Acuma G4S EASS Accessibility Report

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Project Details......................................................................................... 2
Executive Summary ................................................................................ 3
Accessibility Evaluation Standards ......................................................... 4
Accessibility Testing Tools ...................................................................... 4
Approach and Areas of Testing............................................................... 5
Defect Report for Reference ................................................................... 6
Accessibility Audit Check list ................................................................... 7
Accessibility Testing Results ................................................................. 16
Acuma Recommendation Based on the Required Outcome ................. 16
Expected Benefits ................................................................................. 27
Reference ............................................................................................. 27

1 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Project Details

Client: G4S
Project: EASS-Accessibility Testing
Test Site:
Project Manager: Pranav Misri
Accessibility Tester : Neha Naithani
Testing Device: Laptop
Test Environment: Win10/IE , Win10/Chrome
Accessibility Tools: NVDA, CC analyser, HTML Sniffer
WCAG2.1 Standard: A, AA & AAA
Testing Start dated: May 28, 2020
Report Issued dated: June 22, 2020

2 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Executive Summary

This audit report explains the findings of the research about accessibility. It contains
the evaluation standards and tools for accessibility. Components such as content,
web browsers, assistive technologies, users’ knowledge must work together in order
to meet the WCAG 2.1 compliance standards.
We have ensured, accurately test the website for accessibility by using testing tools
such as NVDA, CC analyser. Our key focus has been to ensure that people with
disabilities are able to perform their action with ease.
Additionally, we have also provided the user impact of each defect which is currently
appearing on the website, so that developer can understand the impact of the defect
on a particular user.
Our in-house accessibility tester has 7+ years of experience in the area of digital
accessibility and sound knowledge of WCAG2.1 standard.
Acuma understands that access to public sector websites is not just a privilege, it is
a right for every user. We endeavour for this and continue to escort our efforts in this

3 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Accessibility Evaluation Standards

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are developed through the W3C
process in cooperation with individuals and organizations around the world, with a
goal of providing a single shared standard for web content accessibility that meets
the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments internationally.
WCAG 2.1 is divided into three conformance levels (A, AA, AAA) because the
success criteria are organised based on the impact they have on design or visual
presentation of the pages. Each level is defined based on a set of success criteria.
This can be interpreted as follows:
 Level A - Success criteria are those which will have a high impact on a broad
array of user populations. In other words, they (usually) do not focus on one
type of disability alone. They will also have the lowest impact on the
presentation logic and business logic of the site.
 Level AA - Success criteria will also have a high impact for users. Sometimes
only specific user populations will be impacted, but the impact is important.
Adherence to these success criteria may impose changes to a system’s
presentation logic or business logic.
 Level AAA - Success criteria are often focused on improvements for specific
user populations. They may be difficult or expensive to adhere to, depending
on platform limitations.

Accessibility Testing Tools

NVDA (Nonvisual Desktop Access): is a free “screen reader” which enables
blind and vision impaired people to use computers. It reads the text on the screen in
a computerised voice. You can control what is read to you by moving the cursor to
the relevant area of text with a mouse or the arrows on your keyboard.

CCA (Colour Contrast Analyser): The Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) helps
you determine the legibility of text and the contrast of visual elements, such as
graphical controls and visual indicators.

4 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

HTML Sniffer: It is a client-side script developed by Squiz that checks the HTML
source code and detects violations of a defined coding standard.

Keyboard Testing: All site navigation and functionality are available using only the
standard keyboard, and that the user can move freely through the page using only
the standard keyboard without becoming caught in a "Keyboard Trap“.

Approach and Areas of Testing

Acuma analysed the complete EASS website and followed the below approach to
ensure that exhaustive accessibility testing.
 We have prepared in detailed test plan in which we have ensured complete
testing coverage.
 We have performed accessibility testing on two different browsers to ensure
browser compatibility using NVDA and CC analyser (IE and Chrome browsers
with the latest version). Along with browser compatibility we ensure that the
user is able to act without using a mouse, that has been covered by keyboard
 We also checked the time responses when using redirects or forms requiring
a timed response, it is important to make sure adequate response time is
given for impaired users. We have checked alternative text for images.
 QA status on accessibility testing is published in excel format (as suggested)
during the QA Phase. All defects are having details of steps and mapped to
each guideline with success criteria.

Below is the status on Accessibility Testing Module wise that's stated the
accomplishment of work with defect count.

