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I would like to express my special thanks to my teachers as well as my
principal Dr Sanjeev Jain who gave me this wonderful opportunityto
make this project
All societies have problems that require urgent solutions.
The terms "social issues" and "social problems" are often
used interchangeably. But what is a social issues definition?
Why are they a problem? And what causes social issues in
the first place?
Social issues are behaviors or conditions that negatively
impact members of society and therefore demand a solution.
That is, these social problems not only impact individuals
but also create disruption or hardship for large numbers of
While the basic definition of social issue as a problem facing a
society is agreed upon, there is no
uniform methodology to differentiate social issues from other
problems that may less directly impact the well-being of
individuals and communities, such as economic,
environmental, ethical, legal, or political problems. Labeling these
conditions “social issues” has more to do with the subjective
perspective of the speaker—as well as the speaker’s purpose in
addressing a certain audience, such as students, activists, or other
professionals—than with the contours of the issue itself.
The causes of social issues are multifaceted, and many issues lack
a source agreed upon by a consensus of experts. Some social
issues may be framed as “bottom-up” or “top-down”
problems. Drug addiction and alcoholism are exemplars of
“bottom-up” social issues: individual people all over the world
become addicted to various substances, and this personal problem
influences their own lives as well as the lives of their loved ones.
When the personal circumstance of addiction is multiplied to
include large groups within a society, addiction becomes a social
issue. In contrast, a “top-down” social issue is climate change. The
causes of climate change cannot be traced back to the personal
actions of a single individual, and they stem from a large number
of individual agents and factors, but climate change has negatively
affected communities throughout the world, including by
increasing the likelihood of catastrophic flooding and drought.
Types of social issues
1. Poverty
2. Overpopulation
3. Illiteracy
4. Dowry
5. Teen depression and
Poverty in India is a significant issue that has been prevalent for many
years. The country is home to a large population living in poverty, with
millions struggling to make ends meet. While India has made remarkable
progress in various fields, the problem of poverty remains a major
challenge that the government and society at large must address.

One of the key reasons for the high levels of poverty in India is the vast
income inequality that exists within the population. A small percentage of
the people in the country hold a significant portion of its wealth, while the
majority of the population struggles to meet their basic needs. This wide
gap between the rich and the poor has resulted in a large section of the
population living in dire conditions, with limited access to basic necessities
such as food, clean water, and healthcare.

The lack of adequate infrastructure and resources in many parts of the

country also contributes to the prevalence of poverty. Rural areas in India
often lack proper roadways, schools, and healthcare facilities, making it
difficult for people living in these areas to access essential services. This
lack of infrastructure further exacerbates the poverty crisis, as it hinders
economic development and opportunities for the people living in these

Furthermore, issues such as unemployment and underemployment are also

major contributors to poverty in India. A significant portion of the
population, especially in rural areas, relies on agriculture for their
livelihood. However, due to challenges such as the fragmented nature of
land holdings and the reliance on traditional farming methods, many
farmers struggle to make a sustainable living. In urban areas, the lack of job
opportunities and the presence of a large informal sector also contribute to
high levels of poverty.

While the government has implemented various social welfare programs

and initiatives to alleviate poverty, there is still much work to be done.
Improving access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities,
especially in rural areas, is crucial for addressing the issue of poverty in
India. Additionally, greater investment in infrastructure and agricultural
reforms are needed to create sustainable economic opportunities for the

In conclusion, poverty in India is a complex and multifaceted issue that

requires the concerted efforts of the government, civil society, and the
private sector to address. It is imperative that comprehensive measures are
taken to improve the living standards of the population and to create
opportunities for sustainable economic growth. Only through collective
action and long-term strategic planning can India hope to effectively tackle
the challenge of poverty and improve the lives of its citizens.
In India, the practice of giving dowry has been a longstanding tradition that has
been met with both controversy and criticism. Dowry, which is the wealth and
assets a bride brings to her husband's family upon marriage, is meant to provide
security and financial stability for the newlyweds. However, this custom has led
to exploitation, extortion, and even violence against women.

The pressure to provide a dowry has resulted in families going into debt, women
being harassed and abused if the demands are not met, and even cases of dowry-
related deaths. Despite efforts to eradicate this practice, it still persists in many
parts of India and continues to have a detrimental impact on women and their

It is essential for society to challenge and change the mindset that perpetuates
the idea that a woman's worth is tied to the amount of dowry she can bring.
Education, awareness, and legal interventions are needed to combat this harmful
practice and ensure the safety and equality of women in India.

In conclusion, dowry in India is a complex and deeply ingrained issue that

requires a multi-faceted approach to address. By working together to change
attitudes and practices, we can strive towards a society where women are valued
for who they are, not what they can provide in material possessions.
India, as a country, faces the critical issue of overpopulation. With a population of
over 1.3 billion people, India is one of the most densely populated countries in the
world. This rapid population growth has put immense pressure on the country's
resources, infrastructure, and environment.

Overpopulation has led to a myriad of problems in India. Limited access to clean

water, overcrowded cities, high unemployment rates, and inadequate healthcare
are just a few of the challenges that arise due to overpopulation. The strain on
resources such as food, water, and energy is becoming increasingly
unsustainable, leading to a decrease in quality of life for many citizens.

Furthermore, overpopulation exacerbates existing social issues such as poverty,

illiteracy, and gender inequality. With a large population to support, the
government struggles to provide essential services such as education and
healthcare to all its citizens. This results in a cycle of poverty that is difficult to

In order to address the issue of overpopulation in India, it is imperative that the

government adopts effective family planning measures. Encouraging smaller
families through education and access to contraceptives can help to slow down
the population growth rate. Additionally, investing in infrastructure and creating
more job opportunities can help to alleviate the strain on resources and improve
the quality of life for all citizens.

