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예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 23번 고1



Every day, children explore and (A)(constructing / construct) relationships among ⓐobjects. ⓑFrequently, these
relationships focus ㉠_______ how much or how many of something (B)(is existed / exists). (C)__________, children
(D)count ― “One cookie, two shoes, three candles on the birthday cake, four children in the sandbox.” Children
compare ― “Which has more? Which has fewer? Will there be enough?” Children (E)__________ ― “How many will
fit? Now, I have five. I need one more.” In all of these instances, children are developing a ⓒnotion of
quantity. Children reveal and investigate (F)__________ concepts through their own activities or experiences,
ⓓsuch as ⓔfiguring out how many crackers to take at snack time or (G)(sorting / sort) shells ㉡_______ piles.

1. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (G)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 5. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (D)count의 흐름상 뜻으로 알맞은

르게 연결된 것은?1) 것은?5)
(A) (B) (G) ① to consider or regard someone or something in a
① constructing is existed sorting specified way
② construct is existed sort ② to calculate how many people or things there are
③ construct exists sorting in a group
④ construct exists sort ③ to say numbers one after another in order
⑤ constructing exists sorting ④ to be accepted or allowed officially
⑤ to have value or importance

2. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ와 바꾸어 쓸 수 없는 것은?2)

① ⓐ: things ② ⓑ: Gradually 6. 위 글의 빈칸 (E), (F)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된
③ ⓒ: concept ④ ⓓ: like
⑤ ⓔ: finding out (E) (F)
① synthesize linguistic
② calculate linguistic
③ divide scientific
④ divide mathematical
3. 위 글의 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례대로 ⑤ calculate mathematical
연결된 것은?3)
① on - into ② on - of
③ on - with ④ at - of
⑤ at - into

4. 위 글의 빈칸 (C)에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 모두 고르

① Nonetheless ② Furthermore ③ Hence
④ Besides ⑤ Thus
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 23번 고1

Every day, children explore and construct relationships ⓐ________ objects. Frequently, these relationships focus
on (A)무언가가 얼마만큼 혹은 몇 개 존재하는지. Thus, children count ― “One cookie, two shoes, three candles
on the birthday cake, four children in the sandbox.” Children (B)__________ ― “Which has more? Which has
fewer? Will there be enough?” Children calculate ― “How many will fit? Now, I have five. I need one more.” In
all of these instances, children are (C)(developed / developing) a notion of (D)quantity. Children reveal and
investigate mathematical concepts ⓑ________ their own activities or experiences, such as (E)(figuring / figure)
out how many crackers to (F)(taking / take) at snack time or sorting shells into piles.

7. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례대로 11. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (D)quantity의 뜻으로 알맞은 것은?11)

연결된 것은?7)
① a measurement of how tall a person or thing is
① between - unlike ② among - unlike ② one of four equal parts of something
③ among - through ④ with - through ③ a feature of a substance or material
⑤ with - into ④ an amount or number of something
⑤ a loud or unpleasant sound

8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 우리말을 영작한 것으로 알맞

은 것은?8) 12. 위 글의 주제로 알맞은 것은?12)
① how much or how many of something does exist ① how to teach children math concepts
② how much or how many of something is existed ② how children learn mathematical concepts
③ how much or how many of something do exist ③ when children need to start to learn math
④ how much or how many of something exists ④ why children dislike learning mathematical concepts
⑤ how much or how many of something exist ⑤ studying math and development of logical thinking

9. 위 글의 빈칸 (B)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?9)

① add ② subtract ③ sum up
④ divide ⑤ compare

10. 위 글의 괄호 (C), (E), (F)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로

바르게 연결된 것은?10)
(C) (E) (F)
① developed figure taking
② developing figuring take
③ developing figure take
④ developing figuring taking
⑤ developed figuring take
예상문제 부산 교육청 학력평가 29번
2022년 6월 부산광역시 고1


ⓐ(Despite / Although) all the high­tech devices (A)__________ seem to ⓑ(deny / denying) the need for paper,
paper use in the United States has nearly doubled recently. We now consume more paper than ever: 400
million tons globally and growing. Paper is not the only resource (B)__________ we are ⓒ(using / used) more of.
Technological ㉠advances often come with the promise of ⓓ(used / using) fewer materials. (C)______________, the
reality is (D)__________ they have historically ㉡caused more materials use, ⓔ(make / making) us ㉢dependent
on more natural resources. The world now consumes far more “stuff” than it ever has. We use twenty­seven
times more industrial minerals, ㉣such as gold, copper, and rare metals, than we ⓕ(did / were) just over a
century ago. We also each individually use more resources. Much of that is ㉤due to our high­tech lifestyle.
* copper: 구리

13. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 17. 위 글의 빈칸 (C)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?17)

르게 연결된 것은?13)
① Thus ② Besides ③ However
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ④ Fortunately ⑤ For example
① Despite deny using
② Although deny using
③ Despite deny used
④ Although denying using
⑤ Despite denying used 18. 위 글의 요지를 <보기>와 같이 쓸 때, 빈칸 (a), (b)
에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된 것은?18)

Technological advancement (a)______________ the

consumption of natural resources including
14. 위 글의 빈칸 (A), (B), (D)에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차 보기
례대로 연결된 것은?14) paper, against the expectation that it will
(b)______________ the use of them.
① that - what - how ② what - that - that
③ that - that - that ④ that - that - how (a) (b)
⑤ what - what - that ① raises boost
② reduces decrease
③ increases reduce
④ decreases increase
15. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ㉠~㉤과 바꾸어 쓸 수 없는 것은?15) ⑤ results from result in
① ㉠: developments ② ㉡: resulted from
③ ㉢: reliant upon ④ ㉣: like
⑤ ㉤: because of

16. 위 글의 괄호 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바

르게 연결된 것은?16)
ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ
① used make did
② used making did
③ using making were
④ using make were
⑤ using making did
예상문제 부산 교육청 학력평가 29번
2022년 6월 부산광역시 고1

Despite all the high­tech devices that ⓐ(seem / seems) to (A)(deny / demand) the need for paper, paper use
in the United States ⓑ(has / have) nearly ㉠doubled recently. We now ㉡consume more paper than ever: 400
million tons globally and growing. Paper is not the only ㉢resource that we are using ⓒ(more of / more of
it). Technological ㉣advances often come with the promise (B)______ using fewer ⓓ(material / materials).
However, the ㉤reality is that they have historically ⓔ(caused / been caused) more materials use, making us
(C)(independent from / dependent on) more natural resources. The world now consumes ⓕ______________________
_____________. We use twenty­seven times (D)(less / more) industrial minerals, such (E)______ gold, copper, and
rare metals, than we did just over a century ago. We also each individually use more resources. ⓖ(Much of /
Much) that is due (F)______ our high­tech lifestyle.
* copper: 구리

19. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 22. 위 글의 빈칸 (B), (E), (F)에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차
르게 연결된 것은?19) 례대로 연결된 것은?22)
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ① to - as - to ② of - as - for
① seem has more of ③ of - as - to ④ of - for - to
② seems have more of ⑤ to - for - for
③ seem have more of it
④ seems has more of
⑤ seem has more of it

23. 위 글의 괄호 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓖ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바

르게 연결된 것은?23)
20. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (C), (D)에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로 ⓓ ⓔ ⓖ
바르게 연결된 것은?20) ① material caused Much of
(A) (C) (D) ② material been caused Much
① deny independent from less ③ materials caused Much
② deny dependent on more ④ materials caused Much of
③ demand independent from more ⑤ materials been caused Much of
④ deny dependent on less
⑤ demand dependent on more

24. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓕ에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?24)

21. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ㉠~㉤의 영영풀이로 알맞지 않은 ① far more “stuff” than it ever has
② very more “stuff” than it ever has
① ㉠ double: to become two times as great or as ③ a lot more “stuff” than it ever had
many ④ very more “stuff” than they ever have
② ㉡ consume: to save time, energy, goods, etc. ⑤ even more “stuff” than they ever have
③ ㉢ resource: something that a country has and can
use to increase its wealth
④ ㉣ advance: a change, discovery, or invention that
brings progress
⑤ ㉤ reality: the true situation that exists or happens
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 31번 고1


One of the big ⓐ(question / questions) faced this past year was how to keep innovation ⓑ(to roll / rolling)
when people were working entirely virtually. (A)(So / But) experts say ⓒ(that / what) digital work didn’t have a
negative effect ⓓ________ innovation and creativity. Working ⓔ________ limits pushes us to solve problems.
(B)(Overall / However), virtual meeting ㉠platforms put more ㉡constraints on communication and ㉢collaboration
than face­to­face settings. (C)(In short / For instance), with the press of a button, virtual meeting hosts can
control the size of ㉣breakout groups and enforce time constraints; only one person can speak ⓕ________ a
time; nonverbal signals, particularly (D)(that / those) below the shoulders, are ⓖ(increased / diminished);
“seating ㉤arrangements” are assigned by the platform, not by individuals; and ⓗ(visual / auditory) access to
others may (E)(limit / be limited) by the size of each participant’s screen. Such ⓘ(freedoms / restrictions) are
likely to stretch participants beyond their usual ways of thinking, (F)(boost / boosting) creativity.

25. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 28. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ㉠~㉤의 영영풀이로 알맞지 않은

르게 연결된 것은?25) 것은?28)
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ① ㉠ platform: the type of computer system or
① question to roll that software that someone uses
② questions rolling what ② ㉡ constraint: something that limits or restricts
③ question rolling that someone or something
④ questions to roll what ③ ㉢ collaboration: a situation in which people are
⑤ questions rolling that competing against each other
④ ㉣ breakout: taking place separately from the
main meeting with a smaller
number of people
⑤ ㉤ arrangement: a particular way in which people
or things are placed
26. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C)에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로
바르게 연결된 것은?26)
(A) (B) (C) 29. 위 글의 괄호 (D), (E), (F)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로
① So However In short 바르게 연결된 것은?29)
② But Overall In short (D) (E) (F)
③ But However For instance ① that limit boost
④ But Overall For instance ② those be limited boosting
⑤ So Overall For instance ③ those be limited boost
④ that be limited boosting
⑤ those limit boosting

30. 위 글의 괄호 ⓖ, ⓗ, ⓘ에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로 바

27. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례 르게 연결된 것은?30)
대로 연결된 것은?27) ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ
① on - within - at ② to - within - at ① diminished visual freedoms
③ to - at - for ④ on - within - for ② increased visual restrictions
⑤ on - at - at ③ diminished auditory freedoms
④ increased auditory restrictions
⑤ diminished visual restrictions
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 31번 고1

One of the big questions ⓐ(face / faced) this past year ⓑ(was / were) how to keep innovation rolling when
people were working ⓒ(entire / entirely) virtually. But experts say that digital work didn’t have a (A)(positive /
negative) effect on innovation and creativity. Working within limits ⓓ(push / pushes) us to solve problems.
Overall, virtual meeting platforms put more constraints on communication and collaboration than (B)(online /
face­to­face) settings. For instance, with the press of a button, virtual meeting hosts can control the size of
breakout groups and ⓔ(enforce / enforcing) time constraints; only one person can speak at a time; (C)(verbal /
nonverbal) signals, particularly those ㉠________ the shoulders, ⓕ(is / are) diminished; “seating arrangements”
ⓖ(assign / are assigned) by the platform, not by individuals; and visual access ㉡________ others may be limited
by the size of ⓗ(all / each) participant’s screen. Such restrictions are likely to ⓘ(stretch / stretching)
participants ㉢________ their usual ways of thinking, boosting creativity.

31. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 34. 위 글의 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례

르게 연결된 것은?31) 대로 연결된 것은?34)
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ① over - to - beyond ② below - to - within
① face were entire ③ over - with - within ④ below - with - beyond
② face was entirely ⑤ below - to - beyond
③ faced was entire
④ faced were entirely
⑤ faced was entirely

35. 위 글의 괄호 ⓖ, ⓗ, ⓘ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바

르게 연결된 것은?35)
ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ
32. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C)에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로 ① assign all stretch
바르게 연결된 것은?32) ② are assigned each stretch
(A) (B) (C) ③ are assigned all stretching
① negative face-to-face verbal ④ assign each stretch
② positive online verbal ⑤ are assigned each stretching
③ negative face-to-face nonverbal
④ positive face-to-face nonverbal
⑤ negative online nonverbal

36. 위 글의 요지를 <보기>와 같이 쓸 때, 빈칸 (a), (b)

에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?36)

Digital work (a)____________ creativity as the

33. 위 글의 괄호 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 limitations imposed by the online work setting
르게 연결된 것은?33)
encourage people to (b)__________________.
ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ
① push enforce are (a) (b)
② push enforcing are ① hinders integrate their ideas
③ pushes enforce is ② increases develop fixed ideas
④ pushes enforce are ③ improves think in the same way
⑤ pushes enforcing is ④ restricts think in a different way
⑤ enhances think outside the box
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 33번 고1