Pages Testing status Defect count

Home Page Complete 41
About Us Complete 1
Advice & Support Complete 3
Resource Complete 31
Contact Us Complete 14
BSL Complete 2
Site Map Complete 2
Let Us Know Complete 8

5 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Defect Report for Reference
Please refer to “G4S_EASS_Accessibility_Defect-Report” supplied with this final report.

6 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Accessibility Audit Check list

Standard Guideline Status
1.1.1 Level A Fail
Provide text alternatives for non-text content
WCAG20/media-equiv-av-only-alt.html Not
1.2.1 Level A
Provide an alternative to video-only and Applicable
audio-only content
WCAG20/media-equiv-captions.html Not
1.2.2 Level A
Provide captions for videos with audio
WCAG20/media-equiv-audio-desc.html Not
1.2.3 Level A
Video with audio has a second alternative
WCAG20/media-equiv-real-time- Not
1.2.4 Level AA captions.html Applicable
Live videos have captions
WCAG20/media-equiv-audio-desc-only.html Not
1.2.5 Level AA
Users have access to audio description for
video content
1.2.6 Level AAA Sign language interpretation is provided for Applicable
all pre-recorded audio content in
synchronized media.
Where pauses in foreground audio are
insufficient to allow audio descriptions to Not
1.2.7 Level AAA
convey the sense of the video, extended Applicable
audio description is provided for all pre-
recorded video content in synchronized
media. Not
1.2.8 Level AAA
alternative-prerecorded Applicable

7 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

An alternative for time-based media is
provided for all pre-recorded synchronized
media and for all pre-recorded video-only
1.2.9 Level AAA An alternative for time-based media that Applicable
presents equivalent information for live audio-
only content is provided.
1.3.1 Level A programmatic.html Fail
Logical structure
1.3.2 Level A sequence.html Fail
Present content in a meaningful order.
1.3.3 Level A understanding.html Fail
Use more than one sense for instructions
1.3.4 Level AA
Content can be display in portrait and Applicable
landscape orientation.

1.3.5 Level AA Each input field must be able to be Fail

determined programmatically, a user should
be able for example to autofill inputs

1.3.6 Level AAA In content implemented using markup Fail

languages, the purpose of User Interface
Components, icons, and regions can be
programmatically determined.
1.4.1 Level A color.html Pass
Don’t use presentation that relies solely on
control Not
1.4.2 Level A
Don’t play audio automatically
1.4.3 Level AA Fail
Contrast ratio between text and background
is at least 4.5:1

8 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)
1.4.4 Level AA Fail
Text can be resized to 200% without loss of
content or function
1.4.5 Level AA text Pass
Don’t use images of text
The visual presentation of text and images of
text has a contrast ratio of at least 7:1, except
for the following:

Large Text: Large-scale text and images of

large-scale text have a contrast ratio of at
least 4.5:1;

1.4.6 Level AAA Fail

Incidental: Text or images of text that are part
of an inactive user interface component, that
are pure decoration, that are not visible to
anyone, or that are part of a picture that
contains significant other visual content, have
no contrast requirement.

Logotypes: Text that is part of a logo or brand

name has no contrast requirement.

For pre-recorded audio-only content that (1)

contains primarily speech in the foreground,
(2) is not an audio CAPTCHA or audio logo,
and (3) is not vocalization intended to be
primarily musical expression such as singing
or rapping, at least one of the following is

1.4.7 Level AAA No Background: The audio does not contain Applicable
background sounds.

Turn Off: The background sounds can be

turned off.

20 dB: The background sounds are at least

20 decibels lower than the foreground speech
content, with the exception of occasional
sounds that last for only one or two seconds.

9 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)
For the visual presentation of blocks of text, a
mechanism is available to achieve the

-Foreground and background colours can be

selected by the user.
-Width is no more than 80 characters or
glyphs (40 if CJK).
1.4.8 Level AAA -Text is not justified (aligned to both the left Fail
and the right margins).
-Line spacing (leading) is at least space-and-
a-half within paragraphs, and paragraph
spacing is at least 1.5 times larger than the
line spacing.

-Text can be resized without assistive

technology up to 200 percent in a way that
does not require the user to scroll horizontally
to read a line of text on a full-screen window.

1.4.9 Level AAA Images of text are only used for pure Pass
decoration or where a particular presentation
of text is essential to the information being
User must be able to browse a website using
1.4.10 Level AA a 320 pixel wide screen without having to Pass
scroll horizontally (There are some
1.4.11 Level AA Extend colour contrast of at least 3:1 to non- Fail
text content such as infographics, diagrams,
states, etc.

