GST 101 Past Q-1

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S/NO Question OptionA OptionB OptionC OptionD Answer

1 Having a special space To relax and To have to concentrate Improve your C
for study helps you keeps your maintain and helps you to studies
brain focused distance from develop and
on studying distractions maintain good
study habits
2 A good study place Quiet, airy but airy but warm, Very Quiet and C
should be? warm, and have and have good comfortable and relaxing
good light to light to avoid conducive to
avoid eyestrain eyestrain learning
3 Not having a Can lead to Make you Can affect your this will affect D
consistent study place? procrastination forgetful about comprehension your ability and
studying motivation to
4 What figure of speech Metaphor Synecdoche Personification Parallelism D
is used in the structure:
The world will little
note or long remember
what we say here, but
it can never forget
what they did here
5 ____ listening is Critical Passive Active Serious B
deemed used when a
student engaged in
serious private study
contends with music
playing nearby.
6 _____ listening is a Critical Active Serious Discriminative C
purposeful, goal
directed listening.
7 ______listening is Social Serious Discriminative Critical D
exhibited by listening
in order to distinguish
between facts,
opinions, logical and
emotional arguments.
8 What figure of speech Irony Metaphor Synecdoche Oxymoron A
is used in the structure:
She is a fertility
councillor, she is
9 Pick the option that /bɔI/ /baʊ/ /bai/ /bʊ/ B
correctly show the
pronunciation of:
10 Which of the man but arm about D
following has /e
11 Which of the sit people fate books B
following has /i: /
12 One of the following Your personal Your personal It should be very Include extra- D
should be taking into timetable timetable be straight so that at curricular
consideration when should contain very simple and a glance you can activities such as
developing a personal all course only neat tell the tasks games, club
study timetable before you membership and
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13 One of the options Could, behind, When, she, They, is, walk Why, should, A
below is consists of the Musa master
grammatical words
14 Which option indicates Preposition, Noun, Verb, article, Pronoun, verb, A
the parts of speech that auxiliary, preposition, auxiliary, adverb, auxiliary
make up grammatical article, interjection, pronoun
words in English determiner verb
15 One of the options She, the, John, because, Go, pick, man, Seriously, C
below is consists of although, ought, okay, been, so student, Ada without,
content words only? however Solomon, more,
16 What type of tune Falling tune Rising tune Rising-falling Falling-rising A
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
What is wrong with the
little girl?
17 What type of tune Rising-falling Falling-rising Falling tune Rising tune C
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
The school has
reopened for a new
academic session.
18 One of the options Listening to Listening to Listening to All of the above C
below depicts goals to retain understand analyse and
set while listening. information, ideas, listening evaluate
listening for for conflicts,
visualization visualization, Listening to
and listening to and listening to understand ideas
analyse and retain and listening to
evaluate information retain
conflicts information
19 To retain information recall, background review, repetition, D
while listening, which paraphrase and knowledge, paraphrase and paraphrase and
tools are needed? verification paraphrase and visualization visualization
20 The first step in the Understanding Hearing Concentrated Stimuli B
listening process is? attention
21 ________listening is Passive Active Serious Critical A
the type people engage
in simply because they
happen to be present
when someone else is
22 Which of the They serve to They specify They are closed They are open D
following statement is express the attitude and class words class words
true of content words? grammatical mood of the
relationships speaker/writer
with other
words in a
23 Which option indicates Noun, pronoun, Verb, adverb, Preposition, Noun, verb, D
the parts of speech that adjective and adjective, pronoun, noun, adjective and
make up content article preposition auxiliary adverb
words in English
24 Another name for Lexemes Content words Grammatical Full word C
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structure words words

