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Optics Communications 225 (2003) 307–311

A simple and stable method to generate ultra-short

optical pulse by using EAM and fibers
Jianjun Yu *

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 250 14th Street, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA
Received 5 February 2003; received in revised form 18 April 2003; accepted 29 June 2003


Author will demonstrate a simple and stable method to generate ultra-short optical pulse by using electro-absorption
modulation (EAM) and fibers. Dual wavelength, high power ultra-short optical pulses are generated.
Ó 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Ultra-short optical pulse generation; Signal regeneration; Optical time division multiplexing; Optical filtering; Self-phase

1. Introduction EAM [1–8]: one is linear compression, other is

nonlinear compression. The signals after EAM
Generation of a simple and high extinction ratio modulation is usually a chirp pulse, so it can be
short pulse is a key technique for high-speed op- compressed when the chirped pulse propagates
tical time division multiplexing (OTDM) system over the dispersion fiber or chirped fiber grating.
and networks. For 160 Gbit/s OTDM signal the Negative chirp pulse will be compressed when it
pulse width should be smaller than 2 ps and ex- propagates over the normal dispersion fiber and
tinction ratio should be larger than 30 dB. Electro- positive chirp pulse will be compressed when it
absorption modulation (EAM) is thought to be propagates over the anomalous dispersion fiber;
one of the most practical return to zero (RZ) op- this method is linear compression. However, the
tical sources; however, the pulse width is usually method of the linear compression cannot regen-
larger than 20 ps when the EAM is driven by a 10 erate the signal; it means that extinction ratio (ER)
GHz sinusoidal electrical signal. Further com- of the signal cannot be improved. As we know that
pression will be necessary before the signal can be the signals generated by EAM modulation usually
multiplexed into higher bit rate. There are two have small ER, it is necessary for us to regenerate
methods to compress the pulse generated by the the signal if the signal will be used for high-speed
OTDM multiplexing. The other method is non-
linear compression. The technique of self-phase
Tel.: +1-404-894-5056. modulation (SPM) in fiber and optical filtering can
E-mail address: (J. Yu). be used to compress and regenerate the signal

0030-4018/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.

308 J. Yu / Optics Communications 225 (2003) 307–311

[9,10]. In order to make pulsewidth smaller than 2 fiber chain which contains three fiber segments.
ps, usually a lot of fiber chains are needed to The first dispersion shifted fiber (DSF1) and the
compress the optical pulse. Recently, Boivin et al. single-model fiber (SMF) are used to compress the
[9] put forward a method to compress pulse, pulse and the DSF2 and the WDM filter are used
however, four fiber segments or two fiber chains, to further compress and regeneration signal. The
two EDFAs and two tunable filters are used to principle for utilizing SPM and optical filtering to
compress optical pulse. We put forward a novel regenerate signal can be found in [10,11]. DSF1 is
method to compress pulse in this paper. In our a normal dispersion fiber with zero dispersion
experiment, we only use one EDFA, one WDM wavelength of 1560 nm and has a length of 12 km,
filter and one fiber chain to compress and regen- dispersion slope of 0.06 ps/nm2 /km and the effec-
erate optical pulse; therefore, our method is much tive area of 30 lm2 . SMF is a standard single-
simple and stable. Furthermore, the generated mode fiber and has a length of 2 km, dispersion of
short pulse has dual wavelengths and high power. 17 ps/nm/km at 1550 nm, dispersion slope of 0.08
ps/nm2 /km and the effective area of 50 lm2 . The
dispersion of DSF1 is almost fully compensated by
2. Experimental setup and results that of the SMF. After the signal propagates over
DSF1 and SMF, the pulsewidth of the signal is 5
Experimental setup for short pulse generation is ps. We use DSF2 and optical filtering to further
shown in Fig. 1. A 1551 nm continuous wave compress and regenerate signal. DSF2 has a length
(CW) lightwave generated from the distribute 2.5 km, dispersion slope of 0.06 ps/nm2 /km, the
feedback laser diode (DFB-LD) is modulated by a effective area of 30 lm2 and zero dispersion
LiNbO3 (LN) modulator with a pseudorandom bit wavelength of 1548 nm. The total loss of the fiber
sequence (PRBS) of 231 –1 at 10 Gbit/s. An EAM is chain is 4 dB; therefore, the optical power is 17
used to carve the signal. After this EAM, the dBm after the signal propagates over the fiber
pulsewidth of the signal is 20 ps and the eye dia- chain. Different from [1], we use an optical WDM
grams are shown in Fig. 1. The measured spectrum filter to filter the optical spectrum, two different
width of the signal is 0.2 nm; therefore, the time– wavelength pulses can be obtained simultaneously.
bandwidth product of the optical signal is 0.5, it The WDM filter bandwidth is 2.2 nm. [10] shows
shows that the signal has a small chirp. If we as- that the transparent wavelength of the optical filter
sume that the pulse is the Gaussian shape, the must deviate from the center wavelength of the
signal chirp will be 0.53. Because the ER of the signal at 1551 nm in order to realize signal re-
EAM is only 8 dB, the ER of the eye diagram after generation. Because the center wavelength of the
the EAM is small. Then the 20 ps RZ signal is WDM filter from port 1 is shifted from the center
amplified to 21 dBm and injected the nonlinear wavelength of the DFB-LD at 1551 nm, the signal