1.4.12 Level AA Changing text style properties shouldn't break Pass

the page (line height, spacing after
paragraph, letter spacing, word spacing)

1.4.13 Level AA Elements that are being shown on focus or Fail

hover (skip navigation, tooltip) should be
dismissible(Esc), hoverable, persistent

10 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)
2.1.1 Level A operable.html Fail
Accessible by keyboard only
2.1.2 Level A WCAG20/keyboard-operation-trapping.html Pass
Don’t trap keyboard users

2.1.3 Level AAA All functionality of the content is operable Fail

through a keyboard interface without
requiring specific timings for individual
2.1.4 Level A If using single letter keyboard shortcut, the Applicable
shortcut should be able to be turn off, or
remap, or active only on focus
adjustable Not
2.2.1 Level A
Time limits have user controls
2.2.2 Level A WCAG20/time-limits-pause.html Fail
Provide user controls for moving content

Timing is not an essential part of the event or Not

2.2.3 Level AAA
activity presented by the content, except for Applicable
non-interactive synchronized media and real-
time events.
2.2.4 Level AAA Interruptions can be postponed or Applicable
suppressed by the user, except interruptions
involving an emergency.
2.2.5 Level AAA When an authenticated session expires, the Applicable
user can continue the activity without loss of
data after re-authenticating.

Users are warned of the duration of any user Not

2.2.6 Level AAA
inactivity that could cause data loss, unless Applicable
the data is preserved for more than 20 hours
when the user does not take any actions.

11 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)
2.3.1 Level A Pass
No content flashes more than three times per
2.3.2 Level AAA Web pages do not contain anything that Pass
flashes more than three times in any one
second period.

Motion animation triggered by interaction can Not

2.3.3 Level AAA
be disabled, unless the animation is essential Applicable
to the functionality or the information being
2.4.1 Level A WCAG20/navigation-mechanisms-skip.html Fail
Provide a ‘Skip to Content’ link
2.4.2 Level A Fail
Use helpful and clear page titles
2.4.3 Level A order.html Fail
Logical order
2.4.4 Level A Fail
Every link’s purpose is clear from its context
2.4.5 Level AA ways Fail
Offer several ways to find pages
2.4.6 Level AA descriptive.html Fail
Use clear headings and labels
2.4.7 Level AA visible.html Fail
Ensure keyboard focus is visible and clear
2.4.8 Level AAA Pass
Information about the user's location within a
set of Web pages is available.
2.4.9 Level AAA Fail

12 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

A mechanism is available to allow the
purpose of each link to be identified from link
text alone, except where the purpose of the
link would be ambiguous to users in general.
2.4.10 Level AAA Fail
Section headings are used to organize the
2.5.1 Level A Complex gesture (Pinch, zooming, swiping) Applicable
should have a simpler gesture alternative
(Tap, double taps, long press)

2.5.2 Level A When using single pointer events, one of the Pass
following should be true, No Down-Event,
Abort or Undo, Up Reversal, Essential
2.5.3 Level A Text in buttons or label should be readable by Fail
assistant technologies and can be used with
2.5.4 Level A Functionalities trigger by moving the device Applicable
should have a fallback without (Eg some
apps use shake to undo)

The size of the target for pointer inputs is at

least 44 by 44 CSS pixels except when:

Equivalent: The target is available through an

equivalent link or control on the same page
2.5.5 Level AAA that is at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels; Pass

Inline: The target is in a sentence or block of

User Agent Control: The size of the target is
determined by the user agent and is not
modified by the author;
Essential: A particular presentation of the
target is essential to the information being
2.5.6 Level AAA Pass

13 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Web content does not restrict use of input
modalities available on a platform except
where the restriction is essential, required to
ensure the security of the content, or required
to respect user settings.
3.1.1 Level A of-page Fail
Page has a language assigned
of-parts Not
3.1.2 Level AA
Tell users when the language on a page Applicable
A mechanism is available for identifying Not
3.1.3 Level AAA
specific definitions of words or phrases used Applicable
in an unusual or restricted way, including
idioms and jargon.
3.1.4 Level AAA Fail
A mechanism for identifying the expanded
form or meaning of abbreviations is available.