25 Which of the They form the Change in They are open They have B
following statement is largest group in membership of class words steady
true about function the vocabulary this class does identifiable
words? of any language not usually meaning
26 Which of the words mouse soap mango writer D
below has the same
pronunciation with the
sound underlined in:
27 In English, the Rising-falling, Falling, rising- Falling, rising, falling, rising, D
intonation tunes are? falling-rising, falling, rising rising-falling, and falling-
falling falling-rising rising
28 Pick the option that /læm/ /læmb/ /læb/ /læmbd/ A
correctly show the
pronunciation of: lamb
29 One of the options Happiness, Give, ugly, Wish, sin, ran, All of the above B
below is consists of would, she, beautiful, the, thus
open class words Jerry, come Amina
30 Which of the words could move book full B
below has the same
pronunciation with the
underlined: fruit
31 In English, ----- Stress intonation Tune rhythm B
performs grammatical
and attitudinal
32 Which of the words sauce source work more C
below has the same
pronunciation with the
sound underlined in:
33 Gamble and Gamble Speaking Reading Listening Studying C
(1996:181) define ----
as a deliberate process
through which we seek
to understand and
retain aural stimuli for
a future use.
34 One of the following is It is a linear It is a deliberate It enables us to It is a natural D
not true of listening. process that is process make appropriate and passive
acquired feedback to process that
messages we requires little
have made sense but no conscious
of effort
35 The main purpose of -- Discriminative Social Serious Critical A
---- listening is to
understand and
remember essential
parts of the special
36 The listening Discriminative Serious Social Critical C
behaviours often
associated with ------
listening include
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courteous, and
37 ________listening Social Critical Discriminative Serious D
requires a lot of
selectivity, mental
processing in deciding
what to listen to
38 Which of the Hearing is Listening is a But hearing is Hearing is a D
statements below is inborn or innate deliberate superficial but mental process
false? but listening is conscious listening is but listening is
acquired process while profound both a mental
hearing is and an active
automatic process
requiring no
conscious effort
39 Ten years is a long Adjective Determiner Numeral Pronoun B
time to mourn. The
underlined is?
40 What type of tune Rising tune Falling tune Falling-rising Rising-falling B
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
Don’t ever come to my
house again?
41 All but one of the Attributive Credibility Audibility Fluency A
options influences
42 The slowest reading Skimming Scanning Average reading Study reading D
speed which is used speed speed
for difficult materials
is the?
43 What type of reading Average Skimming Scanning Study reading A
speed is best for reading speed speed
reading prose or
materials with
narrative description?
44 What reading speed Average Study reading Skimming Scanning B
should one use when reading speed speed
one wishes to have a
high rate of
understanding as well
as good retention of
the material being read
45 Which of the options Competence Credibility Audibility Fluency A
that influences
efficiency is within the
listener`s control?
46 Which of the options Background Use of gesture Listener`s state Listener`s B
that influences knowledge of mind linguistic
listening competence
efficiency is outside
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the listener`s control?

47 Which of the options Rate of Language Background Use of gesture C
that influence listening speaking fluency knowledge
efficiency is within the
listener`s control?
48 A good listener Make eye Have Avoid difficult Not call the D
should? contact with the background topics while topic he is
speaker while knowledge of listening listening to
listening topics he listens boring
49 Listening entails not Retain and Comprehend Evaluate and Understand and D
only the perception of remember and retain judge evaluate
sounds but also the
ability to ---- and ----
what we hear.
50 ----- is reading at the Skipping Staring Scanning Skimming D
fastest speed which a
person can accomplish
51 A reasonable speed for 200 words per 400 words per 800 words per 1000 words per C
skimming when minute minute minute minute
reading is?
52 ______ involves Skimming Scanning Skipping Staring B
moving your eyes
quickly across a line or
down a page to locate
particular information?
53 The major purpose of - Intensive Extensive Scanning Skimming C
----- is the rapid and reading reading
efficient location of
specific words, facts or
54 ________ reading Critical Discriminating Intensive extensive D
involves the ability to
read quickly
55 _______ is a rapid Critical Discriminating Intensive extensive D
silent reading
56 What type of reading Extensive Intensive Critical Discriminating A
should students engage
in when they are
reading for
57 What type of tune Falling-rising Rising-falling Rising tune Falling tune B
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
Our teacher should
explain more about
stress and intonation?
58 What type of tune Rising-falling Rising tune Falling-rising Falling tune B
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
Yes! I got the answers
59 What type of tune Rising tune Falling tune Falling-rising Rising-falling A
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
Eureka! I found my
watch at last.
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60 What type of tune Falling-rising Rising-falling Rising tune Falling tune D

