrex Netherlands, with CO2 90–95 precipitation, and available 22–25
struvite, with the addition of
USA, China stripping separation technology
magnesium chloride, at pH
about 8.
Recovery of phosphorus from
wastewater or digestate in the Airlift reactor Crystallization, Commercially
ANPHOS form of struvite, with the with CO2 80–90 precipitation, and available 26,27
Italy, Spain
addition of magnesium stripping separation technology
hydroxide, at pH about 8.
Recovery of phosphorus from Thermochemical
AshDec Germany sewage sludge ash in the form 95–98 process at Pilot plant 22,28,29
of calcined phosphate. 850–900 °C
Recovery of phosphorus from
sewage sludge ash in the form
of mono/di-ammonium Pilot,
Germany, Stirred-tank Wet chemical
Ash2®Phos phosphate or mono/di-calcium 90–95 22,30
Sweden reactor process Industrial
phosphate. The process is
based on wet chemical
Phosphorus recovery from Commercially
Crystalactor China wastewater in the form of 70–90 Crystallization available 31,32
struvite. technology
Phosphorus recovery from
EloPhos Germany sewage sludge in the form of 95 Crystallization Pilot plant 33
Multistage process of
thermochemical treatment of Thermochemical
sewage sludge and other process (1st stage at
Rotary pipe
EUPHORE Germany biomass (manure, digestate, 95 650–750 °C, 2nd – 34
possibly compost). Ash is stage at
obtained as a product, which 900–1,100 °C)
could be used for P recovery.
A mobile test
plant is being
Recovery of phosphorus from implemented at
sewage sludge by dissolving Airlift reactor the Mainz-
phosphates and their with CO2 Mombach
EXTRAPHOS® Germany ~50 Precipitation 35,36
precipitation in the form of sewage
dicalcium phosphate. Lime is stripping
treatment plant
used as precipitation agent. to provide the
basis for
Recovery of nitrogen and
phosphorus from sewage Leaching, Laboratory,
Seaborne/ reactor,
Germany sludge and other organic waste 40–60 crystallization, 19,37,38
Gifhorn centrifuges, Pilot
in the mixture of struvite and precipitation
calcium phosphate.
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 95

Commercial name Process Laboratory /

of the process/ Country Comment / Use Reactor type efficiency Pilot / Ref.
removal technology
technology (%) Industrial use

Phosphorus recovery from

Batch reactor
sewage sludge and sewage
and granulator
Glatt® sludge ash through a two-stage Leaching and
Germany process (extraction with acid – fluidized-bed spray Industrial 39,40
PHOS4green fluidized-bed
and additives followed by a granulation
process of continuous spray
granulation in a fluidized-bed).

Phosphorus recovery from

wastewater by acid
Japan, degumming process in the
J-OIL – – Precipitation – 20
Taiwan form of hydroxyapatite.
Calcium hydroxide is used as
precipitation agent.

Recovery of phosphorus from

wastewater in the form of
calcium hydroxyapatite.
JSA Japan – 75 Precipitation – 20
Phosphorus precipitation
performs with calcium

Recovery of phosphorus in the

form of struvite or calcium
Japan, phosphate from wastewater. If
KURITA reactor for – Precipitation – 20,41
Taiwan the phosphate rock is used as
seed, calcium phosphate is

Phosphorus recovery in the

form of calcium
Kyowa Hakko Japan hydroxyapatite. Calcium – >90 Precipitation – 20
hydroxide is used as
precipitation agent.

Recovery of phosphorus from

wastewater in the form of
calcium hydroxyapatite
METAWATER Japan directly from the sewage – – Precipitation – 42
sludge ash, which is dissolved.
Phospates are precipitated with
calcium hydroxide.

Recovery of phosphorus in the

form of struvite from Fluidized-bed Crystallization,
NASKEO France wastewater. Magnesium oxide reactor for 85–90 – 27,43,44
is used to precipitate crystallization Precipitation

Phosphorus recovery from

sewage sludge ash in the form Extraction – Wet
of phosphoric acid, by reaction Extraction process of
Nippon PA Japan – – 20
of ash, as a partial replacement reactor phosphoric acid
for phosphate rock, with production
sulfuric acid.

Phosphorus recovery in the

form of granular struvite from
wastewater, digested sludge, Commercially
Belgium, Stripping/
dehydrated digestion sludge or available
NuReSys ®
Netherlands, crystallization, 80–96 Crystallization 45,46
residual liquid after sludge industrial
Germany stirred reactor
dewatering. Magnesium technology
chloride is used as
crystallization agent.
96 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

Commercial name Process Laboratory /

of the process/ Country Comment / Use Reactor type efficiency Pilot / Ref.
removal technology
technology (%) Industrial use

Recovery of nitrogen and

phosphorus from concentrated
wastewater, or separately
collected urine. Phosphate is Air lift
separated by precipitation of crystallization Crystallization
NutriTec ®
Netherlands struvite, followed by reactor, – Membrane Industrial 47
(Sustec, DMT) membrane separation of membrane separation
ammonia in the form of reactor
monoammonium sulfate.
Magnesium chloride is added
as precipitation agent.

Recovery of phosphorus from

wastewater by a three-stage
system that combines Digestor,
anaerobic digestion of the stirred reactor, Laboratory,
OFMSW & BNR Italy, Spain 70 Crystallization 48–50
organic fraction of municipal crystallization Pilot, Industrial
solid waste, biological removal reactor
of nutrients and crystallization
of phosphate as struvite.

Recovery of phosphorus in the

form of struvite from urban Fluidized-bed Industrial
PEARL Fx wastewater treatment plants reactor Commercially
USA 80 Crystallization 51,52
(MultiformTM) and agro-industrial wastewater. without available
Magnesium chloride is used as recirculation technology
crystallization agent.

Recovery of phosphorus in the
form of highly pure crystalline
PEARL® struvite granules from Recirculated Commercially
wastewater by controlled fluidized-bed 85–95 Crystallization available 53–55
(OSTARA) Norway,
chemical precipitation. reactor technology
Magnesium chloride is added
as a precipitation agent.

Phosphorus recovery in the
stirred reactor
form of struvite, from sludge Pilot
composed of
PHORWater Spain before anaerobic digestion. >90 Crystallization 56
a reaction Industrial
Magnesium chloride is added
zone and a
as precipitation agent.

Recovery of phosphorus in the

form of struvite from
wastewater after anaerobic Reactor with
digestion of sludge. aeration and
Phosnix ®
Japan 80–90 Crystallization available 57–59
Magnesium hydroxide is technology
of struvite
added as agent for phosphorus

Recovery of phosphorus in
China, Industrial
the form of struvite from
Poland, Crystallization
industrial wastewater and Reactor with Commercially 52,60,61
PHOSPAQ™ Great 70–95
sewage sludge liquids. CO2 aeration Precipitation available
Magnesium oxide is added technology
as precipitating agent.
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 97

Commercial name Process Laboratory /

of the process/ Country Comment / Use Reactor type efficiency Pilot / Ref.
removal technology
technology (%) Industrial use
Recovery of phosphorus in the
Reactor with
form of struvite from
PhosphoGREEN Denmark, wastewater after biological aeration, Commercially
fluidized-bed 90 Precipitation available 62,63
(SUEZ) France treatment/anaerobic digestion
and technology
of sludge. Magnesium chloride
is used as precipitation agent.

Recovery of P by passive
filtration systems, consisting Filter modules
PhosphoReduc of one or more filter units with filling
USA 70–100 Filtration available 64,65
LLC filled with iron and/or (modular
calcium-based filtration media filters)

Phosphorus recovery in the

form of calcium phosphate
USA from recirculated activated
sludge from non-EBPR plants. Fluidized-bed Crystallization Laboratory,
Phostrip Process Germany – 66,67
Phosphorus-enriched reactor Precipitation Pilot
Austria wastewater goes to a fluidized-
bed reactor where precipitation
is performed using lime.

Recovery of phosphorus and

nitrogen from wastewater
Selective ion
RIM-NUT (from ion exchange Ion exchange,
Italy exchanger, – Industrial 68,69
Process regeneration) in the form of precipitation
struvite. Magnesium chloride
is used as precipitation agent.