When text requires reading ability more

advanced than the lower secondary
3.1.5 Level AAA education level after removal of proper Pass
names and titles, supplemental content, or a
version that does not require reading ability
more advanced than the lower secondary
education level, is available.
A mechanism is available for identifying Not
3.1.6 Level AAA specific pronunciation of words where Applicable
meaning of the words, in context, is
ambiguous without knowing the
3.2.1 Level A Pass
Elements do not change when they receive
3.2.2 Level A Pass
Elements do not change when they receive
3.2.3 Level AA Pass

14 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Use menus consistently
3.2.4 Level AA identification Pass
Use icons and buttons consistently
3.2.5 Level AAA Changes of context are initiated only by user Pass
request or a mechanism is available to turn
off such changes.
3.3.1 Level A identification Fail
Clearly identify input errors
3.3.2 Level A WCAG20/minimize-error-cues.html Fail
Label elements and give instructions
3.3.3 Level AA suggestion Pass
Suggest fixes when users make errors
3.3.4 Level AA Pass
Reduce the risk of input errors for sensitive
3.3.5 Level AAA Pass
Context-sensitive help is available.
For Web pages that require the user to
submit information, at least one of the
following is true:

Reversible: Submissions are reversible.

3.3.6 Level AAA Pass
Checked: Data entered by the user is
checked for input errors and the user is
provided an opportunity to correct them.

Confirmed: A mechanism is available for

reviewing, confirming, and correcting
information before finalizing the submission.
4.1.1 Level A Pass
No major code errors
4.1.2 Level A WCAG20/ensure-compat-rsv.html Fail
Build all elements for accessibility
4.1.3 Level AA Content that is updated dynamically must be Fail
notified to users of assistive technologies
without getting visual focus

15 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Accessibility Testing Results
Total of 31 compliances failed in the test of which:
- 15 fall under WCAG 2.1 Level A
- 9 fall under WCAG 2.1 Level AA
- 7 fall under WCAG 2.1 Level AAA

WCAG Standard: Level A

Pass 6
Fail 16
Not Applicable 8

WCAG Standard: Level AA

Pass 7
Fail 9
Not Applicable 4

WCAG Standard: Level AAA

Pass 9
Fail 7
Not Applicable 12

Acuma Recommendation Based on the Required Outcome

Outcome 1. Recommendations for potential improvement to EASS
Website Accessibility
 Accessibility Automation should be introduced and included in unit testing to
standardise code in accordance with WCAG compliances
 There should always be a final round of manual Accessibility testing to cover
areas leftover by unit testing
 Developers should be trained on WCAG guidelines so that they can integrate
this knowledge while developing a website, which in return, will result in fewer
accessibility defects

Outcome 2. Recommendations on potential techniques

Below are the recommended techniques to improve accessibility for EASS website
based on the accessibility violations noticed during the testing:

 WCAG: 1.1.1 A: Non-Text Content Understanding

16 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not get the information about images, if
they are un-labelled
Recommendations: -
ARIA 6: Use an "aria-label" attribute to provide labels for objects
ARIA 10: Use an "aria-labelledby" attribute to provide a text alternative for
non-text images

 WCAG: 1.3.1 A: Information and Relationships

User Impact: A non-sighted user will get confuse if wrong information will be
Recommendations: -
ARIA11: Using ARIA landmarks to identify regions of a page
ARIA12: Using role=heading to identify headings
ARIA13: Using aria-labelledby to name regions and landmarks
ARIA16: Using aria-labelledby to provide a name for user interface controls
ARIA17: Using grouping roles to identify related form controls
ARIA20: Using the region role to identify a region of the page

 WCAG: 1.3.2 A: Meaningful Sequence

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not able to understand the heading
order and may get confuse
Recommendations: -
Marking sequences in the content as meaningful using one of the following
techniques and Ordering the content in a meaningful sequence for those
- Using a Unicode right-to-left mark (RLM) or left-to-right mark (LRM) to mix
text direction inline (HTML)
- Using the dir attribute on an inline element to resolve problems with nested
directional runs (HTML)
- Positioning content based on structural markup (CSS)
- Using CSS letter-spacing to control spacing within a word (CSS)

 WCAG: 1.3.3 A: Sensory Characteristics

User Impact: People who are blind and people who have low vision may not
be able to understand information
Recommendations: -
Providing textual identification of items that otherwise rely only on sensory
information to be understood

 WCAG: 1.3.5 AA: Identify Input Purpose

User Impact: It will be difficult for motor impaired user to enter the same data
again and again if auto suggestion is not provided
Recommendations: -
Add the autocomplete attribute to relevant input elements with appropriate

 WCAG: 1.3.6 AAA: Identify Purpose

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not be able to identify the purpose of the

17 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Recommendations: -
ARIA11: Using ARIA landmarks to identify regions of a page
Examples –
-A website uses ARIA landmarks to identify the regions of the page, and users
can hide areas that do not have a role of main.
-The links in the navigation of a website are marked up so that users can add
their own icons.
-Icons on a website are marked up so that users can substitute their own icon
sets into the page