In a study at Princeton University in 1992, research scientists (A)looked at two different groups of mice.
ⓐ_____________ group was made intellectually superior by modifying the gene for the glutamate receptor.
Glutamate is a brain chemical ㉠_____________ is necessary in learning. ⓑ_____________ group was genetically
manipulated to be intellectually inferior, also ⓒ(do) by modifying the gene for the glutamate receptor. The
smart mice were then raised in standard cages, while the inferior mice were raised in large cages with toys
and exercise wheels and with lots of social interaction. At the end of the study, (B)_____________ the
intellectually inferior mice were genetically handicapped, they were able to perform just as well as their genetic
superiors. This was (C)______________________ for nurture over nature. Genes are turned on or off based on
㉡_____________ is around you.
* glutamate: 글루타민산염 ** manipulate: 조작하다

37. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)look at의 뜻으로 알맞은 것은?37) 40. 위 글의 괄호 ⓒ에 주어진 단어의 형태로 알맞은 것
① to think about or consider something or someone
② to turn your eyes towards someone or something ① do ② does ③ done
③ to read something or part of something quickly ④ doing ⑤ was done
④ to take care of someone or something
⑤ to examine or study about something

41. 위 글의 빈칸 (B)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?41)

① because ② although ③ if
38. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된 것 ④ unless ⑤ since
ⓐ ⓑ
① One Another
② One The other
③ Some Other 42. 위 글의 빈칸 (C)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?42)
④ Another The other
① popular antipathy ② a real triumph
⑤ Another Another
③ a strong preference ④ an apparent defeat
⑤ a powerful argument

39. 위 글의 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된

43. 위 글의 제목으로 알맞은 것은?43)
㉠ ㉡ ㉠ ㉡
① Genetic Manipulation Can Improve Performance
① that which ② what which
② Ability to Learn Is Determined Purely by Genes
③ which that ④ that what
③ Enriched Environments Prevent Genetic Modification
⑤ what what
④ Our Genes Are Turned on or off Against Our Will
⑤ Environmental Exposures Can Modify Gene Expression
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 33번 고1

In a study at Princeton University in 1992, research scientists looked at two different groups of mice. One
group (A)(made / was made) intellectually superior by ⓐmodifying the gene for the glutamate receptor.
Glutamate is a brain chemical that is ⓑnecessary in learning. The other group was genetically manipulated
(B)(being / to be) intellectually ㉠_____________, also done by modifying the gene for the glutamate receptor.
The ㉡_____________ mice were then (C)(raised / raising) in standard cages, while the ㉢_____________ mice were
(C)(raised / raising) in large cages with toys and exercise wheels and with lots of social interaction. At the end
of the study, although the intellectually inferior mice were genetically ⓒhandicapped, they were able to
perform just (D)_________________ their genetic superiors. This was a real ⓓtriumph for ㉣nurture over ㉤nature.
Genes are ⓔturned on or off (E)_________________ what is around you.
* glutamate: 글루타민산염 ** manipulate: 조작하다

44. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ와 바꾸어 쓸 수 없는 것은?44) 47. 위 글의 빈칸 (D), (E)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된
① ⓐ: altering ② ⓑ: essential
③ ⓒ: advantageous ④ ⓓ: victory (D) (E)
⑤ ⓔ: switched ① as well as based on
② better than apart from
③ as well as regardless of
④ less than according to
⑤ less than owing to
45. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로
바르게 연결된 것은?45)
(A) (B) (C)
① made being raising
② was made to be raised
③ made to be raised 48. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ㉣, ㉤이 각각 내포하고 있는 의미
로 바르게 연결된 것은?48)
④ was made to be raising
⑤ was made being raised ㉣ ㉤
① gene environment
② effort genetic superiority
③ hard work social interaction
④ genetic superiority environment
46. 위 글의 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢에 흐름상 들어갈 알맞은 말 ⑤ environment gene
로 바르게 연결된 것은?46)
㉠ ㉡ ㉢
① inferior smart inferior
② inferior inferior inferior
③ superior smart superior
④ inferior superior superior
⑤ smart inferior smart
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 35번 고1


