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Question 1(2008)

The formation of 1, 2-dibromoethane from ethene and bromine is an example of :

1. Substitution
2. Dehydration
3. Dehydrohalogenation
4. Addition



Formation of 1, 2-dibromoethane from ethene and bromine

Question 2(2008)

Name the organic compound prepared by each of the following reactions :

(i) C2H5COONa + NaOH ⟶

(ii) CH3I + 2[H]⟶

(iii) C2H5Br + KOH (alcoholic soln.) ⟶

(iv) CaC2 + 2H2O ⟶


(i) Ethane

𝐶2𝐻5COONasodium propionate+NaOHsodalime→CaO𝛥𝐶2𝐻6ethane+Na2CO
3sodium propionateC2H5COONa+sodalimeNaOHΔCaOethaneC2H6+Na2CO3
(ii) Methane

CH3𝐼methyl iodide+2[H]nascent hydrogen→alcoholZn/Cu coupleCH4methane

+HImethyl iodideCH3I+nascent hydrogen2[H]Zn/Cu couplealcoholmethaneCH4+HI
(iii) Ethene [ethylene]

𝐶2𝐻5Br Bromo ethane [ethyl bromide]+KOHalcoholic→boil𝐻2𝐶=𝐶𝐻2ethene [

ethylene]+KBr+H2O Bromo ethane [ethyl bromide]C2H5Br+alcoholicKOHboilethene [ethylene

(iv) Ethyne [Acetylene]

CaC2calcium carbide+2𝐻2𝑂water⟶𝐶2𝐻2ethyne [acetylene]+Ca(OH)2calcium car

bideCaC2+water2H2O⟶ethyne [acetylene]C2H2+Ca(OH)2

Question 3(2008)

Write the equation for the following :

(i) Calcium carbide and water

(ii) Ethene and water (steam)

(ii) Bromoethane and an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide


(i) Calcium carbide and water: forms ethyne [acetylene]

CaC2calcium carbide+2𝐻2𝑂water⟶𝐶2𝐻2ethyne [acetylene]+Ca(OH)2calcium car

bideCaC2+water2H2O⟶ethyne [acetylene]C2H2+Ca(OH)2

(ii) Ethene and water (steam): form Ethanol [ethyl alcohol]

(iii) Bromoethane and an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide: form Ethanol [ethyl alcohol]

𝐶2𝐻5Brbromoethane+NaOHaq. sodium hydroxide⟶𝐶2𝐻5OHEthanol [ethyl al

cohol]+NaBrbromoethaneC2H5Br+aq. sodium hydroxideNaOH⟶Ethanol [ethyl alcohol]C2H5OH

Question 4(2008)
Distinguish between ethane [saturated] and ethene [unsaturated] by drawing their structural


Structural formula of Ethane [saturated]:

Structural formula of Ethene [unsaturated]:

Question 5(2008)

Which type of reaction i.e. addition or substitution is shown by ethane and ethene ?


Ethane ⟶ Substitution reaction

The non-availability of electrons in the single covalent bond makes them less reactive and
therefore undergo characteristic substitution reaction only.

Ethene ⟶ Addition reaction

The availability of electrons in the double or triple bond makes them more reactive and therefore
undergo characteristic addition reactions only.

Question 6(2008)

Write the equation for the complete combustion of ethane.


2C2H6 + 7O2 [excess] ⟶ 4CO2 + 6H2O + Δ

Question 7(2008)

Name the alcohol, aldehyde and acid formed when ethane is oxidized.

Alcohol ⟶ Ethyl alcohol [C2H5OH]

Aldehyde ⟶ Acetaldehyde [CH3CHO]

Acid ⟶ Acetic acid [CH3COOH]

Question 8(2008)

Why is pure acetic acid known as glacial acetic acid ?


Anhydrous acetic acid on cooling below 16.5°C, crystallizes out in the pure form, forming a
crystalline mass resembling ice [m.p. around 17 °C] . Hence, pure acetic acid is called glacial
acetic acid.

Question 9(2008)

What type of compound is formed by the reaction between acetic acid and an alcohol ?


