[Desalination 2002-sep vol. 149 iss. 1-3] Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor_ Hiroshi Nagaoka_ Hidenori Aya - Treatment of high strength industrial wastewater using extended aeration-immersed microfiltration (EAM) process (200

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ELSEWIER Desalination 149 (2002) 179-l 83


Treatment of high strength industrial wastewater using extended

aeration-immersed microfiltration (EAM) process

Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor”*, Hiroshi Nagaokab, Hidenori Ayab

“Department of Civil Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Malaysia
Tel. ~503 89466381; Fax +603 86567099; email: megatj@eng.upm.edu.my
“Department of Civil Engineering, Mushashi Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Received 8 February 2002; accepted 20 March 2002


Fully submerged laboratory scale hollow fiber microfiltration module was used to treat a food industry wastewater
in Malaysia. Permeate extraction was carried out continuously under a suction pressure not exceeding 0.9 bar. The
module is aerated from beneath the microfiltration module to provide the crossflow effect and the oxygen requirement
for the biological process. Active sludge from activated sludge plant at the factory was used in the start-up with a
food/microorganisms (F/M) ratio of about 0.6, which later reduced further with time to 0.13 subject to the increase
in the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and the permeate extraction rate. Primary effluent with chemical
oxygen demand (COD) ranged between 1500 and 3000 mg/l was used in the study. MLSS of over 5500 mg/l were
reached after nearly three month of filtration run. Permeate COD and turbidity reduction of over 97% and 99%
respectively, were achieved. Dark streaks that formed on the inner side of the membrane surface are responsible for
the declining permeate turbidity in the second month of operation since the membrane nominal size remains relatively

Keywords: Microfiltration; Extended aeration; Industrial wastewater; Treatment process; Submerged membrane;
Immersed membrane

1. Introduction was used for separation of activated sludge from

the final effluent with the biomass being recycled
Combination of biological wastewater treat-
back to the aeration tank. Integration between
ment with membranes were first reported by
membranes and biological processes or commonly
Smith et al. [I] where ultrafiltration membrane
known as membrane bioreactors are now getting
*Corresponding author. greater attention where loss of biological solids

Presented at the International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM), Toulouse, France,
July 7-12, 2002.

0011-9 164/02/$- See front matter 0 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
180 M. J. Megat Mohd Noor et al. / Desalination 149 (2002) 179-l 83

is prevented [2]. This process results in the solids organics. Depending on the chemical and physical
retention time (SRT) being independent of hydraulic composition of the foulants, they tend to form
retention (HRT). Such a system would enable a distinct layers on the membrane surface. This
low F/M ratio to be maintained and waste-specific determines the order of cleaning: biological growth
microorganisms be retained [3,4]. High strength and colloidal silt, metals and scales, silica and
wastewater could be treated by membrane bio- barium sulphate and the like [ 111.Sodium hydroxide
reactors and the sludge production is rather (4%) and 1000 mg/l of chloride solution have been
minima1 [5]. used in cleaning the membrane used at a pilot plant
Mueller et al. [6] in a study to control microbe in treating plumprocessing wastewater [ 121.
attachment identified that the elimination of Membrane applications in Malaysia mostly in
stagnant flow is the first step to reduce microbial the industrial sector, such as in microelectronics,
growth, while continuous or periodic operation power plants, petroleum and petrochemical, food
and continuous biocide dosage would also be and beverages, and steel plants. Although there
necessary. Placing the aeration facility beneath have been numerous commercial or pilot applica-
the membranes and applying higher rate of tions of immersed membrane in treating various
aeration creates the turbulence and the crossflow wastewater streams, operating parameters, waste-
effect needed to reduce deposition and biological water characteristics, and the type of membrane
fouling. Low-pressure suction would also prevent modules and materials differ in many of the
membrane from fouling as the low flux is usually applications. This study provides the additional
below a critical flux, above which fouling is information as to the behavior of the immersed
inevitable [7]. Cicek et al. [S] in a study using membrane in treating a particular food industry
synthetic wastewater with municipal wastewater wastewater in Malaysia.
characteristics sufficiently purified the wastewater
to qualify for indirect recharge of groundwater or
2. Materials and methods
for non-potable uses with the exception of nitrate
concentration. Microfiltration is known to reduce Table 1 shows the characteristics of the raw
turbidity and some colloidal suspensions from a wastewaters and the activated sludge used in the
feed stream. Typically PTFE membranes are used study. The feed stream utilized in the study had,
in food and dairy operations to concentrate the however, previously undergone the preliminary
process liquor [9]. Membrane material is important stages of treatment, thus giving lower characteristic
in ensuring the success of separation. Hydro- values as compared to the raw wastewater.
phobic membrane material although can withstand Fig. 1 shows the system layout, which includes
high temperature however has the disadvantage the extended aeration-immersed microfiltration
in that the flux is likely to decline during operation (EAM) unit. Peristaltic pump (Master-flex mode1
due to solute adsorption and pore blocking. 7553-U) with a pump head (model number 7015-
Hydrophilic materials are low fouling and 20) and Tygon tubing (internal diameter 4.8 mm
therefore useful for separation that does not and external diameter 8 mm) were used to extract
require high temperature. In an external mem- the permeate.
brane bioreactor the increase in the feed concen- A feeder tank equipped with a stirrer is used
tration would increase the fouling resistance [lo] to feed the reaction tank, where the hollow fiber
but in an immersed membrane bioreactor the modules are immersed. The stirrer has an operating
increase in the MLSS should determine the cycle of 3 h, with 2 h mixing and 1 h idling.
fouling resistance. There are four major categories Aquadine 12000 aerator together with aeration
of membrane foulants: dissolved solids, suspended blocks, giving bubble sizes ranging between 3 and
solids, biological organisms and nonbiological 10 mm, are provided for the aeration process.
M. J. Megat Mohd Noor et al. /Desalination 149 (2002) 179-l 83 181

