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19TH MARCH 2021
09:00 - 10:15
Flintshire County Council are working closely with Welsh Government to
investigate the potential hydrogen opportunities in the region with a particular
focus on Deeside.

Jacobs have been commissioned by Flintshire County Council and Welsh

Government to review options in the Deeside area and will share the key findings
of the initial assessment of the strategic opportunities for hydrogen which has the
aim of developing a robust hydrogen energy project in the Deeside area.

The project looked at:

The foremost opportunities for hydrogen in the area
The potential local demand to anchor a hydrogen hub
How hydrogen might support climate change ambitions in the region
The local industry and suppliers that could deliver a project

The talk will cover:

The background to the study & why hydrogen is of interest
The findings from the strategic review
The leading options for the region
Why & how this might be relevant to your business
19TH MARCH 2021
09:00 - 10:15
Steve Jones, Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) - Chair.
Iwan Prys-Jones, NWEAB Transport Consultant.
Steve Horrax, Head of Carbon & Energy, Jacobs.
Jo Gradwell, Project Manager, Jacobs.
Karan Monga, Director of Economics, Jacobs.

9.00 Welcome – Steve Jones/ Iwan Prys Jones.
9.10 Introduction to the Project – Jo Gradwell.
9.15 Background & Policy - Steve Horrax.
9.25 Approach – Karan Monga.
9.35 Key Findings – Steve Horrax.
9.50 Q&A.
10.00 Update on Local Transport Improvements, Ian Bushell, Project Manager.
10.15 Close.

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