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Journal of Electrostatics 65 (2007) 269–273

Stability of atmospheric-pressure plasma induced changes on

polycarbonate surfaces$
Rajesh Sharmaa,, Edward Holcomba, Steve Trigwellb, Malay Mazumdera
Department of Applied Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 S. University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72204, USA
Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory ASRC Aerospace, ASRC-20, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899, USA
Received 20 June 2006; accepted 12 October 2006
Available online 9 November 2006


Polycarbonate films are subjected to plasma treatment in a number of applications such as improving adhesion between polycarbonate
and silicon alloy in protective and optical coatings. The surfaces that undergo changes in surface properties due to plasma treatment have a
tendency to revert back to their original states. Thus, the stability of the plasma induced changes on polymer surfaces over a desired time
period is an important issue. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of ageing on atmospheric-pressure helium-plasma treated
polycarbonate (PC) sample as a function of treatment time. The ageing effects were studied over a period of 10 days. The samples were
plasma treated for 0.5, 2, 5 and 10 min. Contact angle made by water droplet on polymer surfaces were measured to study surface energy
changes. Modification of surface chemical structure was examined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Contact angle decreased
from 931 for untreated samples to 301 for samples treated with plasma for 10 min. After 10 days the contact angle for the 10 min plasma
treated sample increased to 671, but it never reverted back to that of the untreated surface. Similarly, the oxygen-carbon (O:C) ratio
increased from 0.136 for untreated samples to 0.321 for 10 min plasma-treated samples, indicating an increase in surface energy.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Plasma chemistry; Plasma processing; Polymer film; Contact angle; Surface energy

1. Introduction of the substrate bonds break, making the surface more

reactive. Depending upon the type of precursor gas used
Plasma treatment is one of the most versatile techniques to generate the plasma, certain new functional groups
in surface modification. It has been widely used to alter the can be grafted onto the surface. Thus, plasma surface
surface properties of materials in a number of applications modification can be used to induce a specific surface
such as improving adhesion of coatings to metals and chemistry without changing the bulk properties of the
polymers [1], increasing wettability and printability of materials. A large number of studies have shown that
polymers [2,3], enhancing biocompatibility of implants [4], plasma treatment of polymers can develop surfaces with
and the manufacturing of semiconductor devices [5,6]. controlled and specific surface chemistry [7,8]. Surface
Plasma surface modification uses the active species of chemistry can be tailored by varying the different opera-
plasma such as radicals, ions and electrons to alter the tional parameters involved in the process. Previously, we
surface chemistry of polymers. The collision of these have shown that atmospheric pressure plasma treatment
energetic active species with the surface results in the can be employed to reduce surface charge density caused
transfer of their energy to lattice atoms. As a result, some by tribocharging and also decrease the surface resistivity of
polymer powders [9–12].
This paper was presented at the June 2006 Joint Conference of the Plasma surface modification of polycarbonate films is
Electrostatics Society of American, IEEE-Industrial Applications Society, utilized in a number of applications such as enhancing
Institute of Electrostatics Japan, and the Société Francaise d’Electro-
biocompatibility [13] and improving adhesion between
statique, Berkeley, CA, USA.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 501 569 8245; fax: +1 501 683 7222. polycarbonate and silicon alloy in protective and optical
E-mail address: (R. Sharma). coatings [14]. It has been observed that plasma treated

0304-3886/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
270 R. Sharma et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 65 (2007) 269–273

polymers try to revert back to their original surface peak to 284.6 eV. The high-resolution scans of the C1 s
properties over time. Thus the stability of plasma induced peak were acquired at a pass energy of 40 eV, in 0.2 eV
changes on polymer surfaces over a desired time period is steps with a 300 ms dwell time. In order to determine the
an important issue. The objective of this study was to carbon chemistry more accurately, scans were performed
examine the effect of ageing on atmospheric-pressure over a narrower region of the C1 s peak with a reduced
helium plasma treated polycarbonate samples as a function electron pass energy. This considerably reduces the count
of treatment time. The ageing effects were studied over a rate, but significantly improves the peak resolution (i.e.
period of 10 days. Samples were plasma treated for 0.5, 2, 5 smaller FWHM). Small peak shifts associated with
and 10 min. Contact angle measurements were made to chemical bonding can now be deconvoluted using curve-
study surface energy changes. The contact angle is defined fitting techniques.
as the angle between the solid surface and the tangent of The relative concentrations of the C1 s peak components
the liquid vapor interface of a sessile drop [15]. Modifica- were determined by measuring the area under each fitted
tion of surface chemical structure was examined using peak and normalizing the total to 100% to get relative
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). percentage concentrations. Detection limits for XPS are
approximately 0.05–1.0 atomic percent depending upon the
2. Experimental procedure sensitivity of the elements.