Table 1 extraction rate. Extraction of permeate is done

Characteristics of raw wastewater and activated sludge continuously, and subsequently allow for continuous
mixed liquor feed. The effective volume of the reaction tank is
Activated sludge
4 1.
Parameter Raw
wastewater mixed liquor
DO, mgil 0.8-0.85 1.18-1.80 3. Results and discussion
PH 3.5-4.2 7.2-7.5
COD, mgil 30104870 Fig. 2 shows the three months flux under a
Turbidity, NTU 750-970 2010-2030 MLSS of over 5500 mg/l at the end of the operating
period, from the initial MLSS of 2500 mg/l. Flux
of above 6 l/m*/h was achieved at a stable suction
pressure of 0.8 bar. Clearly the operating suction
pressure of 0.8 bar was reached almost imme-
diately, which is considered as close to the limit
(0.9 bar) allowed when operating an immersed
membrane [ 121. Interestingly there was no need
for cleaning of the membrane within the three
months operation when referring to the flux,
which indicates a stable condition of deposition
and dislodgement of particles on the membrane.
However, this does not indicate that there was no
Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of the system layout. biological growth on the membrane. Fig. 3 shows
the spliced section of an unused strand of the
membrane observed under a scanning electron
Three hollow fiber polyethylene membrane microscope (SEM). Dark spots and streaks were
modules [ 131 with a total internal surface area of noticed, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5 on the inner
0.014 m2 were used in the study. Table 2 gives surface of the membrane although the external
the dimensions of the hollow fiber membrane. surface exhibited no change except for the
Clean water fluxes using distilled water were widening of the pore size. The permeate turbidity
obtained prior to conducting the experiment with
was less than 3 NTU throughout the operation
the industrial wastewater. Active sludge from
although there was a steady increase in the
activated sludge plant at the factory was used in
permeate turbidity after the second month of
the start-up with a food/microorganisms (F/M)
operation, to 8 NTU. This can be attributed to the
ratio of about 0.6 which later reduced with time
dislodgement of growth on the inner surface of
subject to the increasing MLSS and the permeate
the membrane, as the membrane pore size (0.1 to
0.9 microns) was not significant enough to allow
Table 2 for such increase. Cleaning of the membrane
Dimensions of hollow fiber membrane from SEM module was carried out at the end of the third
photomicrographs month of operation by soaking the modules for a
day in 4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution and
Hollow fibre Dimension rinsed thereafter. The effluent turbidity was
Outer diameter, mm 0.37 noticed to reduce from the 8 NTU before
Inner diameter, mm 0.25 implementing cleaning of the membrane back to
Inner surface pore size, pm 0.3-l .o
below 3 NTU. Thus confirmed that the increase
Outer surface pore size, pm 0.1-0.9
in the permeate turbidity was the result of
182 M.J. Megat Mohd Noor et al. /Desalination 149 (2002) 179-183

Flux and suction pressure vs. time

10 1
IZ 8 0.8 g
Ng 6 0.6 2
‘;;’ 4 0.4 2
2 2 -Effluent flux
0.2 4
0 0
0 1020304050607080
Time (days)
Fig. 2. Effluent flux under continuous operation of nearly
three months without membrane cleaning. Fig. 3. Photomicmgraphof splicedunusedmembrane strand
(inner side) (x150 magnification).

Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of spliced membrane strand(inner Fig. 5. Photomicrograph of the close up view of the dark
side) after three months of operation showing dark streaks streaks formation (x3000 magnification).
formation on the surface (x150 magnification).

detachment of biological growth on the inner effluent turbidity after the second month of
surface of the membrane. operation, to 8 NTU. This can be attributed to the
The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration dislodgement of growth on the inner surface of
inside the unit was about 4 mg/l throughout the the membrane, as the membrane pore size increase
operation, which means only a small fraction of was not significant enough to allow a break-
increase in the DO concentration from the feed through.
stream (3.1-3.7 mg/l). This indicates that the The influent COD dropped progressively from
aeration was not rigorous enough to reduce the 3000 to nearly 1500 mg/l throughout the three
deposition and cause dislodgement of the particles month of operation. After 3 d of operation the
on the membrane within the unit. This is con- effluent COD was between 35 and 45 mg/l, way
firmed by the relatively poorer flux produced and below the Malaysian Environmental Quality Act
higher suction pressure required. The effluent 1974 requirement for discharge. Towards the end
turbidity was less than 3 NTU throughout the of the three month operation period a reduction
operation although there was an increase of the of over 97% of the COD was achieved by the
M.J. Megat Mohd Noor et al. /Desalination 149 (2002) 179-183 183

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