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Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (2010) 728–731

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Fixed point theorems for α -nonexpansive mappings

Chakkrid Klin-eam a,c , Suthep Suantai b,c,∗
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand
PERDO National Centre of Excellence in Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand

article info abstract

Article history: In this paper, we prove some fixed point theorems of α -nonexpansive mappings introduced
Received 9 November 2009 by Goebel and Pineda (2007) [1]. Moreover, the demiclosedness principle for the
Received in revised form 21 February 2010 α -nonexpansive mappings is also established.
Accepted 24 February 2010
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
α -nonexpansive mapping
Fixed point
Lipschitzian mapping

1. Introduction

There are many nonlinear mappings which are more general than the nonexpansive ones. The existence problem of fixed
point of those mappings is very useful in studying in the theory of equations in science and applied science. In 2007, Gobel
and Pineda [1] introduced and studied a new mapping, called α -nonexpansive mapping, which is a generalization of the
nonexpansive one.
For a given multiindex α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ) satisfies αi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n and i=1 αi = 1. Let C be a nonempty
closed and convex subset of a Banach space X . A mapping T : C → C is said to be α -nonexpansive if
αi kT i x − T i yk ≤ kx − yk, ∀ x, y ∈ C . (1.1)

For technical reason we always assume that the first coefficient α1 is nonzero, α1 > 0. In this case the mapping T satisfies
the Lipschitz condition
kTx − Tyk ≤ kx − yk, ∀ x, y ∈ C . (1.2)
The last observation is that (1.1) implies that for α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ) the mapping
Tα x = αi T i x, ∀ x ∈ C, (1.3)

is nonexpansive. However, nonexpansiveness of Tα is much weaker than (1.1), for instance, it does not entail the continuity
of T (see example in [1]).

∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand. Tel.: +66 53 943327;
fax: +66 53 892280.
E-mail addresses: (C. Klin-eam), (S. Suantai).

0893-9659/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Klin-eam, S. Suantai / Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (2010) 728–731 729

2. Preliminaries

Let C be a closed convex and bounded subset of a Banach space (X , k · k). Recall that a self-mapping T : C → C is
nonexpansive if kTx − Tyk ≤ kx − yk for all x, y ∈ C . We use F (T ) to denote the set of fixed points of T ; that is
F (T ) = {x ∈ C : x = Tx}. We begin by noting a basic elementary fact:

Lemma 2.1 ([2]). If C is a nonempty closed and convex subset of a strictly convex Banach space X and if T : C → C is
nonexpansive, then F (T ) is closed and convex.
A Banach space X is said to satisfy Opial’s condition if whenever a sequence {xn } in X converges weakly to u, then for
u 6= v ,
lim inf kxn − uk < lim inf kxn − vk.
n→∞ n→∞

Spaces which satisfy Opial’s condition have another nice property related to fixed point theory. A mapping T defined on a
subset C of a Banach space X is said to be demiclosed if any sequence {xn } in C the following implication holds: xn * x and
Txn → y implies Tx = y.

Theorem 2.2 ([3]). Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset of a uniformly convex Banach space X and suppose T : C → C is
nonexpansive. If a sequence {xn } in C converges weakly to p and {xn − Txn } converges to 0 as n → ∞, then p ∈ F (T ).

3. Fixed point theorems

In this section, we shall prove some fixed point theorems for α -nonexpansive mapping in a Banach space.

Theorem 3.1. Let C be a closed convex P subset of a Banach space X and for all n ∈ N, let α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ) be such that
αi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n, α1 > 0 and ni=1 αi = 1. Let T be an α -nonexpansive mapping from C into itself. If α1 > n−1√ 1 , then
F (T ) = F (Tα ).
Proof. It is obvious that F (T ) ⊂ F (Tα ). Next, we show that F (Tα ) ⊂ F (T ). By α -nonexpansiveness of T , for x ∈ C and each
m ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} we have
kT m x − Txk ≤ kT m−1 x − xk
kT m−1 x − Txk + kTx − xk

1 1
≤ kT m−2 x − xk + kTx − xk
1 1
kT m−2 x − Txk + kTx − xk + kTx − xk

α 2
α 1
1 1 1
≤ 3 kT m−3 x − xk + + kTx − xk
α1 α12 α1
1 1 1
≤ + ··· + + kTx − xk. (3.1)
α1m−1 α12 α1
Now, let x ∈ F (Tα ) by (3.1), we have
kx − Txk = kTα x − Txk
= kα1 (Tx − Tx) + α2 (T 2 x − Tx) + · · · + αn (T n x − Tx)k
≤ α2 kT 2 x − Txk + α3 kT 3 x − Txk + · · · + αn kT n x − Txk
α2 α3 α3 αn αn αn
≤ kTx − xk + + kTx − xk + · · · + + ··· + 2 + kTx − xk
α1 α12 α1 α1n−1 α1 α1
α2 + α3 + · · · + αn α3 + · · · + αn αn
= + + · · · + n−1 kTx − xk
α1 α12 α1
1 − α1 1 − α1 1 − α1
≤ + + · · · + n−1 kTx − xk
α1 α12 α1
730 C. Klin-eam, S. Suantai / Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (2010) 728–731

1 − α1n−1
= kTx − xk.
Since α1 > 1
1 this implies that n−1 < 1. It implies that Tx = x and hence x ∈ F (T ). This completes the proof. 
2 α1

Corollary 3.2. Let n ∈ N and α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ) be as in Theorem 3.1. If C is a nonempty closed and convex subset of a
strictly convex Banach space X and T be an α -nonexpansive mapping from C into itself such that α1 > n−1√ 1 , then F (T ) is closed
and convex.
Proof. Since Tα is a nonexpansive mapping, it follows by Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 3.1 that F (T ) is closed and convex. 

