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Moving Up Script

KAREN: Good morning, everyone! Today is a day of rejoicing for it marks the first step
that every child must undertake to open up another important stage of their lives. It is an
honor to be here to this special event which is the high point of the academic year because
today we celebrate the accomplishments and academic achievements of our dear pupils.
ARJEL Students, parents, faculty and staff and to our school head. Welcome to Dungan
Elementary School 6th Moving Up Ceremony with a theme of

A. Processional
KAREN: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the kindergarten completers of School
Year 2022-2023 with their proud parents, Next in line are the hardworking teachers of
Dungan Elementary School together with our beloved, ever supportive and beautiful School
Dr. Aurelia M. Rivera and our guest speaker.
B. National Anthem/ Prayer
ARJEL: Through an audio-visual presentation, let us seek divine intervention to our
Almighty Father and to be followed by the singing of National Anthem.
You may now enjoy the comfort of your seats.
D. Welcome Remarks
KAREN: Now, to formally welcome all of us, may we call on our beautiful, hardworking
and ever supportive school head, Dr. Aurelia M. Rivera. Let us give her a round of applause.
KAREN: Thank you, Ma’am, for that heart-warming speech.
E. Presentation and Confirmation of Completers
ARJEL: At this point, may I call on Ma’am Jesnie V. Calapardo to present the completers
to be followed by the acceptance and confirmation to be led by our School Head, Dr. Aurelia
M. Rivera.
KAREN: Today we are lucky that this program is grace by a special person that would
inspire our graduating class, May I call on our school head Dr. Aurelia M. Rivera to
introduce to us our guest speaker for this event. Let’s give her a round of applause.

ARJEL: Thank you so much Sir for that very inspiring message.
G. Distribution of Certificates
KAREN: At this juncture, may we request our school head to do the honor in distributing
the certificate of completion and ribbons to our completers. To be assisted by their adviser
Ma’am Jesnie V. Calapardo.


H. Batch Message
ARJEL: At this point, let us listen to the message of our kindergarten completers to be
presented by Athena Louise S. Ballon. Let’s give her a big round of applause.
I. Moving Up Song
KAREN: In every memorable moment of one’s life, there are always songs that will express
inferred emotions. With a round of applause, let us welcome the Kindergarten Completers
for their Moving Up Song entitled “READY TO GO”
J. Closing Remarks
ARJEL: As we are about to close this program, may we call on stage our school head
Dr. Aurelia M. Rivera to give us a closing remark.
Thank you, Ma’am.
K. Recessional
KAREN: This moving up ceremony has truly been remarkable for everyone here. It is
indeed a time of completion, of finishing, of an ending, however, it is also a time of
celebration of achievement and most importantly a beginning.
ARJEL: And that concludes our 6th Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony.
God bless and thank you for coming.
KAREN: Ladies and gentlemen, The

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