2.1. Atmospheric pressure plasma reactor 2.3. Contact angle measurements

The atmospheric plasma reactor used in this study (Fig. 1) Contact angle measurements have been used extensively
was constructed using a cylindrical Pyrex glass tube (30 mm to elucidate the specific surface-chemical changes imparted
ID, 90 cm long) with its inlet port connected to a gas by an array of surface treatments for polymers, including
flow rate regulator for introducing helium gas into the plasma treatment. The majority of the applications of
plasma reactor [16]. The outlet of the plasma reactor was polymers rely on their surface properties such as adhesion
connected to an exhaust vent. A pair of copper electrodes or printability, which, in turn depend upon their surface
(7.5 cm  3 cm) was placed across the reactor for coupling chemical properties. Contact angle measurement has been
the electrical drive to the plasma reactor. The reactor a good macroscopic indicator of the change in surface
operated at 12 kV (peak-to-peak) at a frequency of 700 Hz, chemistry. It has been utilized extensively in a number of
delivering 100 W of power. Polycarbonate samples (100  200 ) studies pertaining to surface modification of polymers [17].
were placed inside the reactor for plasma treatment. Contact angle can also be related to surface energy and the
Following plasma treatment, the samples were subjected to wettability of a surface. To assess the effect of plasma
contact angle measurement and surface chemistry analysis. treatment, contact angle measurements on untreated
and plasma treated polycarbonate films were made using
2.2. Surface chemistry analysis de-ionized water. A VCA-optima surface analysis system
(AST Products, Inc., MA) was used to measure contact
XPS was used to analyze the surface chemistry of the angle (Fig. 2). All the experiments were carried out under
untreated and plasma-treated polycarbonate surfaces. The ambient conditions (50% RH, 23 1C).
XPS data were obtained using a Kratos Axis ESCA
Spectrometer using a Mg Ka (hn ¼ 1253.6 eV) X-ray 3. Results and discussion
radiation source. The X-ray beam used was 100 W, with
a spot diameter of 100 mm. The experimental data were Polycarbonate samples were plasma treated for 30, 120,
referenced to the Au4f peak at 84.070.05 eV and the C1 s 300 and 600 s. Five sets of samples were plasma treated for

Power Supply Signal generator

12 s

Particle Trap Signal Amplifier

Vent Helium


Fig. 1. Atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor.

R. Sharma et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 65 (2007) 269–273 271

each treatment time. Contact angle measurements were increased to 791 after 2 days. There was no significant
made on one set of samples immediately following the change in contact angle beyond that. Similarly, for 120-s
plasma treatment. Measurements were made on the other and 300-s plasma treated samples, the contact angle
four sets of samples after 1, 2, 3 and 10 days of plasma increased from 381 immediately after plasma treatment to
treatment. Contact angle was also measured for an 541 and 531, respectively, 1 day after the end of plasma
untreated sample. The contact angle for an untreated treatment.
sample was found to be 931. It decreased to 401 after 30-s The 600-s plasma treated sample showed a trend similar
exposure to plasma (Fig. 3). There was no significant to 30-s treated sample, where contact angle increased 1 and
decrease in contact angle with further increase in plasma 2 days after treatment but there were no significant
treatment time. The contact angle for a 600-s plasma subsequent changes.
treated sample was 301. The XPS analysis showed an increase in O:C ratio with
The contact angle measurements made on the samples 1, an increase in plasma treatment time up to 300 s (Fig. 5).
2, 3 and 10 days after the end of treatment showed an This increase in O:C ratio is indicative of the increase in
increase for all the samples as compared to that of the oxygen-containing polar functional groups on the surface.
samples analyzed immediately after plasma treatment An increase in polar moieties on the surface increases
(Fig. 4). For a 30-s plasma treated sample, the contact surface free energy, thereby, making the surface hydro-
angle changed from 391 immediately after plasma treat- philic [3,8]. This explains the decrease in contact angle with
ment to 511 one day after plasma treatment. It further increasing plasma treatment time, as shown in Fig. 3.
Further increases in plasma treatment time caused a
decrease in the O:C ratio. The decrease in values of O:C
for the samples that were plasma treated for 600 s suggests
that the treatment time was past optimum for oxidation.
This decrease in the O:C ratio could be due to the breakup
of oxygen functional groups and increased crosslinking
(formation of covalent bonds between molecular chains of
Table 1 summarizes the relative concentrations of the
carbon peak components. Increased oxygen concentration
with plasma treatment-time is evident from the increase in
the C–O functional group. A decrease in the C–C/C–H
ratio with an increase in plasma treatment time suggests an
increase in crosslinking, which occurs when plasma species
(typically inert plasma) interact with a polymer surface to
break C–C or C–H bonds, resulting in recombination,
unsaturation, or branching of polymer chains [12].
It was found, however, that the O:C ratio increased with
time after the end of plasma treatment. This result suggests
Fig. 2. VCA Optima surface analysis system for measuring contact angle. a multitude of prolonged post-plasma reactions. Free
radicals formed at or below the surface during plasma
treated have been found to be stable for long time
durations [1].
100 Thus these radicals have an opportunity to react with
90 atmospheric oxygen or water vapor. This explains the
increase in O:C up to 72 h after plasma treatment. After
Contact angle (degree)