Recovery of phosphorus from

wastewater in the form of
calcium phosphate. A mobile
Rintoru® Japan – 70–80 Selective adsorption Pilot 20
unit that uses amorphous
calcium silicate that has a high
affinity for phosphorus.

Recovery of phosphorus from

wastewater (containing high
concentrations of phosphorus, Continuous
eg., from dehydration of stirred reactor
anaerobic sludge) in the form (Turbomik™).
STRUVIA™ Denmark >85 Crystallization available 70
of struvite, directly from the Integrated technology
wastewater stream. The lamella
precipitation of struvite is clarifier
started by increasing the pH
and adding magnesium sulfate.

Recovery of P from
wastewater in the form of
struvite. First, it is necessary
to perform acid leaching of
phosphate from anaerobically Leaching,
Stuttgart Process Germany stabilized sludge, then Stirred reactor 45–65 separation, Pilot 71,72
separation of heavy metals by precipitation
complexing with citric acid,
and finally precipitation of
struvite with magnesium

Phosphorus recovery in the

form of struvite, directly from
Swing Japan digested sludge. Magnesium Stirred reactor 30–40 Precipitation 20
hydroxide is used as
precipitating agent.
98 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

Commercial name Process Laboratory /

of the process/ Country Comment / Use Reactor type efficiency Pilot / Ref.
removal technology
technology (%) Industrial use

Phosphorus recovery from

swine farming wastewater,
through a multi-stage system
which uses polymers and
flocculants that promote
particle coagulation, followed
by separation of the liquid and Stirred
Terra Blue Inc. USA solid phases. Ammonia reactor, 88.5–92 Precipitation Industrial 73–75
nitrogen is removed from the clarifier
liquid phase using bacteria
adapted to high-load
wastewater, and phosphorus is
removed in the form of
calcium phosphate. Lime is
used as precipitating agent.

Recovery of phosphate as
phosphoric acid, with acid Stirred-tank
TetraPhos ®
Germany >80 Leaching Industrial 76,77
leaching of sewage sludge ash. reactor
(Brand RePacid®).

Extraction of phosphorus from

the liquid phase after
Stirred-tank Potentially
anaerobic digestion of sewage Adsorption,
reactor and commercial
Mobile plant Japan sludge, using a bifunctional ~80 aggregation, 78
bag filter application at
agent (amorphous calcium- precipitation
separator small plants
silico hydrate) for adsorption-

Recovery of phosphorus from

sewage sludge in the form of
Surface Laboratory,
slag. More than 90 % of Termochemical
Kubota process Japan Melting ~80 79
phosphorus in slag is process at 1300 °C Pilot, Industrial
phosphorus soluble in citric

Modular process for Laboratory,

valorization of P from different pilot and
alternative sources. The industrial
Belgium, Modular units
process is extremely flexible Acid digestion, applications
Ecophos process Netherlands, that can be
and capable of using several separation, chemical (Commercial
Syria, combined to ≥90 80,81
(ESPC3) types of raw materials for the precipitation, ion applications
Bulgaria, generate target
production of different exchange with phosphate
Peru products
products. The process has ore and pilot
economic and environmental applications
benefits. with ash).

Regeneration of phosphorus
from sewage sludge ash, meat Extensive pilot
RecoPhos Germany, and bone meal ash and struvite Thermal process tests and few
– – 82
process Netherlands ash. No waste is generated, at 1600 °C plant-level
only products with a positive tests.
market value.

Production of phosphoric acid

by treatment of sewage sludge
Germany, tests and only
Tenova process ash with HCl by-product, – – Extraction 82
Netherlands a few pilot
which is purified in several
extraction phases.
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 99

­ hether phosphorus is removed by chemicals or

W Enhanced biological phosphorus removal
­biologically, its removal is based on converting sol-
uble forms, most of which are in the form of ortho-­ All aerobic wastewater treatment systems have
­phosphate (PO4), into solids. Solid phosphorus be- a natural ability to remove phosphorus. Phosphorus
comes part of total suspended solids (TSS) and is removal in conventional biological treatment is not
further removed as sludge. good enough to meet effluent standards. Usually,
In chemical and biological processes, a signifi- phosphorus removal efficiency in classical biologi-
cant amount of sludge is formed, so special atten- cal wastewater treatment ranges from 10 to 25 %.
tion must be paid to the issues of sludge handling That is the reason for using an advanced bio-
and treatment of P in the side streams of sludge. logical procedure named the Enhanced Biological
Due to the high water content and poor sludge qual- Phosphorus Removal (EBPR). EBPR is a sustain-
ity, the reuse of phosphates from the sludge in the able, environmentally friendly wastewater treatment
past was not an economically viable option. How- technology that is implemented by changing anaer-
ever, as the total amount of phosphorus removed obic and aerobic conditions to enable the accumula-
from wastewater ends up in the sludge, more atten- tion of phosphorus by phosphate-accumulating or-
tion has recently been paid to developing technolo- ganisms (PAOs)90. These microorganisms can store
gies for phosphorus regeneration and reuse, which more phosphorus than other bacteria naturally pres-
is increasingly important for the long-term avail- ent in activated sludge, and their growth intensifies
ability of this limited resource. through alternating anaerobic and aerobic zones.
As chemical and biological processes are the Phosphate-accumulating organisms accumulate
two main techniques for removing phosphorus from phosphates by storing polyphosphates as energy re-
domestic and industrial wastewater, many varia- serves in intracellular granules. PAOs then use the
tions and combinations of these processes are used energy previously stored as polyphosphate to grow
in practice. biomass and release P during the anaerobic phase.
The described procedure has been used for 40 years
Chemical precipitation in wastewater treatment plants with activated
sludge. This phosphorus extraction technology has
Chemical precipitation is one of the frequently contributed significantly to the development of P
used technologies for the removal of dissolved
recovery techniques92.
phosphorus from wastewater. By adding chemicals,
dissolved phosphorus is converted into solids, EBPR is a much more advantageous technolo-
which are removed from wastewater along with gy for phosphorus regeneration than chemical phos-
sludge. This procedure is based on the precipitation phorus removal. Phosphorus is absorbed in activat-
of insoluble metal phosphates after the addition of ed sludge, and it is somewhat easier to regenerate it
metal salts (usually iron, aluminum, magnesium, compared to chemical sludge. Due to the lack of
and calcium), and can be applied at different stages chemicals used in this process, EBPR systems have
of the wastewater treatment process. Primary sedi- lower sludge production, lower chemical costs, and
mentation includes the addition of chemicals before lower metal content in the sludge. This process is
sedimentation, and the precipitate ends up in the particularly important for agriculture because phos-
primary sludge. In the case of secondary precipi­ phorus is not bound to metals, which makes it more
tation, iron or aluminum salts are added directly accessible to plants. However, the EBPR process is
to the aeration tank in the activated sludge process, highly dependent on wastewater characteristics, and
with phosphorus ending up in the secondary sludge. is less stable and flexible compared to chemical
The third option is to add flocculant after sludge precipitation93. The process usually involves more
treatment, which produces relatively pure tertiary complex control mechanisms and reactors with
phosphate sludge. This process, together with larger volumes. Under favorable conditions, sludge
­flocculation and filtration, can achieve very low can contain about 90 % of incoming phosphorus94.
concentrations of phosphorus in the effluent In a wastewater treatment system, the wastewa-
(<0.5 mg TP L–1)86–88. ter first enters an anaerobic medium containing
Due to the limited value of Al or Fe in phos- readily biodegradable carbon (C), and is mixed with
phates for industrial and agricultural applications, the flowback, followed by an anaerobic zone. The
the most common precipitation technologies for re- process is initiated when phosphate-accumulating
covering P to be used as fertilizer are Mg or Ca pre- organisms are mixed with conventional microor-
cipitation processes89. ganisms. PAOs specialize in the storage and metab-
Chemical phosphorus removal remains an im- olism of phosphorus, while conventional bacteria
portant process as it is widely used and the methods can easily convert biodegradable material from the
have been developed to extract/regenerate phospho- anaerobic zone to volatile fatty acids (VFAs) need-
rus from chemically precipitated sludge. ed to complete the process. Under anaerobic condi-
100 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

