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Artificial Neural Network Algorithms enhanced Chili

Leaves Diseases Identification system

ABSTRACT-Major developments in Deep learning (DL) and Machine learning (ML)

techniques have facilitated the recognition and detection of objects in images. Going to follow
their success in these other fields, neural nets have recently entered a variety of agricultural and
farming applications. Software for detecting plant diseases that can assist farmers in managing
their crops more efficiently, increasing yields. Using pictures to identify plant disease in crops is a
challenging challenge in and of itself. The application of specialized control techniques requires
both detection and individual species identification. A review of research projects using Google
Net, a form of DL, to address various plant disease detection issues was conducted for the
current publication. The dataset comprised 180 Chili diseased photographs deployed from the
Kaggle public domain and subjected to the Google-Net convolutional neural network (CNN) to
test the training accuracy. By considering various training properties such as CNN optimizers
SGDM, ADAM, and RMSPROP w.r.t Max Epochs and assigning Dropout probability, Strides,
Dilation factor, and padding values as constants, the obtained training accuracy ranges from 30%
to 100%. According to the simulation, the Google-Net CNN architecture achieves 98.61%
accuracy in SGDM and ADAM with Max Epochs of 20, 30, and 40, respectively. Moreover, it
was suggested that the applicability of SGDM is good for training the Chili Dataset, where Max
Epochs are much lower than in SGDM and ADAM. The three epochs in the two optimizers are
20, 30, and 40, with low epoch 20 generating higher accuracy.
Keywords: Image Processing, Deep learning, Chili leaf diseases, Machine learning, CNN,


The core agricultural products include chili. Due to the minimum quantity of chili, it
sometimes becomes appealing in the market. One of the most-risk plants is the chili plant.
Consequently, they adopt new technologies into a significant material to be measured due to
strategy and technological expertise. The purpose of growing structured and methodical must
be to increase the general generation by utilizing administrators. Many farmers refused to
cultivate chilies since the disease became a high threat to quality control and productivity to
generate chilies during the rainy season. There are two main types of factors that might result in
the devastation of chili plants, both for living and non-living entities. Bacteria, fungi, viruses,
and insects all contribute to compensating living beings.

Examples of non-living agents include temperature limits, inadequate lighting, nutrient

deficiencies, excessive moisture, low soil pH, and air pollution. Disease detection requires the
ability to recognize disease symptoms. Various things, such as irregular leaf development,
shriveled and damaged pods, stunted growth, and color distortion are examples of typical
symptoms. In order to comprehend the various ways to plant leaf disease detection, we will
look at a variety of writings by diverse authors in this essay. The section that follows will display
the works of numerous authors.
Sushil R. Kamlapurkar proposed a technique for categorizing and detecting diseases from
images of plants that can give more precise results. They had to use a range of procedures,
involving identification, training, and pre-processing. They had to conduct feature extraction,
classify the photos, and then perform the diagnosis. They identify diseases in this way [1].

Sachin D. Khirade et al. used image processing to find plant illnesses. The process entails
several processes, including as image pre-processing, segmentation, classification, feature
extraction, and picture collection. They discussed methods to identify the illness using picture
databases. [2]. Zulkifli Bin Husin and colleagues discuss the diagnosis of chili plant diseases
through the examination of leaf features. This system gathers and processes leaf photos in order
to assess the health of the plant. Image processing is employed to perform disease images.
They had to process the image in a variety of ways [3].

Meena Prakash as well as others R R. Meena Prakash et al. combine classification and
image analysis, two crucial techniques, to first detect the disease and then classify it. Support
vector machines are used by them for identification. The feature extraction process was carried
out using the Gray-Level-Cooccurrence Matrix. For segmentation, the k-means algorithm is
employed [4]. A technique to identify grape plant disease was put out by Pranjali B. Padol and
colleagues. They did this by using ANN and SVM classifiers as well as image processing
techniques. They unveiled a brand-new classifier that combines ANN and SVM. Regarding
grape leaf powdery and downy disease, they had 100% accuracy [5]. An image-processing
method was suggested by Baldomero Manuel Sanchez Rangel et al. for identifying and
classifying grapevine leaves as having a particular dimension of potassium deficit.

The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) segmentation technique was contrasted with histogram-
based techniques. When the environment in which images are acquired is less regulated, KNN
showed superior outcomes. [6]. Akanksha Rastogi and colleagues developed a straightforward
and computationally capable methodology for identifying plant disease and grading exploitation.
Digital image processing and machine vision This framework is split into two parts. The first
stage detects the concept of a leaf plant feature, which is then followed by pre-processing and
feature extraction. An Artificial Neural Network is used for classification. In the second phase,
the disease in the leaf is classified; for segmentation, the K-means algorithm was used, and for
feature extraction, an ANN-based feature extraction method was used. They used fuzzy logic
for gradation. [7].