Remark. Note that by using Theorem 3.1, the existence problem of a fixed point of an α -nonexpansive mapping T : C → C
can be directly obtained by the existence of a fixed point of the mapping Tα which is nonexpansive while Theorem 2 [1]
showed only that if C has the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings, then C has the fixed point property for
α -nonexpansive mappings.
Next, we prove the following lemma for the proof of our main results.

Lemma 3.3. Let n ∈ N and α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ) be as in Theorem 3.1. Let C be a closed convex subset of a Banach space X and
let T be an α -nonexpansive mapping from C into itself. Let {xm } be a bounded sequence in C . Then kxm − Txm k → 0 if and only
if kxm − Tα xm k → 0 as m → ∞.
Proof. Suppose that kxm − Txm k → 0 as m → ∞. By α -nonexpansive of T , we have that for each k ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}
kT k xm − xm k ≤ kT k xm − Txm k + kTxm − xm k
≤ kT k−1 xm − xm k + kTxm − xm k
kT k−1 xm − Txm k + kTxm − xm k + kTxm − xm k

1 k−2 1
≤ 2 kT x m − x m k + + 1 kTxm − xm k
α1 α1
1 k−2
≤ 2 kT xm − Txm k + kTxm − xm k + + 1 kTxm − xm k
α1 α1
1 1 1
≤ 3 kT k−3 xm − xm k + + + 1 kTxm − xm k
α1 α12 α1
1 1 1
≤ + ··· + + + 1 kTxm − xm k, (3.2)
α1k−1 α12 α1

which implies that kT k xm − xm k → 0 as m → ∞ for all k ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} and by (3.2) that

kTα xm − xm k = kα1 (Txm − xm ) + α2 (T 2 xm − xm ) + · · · + αn (T n xm − xm )k
≤ α1 kTxm − xm k + α2 kT 2 xm − xm k + · · · + αn kT n xm − xm k
= αi kT i xm − xm k → 0, as m → ∞.

By α -nonexpansive of T , we have that for each k ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}

kT k xm − Txm k ≤ kT k−1 xm − xm k
kT k−1 xm − Txm k + kTxm − xm k

1 1
≤ k T k −2 x m − x m k + kTxm − xm k
α 2
1 1
kT k−2 xm − Txm k + kTxm − xm k + kTxm − xm k

α 2
C. Klin-eam, S. Suantai / Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (2010) 728–731 731

1 1 1
≤ kT k−3 xm − xm k + kTxm − xm k + kTxm − xm k
1 α 2
1 1 1
≤ + ··· + + + 1 kTxm − xm k. (3.3)
α1k−1 α12 α1
Conversely, assume that kxm − Tα xm k → 0 as m → ∞.

kxm − Txm k ≤ kxm − Tα xm k + kTα xm − Txm k

= kxm − Tα xm k + kα2 (T 2 xm − Txm ) + · · · + αn (T n xm − Txm )k
≤ kxm − Tα xm k + α2 kT 2 xm − Txm k + α3 kT 3 xm − Txm k + · · · + αn kT n xm − Txm k
α2 α3 α3
≤ kxm − Tα xm k + kTxm − xm k + + kTxm − xm k + · · ·
α1 α12 α1
αn αn αn
+ + ··· + 2 + kTxm − xm k
α1n−1 α1 α1 (3.4)
α2 + α3 + · · · + αn αn
= kxm − Tα xm k + + · · · + n−1 kTxm − xm k
α1 α1
1 − α1 1 − α1 1 − α1
≤ kxm − Tα xm k + + + · · · + n−1 kTxm − xm k
α1 α12 α1
1 − α1n−1
= kxm − Tα xm k + kTxm − xm k.
It follows that
kTxm − xm k ≤ kTα xm − xm k.
α n −1
This implies that kTxm − xm k → 0 as m → ∞. 

Theorem 3.4 (Demiclosedness Principle). Let n ∈ N and α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ) be as in Theorem 3.1. Let C be a closed convex
subset of a uniformly convex Banach space X and let T be an α -nonexpansive mapping from C into itself with α1 > n−1√ 1 . If
{xm } ⊂ C converges weakly to x and {xm − Txm } converges strongly to 0 as m → ∞, then x ∈ F (T ).
Proof. Since {xm − Txm } converges strongly to 0 as m → ∞, by Lemma 3.3, we have {xm − Tα xm } converges strongly to 0 as
m → ∞. Since Tα is a nonexpansive mapping, we have x ∈ F (Tα ). By Theorem 3.1, we obtain that x ∈ F (T ). 


The authors would like to thank PERDO National Centre of Excellence in Mathematics for the financial support.


[1] K. Goebel, M.A. Pineda, On a type of generalized nonexpansiveness, in: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and its
Application, vol. 74, 2007, pp. 660–665.
[2] K. Goebel, W.A. Kirk, Topics in Metric Fixed Point Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
[3] F.E. Browder, Semicontractive and semiaccretive nonlinear mappings in Banach spaces, Bull. Amer. Acad. Math. Soc. 74 (1968) 660–665.

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