tions, PAOs, in the presence of fermentation prod- that the former process aims to obtain phospho-
ucts, assimilate VFAs and store them as rus-free wastewater from wastewater treatment
polyhydroxyalkanoates or PHAs, using stored poly- plants, while the latter focuses on phosphorus-con-
phosphate as an energy source and releasing a solu- taining by-products that can be reused.
ble phosphate anion, magnesium, calcium, and po- Phosphorus recovery technologies are usually
tassium. The bacterial cells can then be separated applied to industrial and urban wastewater. Only few
and recycled, and the released soluble phosphate is methods are available for manure due to the lack of
removed by precipitation. In the aerobic phase, sol- a suitable market for processed manure and the
uble P is absorbed to form cellular polyphosphate. availability of cheap alternatives (e.g., disposal)99.
The content of intracellular carbon polymers (e.g.,
polyhydroxyalkanoate) decreases, and oxidation In the first case, the recovery of phosphorus
takes place. Once oxygen is supplied to the system, can be conducted in different phases of wastewater
PAOs adopt soluble phosphorus and accumulate it treatment, from liquid to sludge phase, as well as
as polyphosphate using stored carbon as an energy from ash after mono-incineration10.
source. Phosphate formed in the EBPR process is In the recovery of phosphorus from wastewa-
removed using activated waste sludge, in which the ter, a distinction can be made between phosphorus
content of phosphate reaches up to 5 %95. In these recovery from the liquid phase (wastewater and
processes, activated sludge can circulate through sludge treatment water), recovery from the sludge
the anaerobic and aerobic phases. phase (raw and digested sludge), and recovery from
The reliability of the EBPR process varies the ash phase (after sewage sludge incineration).
among wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Phosphorus can occur in the following forms100:
Many factors affect the EBPR process performance, – dissolved phosphate anion (PO43–) – the most
including wastewater characteristics, process con- common form, the dissolved form of phosphorus in
figurations, operating conditions, and environmen- water, easily recoverable;
tal conditions (e.g., pH, temperature). The most – biologically bound phosphorus – P bound in
commonly used EBPR processes include anaero- biomass, must be released for recovery;
bic-anoxic-oxide (A2O), Bardenpho, the University
of Cape Town (UCT) process, Johannesburg and – chemically bound phosphorus – P bound in
the Virginia Initiative Plant (VIP). Both VIP and metal phosphates, biologically non-available or
UCT configurations minimize nitrate recycling in hardly available, and only slightly soluble.
the anaerobic zone. Studies have shown that phos- Different technologies for phosphorus recovery
phorus removal efficiency can be adversely affected from WWTPs have been developed, which use dif-
by nitrate entry into the anaerobic zone, especially ferent phosphorus “sources” (wastewater, sewage
for low BOD loads19. sludge, digestion supernatant, ash), and have differ-
The EBPR process is particularly suitable for ent efficiencies. The efficiency of the process large-
municipal treatment systems in which the effective ly depends on the “source” of phosphorus. The re-
P concentrations are relatively low (<25 mg L–1) covery capacity from the liquid phase can reach a
compared to agricultural or industrial waste streams. maximum of 40–50 %, while considerably higher
The degree of phosphorus recovery relative to the efficiency can be achieved with the sludge phase
WWTP influent largely depends on the type of P (sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash), reaching
removal during wastewater treatment. The more P up 60 to 90 % compared to P present in wastewater.
removed by biological processes (to be specific Ash from sewage sludge incineration is the most
EBPR), the higher the rate of re-dissolution during promising source of P when it comes to recovery
anaerobic treatment of sludge, resulting in increased technologies19,55.
recycling (recovery). Therefore, a WWTP which Three main categories of phosphorus recovery
predominantly uses the EBPR process is advanta- technologies from municipal wastewater have been
geous, having in mind that the recovery rate has a identified10,19,101:
direct impact on economic efficiency96. According
to Melia et al.97, the efficiency of phosphorus – crystallization and precipitation,
­removal from municipal wastewater with EBPR – wet chemical processes, and
technology can reach more than 85 %, while Muisa – thermochemical processes.
et al.98 claim that 100 % phosphorus removal can be
Crystallization with precipitation is the stan-
achieved with this technology.
dard method for recovering phosphorus from the
Phosphorus recovery from wastewater liquid phase, whether it is wastewater or liquid frac-
tion after sludge digestion. In the precipitation of
The main difference between phosphorus re- phosphorus with Fe/Al salts, the formed sludge is
moval from wastewater and phosphorus recovery is further treated by wet chemical and thermochemical
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 101

processes. The ash from the burning of such sludge form of struvite using magnesium chloride as a pre-
is also subject to the given treatment. cipitating agent at pH around 8. The process effi-
About 90 % of the P that comes to the WWTP ciency is 90–95 % and it is performed in a reactor
can be concentrated in the digested sewage sludge, with CO2 stripping. In the EloPhos process used in
so the digested sludge is one of the most concentrat- Germany, P from waste sludge is recovered in the
ed forms of phosphorus. However, pollutants such form of struvite. A crystallization reactor is used,
as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and pathogens and the efficiency of the process is 95 %.
are concentrated in the sludge, so the use of sewage From the liquid phase, phosphorus is mostly
sludge in agriculture is limited or banned. An alter- regenerated in the form of struvite, calcium phos-
native can be incineration, which produces ash rich phate, and vivianite crystals, which precipitate from
in phosphorus. The ash from sewage sludge inciner- the solution. The main characteristics of these min-
ation contains about 90 % phosphorus. When sludge erals and the conditions for their formation are dis-
is burned, organic pathogens and pharmaceuticals cussed further on.
are destroyed, but heavy metals and metalloids are
concentrated, so the ash cannot be used directly in Recovery of phosphorus in the form of struvite
agriculture. The main disadvantage of sewage
sludge incineration is the need for large infrastruc- Currently, only struvite crystallization technol-
tural investments in incineration plants. ogies are commercialized at the industrial level.
Crystallization processes have other benefits, such
An overview of the main technologies for as reducing sludge handling problems and increas-
phosphorus recovery depending on the source is ing sludge dewatering.
shown in Table 2.
Magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate
In addition to these dominant processes, mem- (MgNH4PO4 ∙ 6H2O), or struvite, is a white mineral
brane separation, nanocrystallization, adsorption, that can form naturally under certain conditions in
ion exchange, biological assimilation, etc., can be sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants.
used for phosphorus recovery from wastewater.
These technologies are currently used on a much In WWTPs, struvite is often considered a prob-
smaller scale, but given the large number of studies lem because of its tendency to deposit uncontrolla-
being conducted, an increase in their share in phos- bly in undesirable places (pumps, aerators, and
phorus recovery can be expected. pipes) as a result of reduced pressure and conse-
quent release of dissolved CO2. Removal of struvite
Crystallization deposits in these circumstances is quite expen-
sive89,102. Struvite can also be formed under con-
Crystallization and precipitation are the domi- trolled conditions in crystallization reactors, where
nant processes for the recovery of phosphorus from it is removed in the form of small, pure granules.
the liquid phase (effluent and digestion superna- As seen from Table 1, phosphorus is primarily
tant), and mainly require the application of EBPR regenerated in the form of struvite. This is because
treatment. Without prior concentration of phospho- struvite is widely used in agriculture as a very ef-
rus by EBPR, only about 10–40 % of P can be re- fective, slow-release phosphate fertilizer that con-
covered from the aqueous phase, depending on tains enough nutrients and essential substances nec-
whether it is already bound to other metals or bio- essary for the growth of crops. Out of 41 analyzed
mass. For economic viability, the liquid phase processes, phosphorus was recovered in the form of
should have a phosphate concentration of at least struvite in 20 processes. Namely, struvite is a valu-
50–60 mg L–1, and constitutive ions must be present able product that contains nutrients essential for
in sufficiently high concentrations10. plant growth and can be applied directly to the soil
In the AirPrex process, used in Germany, Neth- as a safe and effective fertilizer. In addition to phos-
erlands, USA, and China, P is recovered from phorus, struvite also contains nitrogen, usually in
wastewater or anaerobically digested sludge in the the proportions of 12 % P and 5 % N. If it does not