 WCAG: 1.4.3 AA: Contrast (Minimum)

User Impact: A low vision user will face difficulties when a minimum contrast
ratio between text and its background is not maintained
Recommendations: -
- Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 exists between text (and
images of text) and background behind the text
- Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using
technology features that change those defaults
- Providing a control with a sufficient contrast ratio that allows users to switch
to a presentation that uses sufficient contrast
- Providing A Style Switcher to switch to High Contrast

 WCAG:1.4.4 AA: Resize text

User Impact: When low vision user will select the option from 'TEXT SIZE' to
enlarge the content, he/she will feel difficulty to understand the content
available on the page if some content gets omitted or if its alignment is not
Recommendations: -
- Providing controls on the Web page that allow users to incrementally change
the size of all text on the page up to 200 percent
- Ensuring that there is no loss of content or functionality when the text resizes
and text containers do not change their width

 WCAG: 1.4.6 AAA: Contrast (Enhanced)

User Impact: A user who has color blind, will not be able to identify the text
written on the page, if color contrast ratio is less than 7:1
Recommendations: -
- Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 7:1 exists between text (and images
of text) and background behind the text
- Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using
technology features that change those defaults
- Providing a control with a sufficient contrast ratio that allows users to switch
to a presentation that uses sufficient contrast
- Providing A Style Switcher to Switch to High Contrast

 WCAG: 1.4.8 AAA: Visual Presentation

User Impact: People with some cognitive, language and learning disabilities
and some low vision users cannot perceive the text and/or lose their reading
place if the text is presented in a manner that is difficult for them to read

18 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Recommendations: -
- Specifying text and background colors of secondary content such as
banners, features and navigation in CSS while not specifying text and
background colors of the main content
- Specifying borders and layout in CSS to delineate areas of a Web page
while not specifying text and text-background colors
- Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using
technology features that change those defaults
- Providing a multi-color selection tool on the page for foreground and
background colors

 WCAG: 1.4.11 AA: Non-Text Contrast

User Impact: A user who is color blind, will not be able to identify the slides
link in case of invisibility
Recommendations: -
Situation A: Color is used to identify user interface components or used to
identify user interface component states
- Using an author-supplied, highly visible focus indicator
- Providing a control with a sufficient contrast ratio that allows users to switch
to a presentation that uses sufficient contrast

Situation B: Color is required to understand graphical content

- Ensuring that a contrast ratio of 3:1 is provided for icons
- Provide sufficient contrast at the boundaries between adjoining colors

 WCAG: 1.4.13 AA: Content on Hover or Focus

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not get the information which is
displayed on hovering. For example, hover message is showing 'CHAT IS
CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE', so sighted user will get to understand that
there is no use of pressing this link, but if this message is not readable by
screen reader then non-sighted user will hit that link unnecessary and will get
annoyed if nothing happens.
Recommendations: -
- Making content on focus or hover hoverable, dismissible, and persistent
- ARIA: Using role="tooltip"
- CSS: Using hover and focus pseudo classes

 WCAG: 2.1.1 A: Keyboard

User Impact: user will not access the forms if the user cannot access it via
Tab key, up/down arrows, space bar, etc.
Recommendations: -
Ensuring keyboard control by using one of the following techniques.
- Using HTML form controls and links (HTML)
- Ensuring correct tab and reading order in PDF documents (PDF)
- Providing links and link text using the Link annotation and the /Link structure
element in PDF documents (PDF)
- Providing interactive form controls in PDF documents (PDF)
- Providing Keyboard Shortcuts that Work Across the Entire Silverlight
Application (Silverlight)

19 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Providing keyboard-triggered event handlers using one of the following
- Using both keyboard and other device-specific functions (Scripting)
- Making actions keyboard accessible by using the on-click event of anchors
and buttons (Scripting)
- Using redundant keyboard and mouse event handlers (Scripting)
- Handling Key Events to Enable Keyboard Functionality in Silverlight
- Providing Custom Control Key Handling for Keyboard Functionality in
Silverlight (Silverlight)

 WCAG: 2.1.3 AAA: Keyboard (No Exception)

User Impact: User will not be able to access the page properly if the user
is unable to prompt through accordions using Tab Key, Space Bar, Enter and
up/down & sideways arrows
Recommendations: -
Ensuring keyboard control by using one of the following techniques.
- Using HTML form controls and links (HTML)
- Ensuring correct tab and reading order in PDF documents (PDF)
- Providing links and link text using the Link annotation and the /Link structure
element in PDF documents (PDF)
- Providing interactive form controls in PDF documents (PDF)
- Providing Keyboard Shortcuts that Work Across the Entire Silverlight
Application (Silverlight)

