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Sedimentary Petrology:
Study of the natural history of sedimentary rocks including their description, texture,
structure, composition, classification and interpretation.

Processes responsible for the formation of Sedimentary rocks:

1. Weathering 2. Erosion 3. Transportation

4. Deposition 5. Lithification 6. Diagenesis

The components of sedimentary rocks:

1. Framework grains 2. Matrix 3. Cement 4. Pore space

Cementing Materials of Sedimentary Rocks:

1. Argillaceous, 2. Ferruginous, 3. Calcareous, 4. Carbonaceous, 5. Siliceous.

Classification of Sedimentary Rocks :

1. Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, 2. Non-clastic Sedimentary Rocks.

Texture of Clastic Sedimentary Rocks:

 Based on grain Size and Sorting.

 Based on grain Shape and Roundness.
 Depending upon Fabric and Packing.
 Depending upon Porosity and Permeability.
Grade Scale: A grade scale is a systematic obituary division of a continuous range of
sizes into classes or grades.

Wentworth Grade Scale

Grain Size Equivalent
Grade Grain Size
mm (dia) Grade Rocks
mm (dia)

> 256 Boulder

256 – 128 Large Cobble

256 – 64 Cobble
128 – 64 Small Cobble

64 – 32 Very Large Pebble Rudaceous

32 – 16 Large Pebble Rocks

64 – 4 Pebble
16 – 8 Medium Pebble

8–4 Small Pebble

4–2 Granule

2–1 Very Coarse Sand

1 – 1/2 Coarse Sand

2 – 1/16 Sand 1/2 – 1/4 Medium Sand
1/4 – 1/8 Fine Sand

1/8 – 1/16 Very Fine Sand

1/16 – 1/32 Coarse Silt

1/32 – 1/64 Medium Silt

1/16 – 1/256 Silt Siltstone
1/64 – 1/128 Fine Silt

1/128 – 1/256 Very Fine Silt

1/256 – 1/512 Coarse Clay

< 1/256 Clay 1/512 – 1/1024 Medium Clay
1/1024 – 1/2048 Fine Clay


Grade Terms Class Limit No. of Secondary Corners

Angular 0 - 0.15 15 - 30
Sub Angular 0.15 - 0.25 10 - 20
Sub Rounded 0.25 - 0.40 5 - 10
Rounded 0.40 - 0.60 0-5
Well Rounded 0.60 - 1.00 0
ρ = Σ(ri / R) / N

ρ = Class Limit
ri = Individual radii of the corners.
R = Radius of max. inscribed circle.
N = Number of corners.

Porosity controlled by: Grain size and shape, sorting, way of packing, pore distribution,
cementation, diagenetic history and composition.

Permeability depends on: How large the pores are. How interconnected the pores are.
Structure of Sedimentary Rocks

Inorganic Organic
Primary (Mechanical) Secondary (Chemical) -> Borings
-> Lamination/Bedding -> Nodules -> Tracks & Trails
-> Cross Lamination -> Concretion -> Faecal pellets
- Simple - Syngenetic -> Cast & Moulds
- Tabular / Planar - Epigenetic
- Trough
-> Cyclic or Rhythmic Bedding
- Graded Bedding
- Varve
- Cyclothem
-> Ripple Marks
- Oscillation
- Current
-> Imbrication
-> Mud Cracks
-> Clay Galls
-> Mud Balls

Primary sedimentary structures can provide information on:

 Paleo-current condition
 Rate of supply of sediments
 Mode of transportation
 Environment of deposition

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