Fig. 1. Experimental setup.

J. Yu / Optics Communications 225 (2003) 307–311 309

is regenerated and the ultra-short optical pulse 2.2 nm. The time–bandwidth product of channel 1
with a very high ER and high average power of 11 is 0.44; it shows that the pulse is transform limited.
dBm can be obtained after the WDM filter. The It also shows the ER of the compressed is largely
large output power can be used to multiplex the 10 improved. The detail principle of the ER im-
Gbit/s signal into a high-speed OTDM signal provement is shown in [10]. Because the center
without any other additional optical amplification. wavelength signal of the compressed signal at 1551
Fig. 2 shows the signal eye diagram, self-harmonic nm has not been suppressed after the port 2 of the
generation (SHG) trace and spectrum from port 1 WDM filter, we use an additional optical filter
(channel 1). The center wavelength of channel 1 is with a bandwidth of 1.6 nm to suppress the signal
approximately 1552 nm, the ER is larger than 20 at the center wavelength of 1551 nm; the output
dB, the pulsewidth is 1.6 ps and spectrum width is

Fig. 2. Signal from port 1. (a) Optical spectrum, (b) eye dia- Fig. 3. Signal from port 2. (a) Optical spectrum, (b) eye dia-
gram and (c) auto-correlator trace (2 ps/div). gram (10 ps/div) and (c) auto-correlator trace (2 ps/div).
310 J. Yu / Optics Communications 225 (2003) 307–311

signal after the optical filter is 10.2 dBm. Fig. 3 the spectrum width is 2.4 nm. The time–bandwidth
shows the signal eye diagram, SHG trace and of channel 2 is 0.68; it shows that the channel has a
spectrum from port 2 (channel 2). The center small chirp. Because the additional optical filter is
wavelength of channel 2 is approximately 1549 not sharp enough, the signal at the center wave-
nm, the ER is 14 dB, the pulsewidth is 2.3 ps and length cannot be eliminated fully; therefore, a
small peak at 8 ps can be seen.
We use an optical multiplexer to configure a
high-speed OTDM source and only channel 1 is
used in this experiment. The auto-correlation tra-
ces and eye diagrams for 40, 80 and 160 Gbit/s
OTDM signals are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, re-
spectively. The multiplexed 160 Gbit/s OTDM
signal is demultiplexed by two cascaded EAMs
and the switching window for demultiplexing is 5.2

Fig. 4. Auto-correlator traces. (a) 40 Gbit/s, (b) 80 Gbit/s and Fig. 5. Eye diagrams (10 ps/div). (a) 40 Gbit/s, (b) 80 Gbit/s
(c) 160 Gbit/s. and (c) 160 Gbit/s.
J. Yu / Optics Communications 225 (2003) 307–311 311

with dual wavelength, pulsewidth of 1.6 and 2.3 ps,

high ER and high power have been realized. Au-
thor has also demonstrated that the ultra-short
optical pulse can be used as an optical source for
160 Gbit/s OTDM signal.


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