70 72 h, a decrease in O:C was observed, suggesting a
depletion in free radicals on the surface which in turn
prevented introduction of any more oxygen-containing
functional groups. The decrease in O:C beyond 72 h could
also be due to ageing of the surface. The ageing of plasma-
treated polymer surfaces has been described by Liston et al.
[1] as a combination of processes including reorientation of
polar functional groups from surface to sub-surface as
0 governed by thermodynamics, diffusion of mobile additives
0 30 120 300 600
from bulk to surface and reaction of free radicals. This also
Plasma treatment duration (seconds)
explains the decreased wettability or increase in contact
Fig. 3. Effect of plasma treatment duration on wettability of polycarbo- angles on samples 1, 2, 3 and 10 days after plasma
nate sample. Contact angle represents the wettability of a surface. treatment.
272 R. Sharma et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 65 (2007) 269–273

a 100 b 100
Contact angle (degree)

Contatc angle (degree)

80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
days days
c 80 d 80

Contact angle(degree)
Contact angle (degree)

60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
days days

Fig. 4. Effect of ageing on the wettability of polycarbonate surface plasma treated for (a) 30 s, (b) 120 s, (c) 300 s, and (d) 600 s.

0.5 Table 1
48 Surface functional groups concentration (%) on untreated and plasma
72 treated polycarbonate surfaces as determined by XPS
0.4 96
Sample Treatment time C–C/C–H C–O CQO O–CQO p–p*
24 h 0 90 7.1 0.7 2.2 0.3
0.3 30 s 82 12 3.8 2.2 —
O:C ratio

120 s 86 12 2.1 0.5 —

300 s 80 12 3.3 3.0 2.1
0.2 600 s 75 18 2.4 4.1 0.5

0.15 48 h 0 91 6.0 — 1.2 1.7

30 s 76 16 2.0 4.7 1.6
0.1 120 s 77 13 3.4 3.2 3.2
300 s 78 14 2.3 4.3 1.4
600 s 81 13 0.7 3.2 2.0
72 h 0 91 6.0 — 2.0 1.6
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
30 s 78 16 2.3 3.4 1.3
Treatment time (seconds)
120 s 76 16 1.1 3.9 3.4
Fig. 5. Effect of plasma treatment time on O:C ratio. 300 s 76 14 2.0 3.7 4.0
600 s 79 14 2.3 4.6 0.8
96 h 0 90 2.7 1.1 0.3 5.9
30 s 80 10 3.6 2.1 4.8
120 s 78 14 2.2 2.4 3.9
4. Conclusion 300 s 71 15 4.2 5.6 4.6
600 s 79 12 1.8 3.3 4.0
Atmospheric-pressure helium plasma was used to modify
a polycarbonate surface. The stability of plasma induced
changes on surface chemistry and wettability was studied.
It was found that plasma treatment increased the wettablity oxygen component on the surface until 72 h hrs after
of the surface as indicated by decreasing contact angle. The plasma treatment.
contact angle decreased from 931 for untreated samples to
301 for 600-s plasma treated samples. The plasma-treated Acknowledgements
surface became less wettable over time due to ageing. The
O:C ratio increased with increasing plasma treatment The authors would like to acknowledge the help of
time. The post-plasma reactions continued to increase the Mr. Dwight Hillis of Graduate Institute of Technology,
R. Sharma et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 65 (2007) 269–273 273

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