Ta b l e 2 – Use of different phosphorus recovery technologies depending on the source in the WWTPs
Applied technology/process for P recovery from wastewater
Source of phosphorus
Crystallization Wet chemical process Termochemical process
Liquid phase (effluent and digestion supernatant) ×
Sewage sludge ×* × ×
Ash from mono-incineration of sewage sludge × ×
Crystallization and precipitation of P from the liquid phase after wet chemical treatment of sewage sludge.
102 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

meet the prescribed criteria for direct use in agricul- ed method. The efficiency of phosphorus recovery
ture, the mineral fertilizer industry can use it as a using this technique can reach 97 % if the concen-
valuable raw material. The drawback of phosphorus trations of nitrogen and magnesium in the sludge
recovery through the precipitation of struvite is the are sufficient. The best P:Mg ratio is 1:1.05, but it is
possibility of its use only in wastewater treatment generally maintained at 1:1.3. The P:N molar ratio
plants with EBPR systems, otherwise, it is not eco- must be at least 1:1103,104.
nomically viable to perform recovery. Nevertheless, The struvite crystallization process is based on
the precipitation of struvite is the most recommend- the following stoichiometric equations:

Mg 2+ + NH 4+ + PO34- + 6H 2 O ® MgNH 4 PO 4 ·6H 2 O (1)

Mg 2+ + NH 4+ + HPO 42- + 6H 2 O ® MgNH 4 PO 4 ·6H 2 O + H+ (2)
Mg 2+ + NH 4+ + H 2 PO-4 + 6H 2 O ® MgNH 4 PO 4 ·6H 2 O + 2H+ (3)

In the pH range of struvite precipitation (pH Recovery of phosphorus in the form of calcium
7–11), the reaction with HPO42– is dominant104. phosphate
The key factors in struvite formation are pH, Removal of P using Ca compounds may initial-
magnesium concentration, and the presence of other ly precipitate several calcium phosphate minerals,
competing ions (such as calcium) in the main solu- such as brucite, octacalcium phosphate, hydroxyap-
tion. In most cases, the limiting agent in wastewater atite, whitlockite, monetite, or amorphous calcium
streams is magnesium, which should be added to phosphate. However, the most common of these
the process in the form of MgCl2, Mg(OH)2, or minerals is hydroxyapatite [Ca5(PO4)3OH]108. Hy-
MgO, to ensure its stoichiometric concentration. droxyapatite has a composition similar to natural
Sodium hydroxide is usually added to ensure the phosphate rocks. It is formed by the crystallization
proper pH. The use of MgO or Mg(OH)2 as a source of phosphate, calcium, and hydroxyl ions at high
of magnesium can also contribute to the adjustment pH values (>9)97.
of the pH of the solution (due to the alkalinity of the
The following equation shows the chemical re-
oxide/hydroxide), but the low level of solubility of
action of hydroxyapatite formation:
these compounds should also be considered a disad-
vantage. One of the key obstacles in the chemical 10Ca 2+ + 6 PO34- + 2OH- ® 2Ca 5 ( PO 4 )3 OH (4)
precipitation pathway is the presence of other com-
peting ions, especially calcium (Ca2+) and ferric The presence of sufficient P to achieve thermo-
ions (Fe3+). This can lead to impurities in the final dynamic supersaturation is a precondition for calci-
precipitate and the formation of irregular-shaped st- um phosphate precipitation109. Precipitation begins
ruvite crystals. Both calcium and ferric ions signifi- with the nucleation of CaP, which is the first step in
cantly inhibit the formation of the struvite crystals. the crystallization process. Induced nucleation can
The applied quantitative XRD technique showed be initiated by the addition of artificial nucleic ma-
that ferric ions are more effective inhibitors of stru- terials such as sand, calcite, or tobermorite crys-
vite production than calcium ions105. tals110.
The crystallization process can be improved by The factors that affect P precipitation are pH, P
introducing seed crystals into the system106,107. The concentration, and the presence of other ions such
presence of seed crystals increases the formation as carbonate. Calcium carbonate formation reduces
rate of crystals and reduces the reaction time. More- the concentration of free Ca, which inhibits P pre-
over, seed crystals enhance the nucleation (crystal cipitation as a result111,112.
formation) of struvite if they have a large enough At pH 8, carbonate significantly slows down
specific surface area106. the rate of phosphate precipitation, and the corre-
Struvite itself has been studied for use as seeds sponding precipitation efficiency also reduces. At
to improve the efficiency of the crystallization pro- pH 9, the effect of carbonate on phosphate precipi-
cess. Shih et al.107 have shown that up to 95.8 % of tation is very small. That indicates that carbonate
P recovery can be achieved under optimal working may reduce the deposition rate and efficiency of
conditions and appropriate seed crystals dosing and calcium phosphate, but the pH value of the solution
size. However, seeding can have its drawbacks: ap- is still the key factor influencing the precipitation
plication costs, phosphate ion selectivity, efficient process.
precipitation, and separation are some of the chal- In general, the efficiency of removing phos-
lenges that need to be overcome106. phorus by this method is up to 75–80 %113. The
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 103

main advantage of the recovered product is that it conditions for efficient P removal with the addition
contains fewer pollutants compared to natural phos- of small amounts of lime (Eq. (6)). This procedure
phate rock113. does not require the use of a fluidized bed crystal-
Calcium phosphate is most often recovered lizer or reactor. In practice, soluble P can be re-
from liquid fractions of manure, although it is in- moved from pre-nitrified liquid porcine manure in a
creasingly used in the recovery of phosphorus from precipitator by adding hydrated lime to obtain a fine
human urine. Even though the residual organic precipitate at pH 10.5. Afterward, the fine precipi-
compounds contribute to the buffer capacity of liq- tate is aggregated by the addition of a polymer and
uid manure, carbonate and NH4+ are the most im- separated by filter bags, yielding 99 % of the total P
portant chemical components. Both contribute to relative to the unfiltered material115.
the alkaline pH buffer capacity114. Alkaline pH is This calcium phosphate removal procedure has
necessary to form a P precipitate with calcium and been applied to remove P in animal waste treatment
magnesium compounds. When calcium or magne- systems with lagoons115,116 and lagoon-free sys-
sium hydroxide is added to liquid manure, the hy- tems117. In systems with anaerobic lagoons (or other
droxide reacts with the existing bicarbonate to form anaerobic digesters), the anaerobically digested su-
carbonate, with ammonium (NH4+) to form ammo- pernatant, rich in NH4-N and alkalinity, is first sub-
nia (NH3), and with phosphate to form phosphate-­ jected to nitrification. Phosphorus is then removed
precipitating compounds115. by adding hydrated lime. The efficiency of this
For example, in the case of calcium hydroxide, technology has been tested in semi-industrial condi-
the following equations define the reactions: tions, where 95–98 % of P was precipitated from
anaerobic lagoons72. In lagoon-free systems, raw
Ca (OH )2 + Ca ( HCO3 )2 ® 2CaCO3 ¯+2H 2 O (5)
liquid fertilizer is firstly treated with an improved
5Ca 2
+ 4OH- + 3HPO 42- ® Ca 5 OH ( PO 4 )3 ¯ + 3H 2 O (6) polymer separation process to remove most of the
carbon material from the wastewater. The separated
The chemical reaction in Eq. (5) is completed water is then treated with a nitrification process,
at pH 9.5, while the chemical reaction in Eq. (6) and soluble P is removed. A denitrification tank is
begins at pH>7.0, but it is very slow at pH 9.0. built into the treatment system to ensure total N re-
As the pH value of wastewater increases over moval with P removal. This configuration has been
9.0, excess Ca2+ ions react with phosphate to precip- tested full-scale, with a soluble P removal efficien-
itate in the form of calcium phosphate (Eq. (6)). Eq. cy of 94 %100. Recovered P was more than 99 %
(5) does not express the fact that wastewater con- soluble in citrates, which is very important for the
taining a high concentration of NH4+ requires large fertilizer industry where it could be used as a raw
amounts of lime to increase the pH to the required material.
values. The NH4+ reaction tends to neutralize hy-
droxyl ions according to Eq. (7). Recovery of phosphorus in the form of vivianite