should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
The examination
ended quite abruptly.
61 What type of reading Serious Extensive Social Intensive B
is required for reading
a novel?
62 The two components The ability to Reading the ability to None of the C
of reading efficiency comprehend efficiency and read fast and the about
are? and the ability study timetable ability to
to evaluate comprehend the
63 How many type of 1 2 3 4 C
reading speed do we
64 What type of tune Falling-rising Rising-falling Rising tune Falling tune D
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
Put the books on the
shelf and not on the
65 ______indicates a Studying Construing Process Inferring C
series of actions or meaning
operations designed to
achieve an end,
especially a
continuous operation
or treatment
66 Listening- Comprehension Understanding Critical mind Evaluation C
comprehension has
been seen in this
course GST 101 as an
interactive process
involving the
interpretative, and
the.............. of the
67 Audibility is a factor A listener can A speaker can A listener cannot Can be ignored A
that influences general control control control during listening
listening efficiency
which ----
68 _______ listening is Social Discriminating Serious Critical A
required in friendly
dialogues and
69 Which of the four Reading and Speaking and Writing and Listening and B
language skills are the writing listening speaking reading
primary and natural
skills that we acquire
at a tender age?
70 One factor that can Contextual Linguistic Environmental All of the above B
affect both listening factor factor factor
and reading skills is?
71 ________involves a Serious Intensive Critical Discriminating B
close examination of
the text to get the full
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72 Comprehension is Intensive Critical Extensive Serious A

highly paramount for -
------ reading
73 In ----- reading, a Critical Discriminating Intensive Serious C
reader responds to the
plain sense of words
and sentences and sees
their implications,
follows relationships
of thought between
sentences and
paragraphs and
integrates information
in the text with his
own experience and/or
74 What does it mean to To rephrase To summarize To comprehend To emphasize B
75 ___ and______are Speaking and Reading and Speaking and Writing and A
daily activities of listening writing reading studying
every normal human
76 One of the following Concentrate on Used open- Ignore body Hold feedback C
actions is not the whole ended questions language until it is asked
presented as a message. for
listening skill?
77 Listening is a? natural habit reflex physiological complex process D
process that that involves
occurs without steps
78 One of the weather fatigue emotions auditory D
problems that can
affect listening
comprehension is?
79 A good reader's 500 words per 250 words per 150 - 80 words 80 - 150 words B
average reading speed minute to 2500 minute to 500 per minute per minute
might vary from words per words per
minute minute
80 a poor reader's average 150 - 80 words 80 - 150 words 500 words per 250 words per A
speed might vary from per minute per minute minute to 2500 minute to 500
words per words per
minute minute
81 What figure of speech Metaphor Simile Personification Paradox A
is used in the structure:
It is April, the streets
of Adamawa are a
82 What figure of speech Simile Metaphor Paradox Personification B
is used in the structure:
He once lived in the
coastal region, little
wonder that he is a
fish when he swims
83 What figure of speech Personification Metaphor Irony Simile D
is used in the structure:
Her speech was as dry
as a corpse
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84 What figure of speech Personification Metaphor Irony Simile D

is used in the structure:
He appears strong but
his arms were are
weak as a pack of
soaked noodles
85 What figure of speech Personification Paradox Oxymoron Simile A
is used in the structure:
The water called
invitingly to the tired
86 What figure of speech Personification Paradox Oxymoron Simile A
is used in the structure:
Our house is an old
friend of ours.
87 What figure of speech Paradox Hyperbole Oxymoron Simile B
is used in the structure:
I am so thirsty that I
did give my right hand
for just a cup of water
88 What figure of speech Oxymoron Simile Hyperbole Metaphor C
is used in the structure:
I walked millions of
miles just so I could be
with you.
89 What figure of speech Paradox Oxymoron Simile Hyperbole D
is used in the structure:
I had thousands of
chores to do before the
day was over
90 What figure of speech Onomatopoeia Assonance Alliteration Pun A
is used in the structure:
When the going gets
tough, the tough get
91 What figure of speech Alliteration Pun Assonance Oxymoron B
is used in the structure:
The light of the fire
was a sight
92 What figure of speech Oxymoron Paradox Metaphor Personification B
is used in the structure:
A rich man is no
richer than a poor
man at the hour of
93 What figure of speech Metaphor Personification Paradox Simile C
is used in the structure:
Every business man
knows that he can save
money by spending it.
94 What figure of speech Oxymoron Simile Hyperbole Pun D
is used in the structure:
A horse is a very
stable animal
95 What figure of speech Oxymoron Simile Hyperbole Pun D
is used in the structure:
My son Earnest is
truly earnest
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96 What figure of speech Pun Oxymoron Simile Hyperbole A