Providing keyboard-triggered event handlers using one of the following

- Using both keyboard and other device-specific functions (Scripting)
- Making actions keyboard accessible by using the on-click event of anchors
and buttons (Scripting)
- Using redundant keyboard and mouse event handlers (Scripting)
- Handling Key Events to Enable Keyboard Functionality in Silverlight
- Providing Custom Control Key Handling for Keyboard Functionality in
Silverlight (Silverlight)

 WCAG: 2.2.2 A: Pause, Stop, Hide

User Impact: Content that moves or auto-updates can be a barrier to anyone
who has trouble reading stationary text quickly as well as anyone who has
trouble tracking moving objects. It can also cause problems for screen
Recommendations: -
- Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was paused
- Using a technology to include blinking content that can be turned off via the
user agent

20 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

- Using a control in the Web page that stops moving, blinking, or auto-
updating content

 WCAG: 2.4.1 A: Bypass Blocks

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not be able to jump directly on the main
Recommendations: -
Creating links to skip blocks of repeated material using one of the following
- Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content
- Adding a link at the beginning of a block of repeated content to go to the end
of the block
- Adding links at the top of the page to each area of the content
- Using Controls and Programmatic Focus to Bypass Blocks of Content in
Silverlight (Silverlight)

 WCAG: 2.4.2 A: Page Titled

User Impact: The screen reader reads the top as power point presentation
which may confuse the visually impaired person about file type; A non-sighted
user will not get the idea that what page has been launched.
Recommendations: -
Providing descriptive titles for Web pages and associating a title with a Web
page using one of the following techniques:
- Providing a title using the title element
- Specifying the document title using the Title entry in the document
information dictionary of a PDF document

 WCAG: 2.4.3 A: Focus Order

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not be able to navigate the page and will
get stuck, if he wants to go back in previous link using 'Up' arrow key; A Non-
sighted user will feel difficulty if screen reader is skipping the 'search edit' field
and user need to navigate to the page again, if user wants to search anything.
Recommendations: -
1. Placing the interactive elements in an order that follows sequences and
relationships within the content.
2. Giving focus to elements in an order that follows sequences and
relationships within the content using one of the following techniques:
- Creating a logical tab order through links, form controls, and objects (HTML)
- Using the tabIndex property to specify a logical reading order and a logical
tab order in Flash (Flash)
- Making the DOM order match the visual order (CSS)
- Ensuring correct tab and reading order in PDF documents (PDF)
- Using the Silverlight Default Tab Sequence and Altering Tab Sequences
with Properties (Silverlight)
3. Changing a Web page dynamically using one of the following techniques:
- Inserting dynamic content into the Document Object Model immediately
following its trigger element (Scripting)
- Creating Custom Dialogs in a Device Independent Way (Scripting)

21 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

- Reordering page sections using the Document Object Model (Scripting)

 WCAG: 2.4.4 A: Link Purpose (In Context)

User Impact: Screen reader user will not be able to understand the purpose
of the links, if they are not labelled
Recommendations: -
- Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link
- Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link for anchor elements
- Providing text alternatives for the area elements of image maps (HTML)

 WCAG: 2.4.5 AA: Multiple Ways

User Impact: Keyboard users and screen reader users may have difficulty in
accessing the browser’s back button when these are loaded in the browser
Recommendations: -
Using two or more of the following techniques:
- Providing links to navigate to related Web pages
- Providing a Table of Contents
- Creating bookmarks in PDF documents
- Providing a site map
- Providing a search function to help users find content
- Providing a list of links to all other Web pages
- Linking to all of the pages on the site from the home page

 WCAG: 2.4.6 AA: Heading & Labels

User Impact: Descriptive headings are especially helpful for users who have
disabilities that make reading slow and for people with limited short-term
memory. These people benefit when section titles make it possible to predict
what each section contains.
Recommendations: -
- Providing descriptive headings
- Providing descriptive labels

 WCAG: 2.4.7 AA: Focus Visible

User Impact: A low vision user will not be able to identify the focused element
if focus is not visible clearly
Recommendations: -
Using two or more of the following techniques:
- Using user interface components that are highlighted by the user agent
when they receive focus
- Using CSS to change the presentation of a user interface component when it
receives focus
- Using the default focus indicator for the platform so that high visibility default
focus indicators will carry over
- Using an author-supplied, highly visible focus indicator
- Creating a two-color focus indicator to ensure sufficient contrast with all
- Using script to change the background color or border of the element with

