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By: Rachel May

Kindergarten Princess
*pg. 3-18 Compound word puzzles
*pg. 19-27 Compound word sort
*pg. 28-35 I have, who has
*pg. 36-45 Compound words board game
*pg. 46 Compound writing cards
mailbox snowman

mail box snow man

shoelace notebook

shoe lace note book

rainbow rainforest

rain bow rain forest

catfish ladybug

cat fish lady bug

cupcake basketball

cup cake basket ball

starfish flowerpot

star fish flower pot

toothpick snowball

tooth pick snow ball

firehouse wheelchair

fire house wheel chair

sandcastle hotdog

sand castle hot dog

cowboy cowgirl

cow boy cow girl

butterfly rattlesnake

butter fly rattle snake

hairbrush bedtime

hair brush bed time

mailman jellyfish

mail man jelly fish

football eggplant

foot ball egg plant

firefly pancake

fire fly pan cake

doughnut lipstick

dough nut lip stick

shoelace rainbow

backpack paintbrush
flashlight pancake

firefly apple
daisy jellyfish

kangaroo igloo
ladybug octopus

underwear watermelon
football scorpion

dolphin pretzel
mailman oatmeal

cheetah butterfly
robin seeds

umbrella dragon
zebra xylophone

popcorn volcano
I have I have I have
butterfly cupcake popcorn

Who has Who has Who has

I have I have I have
mailman eggplant pancakes

Who has Who has Who has

I have I have I have
football mailbox seahorse

Who has Who has Who has

I have I have I have
snowman rainbow flowerpot

Who has Who has Who has

I have I have I have
starfish ladybug flashlight

Who has Who has Who has

I have I have I have
hotdog sandcastle cowboy

Who has Who has Who has

I have I have I have
sailboat birdhouse paintbrush

Who has Who has Who has

I have I have I have
lipstick horseshoe eyeball

Who has Who has The End

1. Pull a card.
2. Read the compound word.
3. If you get the word correct,
roll the die and move that many spaces.
4. First player to get to the finish line, wins.
baseball jellyfish football

rainbow starfish watermelon

eggplant cowboy horseshoe

popcorn peanut notebook

oatmeal sailboat bookshelf

doughnut mailbox cupcake

grasshopper lipstick shoelace

ladybug paintbrush backpack

sunflower cowgirl snowman

hairbrush fireman seahorse

butterfly mailman pinwheel

firefly policeman dragonfly

flowerpot birdhouse snowball

wheelchair doghouse pancake

hairdryer toothpick flashlight

underwear airport footprint

catfish fireworks lighthouse

eyeball skateboard airplane

weekend pickup honeybee

underground honeydew softball

babysitter lifeguard superhero

I can write compound words
I can write compound words I can write compound words

baseball jellyfish paintbrush rattlesnake cupcake bathtub

popcorn butterfly eggplant hairbrush basketball notebook

oatmeal mailman cowboy doughnut catfish mailbox

pancake football cowgirl lipstick snowman bookshelf

underwear ladybug sandcastle hotdog seahorse sailboat

backpack shoelace wheelchair firehouse pinwheel horseshoe

firefly rainbow flowerpot toothpick eyeball dragonfly

watermelon flashlight starfish snowball birdhouse doghouse

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