Ultimately, overpopulation is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted

approach to solve. By addressing the root causes of overpopulation and
implementing sustainable solutions, India can work towards creating a more
balanced and prosperous society for all its citizens.
Illiteracy remains a pressing issue in India despite the country's rapid economic growth
and development in recent years. According to recent data, around a quarter of the
population in India is still unable to read or write.

Illiteracy poses a significant barrier to social and economic progress, hindering

individuals from accessing opportunities for employment, education, and healthcare. It
also perpetuates cycles of poverty and marginalization, particularly in rural and
marginalized communities.

Addressing illiteracy in India requires a concerted effort from the government, civil
society, and the private sector. Providing universal access to quality education,
promoting literacy programs, and investing in vocational training are essential steps
towards overcoming this challenge.

By prioritizing literacy initiatives and ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity
to acquire basic reading and writing skills, India can unlock the potential of its citizens,
improve social mobility, and pave the way for a more prosperous and equitable society.
It is imperative that we continue to work towards eradicating illiteracy in India to create
a brighter future for all.
Teen depression and suicides
Teen depression and suicides are becoming an increasingly alarming issue in India.
With the pressures of academic performance, social expectations, and rapidly changing
lifestyles, many teenagers are struggling to cope with their mental health.
Unfortunately, the lack of awareness and stigma surrounding mental illness often
prevent teenagers from seeking help. As a result, many resort to extreme measures, such
as suicide, to escape their pain.

It is critical for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to recognize the signs of
depression in teenagers and offer them the support they need. This may include
providing access to mental health resources, offering a safe and open environment for
communication, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, implementing
mental health education in schools and communities can help break the stigma and
provide teenagers with the necessary tools to cope with their emotions.

Teen depression and suicides are not an issue that can be ignored. It is important for all
members of society to come together and address this crisis with empathy and
understanding. By doing so, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for

the mental well-being of our youth .

Reforms initiated to combat
social issues
Social reformers
1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy: Known as the "Father of the Indian Renaissance," Raja Ram Mohan
Roy was a social reformer who advocated for the abolishment of inhumane practices
such as sati and child marriage. He also promoted education, women's rights, and the
idea of a united India.
2. Pandita Ramabai: An advocate for women's rights and education, Pandita Ramabai
worked towards improving the status of women in 19th century India. She founded the
Arya Mahila Samaj, an organization that worked for the welfare of widows and child
brides, and also started a school for girls.
3. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: A prominent figure in India's independence movement, Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar was a social reformer who fought against caste discrimination and
untouchability. He was instrumental in the drafting of the Indian Constitution, which
enshrines equality and social justice for all citizens.
4. Jyotirao Phule: Jyotirao Phule was a social reformer who advocated for the rights of
lower caste and oppressed communities in India. He founded the Satyashodhak Samaj,
an organization that worked towards social equality and education for all.
5. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar: A key figure in the Bengal Renaissance, Ishwar Chandra
Vidyasagar was a social reformer who championed women's education and widow
remarriage. He was also a strong advocate for social equality and worked towards the
upliftment of the oppressed communities in India.
in conclusion, social issues in India are complex and deeply ingrained in the social fabric of the
country. They encompass a wide range of factors such as poverty, caste discrimination, gender
inequality, inadequate healthcare, education, and sanitation systems, as well as religious intolerance.
These issues are further exacerbated by rapid urbanization and population growth, leading to a
widening gap between the rich and poor.

Efforts to address these social issues require a comprehensive and holistic approach that involves
government intervention, civil society participation, and individual awareness and responsibility.
Policies and programs must be implemented to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless
of their social or economic background.

Ultimately, addressing social issues in India requires a collective commitment to creating a more
inclusive and equitable society for all its citizens. Only by actively working together can we hope to
bring about meaningful change and improve the lives of those most affected by these pressing issues.

We, the undersigned, would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported
and guided us in completing our Class 10 CBSE Group Project on "[Project Title]".

 Firstly, we would like to thank our esteemed teacher, Mr./Ms. [Teacher's Name], for
providing us with this opportunity to work on a project and for her/his invaluable
guidance throughout the process. Her/His constant encouragement, constructive criticism,
and subject knowledge helped us shape the project in the right direction.
 We are also grateful to our respected Principal, Mr./Ms. [Principal's Name], for
providing us with the necessary resources and facilities in the school to complete our
project successfully.
 A special thanks to our group members (mention all member names). We appreciate
their dedication, cooperation, and teamwork throughout the project. Working together,
sharing ideas, and supporting each other made this project a valuable learning experience.

(Optional: You can include this if you received help from anyone else)

 We would also like to thank [Name of any other person who helped you, e.g., librarian, lab
assistant] for their assistance in [Specify the kind of help you received].

We are indebted to all of them for their support, which has been instrumental in the successful
completion of this project.

(Your Names) (Class & Section) (Roll Numbers)


 Replace the bracketed information with your specific details.

 You can modify the wording to better reflect the kind of support you received.



delete the part involvement of teachers and project done in school


Show drafts

Acknowledgement for Class 10 CBSE Group Project

We, the undersigned, would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has
contributed to the successful completion of our Class 10 CBSE Group Project on "[Project

 We are grateful to our fellow group members (mention all member names). Their dedication,
cooperation, and teamwork throughout the project were invaluable. Working together, sharing
ideas, and supporting each other made this project a rewarding experience.

(Optional: You can include this if you received help from anyone else)

 We would also like to thank [Name of any other person who helped you, e.g., a friend, a family
member] for their assistance in [Specify the kind of help you received].

We are indebted to all of them for their support, which has been instrumental in the successful
completion of this project.

(Your Names) (Class & Section) (Roll Numbers)


 This version removes any mention of teachers or the project being done in school.

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