22 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

- Reskinning Flash components to provide highly visible focus indication
- Changing The Visual Focus Indicator in Silverlight
- Designing a Focused Visual State for Custom Silverlight Controls

 WCAG: 2.4.9 AAA: Link Purpose (Links Only)

User Impact: A non-sighted user will be unaware of the link that gets opened
in a new window
Recommendations: -
Using two or more of the following techniques:
- Using aria-label for link purpose
- Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link
- Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link for anchor elements
- Providing text alternatives for the area elements of image maps
- Providing button labels that describe the purpose of a button
- Providing links and link text using the Link annotation and the /Link structure
element in PDF documents
- Providing replacement text using the /Alt entry for links in PDF documents

 WCAG: 2.4.10 AAA: Section Headings

User Impact: A non-sighted user will relate headings incorrectly if their
ordering is not correct; A non-sighted user will feel difficulty to relate the
content if section headings are not given.
Recommendations: -
Using one or more of the following techniques:
- Organizing a page using headings
- Providing heading elements at the beginning of each section of content

 WCAG: 2.5.3 A: Label in Name

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not be able to understand the purpose
of the button if the labelling is not correct;
Recommendations: -
- Including the text of the visible label as part of the accessible name
- Matching the accessible name to the visible label

 WCAG: 3.1.1 A: Language of Page

User Impact: A non-sighted user who is only able to understand Welsh
language will not be able to understand the cookie statement if it appears in
English language
Recommendations: -
- Using the language attribute on the HTML element
- Using HTML language attributes to specify language in Flash content
- Setting the default language using the /Lang entry in the document catalog
of a PDF document
- Specifying the language for a passage or phrase with the Lang entry in PDF

 WCAG: 3.1.4 AAA: Abbreviations

User Impact: A user with cognitive issues, might find difficulty in decoding

23 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Recommendations: -
Situation A: If the abbreviation has only one meaning within the Web page:
1. Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation for the first
occurrence of the abbreviation in a Web page using one of the following
- Providing the first use of an abbreviation immediately before or after the
expanded form
- Linking to definitions
- Providing definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr element
- Providing definitions for abbreviations via an E entry for a structure element

2. Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation for all

occurrences of the abbreviation in a Web page using one of the following
- Linking to definitions
- Providing a glossary
- Using the link element to link to a glossary
- Providing a function to search an online dictionary
- Providing definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr element
- Providing definitions for abbreviations via an E entry for a structure element

Situation B: If the abbreviation means different things within the same Web
Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation for all occurrences
of abbreviations in a Web page using one of the following techniques:
- Linking to definitions
- Providing definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr element
- Providing definitions for abbreviations via an E entry for a structure element

 WCAG: 3.3.1 A: Error Identification

User Impact: A non-sighted user who is only able to understand Welsh
language will not be able to understand the cookie statement if it appears in
English language
Recommendations: -
Situation A: If a form contains fields for which information from the user is
- Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not completed
- Using Aria-Invalid to Indicate an Error Field
- Providing client-side validation and alert
- Indicating required form controls in PDF forms
- Using the Validation and ValidationSummary APIs to Implement Client Side
Forms Validation in Silverlight

Situation B: If information provided by the user is required to be in a specific

data format or of certain values.
- Using aria-alertdialog to Identify Errors
- Using ARIA role=alert or Live Regions to Identify Errors
- Using Aria-Invalid to Indicate an Error Field

24 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

- Providing a text description when the user provides information that is not in
the list of allowed values
- Providing a text description when user input falls outside the required format
or values

 WCAG: 3.3.2 A: Labels on Instructions

User Impact: A non-sighted user can feel difficulty to understand field
purpose, if labelling of the fields are not correct
Recommendations: -
Providing descriptive labels and one of the following:
- Using the aria-describedby property to provide a descriptive label for user
interface controls (ARIA)
- Using aria-labelledby to concatenate a label from several text nodes (ARIA)
- Using grouping roles to identify related form controls (ARIA)
- Providing expected data format and example
- Providing text instructions at the beginning of a form or set of fields that
describes the necessary input
- Positioning labels to maximize predictability of relationships
- Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not completed