Shivani K Tichkule and others Through image processing are able to identify numerous
plant illnesses. On plants, they found diseases brought on by fungi, viruses, or bacteria. Image
processing offers an effective method for illness diagnosis in images. K-means and ANN were
used for classification purposes. To keep tabs on agricultural activities, they had to utilize robots
[8]. The feature extraction process uses the Gabor filter and the Sobel edge detector. In this
paper, feature selection is used. The current MLP and how the suggested approach is used
is clarified. The leaf features, such as edges and textures, are extracted using MATLAB. These
visual attributes can be used to explain how pixels are arranged in an image.
According to the experimental results, the proposed NCSFFNN has 6.67% higher
classification accuracy than the MLP, and for real data, the proposed NCSFFNN has 8.72%
higher classification accuracy than the MLP and 1.92% higher classification accuracy than the
proposed NCSFFNN, respectively [9].

Boran Sekeroglu et al detected and recognized disease on 27 different types of leaves using
a back propagation neural network method, and their recognition rate is 97.2%. the use of
MATLAB, which includes the addition of noise to images as well as the changing and resizing
of image types in order to reduce processing costs [10]. This paper is arranged as follows:
Section II describes the Related works. Section III Presents the Methodology and Section IV
Presents the Experimentation. And Section V Describes the Results and Conclusions are drawn
in Section V.


The survey takes into account 15 different types of AI-based disease detection case
studies. The table mostly displays AI-related ML and DL-based classification accuracies. Based
on the AI detection results from a review of the literature on 15 leaf diseases with varying illness
identification accuracy. The Deep Learning algorithms efficiently detect eleven ailments, while
the remaining four diseases are simply diagnosed using Machine Learning approaches.

SVM classifiers, which are machine learning algorithms, performed better than DL
approaches in detecting Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew, and infections. The remaining ML
approaches, including KNN (89.2 percent accuracy), Naive Bayes (89 percent), EKNN (87
percent), and PCA (98 percent), performed well in diagnosing diseases on the Plant Village,
CGLS, and Google datasets, with accuracy ranging from 63% to 99.5 percent. For each ailment,
the detailed accuracy findings were displayed in a table-1.

The performance of DL algorithms on leaf diseases detection, such as Black Spot,

Melrose, Corn Gray Leaf Spot, Cotton Leaf Diseases, Bacterial Blight, Alternaria, Cercospora,
Rice Blast Disease, Grey Mildew, Fusarium Wilt, and Stem Diseases, is pretty impressive and
results in high accuracy. Deep net models such as DCNN (96 percent), YOLO (96.63 percent),
CNN (99.48 percent), Exception, VGG-16 (97.89 percent), CNN-LSTM (92.55 percent),
Squeeze net (91 percent), and Resnet-18 achieved classification accuracies ranging from 92.6
percent to 99.4 percent. According to the table, Deep Learning algorithms outperform ML
techniques in most circumstances when it comes to identifying leaf illnesses.

Even though the ML algorithm is dominating in detecting leaf diseases, the difference in
accuracy is minor. However, because of the extensive set of convolution layers and strength
training sessions, the DL methods are effective in detecting leaf illness. Table 1 represents a
comparative analysis of ML and DL methods in classifying multi-leaf disease detection.
Table.1: Multi-Leaf disease detection classification accuracies based on ML and DL

Machine Learning Deep Learning

S.No Disease Name Dataset Accurac
Method Method Accuracy
1 Anthracnose Plant Village MSVM 95.6% BPNN 97..80%
2 Black spot Plant Village SVM 93.00% ANN 94.00%
3 Melrose Images DSLR VGG-16 89.5% D-CNN 96.00%
4 Corn Gray Leaf CGLS Random 79.23% conditional 99.79%
Spot subspace method random field
5 Powdery Mildew Plant Village SVM 98.65% MSO-ResNet 95.70%,
6 Cotton leaf Plant Village SVM 90.00% D-CNN 97.98%
7 Bacterial Blight Google Decision tree 97.00% Optimized Deep 98.90%
algorithm Neural Network
with Jaya
8 Alternaria Plant Village Regression- 83.26% Gaussian Filtering 98.63%
Median Filtering

9 Cercospora Plant Village GLCM 94.04% SECNN 99.28%

10 Rice Blast Plant Village Q-SVM 81.8% CNN-AlexNet 93.79%

11 Grey Mildew Plant Village SVM- 83.26% ResNet152V2. 98.01%

12 Fusarium Wilt Plant Village SVM 92.75% M-CNN 97.13%

13 Anthracnose Plant Village SVM 92.75% CNN 97.13%
14 Downy Mildew plant village Random Forest 97.65% CNN 96.08%
and Decision
15 Stem Diseases Plant Village SVM 74.3% VGG-16 97.89%

Fig-1. accuracy Results from representation in Graph.

III. Methodology

According to the Fig-2. The leaf is identified and applied to the segmentation for
disease variation of clusters and Testing is performed. If testing fails then a trial on images
is going to be applied and further processed out to the next level for both testing and tail
images by histogram. Reproduction is given to CNN then it is digitally tracked by
converting it into frequency from time domine using DFT (Discrete Fourier
transformation). Both the inputs are given to google net then it is forwarded to tracking
input after that it is forwarded pooling to Softmaxing. This gives predicting output with the
input dataset.