Ca (OH )2 + 2NH 4+ ® 2NH 3 ­ + Ca 2+ + 2H 2 O (7) Vivianite (Fe3(PO4)2 ∙ 8H2O) is found in the

sludge of wastewater treatment plants, especially in
Accordingly, the precipitation of P in wastewa- digested sludge, and makes up most of the FeP-
ter from animal farms, using an alkaline compound bound fraction. The efficiency of phosphorus re­
such as lime, is very difficult due to the inherently covery through vivianite precipitation can reach
high buffer capacity of liquid manure (NH4-N 200 62.1 %118. The two main components of vivianite
mg L–1 and alkalinity 1200 mg L–1). This buffering are Fe and P. In particular, Fe ions in natural water
effect prevents rapid pH changes. However, this can be formed by dissolving iron minerals, while in
problem is solved by a pre-nitrification step that re- wastewater, Fe ions are often formed by adding
duces the concentration of NH4+ (Eq. (8)) and the salts used as flocculants119. In addition, Fe usually
alkalinity of the bicarbonate (Eq. (9))116. already exists in water in the form of Fe3+, Fe(OH)3,
and hydrated ferric oxide (HFO). In environments
NH 4+ + 2O 2 ® NO3- + 2H+ + H 2 O (8)
rich in organic matter (OM) and reducing agents,
HCO3- + H+ ® CO 2 ­ + H 2 O (9) Fe3+ will be easily reduced to Fe2+ by dissimilatory
metal-reducing bacteria (DMRB), while organic
The buffer effect of NH4+ (Eq. (7)) is reduced phosphorus is converted to phosphate by anaerobic
by biological nitrification of NH4+ (Eq. (8)). At the microorganisms120,121. As these two processes con-
same time, the buffering effect of bicarbonate (Eq. tinue, the concentrations of Fe2+ and PO43– increase.
(5)) is highly reduced with the acid formed during When the target value of the solubility product
nitrification (Eq. (8)). These two simultaneous reac- (Ksp) is reached, vivianite is formed. Eqs. (10)–(12)
tions provide less buffered fluid under optimal pH describe the process of vivianite formation118:
104 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

Organic P ® PO34- (10) Wet chemical processes

Fe (OH )3 + 3H+ + e- ® Fe 2+ + 3H 2 O (11) Wet chemical processes are used to dissolve

phosphorus from sewage sludge or sewage sludge
3Fe 2+ + 2PO34- + 8H 2 O ® Fe3 ( PO 4 )2 ×8H 2 O (12) ash. This procedure is based on the leaching of
phosphorus from previously precipitated phosphate,
Vivianite formation is a chemical process that using acids and bases, which implies the release of
can be influenced primarily by microorganisms, pH, P into the solution from the sludge treated with
and sulfate concentration (S), as well as by various mineral acids and its subsequent precipitation. Dif-
other factors, such as Fe/P molar ratio, temperature, ferent acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, and
reaction time, and alkalinity118,121,122. carbonic) can be used in this process. The P recov-
Microorganisms can affect the formation of ery potential for these processes mostly depends on
vivianite both directly and indirectly. Direct effects process conditions such as pH of leaching and P
caused by microorganisms include the following species in sludge, and ranges from 50 to 80 %10,19,101.
transformations: from Fe3+ to soluble Fe2+ through Acid leaching is the most common technique
reduction and electron transfer by DMRB bacteria; used for the treatment of sewage sludge ash. How-
from organic phosphorus to inorganic PO43– by an- ever, acid leaching simultaneously dissolves heavy
aerobic methane oxidation (AOM); and from SO42– metals present in the sludge and potentially large
to S2– through reduction by sulfate-reducing bacte- amounts of iron and/or aluminum, depending on
ria (SRB)123. Indirect effects are associated with the which salt is used to precipitate the metal phosphate
modification of the reducing conditions, consuming from the liquid phase. Since heavy metals are well
electron acceptors such as O2–, NO3–, and Fe2+, and soluble, when using wet chemical processes, the re-
the formation of CO2, which lowers the pH. moval of heavy metals from the solution must be
The influence of the pH value is reflected in taken with attention. The re-dissolved phosphorus
the changes in ionic strength and solubility prod- can be isolated by various methods, but the most
ucts. In particular, for the formation of vivianite, popular are crystallization and precipitation in the
Fe2+ ions require an environment with a lower oxi- form of struvite or apatite. To protect the quality of
dation-reduction potential and a lower pH value the precipitated struvite, citric acid is added as a
(<9). The lower the pH value, the wider the range
complexing agent before the addition of MgO and
of acceptable values of oxidation-reduction poten-
NaOH, with the resulting salts of metal citrates re-
tials. Experimental research shows that, at pH 6.0,
maining in the solution during the precipitation of
Fe is mainly in the solid phase in the form of vivi-
anite (54.7 %), but with a further decrease in the pH struvite.
value of Fe, it mostly dissolves in the supernatant124. Direct acid digestion of ash with mineral acids
For example, in a pH 3.0 environment, soluble iron is also possible. In some processes, phosphate is ex-
is the dominant type of Fe (77.9 %), and vivianite tracted from ash using phosphoric acid, and then
in that pH range is almost non-existent. Sulfate con- treated with sulfuric acid to obtain phosphoric acid,
centration also has a critical effect on vivianite for- which acts as the final source of acid (Table 1 –
mation. Sulfate can bind to Fe to form mackinawite Nippon PA process in Japan performed in an ex-
(FeS), which competes with P and reduces vivianite traction reactor, where part of the phosphate is re-
production and purity121. placed by ash and extraction with sulfuric acid is
The stoichiometric molar ratio of Fe/P in the performed). Conversion to phosphoric acid can be
vivianite chemical formula is 1.5:1. Experimental achieved by acid treatment with CO2 instead of
data have shown the following: (1) the concentra- mineral acids. Blowing CO2 into an aqueous ash
tion of Fe2+ in the solution should slightly exceed suspension forms carbonic acid. Carbonic acid can
the stoichiometric value since OH– tends to com- react with phosphate in the ash to form phosphoric
bine with Fe2+ to form Fe(OH)2; (2) a small amount acid. Ohers use ash digestion followed by phos-
of Fe(II) can be oxidized to Fe(III), both of which phate deposition with lime to produce dicalcium
can lead to competition in vivianite formation125. phosphate (Table 1 – EXTRAPHOS process in Ger-
Research has also shown that alkalinity, which many, where P is recovered from waste sludge by
is common in sewage and supernatant of anaerobic dissolving phosphates and their precipitation into
sludge, has the potential to compete with PO43– for dicalcium phosphate, where lime is used as a pre-
Fe2+, namely, to precipitate siderite (FeCO3)126. cipitating agent. The process is carried out in a reac-
Vivianite has considerable potential for applica- tor with CO2 stripping, and the process efficiency is
tion in agriculture, as well as in chemical and elec- approximately 50 %). Formed calcium chloride can
trical industries, primarily owing to its high content be deposited in the sea. Metals remain with an in-
of P and the relatively simple technology of its sepa­ soluble residue or they are removed by ion ex-
ration from wastewater using a magnetic field127. change. Alkaline leaching is a less used alternative
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 105