According to Marguerite La Caze, fashion ㉠(complicates / contributes to) our lives and provides a (A)medium
for us to develop and ⓐ(exhibits / exhibit) important social virtues. Fashion may be beautiful, innovative, and
useful; we can ㉡(hide / display) creativity and good taste in our fashion choices. And in ⓑ(dress / dressing)
with taste and care, we represent both self­respect and a concern for the pleasure of others. There ⓒ(is / are)
no doubt (B)that fashion can be (C)우리와 타인을 연결해 주는 흥미와 즐거움의 원천. (D)______________, fashion
provides a sociable aspect along with opportunities to imagine oneself ㉢(differently / identically) ―
(E)___________ on different identities.
* virtue: 가치

49. 위 글의 괄호 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로 바 52. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (B)that과 쓰임이 다른 것은?52)

르게 연결된 것은?49)
① There had been some suggestion that I should resign.
㉠ ㉡ ㉢ ② Experience is the name that everyone gives to
① complicates hide identically their mistakes.
② contributes to hide differently ③ No one can deny the fact that everything changes.
③ contributes to display identically ④ The belief that the earth is the center of the
④ contributes to display differently solar system is debunked.
⑤ complicates display identically ⑤ We need a clear evidence that she was killed by
the man.

53. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (C)의 우리말을 <보기>와 같이 영

50. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)medium의 뜻으로 알맞은 것 작할 때, 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 모두 고
은?50) 르면?53)
① a surrounding condition or environment a source of interest and pleasure ______________
② something that is sold in a medium size _________________________
③ the materials or methods used by an artist
④ a method or way of expressing something ① that linking us to each other
⑤ a particular form or system of communication ② which links us to each other
③ what links us to each other
④ who link us to each other
⑤ linking us to each other

51. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바

르게 연결된 것은?51) 54. 위 글의 빈칸 (D)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?54)
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ① That is ② Fortunately
① exhibit dress is ③ As a result ④ On the contrary
② exhibits dress are ⑤ On the other hand
③ exhibit dressing is
④ exhibit dressing are
⑤ exhibits dressing is 55. 위 글의 빈칸 (E)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?55)
① tries ② trying ③ to be tried
④ to try ⑤ are tried
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 35번 고1

According to Marguerite La Caze, fashion contributes to our lives and (A)(provide / provides) a ㉠medium
ⓐ_______ us to develop and exhibit important social virtues. Fashion may be beautiful, (B)(innovatively /
innovative), and useful; we can display creativity and good taste in our fashion choices. And in dressing with
taste and care, we ㉡represent both self­respect and a ㉢concern for the pleasure of others. There is no doubt
(C)_____________ fashion can be a source of interest and pleasure (D)_____________ links us ⓑ_______ each other.
That is, fashion ㉣provides a(n) (E)_____________ aspect along ⓒ_______ opportunities to imagine (F)(oneself /
one) differently ― to ㉤try on different identities.
* virtue: 가치

56. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (F)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 60. 위 글의 빈칸 (E)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?60)
바르게 연결된 것은?56)
① emotional ② physical ③ cultural
(A) (B) (F) ④ personal ⑤ sociable
① provide innovative oneself
② provides innovative oneself
③ provides innovative one
④ provides innovatively oneself
⑤ provide innovatively one 61. 위 글의 제목을 <보기>와 같이 쓸 때, 빈칸에 들어
갈 말로 알맞은 것은?61)

보기 The ____________________ of Fashion

57. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ㉠~㉤와 바꾸어 쓸 수 없는 것 ① History ② Disadvantages

은? 57)
③ Current Trends ④ Future Prospect
① ㉠: means ② ㉡: reveal ⑤ Positive Points
③ ㉢: care ④ ㉣: offers
⑤ ㉤: conceal

58. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례

대로 연결된 것은?58)
① for - to - with ② for - to - at
③ for - for - to ④ of - to - with
⑤ of - for - to

59. 위 글의 빈칸 (C), (D)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된

(C) (D)
① which which
② which that
③ that which
④ that what
⑤ in which that
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 37번 고1


ⓐ______________ legend, ㉠__________ a vampire bites a person, that person turns ⓑ________ a vampire (A)(who /
what) seeks the blood of others. A researcher ⓒ______________ some simple math, (B)(that / which) proves that
these highly popular creatures can’t exist. University of Central Florida physics professor Costas Efthimiou’s work
ⓓ______________ the myth. Suppose (C)(that / what) on January 1st, 1600, the human population was just over
five hundred million. ㉡__________ the first vampire came into existence that day and (D)(bit / biting) one
person a month, there would have been two vampires by February 1st, 1600. A month later there would have
been four, the next month eight, then sixteen, and so on. In just two­and­a­half years, the original human
population (E)(would all become / would all have become) vampires with no humans (F)(left / leaving). But
look around you. Have vampires taken over the world? No, because there’s no such thing.

62. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?62) 66. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓒ, ⓓ에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례대로

연결된 것은?66)
① Due to ② In spite of
③ According to ④ In addition to ① came up with - breaks into
⑤ On behalf of ② came up with - breaks down
③ came up with - breaks away
④ came up against - breaks into
⑤ came up against - breaks down

63. 위 글의 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례대

로 연결된 것은?63)
① once - If ② once - Whereas
③ because - Whereas ④ although - When 67. 위 글의 괄호 (D), (E), (F)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로
바르게 연결된 것은?67)
⑤ although - If
(D) (E) (F)
① bit would all become left
② biting would all become leaving
③ bit would all have become left
64. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓑ에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?64) ④ bit would all have become leaving
⑤ biting would all have become leaving
① off ② away ③ down
④ into ⑤ around

68. 위 글의 제목으로 알맞은 것은?68)

65. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 ① The Newly Released Vampire Movie
바르게 연결된 것은?65) ② The Oldest Records about Vampires' Existence
③ The Basic Principle That a Vampire Makes Another
(A) (B) (C)
① who that that
④ The Proof That a Vampire Doesn't Exist: Simple
② what which that
③ who which what
⑤ The Simulation of How Long It Would Take for
④ what that what
All Human To Become Vampires
⑤ who which that
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 37번 고1

According to legend, once a vampire bites a person, that person turns into a vampire who (A)(seek / seeks)
the blood of others. A researcher came up with some simple math, which ㉠(proves / refutes) ⓐ_________ these
highly popular creatures can’t exist. University of Central Florida physics professor Costas Efthimiou’s work
breaks down the myth. (B)(Suppose / Supposing) that ⓑ______ January 1st, 1600, the human population was
just over five (C)(hundred / hundreds) million. If the first vampire came into ㉡(extinction / existence) that day
and bit one person a month, there ⓒ______________ two vampires by February 1st, 1600. A month later there
ⓒ______________ four, the next month eight, then ⓓ___________, and so on. ⓔ______ just two­and­a­half years,
the original human population would all have become vampires ⓕ______ no humans left. But look around you.
Have vampires ㉢(taken away / taken over) the world? No, because there’s no such thing.

69. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C)에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 73. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓒ에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것
바르게 연결된 것은?69) 은?73)
(A) (B) (C) ① are ② will be
① seek Supposing hundreds ③ will have been ④ would be
② seeks Suppose hundreds ⑤ would have been
③ seeks Supposing hundreds
④ seek Suppose hundred
⑤ seeks Suppose hundred

74. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓓ에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?74)

70. 위 글의 괄호 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로 바 ① ten ② twelve ③ sixteen
르게 연결된 것은?70)
④ thirty-two ⑤ sixty-four
㉠ ㉡ ㉢
① proves existence taken away
② refutes extinction taken away
③ proves extinction taken over
④ refutes existence taken over
⑤ proves existence taken over 75. 위 글의 요약문을 <보기>와 같이 쓸 때, 빈칸 (a),
(b)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된 것은?75)

By calculating the (a)________ numbers of vampires

under the assumption that a vampire can bite
71. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?71) 보기
one person a month, it turns out that they
① how ② that ③ what aren't (b)________ in the world.
④ which ⑤ where
(a) (b)
① growing extinct
② increasing present
72. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓑ, ⓔ, ⓕ에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례 ③ declining existing
대로 연결된 것은?72) ④ decreasing present
⑤ shrinking extinct
① at - in - with ② on - in - for
③ at - during - with ④ on - in - with
⑤ by - during - for
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 38번 고1


Friction is a force between two surfaces (A)that are sliding, or ⓐ(tried / trying) to slide, across each other.
(B)_______________, when you try to push a book along the floor, friction makes this ⓑ(difficult / difficultly).
Friction always works in the direction ㉠(opposite to / the same as) the direction ⓒ(which / in which) the
object is moving, or trying to move. So, friction always slows a (C)___________ object down. The amount of
friction depends on the surface materials. The ㉡(rougher / smoother) the surface is, the more friction is
produced. Friction also produces heat. For example, if you rub your hands together quickly, they will get
㉢(cooler / warmer). Friction can be a useful force because it prevents our shoes (D)___________ on the floor
when we walk and stops car tires ⓓ(skidding / to skid) on the road. When you walk, friction ⓔ(causes / is
caused) between the tread on your shoes and the ground, ⓕ(acted / acting) to grip the ground and prevent
* skid: 미끄러지다 ** tread: 접지면, 바닥

76. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)that과 쓰임이 같은 것은?76) 79. 위 글의 괄호 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로 바

르게 연결된 것은?79)
① The study suggests that caffeine does not fully
make up for inadequate sleep. ㉠ ㉡ ㉢
② He became so depressed that he became a target ① opposite to rougher cooler
for teasing and bullying at school. ② opposite to smoother cooler
③ What has been a serious problem is the micro ③ the same as smoother warmer
dust that blows into Korea from China. ④ opposite to rougher warmer
④ There is no denying the fact that Dokdo is ⑤ the same as rougher warmer
described as a part of Korea's territory.
⑤ Many evolutionary biologists argue that humans
developed language for economic reasons.
80. 위 글의 빈칸 (C), (D)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된
(C) (D)
77. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 ① moving slipping
르게 연결된 것은?77) ② moving slipped
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ③ moved from slipping
① tried difficult which ④ moved slipped
② trying difficult in which ⑤ move slipping
③ trying difficultly in which
④ trying difficult which
⑤ tried difficultly in which
81. 위 글의 괄호 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바
르게 연결된 것은?81)
ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ
78. 위 글의 빈칸 (B)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?78) ① skidding caused acted
① However ② Therefore ② to skid is caused acting
③ In addition ④ For example ③ skidding is caused acted
⑤ Nevertheless ④ to skid caused acting
⑤ skidding is caused acting
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 38번 고1

Friction is a force between two surfaces that ⓐ(is / are) sliding, or trying to slide, across each other. For
example, when you try to push a book along the floor, friction makes this difficult. Friction always ⓑ(works /
is worked) in the direction opposite to (A)물체가 움직이거나 움직이려고 하는 방향. So, friction always slows a
moving (B)object down. The amount of friction (C)_____________ the surface materials. The rougher the surface
ⓒ(is / does), the ⓓ(more / most) friction is produced. Friction also produces (D)___________. For example, if you
rub your hands together quickly, they will get warmer. Friction can be a useful force because it prevents our
shoes ⓔ(slipping / to slip) on the floor when we walk and ⓕ(stop / stops) car tires skidding on the road.
When you walk, friction is caused between the tread on your shoes and the ground, acting to grip the
ground and (E)___________ sliding.
* skid: 미끄러지다 ** tread: 접지면, 바닥

82. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 85. 위 글의 빈칸 (C)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?85)

르게 연결된 것은?82)
① results in ② depends on
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ③ deals with ④ accounts for
① is works is ⑤ consists of
② are is worked is
③ are works does
④ are works is 86. 위 글의 괄호 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바
⑤ is is worked does 르게 연결된 것은?86)
ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ
① more slipping stops
② more to slip stops
83. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 우리말을 바르게 영작한 것 ③ most slipping stop
을 모두 고르면?83)
④ most to slip stops
① the direction in the object is moving, or trying to ⑤ more slipping stop
② the direction where the object is moving, or
trying to move 87. 위 글의 빈칸 (D), (E)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된
③ the direction which the object is moving, or 것은?87)
trying to move in
(D) (E)
④ the direction in that the object is moving, or
① heat prevent
trying to move
② electricity improve
⑤ the direction in which the object is moving, or
③ pressure prohibit
trying to move
④ electricity disrupt
⑤ heat increase

84. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (B)object의 뜻으로 알맞은 것은?84) 88. 위 글을 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?88)

① a thing that is being discussed or described
① the reason why friction occurred
② a material thing that can be seen and touched
② the various forces around us but unperceived
③ the outside part or uppermost layer of something
③ the definition, features, and, functions of friction
④ a person or thing to which a specified action or
④ the relation between friction and surface tension
feeling is directed
⑤ the experiment of temperature changes due to
⑤ a noun or noun phrase governed by an active
transitive verb or by a preposition
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 39번 고1