is used in the structure:
You've been to the
dentist many times so
you should know the
97 What figure of speech Oxymoron Synecdoche Metonymy Litotes B
is used in the structure:
The driver offered me
a red in his new
98 What figure of speech Paradox Hyperbole Synecdoche Onomatopoeia C
is used in the structure:
Aso Rock is yet to
open up on the
president’s state of
99 What is the adverb clause adjective clause verb clause noun clause A
grammatical function
of the subordinate
clauses underlined
below? When I saw
you earlier I was so
100 What is the adverb clause adjective clause verb clause noun clause D
grammatical function
of the subordinate
clauses underlined
below? Whatever you
like will be given to
101 _______is an Learning Studying Reading Comprehending B
academic activity that
usually takes place in a
conducive learning
environment. Students
engage in it so that
they can gain the
knowledge they will
use in solving a
102 ________ means Speaking Listening Writing Reading D
recognising letters and
groups of letters as
symbols which stand
for particular sounds
103 What figure of speech Onomatopoeia Alliteration Assonance Pun B
is used in the structure:
Betty bought a brown
teddy bear for baby
104 What figure of speech Onomatopoeia Alliteration Assonance Pun B
is used in the structure:
Samantha saw the
seven soldiers
shooting at the mob on
105 Reading involves two The physical The visual and The visual and The intellectual A
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basic processes and and intellectual comprehension physical and mental

they are?
106 What type of tune Falling-rising Rising-falling Rising tune Falling tune C
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
Are we going to the
party tonight?
107 What is the root act attract attractive tive B
morpheme in the
word: attractive?
108 Ama slapped Kemi SVOA SVO SVC SVOAC B
yesterday. The
structure of this
sentence is?
109 What is the root under grad graduate grade C
morpheme in the
word: undergraduate?
110 He was provoked Place Time Manner Reason B
when she asked for a
bribe. The underlined
is an adverb of?
111 Which one is a Where are you Use the second I love taking This is easy. D
declarative sentence? going after pencil. tests!
112 What is the root counter act ract counteract B
morpheme in the
word: counteract?
113 Which one is an Put your name When are we I love Chris The pen is blue. C
exclamatory sentence? on your test. going to get Brown!
another English
114 What type of tune Falling-rising Rising-falling Rising tune Falling tune C
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
They don’t make it like
that anymore, do they?
115 Which one is an Where is the This is the Let me go. I need to use the A
interrogative sentence? restroom? restroom. restroom!
116 Which one of the hug robot have is C
following words is a
helping verb?
117 My lecturer was here SVO SVCA SVAA SVOA B
yesterday. The
structure of this
sentence is?
118 you can lose up to 60% 70% 80% 90% D
______ of your
learning if you don’t
review it within 24
119 Identify the stressed eCOnomy Economy ecoNOmy econoMY A
syllable in economy.
120 It is necessary for Constant Serious reading Critical reading Reading D
students to engage in reading efficiency
_____as this will help
them to acquire proper
motor skill which will
enhance the efficient
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physical processing of
written materials
121 The ability to perform Workplace Reading Functional All of the above C
all such useful Literacy efficiency Literacy
activities as reading
road signs, maps, and
labels on medicine
bottles is sometimes
122 Nobody knows where Place Time Manner Reason A
Nigeria is heading to.
The underlined is an
adverb of?
123 The men holding a The man The man A baby The ram B
baby killed and cooked holding a baby
the ram in the farm.
The subject of this
sentence is?
124 One of the options caught, sought, caught, check, shackled, bedroom, B
below consists of pardoned, cut mainland gloves,
complex words only neighbourhood floodlight
125 The car was painted active voiced voiceless passive D
red yesterday. This
sentence is what
126 One of the sentences The beautiful, The white The white, The old, white, A
below is in the correct white, old, beautiful, beautiful, old, beautiful, aging,
order of adjectives. aging, beloved, white, aging, aging, beloved, beloved,
Siberian tiger old, beloved, Siberian tiger Siberian tiger
died last night Siberian tiger died last night died last night
died last night
127 Identify the stressed GOvernment goVERNment governMENT GOVernment D
syllable in
128 Choose the option that People Stream Pot Sun D
has the same sound
with the underlined
letters in Mother
129 Listening and speaking Skills of oracy Skills of Skills of oratory Language skills A
skills are often literacy
referred to as?
130 _______ is a statement Parallelism Oxymoron Paradox Pun A
that seems absurd but
which actually bear
some truth
131 _______ is a figure of Metonymy Synecdoche Paradox Pun B
speech that singles out
a part of a person or
thing to stand for the
132 ______ is a figure of Metonymy Synecdoche Paradox Pun A
speech which uses the
name of one thing for
that of another of
which it is an attribute
or with which it is
133 Reading and writing Skills of oratory skills of literacy Skills of oracy Language skills B
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skills are referred to

