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1-sentence take-home message:

 Focus on the core message you want your audience to remember.

 Here's an example: "By understanding how people learn, science communicators can
craft engaging experiences that spark curiosity and empower informed decision-making."


 Consider your audience and the topic.

 Podcasts and online videos are popular choices, but infographics, interactive websites, or
even board games at science cafes could also be effective.

Plan for Reality:

 Choose a format that suits your resources and skills.

 Here are some starting points:
o Article: Outline your key points, research supporting evidence, and target
o Public Event: Develop a lesson plan with interactive activities, age-appropriate
language, and a clear learning objective.

Potential Pitfalls & Solutions:

 Jargon: Explain complex terms or offer a glossary.

 Specificity: Balance broad appeal with enough detail to be informative.
 Engagement: Integrate visuals, activities, or humor to keep your audience interested.

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