Humans ⓐ(born / were born) without sight are not able to collect visual experiences, so they understand the
world entirely through their other ⓑ(sense / senses). (A)____________, people with blindness at birth ⓒ(develop /
develops) an amazing ability to understand the world through the collection of experiences and memories that
ⓓ(come / coming) from these ㉠(visual / non­visual) senses. The dreams of a person who has been without
sight (B)_______ birth can be just as vivid and imaginative as ⓔ(that / those) of someone with normal vision.
They are ㉡(unique / ordinary), however, because their dreams ⓕ(construct / are constructed) from the
non­visual experiences and memories they have ⓖ(collected / been collected). A person (C)_______ normal
vision will dream about a familiar friend using visual memories of shape, lighting, and colour. (D)____________, a
blind person will (E)associate the same friend with a unique combination of experiences from their non­visual
senses that act ⓗ(represents / to represent) that friend. In other words, people blind at birth ⓘ(has / have)
㉢(similar / different) overall dreaming experiences even though they do not dream in pictures.

89. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 92. 위 글의 괄호 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢에서 흐름상 알맞은 말로 바

르게 연결된 것은?89) 르게 연결된 것은?92)
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ㉠ ㉡ ㉢
① born sense develop ① visual unique similar
② were born sense develops ② non-visual unique similar
③ born senses develop ③ visual ordinary different
④ were born senses develop ④ non-visual unique different
⑤ born senses develops ⑤ non-visual ordinary different

93. 위 글의 빈칸 (B), (C)에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 차례대

로 연결된 것은?93)
90. 위 글의 빈칸 (A), (D)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된 ① in - with ② since - without
것은?90) ③ in - without ④ since - with
(A) (D) ⑤ at - without
① As a result But
② For example However 94. 위 글의 괄호 ⓖ, ⓗ, ⓘ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바
③ Consequently Thus 르게 연결된 것은?94)
④ For instance Therefore ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ
⑤ Furthermore Besides ① collected represents has
② collected to represent has
③ collected to represent have
④ been collected represents have
91. 위 글의 괄호 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 ⑤ been collected to represent have
르게 연결된 것은?91)
ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ 95. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (E)associate의 뜻으로 알맞은 것
① come that construct 은?95)
② come those are constructed ① to keep company
③ coming those are constructed ② to build or make something physical
④ come those construct ③ to form or join an association, group, etc
⑤ coming that are constructed ④ to bring or gather together a number of things
⑤ to connect someone or something with something
else in one's mind
예상문제 2022년 6월 부산광역시 교육청 학력평가 39번 고1

Humans born without sight ⓐ(is / are) not able to collect visual experiences, so they understand the world
entirely through their other senses. As a result, people with blindness at birth develop an ⓑ(amazing /
amazed) ability to understand the world through the collection of experiences and memories ⓒ(that / what)
come from these non­visual senses. The dreams of a person who (A)_____________ without sight since birth can
be just as ⓓ(vivid and imaginative / vividly and imaginatively) as those of someone with normal vision. ㉠They
are unique, (B)____________, because their dreams are constructed from the non­visual experiences and memories
they have collected. A person with normal vision will dream about a familiar friend ⓔ(used / using) visual
memories of shape, lighting, and colour. But, a blind person will associate the same friend with a unique
combination of experiences from their non­visual senses that ⓕ(act / acts) to represent that friend.
(C)____________, people blind at birth have similar overall dreaming experiences even though they do not dream
in pictures.

96. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 100. 위 글의 빈칸 (B), (C)에 들어갈 말로 알맞게 연결

르게 연결된 것은?96) 된 것은?100)
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ (B) (C)
① is amazing that ① for example In addition
② is amazed what ② however In other words
③ are amazing that ③ for example In other words
④ are amazed that ④ however Otherwise
⑤ are amazing what ⑤ therefore In addition

97. 위 글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?97)

① is ② are ③ has been
④ have been ⑤ had been 101. 위 글의 주제로 알맞은 것은?101)
① several causes of losing sight at birth
② the colorless dreams of people without sight
98. 위 글의 괄호 ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ에서 어법상 알맞은 말로 바 ③ the power of the reinforced non-visual senses for
르게 연결된 것은?98) people blind at birth
ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ④ how people born without sight perceive the world
① vivid and imaginative used act and what their dreams are like
② vivid and imaginative using act ⑤ differences of recognizing the world between people
③ vividly and imaginatively using act with blindness by accident and at birth
④ vivid and imaginative using acts
⑤ vividly and imaginatively used acts

99. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ㉠이 의미하는 것으로 가장 알맞은

① visual experiences
② people with blindness
③ people with normal vision
④ the dreams of a person blind at birth
⑤ the collections of experiences from non-visual senses

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