Fig-2. Proposed Chili Leaf disease detection methodology

IV. Experimentation

Fig-3-Public Dataset of diseased Chili leaves

IV.I. Image Pre-processing

Figure 3 shows how images in the dataset are downsized to 128 by 128 resolutions to speed up
training and make model testing calculations more realistic. By minimizing the input or goal
variables, the optimization technique aids in training processing speed. While protecting the
image's data from loss of integrity

Fig.4: Pre-Processed Chilli Leaves

IV.II. Training Dataset

In chilies, primarily three types of disease classes are trained for disease detection, with the
training data size specified by Mosaic (80) and Gemini (80), and Healthy (80) images of each
class. A screenshot of the training Dataset with two diseased classes and one Healthy class is
shown in the figure.

Fig-5- A screenshot of the training Dataset with Three Diseases.

IV.III. Training Classes

Figure- 5. depicts two types of training results: Training Validation Accuracy and Training
Data Loss functions. The training dataset employs multi-layer Deep convolution networks with
five pooling layers, ten convolution layers, and ten Relu-convolution layers, as well as three types
of popular training optimizer algorithms, including the Stochastic Gradient Descent with
Momentum (SGDM) optimizer, the Adam optimizer, and the Root Mean Squared Propagation
optimizer (RMSProp). By varying the number of epochs used by the aforementioned three
algorithms, the best accuracy for the Chili disease dataset can be found. Other training parameters,
such as Sequence length is longest, Initial Learn Rate is 0.01, Minibatch Size is 128, Sequence
Padding Value is 0, Sequence Padding Direction is "right," L2-Regularization is 0.0001,
LearnRateDropFactor is 0.1, LearnRate Additionally, the L2norms, which measure the separation
between a vector coordinate and the vector space's origin, are computed using the Gradient
Thresholding Method.
V. Results and Discussion
Based on the training results in Table 2anf Fig-8 and Fig-9 the training data achieved 98.61%
accuracy with the Google Net architecture by taking into account the previously specified
parameters, where training accuracy varies depending on the optimizer algorithm and epochs
used. Simulations revealed that the training data set achieved 98.61% accuracy in two cases, one
with the ADAM optimizer producing 98.61% accuracy with 40 epochs and the other with the
SGDM. But the SGDM optimizer produces the same 98.61% accuracy in three epochs which are
20,30,40 epochs.
The RMSPROP optimizer did not perform well for the Google Net on the Chili disease
dataset, as the maximum training accuracy is only 75.00%. However, when Max Epochs are set to
20, SGDM achieves 98.61% accuracy, while ADAM achieves it in 40 Max Epochs. Screenshots
of training accuracy test results using SGDM and ADAM optimizer are shown in Figures 7 and
8. When SGDM and ADAM are compared, the SGDM performance is superior because 98.61%
training accuracy was achieved in only 20 Epochs. As shown in figures 9 and 10, lower and
higher epochs resulted in lower accuracy in SGDM and ADAM, while only middle-range epochs
achieved higher accuracy.

Fig.6: Screenshot of Training accuracy test results using SGDM optimizer-Learning rate-0.01 and Epoch-20
and Accuracy-98.61%
Fig.7: Screenshot of Training accuracy test results using ADAM optimizer-Learning rate-0.01 and
Epoch-40 and Accuracy-98.61%

Table.2: Training Data Performance based on Optimizer and Epochs

Optimizer Algo. Max_Epochs Accuracy (%)

10 65.28%
20 98.61%
SGDM 30 98.61%
40 98.61%
50 33.33%
10 40.28%
20 66.67%
ADAM 30 83.33%
40 98.61%
50 68.06%
10 33.33%
20 33.33%
RMSPROP 30 63.89%
40 75.00%
50 54.17%
Figure-8: Achievement of SGDM optimizer

Figure-9: Achievement of ADAM optimizer

VI. Conclusion
India is a heavily agricultural nation, where 60% of the people rely on farming for their
living. Reduce plant leaf diseases as soon as possible to increase agriculture productivity in the
nation. In the southern region of India, the yield of the chili crop, one of the most prolific crops,
has been declining over the past few years due to diseases. The goal of the current research is to
identify the infection in the chili plant at an early stage, which will assist farmers in taking quick
action. This study explains how Google Net layers can be used to identify diseases in chili leaf
tissue. Along with the usage of 69 Google Net layers, different training parameters are also
employed, first with constant values, and later with changing optimizer and epoch settings.

By acquiring data on the training accuracy for the various optimizers, including SGDM,
ADAM, and RSMPROP, an experiment is carried out. With Max Epochs of 50,40,30 and 20,
respectively, ADAM and RMSPROPF outperformed the other two optimizers in terms of
training correctness, both achieving 98.61%. Therefore, compared to ADAM and SGDM, the
SGDM optimizer produced the best accuracy with a Max Epochs value of 20. Last but not least,
it can be inferred from the experimental results that the Google Net layers perform best with
SGDM in order to attain 98.61% accuracy for smaller datasets.


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