to wet acid chemical treatment. It is based on the The disadvantage of this technology is high en-
treatment of sewage sludge ash with hydroxide ergy consumption, which can be mitigated to some
solutions and has a lower efficiency of phosphorus extent by proper process control. The advantage is
recovery (up to 40 %) compared to acid leaching, the fact that the thermochemical process can also be
and higher costs due to high consumption of chem- used for other phosphorus-rich ash.
icals. Although the efficiency of phosphorus recov- Thermal treatments are suitable for less con-
ery is low, alkaline leaching in Japan is used in the taminated materials such as manure, bones, and
industry due to the good removal of heavy metals. food waste. None of these (hydrothermal) processes
Caustic soda waste can be used to reduce operating have yet been widely used.
costs. After leaching, the ash is washed and treated
with a dilute H2SO4 solution to remove heavy met- Direct use of the sewage sludge
als. The obtained solids can be used as additives to
cement, asphalt, or soil. The simplest way to recover phosphorus from
sludge is to use activated sludge directly as fertiliz-
Thermochemical processes er. However, the transport and management of high-
ly hydrated sludge (usually above 50 % H2O) can
Thermochemical processes are based on the ap- generate 25 to 65 % of the total operating costs of a
plication of heat in the treatment of sewage sludge treatment plant88.
or ash from sewage sludge incineration, and include
processes that take place at different temperatures At the same time, sewage sludge can contain
and with different oxygen contents. In general, ther- significant amounts of potentially hazardous organ-
mochemical procedures for the treatment of sewage ic pollutants (such as aromatic hydrocarbons) and
sludge can be classified as hydrothermal treatment, heavy metals. The toxicity of heavy metals and
pyrolysis, and gasification, and take place without metal oxides nanoparticles on the formation and
the addition of chemicals. In the thermochemical properties of the biologically (EBPR) removed
treatment of sewage sludge ash, chemicals can be phosphorus depends on their type and concentra-
used. tion. The phosphorus release and uptake by phos-
phorus-accumulating organisms (PAOs) can be af-
In this process, large amounts of phosphorus
can be recovered. When applying these procedures fected by inhibition of the key enzymatic activity.
for the treatment of sewage sludge, lower tempera- The possible effects of the toxicity of heavy metals
tures are used compared to the treatment of sewage and metal oxide nanoparticles are disruption of the
sludge ash. Higher temperature and higher oxygen cell membrane, DNA damage, protein denaturation,
content have a favorable effect on the removal of enzyme disruption, etc. Additionally, the generation
pathogens and organic matter from sewage sludge. of the reactive oxygen species can contribute to the
However, metals and metalloids generally lag be- toxicity of both heavy metals and metal oxide
hind after these treatments and make sewage sludge nanoparticles109,129. Legislation restricting the use of
inadequate for agricultural use, so the obtained ma- sewage sludge as fertilizer is becoming more strin-
terials require further treatment128. gent, especially that defining the maximum allow-
able concentrations of heavy metals in the sludge
Thermochemical treatment of sewage sludge
ash is based on the reaction of ash with chemicals at entering the soil. For this reason, sludge treatment
higher temperatures. The main goal of this method and indirect phosphorus recovery technologies are
is to remove heavy metals and increase the bio- becoming increasingly popular. However, it is im-
availability of phosphorus in the ash, making the portant to understand that sewage sludge is often
ash suitable for the production of fertilizers. A typi- used directly as fertilizer, especially in “third world”
cal example is an AshDec process. In this process, countries, mainly due to a lack of access to and re-
the ash is loaded into a rotary kiln together with sources for sewage sludge incineration or chemical
sodium, magnesium, or potassium salts and a reduc- treatment technologies to recover phosphorus.
ing agent, such as dry sewage sludge, and heated to Sewage sludge ash is applied in some plants as
900–950 °C for 15–20 minutes. The system ensures an amendment of the phosphate rock, up to 2.5 %,
the removal of heavy metals by evaporation in a re- in the production of fertilizers, and technologies for
ducing atmosphere, resulting in bioavailable phos- removing metals from phosphoric acid solutions are
phorus compounds. To increase the removal of not applied for economic reasons. The advantage
heavy metals in the case of high concentrations, lies in the fact that the ash does not pass through the
chlorides such as MgCl2 or CaCl2 can be added, absolutely liquid phase, preventing excessive solu-
which can lead to the formation of chlorinated bilization of the metal. As such, SSAs derived from
phosphate compounds with low bioavailability, and WWTPs that use chemical precipitation with iron
Ca- and Mg-phosphates that dissolve efficiently and/or aluminum are less suitable for mixing than
only in acidic soils. WWTPs that use biological removal P130.
106 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge ash (SSA) Phosphorus adsorption depends on various fac-
tors, such as the type of adsorbent used, its surface
Incineration is the direct combustion of organic area, pH, and contact time.
raw materials in the presence of air. Incineration is
Ion exchange enables a more precise separation
used as the most common type of sewage sludge
treatment. Sewage sludge incineration produces ash of solutes from waste streams. Ion exchange is a
rich in P. As such, it can be used as a fertilizer, an reversible process and helps P regeneration in the
additive to mineral fertilizers, or as an additive to form of a precipitate by subsequent addition of dis-
construction materials. In many countries, an in- solved substances (Ca, Fe, and Al)89,138. The advan-
creasing percentage of sewage sludge is thermally tage of ion exchange compared to adsorption is that
treated, due to presence of organic and inorganic the ion exchange mass can be renewed and reused.
pollutants that can contaminate soil and groundwa- The following materials can be used for ion ex-
ter during landfilling. In addition, according to the change: quaternary chitosan beads, polymer ligands,
literature, the recovery of phosphorus using the ash anion exchanger made of wheat straw, polypropyl-
from burning sewage sludge is recommended be- ene nonwoven fiber, and polymer resin impregnated
cause the ash has a much higher content of phos- with iron oxide89.
phorus, mainly due to a significant reduction in the
volume of burned materials (70–90 %)131. Membrane technologies
Even ash with an average amount of phospho- Phosphorus recovery using membrane technol-
rus, about 8 % (up to 15 %), corresponds to the con- ogies is a relatively new process, and it is still under
tent found in medium-rich phosphate deposits132. development. Membrane media have great potential
Moreover, 5 to 10 times more phosphorus can be in increasing the concentration of constituent ions
recovered from ash compared to sewage sludge and in the solution for further precipitation, for example
leachate. Unfortunately, because of the high capital struvite compounds and calcium phosphate106.
costs of building a sludge incineration plant, such Reverse osmosis (RO), forward osmosis (FO),
technologies are economically viable only in large microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofil-
wastewater treatment plants. These solutions, how- tration (NF), and a combination of these processes
ever, have already been used in practice, and one can be used for simultaneous wastewater treatment
such example is the Netherlands132,133. and nutrient recovery. In general, membrane tech-
The direct use of sewage sludge ash as a fertil- nologies make it possible to obtain concentrated
izer or as an additive to construction materials is flows that can be subjected to a deposition process
questionable due to the content of heavy metals, to recover P. Mg2+ and Ca2+ sources, and pH adjust-
such as Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn, which may exceed ments are required to achieve the initial conditions
the limit values134. for the precipitation process, while the performance
Takahashi et al.135 reported dissolving 89–93 % of these systems can be affected by several parame-
P from burnt sewage sludge at pH below 2.0 using ters. Influent quality, hydraulic load, salinity, and
0.5 M sulfuric acid solution (10:1 L/S liquid/solid mem­­brane fouling (organic, inorganic, or biological
ratio). Another study134 showed that 66–99 % of the contamination) are the most important parame-
total P was dissolved from sewage sludge ash at a ters104.
pH lower than 1.8 with a 2.5 M sulfuric acid solu- Osmotic membrane bioreactors (OMBRs) are a
tion (2:1 L/S). new approach to P recovery using membrane tech-
Apart from sewage sludge, animal waste can nology139,140. Osmotic membrane bioreactor
also be subjected to thermal treatment. One of the (OMBR) is a new high-efficiency wastewater treat-
methods for animal waste disposal is pyrolysis, ment technology that integrates the forward osmo-
which produces a combination of gas, liquid fuel, sis (FO) process into the membrane bioreactor
and coal known as biochar. Wet pyrolysis and su- (MBR) or combines biological treatment with mem-
percritical gasification can be used as an alternative. brane separation. Since 2008, when this concept
These technologies enable the direct use of wet raw was put forward for the first time, it has gained in-
materials, such as raw animal manure and sewage creasing popularity in wastewater treatment and re-
sludge. However, they are rarely used136. use141–143.
Adsorption and ion exchange The process is an integration of osmosis-driven
membranes and a biological treatment that has re-
The P adsorption technique is widely investi- cently been used to recover phosphorus, mainly in
gated to remove P from wastewater in treatment the form of amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP,
plants using different adsorbents. Cheap materials, Ca3(PO4)2 · nH2O). OMBR uses a non-porous os-
such as industrial by-products and natural materials, motically driven membrane instead of conventional
can be used for this purpose137(Table 389,138). porous MF or UF membranes that move under hy-
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 107
Ta b l e 3 – Selected adsorbents, adsorption conditions, and efficiency89,138
Specific surface area Initial concentration Sorption efficiency
Adsorbents pH of the solution
(m2 g–1) (mg L–1) (mg g–1)
Apatite 530 – 30 0.41
480 – 30 0.37
580 – 30 0.28
720 – 30 0.31
– 7 20 4.76
84.98 8–10 50 0.28
31.7 4–6 – 0.5
– 3.2–5.5 10 6.73
6.8 5.9 40 0.61
Calcium-rich sepiolite 231 3–6 800 9.04 (pH=7)
Kaolinite 3.66 2 50 0.32
2–8 50 1.82
Calcite –
10.5–12 100 19.0 (pH=12)