134 __________ is one of Listening Speaking reading writing C
the most important
language skills in a
literate society
135 ______ skills will help Studying Reading Writing Speaking B
us to exercise our
imaginations, broaden
our interests, develop
ideas and beliefs of
our own
136 Michael Nostradamus Appositive Noun phrase adverbial phrase verb phrase D
shouldn’t have given phrase
so many predictions.
The underlined is?
137 The short, fat man was Adjectival noun phrase adverbial phrase prepositional B
once a very handsome phrase phrase
dude. The underlined
138 An excellent technique Studying Summarizing Note taking Note making B
for helping memory
and for later retrieval
of information,
especially when
preparing for
examinations is?
139 What type of tune Falling-rising Rising-falling Rising tune Falling tune D
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
Why did you leave the
140 What type of tune Rising tune Falling tune Falling-rising Rising-falling B
should be used to tune tune
make the utterance:
The rains won’t come
till the middle of the
141 _____ also requires Workplace Learner Functional All of the above B
the ability to read Literacy Literacy Literacy
special kinds of
materials, including
charts, graphs, maps
and tables
142 _____ involves the Workplace Learner Functional All of the above A
ability to read written Literacy Literacy Literacy
materials necessary for
doing a job
143 The two basic types of Active and Serious and Intensive and Discriminative C
reading are called? Passive reading social reading Extensive and critical
reading reading
144 The little kids sang the A. adjectival noun phrase adverbial phrase prepositional C
song very phrase phrase
melodiously. The
underlined is?
145 Which of the words sausage court Boat chart A
below has the same
pronunciation with the
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sound underlined in:

146 Which of the words board owl ewe hole A
below has the same
pronunciation with the
sound underlined in:
147 In the SQ3R method, Three times Five times Two times once C
students would have
been through all the
reading material pages
at least _______
before they actually
begin to read
148 It has been 50% 60% 75% 80% D
recommended that
_____ of the student’s
study time should be
spent in trying to recall
what he has read
149 ______ is the use of Troupe Parts Of Speech Imageries Figures Of A
language that has Words
meaning beyond the
literal meaning
150 ______ is the activity Note writing Noting taking Note jotting Note making D
done during study time
151 When reading a book Note making Note jotting Noting taking Note writing A
in the library, what do
you do?
152 To increase your Intensively and Seriously and Discriminatively All of the above A
vocabulary power extensively socially and critically
suggests a lot of
efforts on your own
part. You need to read
_______ and _______
153 _______ is used in Simile Metaphor Personification Paradox B
language to make
implicit comparison
154 ____ are strategies and Learning skills Reading skills Study skills Language skills C
techniques that enable
you to make the most
efficient use of your
time, resources, and
academic potential.
155 _____ is an interactive Reading Speaking Writing Listening B
process of constructing
meaning that involves
producing, receiving
and processing
156 One area of language Grammar Writing Speaking Listening C
learning where
Nigerian speakers of
English often
encounter difficulties
157 You ____ in order to Skim, skim Skim, scan Scan, scan Scan, skim D
locate dates in a
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bulletin but _____to

determine whether or
not the article favours
our political party
158 Any situation that Noting taking Note jotting Note making Note writing B
suggests listening to
an audio/documentary
or related requires?
159 ____ is taking notes Note jotting Note making Noting taking Note writing C
from lectures or
160 ______ is an word morpheme sentence phrase A
meaningful unit of the
grammar of a language
161 Another name for Real word Lexical word Functional word Root word B
content word is?
162 In the SQ3R 4 2 5 3 A
technique, at the point
of the last R, the
student would have
been through the
material how many
different times?
163 Which poor reading Head Regression Rhythmic eye Pointing at B
habit refers to a reader movement movement words
glancing back and re-
reading words and
sentences that he has
already read?
164 ____ account for only Vocalization Head Physical Rhythmic eye C
a small percentage of movement disability movement
all reading problems.
165 _____ is the act of Metaphor Apostrophe Personification Metonymy C
representing an idea, a
thing or a non-human
being as having human
characteristics or
166 _____is a deliberate Personification Metonymy Metaphor Hyperbole D
overstatement that is
used to make emphasis
or exaggeration
167 The editing of the Gerund Infinitive Adverbial verbal A
novel took all night.
The underlined is a
_____ phrase?
168 I would really love to Gerund Infinitive Adverbial verbal B
see you later. The
underlined is----
169 As a student, when Complete your Avoid Get you self make more D
you develop and assignments at procrastination ready and very efficient use of
improve your study on or before which is the prepared for your study time
skills you will be able their due date major obstacle examination get more work
to? to studying done in less time
170 SQ3R stands for? Survey, Study, Survey, Study, Question, A
Question, Read, Question, Question, Review, Read
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Recall and Review, Read, Review, Read, and Recall

