BTME 305

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1. (a) What are steps in conventional design? (4*6 marks)

(b) Which of these can be computerised?.
(c) List three benefit of CAD over conventional design.
2. List some engineering applications of CAD.
3. (a) Name two software packages each used in CAD, CAM and CAE.
(b) Name and describe any two data exchange formats for computer graphics.
4. (a) Illustrate basic working principle of any interactive device.
(b) Write basic specifications of three hardware components in CAD.
5. Explain basics of geometric and solid modeling.
6. Explain the Data Exchange Formats and Graphic Standards.
7. Explain Historical developments of CAD in detail. (6)
8. Explain advantages and disadvantages of CAD. (6)


1. What is homogeneous coordinate system and explain it use? (4*6 marks)

2. Write the transformation matrices for rotation about z, y and x axes in
homogenous coordinates.
3. Explain the basic transformations in CAD and about the 2D transformation of points and
4. Explain reflection, scaling and combined transformation.
5. Write 2D transformation operators for shearing, scaling, reflection and rotation.
6. Write the transformation matrices for rotation about z, y and x axes in
homogenous coordinates.
7. Explain orthographic and perspective projections. (6)
8. Explain reconstruction of 3-D objects. (6)

1. Explain B-Spline curve and Bezier curve? (4*6 marks)

2. What is the advantage of B-Spline curve over Bezier curve?
3. What is blending function? List some properties of the blending function.
4. What do you understand by tabulated cylinder.
5. Explain modeling techniques.
6. Explain Plane surface and ruled surface.
7. Differentiate between bi-cubic surface, bezier surface, B-spline surfaces. (6)
8. Write and explain the parametric equation for Bezier curve. (8)


1. (a) Comment on solid modelling? (4*6 marks)

(b) List the method for solid modelling?
(c) With sketches describe constructive solid geometry method.
2. Explain about Boundary Representation solid modelling technique.
3. Illustrate the sweep representation modelling citing an example.
4. With the aid sketches give comparison between linear sweep and rotational sweep.
5. List and state four modelling tools in solid modelling.
6. Explain spatial occupancy enumeration and cell decomposition. (6)
7. Explain coordinate systems for solid modeling in detail. (8)


1. (a) Explain FEM?

(b) List the various steps in FEM. (4*6 marks)
(c) What is discretisation?
2. (a) Write the integral equation for element stiffness matrix with conventional notations.
(b) Determine the stiffness matrix for a one-dimensional linear element of length 10 cm
and cross-sectional area 1 square centimetre. Take E=2X105 N/mm
3. Explain assembly of global equations .
4. Explain implementation of boundary conditions. (4*6 marks)
5. Derive the interpolation function for constant strain triangular element.
6. What do you understand by minimum PE theorem?
7. Explain CST element and isoparametric formulation. (6)
8. Explain Interpolation and selection of interpolation functions. (8)

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