7.4 7.8 40 0.68

570 – 30 1.09
40 10.2 (pH=4)
Diatomaceous earth 24.77 2–5
1.7 (pH=8.5)
Zeolite (clinoptiolite) 13.83 6 50 0.37
Iron-zirconium binary oxide 339 5.5 200 33.4
Red mud 22.71 5.5 50 0.23
Mesoporous ZrO2 232 6.7–6.9 – 29.7
Ferric oxide 47.9 3.3 20 8.6
Fly ash 0.53 11.5 80 71.87
Activated alumina 230–300 5.5 – 13.8
Bituminous coal ash 96.9 9.5 5–40 4–81 mg kg–1
Lignite ash 27.7 11.6 950–1500 19–29 mg kg–1

draulic pressure. The use of osmotically driven Biological assimilation

membranes, such as FO membranes, has many ad-
vantages, some of which are less membrane fouling Adsorption and assimilation of phosphates by
and lower costs106. algae is another promising method for the recovery
Qiu and Ting139 have shown that >95 % P can of P from wastewater144. Photosynthetic algae use
be recovered through this system. Despite its high CO2 and nutrients (NH4+, NO3– and PO43−) for their
efficiency and high P recovery rates, membrane growth, while producing oxygen at the same time.
systems have been developed exclusively on a lab- Afterward, they are used by heterotrophic bacteria
oratory scale. The feasibility of continuous opera- for their metabolism, thus forming NH4+, NO3– and
tion of these membranes remains a challenge106, as PO43– ions106.
membrane performance will decrease significantly Although algae have been used in aerobic la-
with the accumulation of deposits (fouling), which goons for wastewater treatment in the removal of
requires frequent cleaning and involves a gradual organic carbon and pathogenic pollutants, the re-
loss of performance. The operating costs of the en- moval of phosphorus using algae has only been
tire process (cleaning, maintenance, and deposition done sparingly145. The main reason is that aerobic
chemicals) are still high, which currently makes the ponds are not optimized for biomass production.
application of membrane technologies difficult106. Algae assimilation has a great potential for P assim-
108 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

ilation under optimized conditions, as dry algal bio- and N in the acid-washed residue. The washed solid
mass can contain up to 3.3 % P146. El Hamouri147 residue has a higher N:P ratio than the initial raw
reported the removal of 63 % P in an algae pond. waste, which makes the washed residue better bal-
Light intensity, influent phosphorus concentration, anced, thus improving the efficiency of its benefi-
pH, aeration, mixing speed, and temperature are im- cial effect on crops with two nutrients and avoiding
portant factors for efficient phosphorus recovery by excessive use of P.
algal biomass106. Microalgae are often used in these Wnetrzak et al. found that the production of
wastewater treatment systems. Algae can be collect- biochar from pig manure by pyrolysis is a viable
ed at the end of treatment by filtration, precipita- option for recycling P, and the recovery of phospho-
tion, or centrifugation. Although there are success- rus from biochar with mineral acids is possible150.
ful examples of collecting algae on a pilot scale, the In the process of pyrolysis, 92 % to 97 % of phos-
application of such systems on a large scale is still phorus present in fresh pig manure ends up in the
a challenge106. biochar fraction. From biochar, 60–75 % P can be
The advantage of phosphorus recovery by al- extracted as orthophosphate, and 90 % as total P,
gae assimilation lies in the value of the produced using 0.2 M sulfuric acid solution (50:1 L/S)151.
biomass. The collected biomass of algae can be The thermochemical conversion technologies
used in various industries, including the production such as incineration or pyrolysis require relatively
of slow-release fertilizers, production of animal dry raw materials151.
feed, pharmaceuticals, food processing, etc. Owing
to its high lipid content, the collected biomass can Phosphorus recovery from animal waste
also be used as a raw material for liquid biofuels148.
Meat and bone meal (MBM) is an important
Recovery of phosphorus from manure by-product of slaughterhouses. It contains about
8 % N, 5 % P, 1 % K and 10 % Ca152,153. The raw
Direct wet extraction is an alternative method materials used for the production of MBM may dif-
for recovering P from raw solid waste without ther- fer somewhat, but the principle of its production is
mal treatment89,149. The treatment process is called the same – animal remains (bones, heads, intestines
quick wash, and it is developed for the extraction and skin, etc.) are firstly crushed, sterilized, separat-
and recovery of P from poultry waste and manure. ed from fat, and finally after grinding, fine flour is
The products of this process are P-depleted washed produced154.
residue and a concentrated phosphate material that Previously, MBM was used for animal feed155
can be used as fertilizer. and directly as an organic fertilizer153, but due to the
The quick wash process consists of three con- possibility of transmitting the causative agent of bo-
secutive steps: vine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in rumi-
– P extraction, nants, the EU strictly banned the use of animal res-
– P recovery, and idues as raw materials in the food and feed industry.
However, as of 1 February 2006, the use of MBM
– P recovery enhancement.
as a fertilizer for field crops in the EU is permitted
In the first step, the main fraction (60–90 %) of by Commission Regulation (EC) no. 181/2006156,
the initial total P in raw animal waste is selectively but its full use as an organic fertilizer in vegetable
extracted by hydrolysis reactions using mineral or production is limited, due to the fear of poisoning
organic acids. A mixture of animal waste and ex- through the food chain, because there is a possibili-
traction solution is stirred in the pH range from 3.0 ty that traces of contaminated meat and bone meal
to 5.0. Further, the washed residue is precipitated to may remain on the product (if the animals were in-
prevent unnecessary oxidation and digestion of C fected with “mad cow” disease).
and N. In this step, a liquid extract containing sus- One of the possible uses of slaughter by-prod-
pended solids and extracted soluble P is obtained. ucts (also meat and bone meal) is pyrolysis157. The
In the second step, P precipitates from the liquid ash after combustion of MBM contains approxi-
­extract by adding lime (for the pH increase to mately 15 – 16.5 % P and 29.5 – 33 % Ca, depend-
9.0–11.0) to form a P product containing Ca. In the ing on the combustion conditions158. The main com-
final step, an organic flocculant is added to enhance ponents of ash after burning MBM are:
precipitation and P concentration in the precipitate. hydroxyapatite, β-Ca3(PO4)2, as well as small
The P-rich sludge is drained and used further as fer- amounts of sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
tilizer, while the liquid phase is recycled back to the This product is practically free from heavy metals,
fast wash system. unlike natural apatite and phosphorite. The chemi-
The advantage of this procedure over thermal cal properties of ash indicate that it can be used suc-
pretreatment is the low content of heavy metals in cessfully in the chemical industry for the production
the phosphate product and the conservation of C of phosphoric acid and its derivatives.
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 109