Review Recall Recall
171 How many minute is 3 minutes 5 minutes 2 minutes 7 minutes A
required in surveying a
20 page chapter?
172 One important result To make the To arouse the To make reading To make reading B
of making questions reader more curiosity of the more creative exciting
on a chapter during serious reader
studying is?
173 As a student, when Feel the work Help other Read less during All of the above A
you develop and and effort students examination.
improve your study involved is achieve success
skills you will be able worthwhile; it
to? ‘pays
174 What figure of speech Personification Metaphor Simile Irony C
is used in the structure:
On hearing the news,
her spirit soared so
high like an eagle in
the sky
175 What figure of speech Metaphor Personification Simile Hyperbole B
is used in the structure:
The leafs whispered as
they fell to the ground
176 Identify the stressed Accommodate aCCOmmodate accoMMOdate accommoDATE B
syllable in
177 Identify the stressed Identity iDENtity idenTIty identiTY B
syllable in identity.
178 Identify the stressed Impediment imPEdiment impeDIment impediment B
syllable in
179 As a student, when Teach other Make your Be a successful All of the above B
you develop and students who learning easier, student
improve your study did not make and help retain
skills you will be able effective use of what you have
to? their time learned for
180 All but one of the A good study A student The more Studying C
options below is false place must be should never versatile your becomes
about studying. airy, quiet and study beyond learning methods habitual when
warm an hour a day. is, the better you we do it daily.
will do all round
181 Lolo is the second Adjective Determiner Numeral Pronoun B
child of her parents.
The underlined is?
182 She came seventh in Determiner Adjective Numeral Pronoun D
the race. The
underlined is?
183 When studying experts take a 5 minute take a 15 take a 10 minute take a 10 minute C
advised that a student break per study minute break break per study break per study
should? hour, 10 per study hour, hour, 5 minutes hour, 15 minutes
minutes every 10 minutes every half hour every half hour
half hour every half hour
184 One of the options Be flexible - Faultless focus Do some Do all of the A
below is a good when you -Make sure you relaxing before above
studying tip? become bored complete one you begin
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with certain studying

parts of
change topics.
185 One of the options Ask, in, will, See, so, should, Is, would, above, None of the C
below consists of open when same a above
closed words?
186 All but one of the there is no one Studying for a Studying is an Studying in A
options below is false best way to long period is enjoyable skills isolation is
about studying learn bound to yield unhealthy
187 In acquiring a good Study one hour Experiment Get a study place Pray to god B
study habit, a student daily with different that is very quiet, before he stats
is advised to? styles of warm and airy studying
188 The best study time is? There is no best In the early In the late hours Whenever you A
study time hours of the of the night have time and
morning free from
lectures and
other academic
189 How many hours of On your level On the On how much on your D
study you do depend? of timetable you you can sit down background,
understanding have designed and concentrate knowledge and
and how much for the semester level of
time you have understanding
to spare
190 One method you can To avoid By setting Tell yourself that Pray to God B
used to stop the habit building the bad deadlines for you can do it about the bad
of procrastination is? habit yourself habit
191 A student preparing Active Passive Extensive Intensive D
for an examination in
specific subjects like
History, Agriculture
and Biology would
need to do _____
192 What type of reading Serious Intensive Critical Discriminating B
is needed when one
needs to read for
details and analysis?
193 A listener seeks Critical Discriminative Serious Social A
through ______
listening behaviour to
evaluate and analyse
evidence and ideas he
listens to
194 To achieve success Serious Discriminating Social Critical B
through --- listening
behaviour, a listener
uses context clues to
find meanings of
words and relates
details of the message
to the main points
195 ______ type of Critical Serious Discriminating Social B
listening draws out listening
rapt attention of the
Page 17 of 17

196 One method you can To have an Develop a To observe Kill the habit C
use to stop the habit of organized study study timetable procrastination through prayers
procrastinating is? area where you patterns and
can concentrate break them
197 The two of us will see Determiner Adjective Numeral Pronoun D
you tomorrow. The
underlined is?
198 Choose the option that safe physical crazy science C
has the same sound as
the underlined:
199 Choose the option that though ghost laughter thou C
has the same sound
with the underlined:
200 Choose the option that chemistry stomach ritual sheep A
has the same sound
with the underlined
letters in chef

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