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1. What is an operating system?

A) collection of programs that manages hardware resources

B) system service provider to the application programs
C) interface between the hardware and application programs
D) all of the mentioned

2. BIOS is used?
A) By operating system
B) By compiler
C) By interpreter
D) By application software
3. A systematic procedure for moving the CPU to new process is known as?
A) Synchronization
B) Context Switching
C) Deadlock
D) Starvation

4. What else is a command interpreter called?

A) prompt
B) kernel
C) shell
D) command
5. Which among the following is an operating system?
A. Java
B. Linux
C. Oracle
D. None of the above

6. Unix is written in ____ language.

A. C++
B. C#
C. C
7. An operating system is an interface which provides services to:
A. Only the user
B. Only the program
C. Both the user and to the program
D. None of the above

8. LINUX launched its Operating System in the year:

A 1991
B 1989
C 1990
D 1980
9. Which of the following is NOT a mobile operating system?
A Mojave
B Symbian OS
C Bada
D Android

10. Which among the following is an operating system?

A. Java
B. Linux
C. Oracle
D. None of the above
11. To boot a computer means loading computer with
A) Compiler
B) Linker
C) Assembler
D) Operating System

12. Which of the following services are NOT provide by operating system?
A) Memory Management
B) People Management
C) Device Management
D) Process Management
13. Linux is a
A) Multi user Operating system
B) Single user Operating System
C) Real time Operating System
D) Batch Processing Operating System

14. Thread is a:
A) Heavy weight process
B) Light weight process
C) Multi process
D) I/O process
15. Based on the implementation of threads, Operating System classifies the threads
A) Mainframe and Motherboard Level
B) Kernel and User Level
C) Security and Memory Level
D) OS and CPU Level

16. What are major activities of an operating system with respect to resource
A) OS provides authentication features for each user by means of passwords.
B) OS ensures that external I/O devices are protected from invalid access attempts.
C) OS constantly checks for possible error and the OS takes an appropriate action to
ensure correct and consistent computing.
D) OS manages all kinds of resources using schedulers & CPU scheduling algorithms
are used for better utilization of CPU.
17. What is considered as the heart of the operating system, which provides the
basic foundation, memory management file systems, program execution?
B) paging
C) Kernel
D) Shell

18. Any device connected to an Operating system is controlled by using ?

A) Device Monitors
B) Device Drivers
C) Device Trackers
D) Device Units
19. In Operating Systems, which of the following is/are CPU scheduling
A) Round Robin
B) Shortest Job First
C) Priority
D) All of the mentioned

20. Process is
A) program in High level language kept on disk
B) contents of main memory
C) a program in execution
D) a job in secondary memory

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