Leng et al.159 have shown that MBMA (meat using ≥1 M NaOH solution, and ~100 % of the iso-
and bone meal ash) can also be used to remove P lated P was successfully transformed into calcium
from synthetic wastewater. Removal of P can be per­ phosphate by adding CaCl2 at pH>12. Liquid/solid
­formed in a wide range of initial pHs within one hour, (Fe3O4@ZrO2 particles) can be separated for reuse
with achieving a removal capacity of ~115 mg g–1. using an external magnetic field.
The main mechanisms of P elimination can be ex- Wei et al., worked on the recovery of struvite
plained by HAP precipitation due to the MBMA and ammonium sulfate from the urine of pregnant
­nucleation effect. After the wastewater treatment women in the pilot plant for treatment, by deposi-
process, the P content in the ash increased from tion and removal of air/acid163. The system achieved
13.48 % to 16.18 % (or 37.06 % P2O5). 94 % efficiency of struvite precipitation, but only
55 % of the crystals were removed and extracted.
Phosphorus recovery from urine The low recovery of phosphorus was due to the
Most P recovery methods are chemically, ener- leaching of small crystals that escaped from the
gy, and operationally demanding. Their use has yet sieves and precipitators, so an improved method for
to gain significant momentum. Alternatively, solar capturing crystals was needed. Nitrogen removal
radiation can be used as an energy source to evapo- and recovery efficiencies were 93 % and 85 %, re-
rate and dry liquid waste such as urine or wastewa- spectively. The analysis of the composition of the
ter. The resulting solid residues can be used as N produced fertilizers showed that struvite is the dom-
and P fertilizers160. inant sediment, and the quality of ammonium sul-
Human urine and feces are a significant poten- fate meets European standards.
tial source of phosphorus. According to the World Xu et al.,164 presented an innovative strategy
Health Organization, urine is a fluid rich in N and P, for the selective separation of P from synthetic urine
with the ability to provide half of the seed’s require- containing a high concentration of Cl–, by simply
ment for P14. The results show that, in 2009, the adjusting the filling and emptying process of the
availability of phosphorus from urine was approxi- flow electrode capacitive deionization unit (FCDI).
mately 1.68 million metric tons (with a similar mass During the charging process, both P and Cl– are
available from feces), and the estimated amount transported to the anode chamber where they are
that can be expected by 2050 is 2.16 million metric adsorbed by charged carbon particles.
tons (with a similar mass available from feces). The The inevitable Faraday reactions caused the
potential availability of P from urine and feces pro- formation of H+ and led to the conversion of charged
duced in urban areas is estimated around 0.88 mil- P ions into H3PO4 and spontaneous desorption into
lion metric tons per year, with a tendency to in- electrolyte. When the polarity of the electrode is re-
crease with population growth to over 1.5 million versed, constantly charged species such as Cl– are
metric tons by 2050. The availability of P from generally pushed back into the spacing chamber,
urine and feces could cover 22 % of the overall while neutral H3PO4 is selectively trapped in the an-
global demand for P161. A special sewage network ode chamber due to slow pH variations (especially
for the recovery of phosphorus of human origin is when higher carbon content is used), forming a
especially interesting in developing regions such as P-rich solution. The results showed that FCDI can
Africa and Asia, which have a large population and be a promising technology for efficient removal of
do not have a regulated sewage system. P and recovery from urine separated from the source
The separation of urine at the source is poten- without the use of additional chemicals.
tial for the recovery of phosphorus, taking into ac-
count the high concentration of P and the small vol- Nanonucleation
ume. However, the treatment of urine is a challenge
due to its unpleasant odor and hygiene problems. One of the main challenges in phosphorus re-
Since these problems can be solved by acidification covery is its relatively low concentration in liquid
to keep urine pH below 4, a new strategy for obtain- waste, which complicates adsorption and precipita-
ing P from acidified urine using adapted hydrated tion reactions. In addition, although several proce-
nanoparticles of zirconium-coated magnetite dures have been developed to remove P from waste
(Fe3O4@ZrO2) has been proposed162. This strategy streams, none of these conventional techniques has
includes selective phosphate adsorption with been identified as entirely cost-effective for recov-
Fe3O4@ZrO2, adsorption of adsorbed phosphate, ering P for subsequent use as a nutrient source.
and precipitation of desorbed phosphate as a calci- Nucleation by nanomaterials (nanonucleation)
um phosphate fertilizer. The results showed that, at is effective in the crystallization and recovery of
pH 4, phosphorus was selectively adsorbed in syn- dissolved substances from unsaturated aqueous
thetic urine and could be depleted using Fe3O4@ solutions. Nanomaterials can be naturally found in
ZrO2. Almost all (> 97.5 %) of the P was isolated the soil, with particle size ranging from 1 to 10 nm,
110 A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022)

which allows them to have a high sorption capacity is more promising compared to other methods/tech-
for P. They bind P mainly by surface complexation, nologies. The recovery from sewage sludge ash is
but particle aggregation can also occur by encapsu- five to ten times greater than the recovery from
lating sorbed surface species into the material89. sludge and leachate. The downside is that such
One such material is allophane clay. Its particle size technologies are economically viable only in large
range is 3–3.5 nm, and its specific surface area is wastewater treatment plants. This is mainly due to
900 m2 g–1. Allophane effectively removes P from a the high capital costs of the construction, consider-
wide range of P concentrations, and is recommend- ing the fact that the facility must meet all environ-
ed as a low-cost, environmentally friendly nanoma- mental criteria for sludge incineration. Still there
terial for regenerating P from waste streams165. Oth- are several such plants globally.
er nanomaterials used to recover P are cerium oxide,
iron oxide, and magnetite89,165. As thermal treatment is often costly for the
phosphorus recovery from raw solid waste (primar-
ily manure), direct wet extraction has been used as
Conclusions an alternative. The advantage of this method over
thermal pretreatment is the low content of heavy
The paper provides an overview of phosphorus metals in the regenerated P product.
recovery technologies from waste streams as good Nanoparticle nucleation (nanonucleation) is ef-
practice examples combining sustainable develop- fective in the crystallization and recovery of dis-
ment and circular economy. The need for phospho- solved substances from unsaturated aqueous solu-
rus has become even more urgent and more evident tions. Nanomaterials are naturally found in the soil,
by the fact that phosphate ore has been included on and their particle sizes range from 1 to 10 nm.
the list of critical raw materials formed by the Euro- These materials have a high sorption capacity for
pean Commission. Initially, the removal of phos-
phosphorus. These include allophane clay, cerium
phorus from waste streams was not primarily aimed
oxide, iron oxide, and magnetite, to name only a
at its recovery in usable form, but rather at prevent-
ing pollution. Recently, many developed countries few.
have adopted legislation that encourages the wide- One of the widely used techniques to remove P
spread use of chemical precipitation and biological from wastewater in treatment plants is phosphorus
treatment systems for wastewater treatment and adsorption on different adsorbents. Low-cost mate-
combating the harmful phenomenon of eutrophica- rials can be used for this purpose, such as industrial
tion. In the last couple of decades, waste streams by-products and natural materials. Another potential
rich in phosphorus have been increasingly recog- treatment is ion exchange. Ion exchange enables the
nized as a promising secondary source of this ele- precise separation of dissolved substances from
ment, providing the possibility of restoring it in a waste streams. The advantage of ion exchange com-
usable, bioavailable form. Therefore, the focus has pared to adsorption is the possibility of renewal and
shifted from P removal to P recovery and recycling. reuse of ion exchange material.
A local, sustainable, and practically inexhaust- Adsorption and assimilation of phosphorus by
ible source of phosphorus that can be used as a raw algae is another promising method. Photosynthetic
material or directly as fertilizer would greatly alle- algae use CO2 and nutrients for their growth and
viate the phosphorus crisis. Significant efforts have produce oxygen, at the same time. Heterotrophic
been made in the development of phosphorus re-
bacteria use these algae for their metabolism, thus
covery technologies, and the progress is evident.
forming NH4+, NO3– and PO43– ions. The advantage
However, there is a lack of commercially operation-
al processes, and most of them are based on chemi- of this method is the value of the produced biomass.
cal precipitation and obtaining struvite. The reason The collected biomass can be used in various indus-
behind the relative success of the struvite technolo- tries, and as a raw material in the production of liq-
gies is the fact that struvite removal solves another uid biofuels.
issue: the issue of unwanted struvite precipitation in Recovery of phosphorus using membrane tech-
pipes for biological wastewater treatment. Con- nologies is a relatively new procedure and is still
trolled removal of struvite can prevent costly main- under development. Early results are very promis-
tenance, which provides additional economic incen- ing in terms of phosphorus recovery efficiency. This
tives for targeted struvite deposition. technology, however, is still not widely used due to
Based on the reviewed technologies, it seems the high operating costs of the entire process (clean-
that the recovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge ing, maintenance, and deposition chemicals).
A. Salkunić et al., Review of Technologies for the Recovery of Phosphorus…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 36 (2) 91–116 (2022) 111
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