 WCAG: 4.1.2 A: Name, Role, Value

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not be able to go to the list directly
according to their wish, if screen reader does not identify them; A non-sighted
user will not get the information mentioned in the text frames; A non-sighted
user may get confuse while reading the same attributes many times;
Recommendations: -
Situation A: If using a standard user interface component in a markup
language (e.g., HTML):
1. Using aria-label to provide an invisible label where a visible label cannot be
used (ARIA)
2. Using aria-labelledby to provide a name for user interface controls (ARIA)
3. Using markup features to expose the name and role, allow user-settable
properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes using
technology-specific techniques below:
- Using HTML form controls and links (HTML)
- Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls (HTML)
- Using the title attribute of the frame and iframe elements (HTML)
- Using the title attribute to identify form controls when the label element
cannot be used (HTML)
- Using HTML according to spec (HTML)

Situation B: If using script or code to re-purpose a standard user interface

component in a markup language:
Exposing the names and roles, allowing user-settable properties to be directly
set, and providing notification of changes using one of the following
- Using aria-labelledby to provide a name for user interface controls (ARIA)

25 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

Situation C: If using a standard user interface component in a programming
Using the accessibility API features of a technology to expose names and
roles, to allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and to provide
notification of changes using technology-specific techniques below:
- Using auto labeling to associate text labels with form controls (Flash)
- Setting the label property for form components (Flash)
- Specifying accessible names for image buttons (Flash)
- Providing labels for interactive form controls in PDF documents (PDF)
- Providing name, role, value information for form fields in PDF documents
- Using LabeledBy to Associate Labels and Targets in Silverlight (Silverlight)
- Using Silverlight Text Elements for Appropriate Accessibility Role

Situation D: If creating your own user interface component in a programming

G10: Creating components using a technology that supports the accessibility
API features of the platforms on which the user agents will be run to expose
the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and
provide notification of changes using technology-specific techniques below:
- Using a WAI-ARIA role to expose the role of a user interface component
- Using WAI-ARIA state and property attributes to expose the state of a user
interface component (ARIA)
- Using aria-labelledby to provide a name for user interface controls (ARIA)
- Defining a UI Automation Peer for a Custom Silverlight Control (Silverlight)
- Providing Text Equivalent for Nontext Silverlight Controls With
AutomationProperties.Name (Silverlight)
- Relying on Silverlight AutomationPeer Behavior to Set
AutomationProperties.Name (Silverlight)
- Using Silverlight Control Compositing and AutomationProperties.Name

 WCAG: 4.1.3 AA: Status Messages

User Impact: A non-sighted user will not get the idea that what is happening
in the page when uploading process is going on
Recommendations: -
Situation A: If a status message advises on the success or results of an
action, or the state of an application:
Using role=status to present status messages in combination with any of the
- Providing success feedback when data is submitted successfully

Situation B: If a status message conveys a suggestion, or a warning on the

existence of an error:
Using ARIA role=alert or Live Regions to Identify Errors in combination with
any of the following:
- Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not completed

26 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

- Providing a text description when the user provides information that is not in
the list of allowed values
- Providing a text description when user input falls outside the required format
or values
- Providing suggested correction text
- Providing spell checking and suggestions for text input

Situation C: If a status message conveys information on the progress of a

- Using role=log to identify sequential information updates
- Using role="progressbar" (future link)
- Using role=status to present status messages in combination with G193:
Providing help by an assistant in the Web page

Expected Benefits
Acuma proposed solution and recommendations will be beneficial in the following
ways –
 It will help in reducing the overall testing timeline and testing effort
 Standardisation of coding standards and an overall increase of compliance
level at the very beginning of the development life cycle as automation will
help in checking the HTML source code and detects non-compliances
 Early feedbacks are received which may help plan the corrective actions on
 The automated tests can be triggered as part of a unit or regression tests
within every sprint. We may not have to wait until the end of the phase for
conducting the accessibility tests.
 Enable automation accessibility to reap some of the desired benefits such as
a. We can use the existing functional automation to integrate the Accessibility
Tests for validating the technical attributes at the HTML level
b. Increase frequency to detect the basic defects around HTML attributes
c. Attain a minimal coverage of ~40% with some basic tests to reduce the
manual execution time and increase the overall compliance level
d. Based on the Successive execution, we can identify the gaps and pattern
to enable the shortcomings in accordance with accessibility compliance
within the application. This will also help us build development standards
and practice for accessibility compliance.
 The results can pin-point the violations and route the test engineer to re-
validate the issues with other available tools such as (JAWS, NVDA, CC
Analyser or through Keyboard tests). This significantly saves a massive effort
which is normally required with Manual tests


27 Acuma Accessibility Report – G4S (EASS)

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