Ester is formed by the reaction between acetic acid and an alcohol.

𝐶2𝐻5OHethyl alcohol+CH3COOHacetic acid→Conc. H2SO4CH3−COO−𝐶2𝐻

5ethyl ethanoate+H2Oethyl alcoholC2H5OH+acetic acidCH3COOHConc. H2SO4ethyl ethanoat

Question 10(2008)

By what type of reaction could a compound containing C, H and Cl be obtained from ethyne ?


Addition reaction

Reaction of ethyne with chlorine:

Question 11(2008)

State the term for the reaction in which the hydrogen of an alkane is replaced by chlorine.


Substitution reaction

Question 1(2009)

Which of the following statements is wrong about alkanes ?

(A) They are all saturated hydrocarbons.

(B) They can undergo addition as well as substitution reactions.
(C) They are almost non polar in nature.
(D) On complete combustion give out carbon dioxide and water.


They can undergo addition as well as substitution reactions.

Reason — The non availability of electrons in the single covalent bond makes them less reactive
and therefore they undergo characteristic substitution reactions only.

Question 2(2009)

Write balanced equation for : Acetic acid is warmed with ethanol in the presence of conc. H 2SO4.


𝐶2𝐻5OHethyl alcohol+CH3COOHacetic acid→Conc. H2SO4CH3−COO−𝐶2𝐻

5ethyl ethanoate+H2Oethyl alcoholC2H5OH+acetic acidCH3COOHConc. H2SO4ethyl ethanoat

Question 3(2009)
Find the odd one out in each case and explain your choice.

(i) C3H8 , C5H10, C2H6, CH4

(ii) Formic acid, Nitric acid, Acetic acid, Propanoic acid.


(i) C5H10 [Rest all are alkanes and this is an alkene]

(ii) Nitric acid [Rest all are organic acids and this is inorganic acid]

Question 4(2009)

Identity 'S' : Reddish brown liquid 'S' is dissolved in water. When ethyne is passed through it,
turns colourless.


Bromine solution

Question 5(2009)

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets:

Generally ionic compounds exist in (i) ............... [solid/liquid/gas] state. Melting and boiling
points of covalent compounds are generally (ii) ............... [low/high]. The general formula for
alkane is (iii) ............... (CnH2n/CnH2n-2/CnH2n+2). For alkynes the general formula is (iv) ...............
(CnH2n/ CnH2n-2/CnH2n+2)


Generally ionic compounds exist in solid state. Melting and boiling points of covalent
compounds are generally low. The general formula for alkane is CnH2n+2. For alkynes the general
formula is CnH2n-2
Question 6(2009)

Give chemical equation for :

(i) The laboratory preparation of methane from sodium acetate.

(ii) The reaction of one mole of ethene with one mole of chlorine gas.

(iii) The preparation of ethyne from 1, 2 – dibromoethane.


(i) methane from sodium acetate :

CH3COONasodium acetate+NaOHsodalime→CaO𝛥CH4methane+Na2CO3sodiu
m acetateCH3COONa+sodalimeNaOHΔCaOmethaneCH4+Na2CO3

(ii) one mole of ethene with one mole of chlorine gas:

(iii) ethyne from 1, 2 – dibromoethane.

Question 7(2009)

How are the following conversions carried out:

(i) Ethyl chloride to Ethyl alcohol.

(ii) Ethyl chloride to Ethene.

(iii) Ethene to Ethyl alcohol.

(iv) Ethyl alcohol to Ethene.


(i) By boiling ethyl chloride with aqueous NaOH.

𝐶2𝐻5-Cl Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]+NaOH [aq.]→boil𝐶2𝐻5OH Ethanol [et

hyl alcohol]+NaCl Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]C2H5-Cl+NaOH [aq.]boil Ethanol [ethyl alcohol

(ii) By boiling ethyl chloride with alcoholic KOH.

𝐶2𝐻5-Cl Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]+KOH [aq.] alcoholic KOH→boil𝐶2𝐻4

Ethene [ethylene]+KCl+H2O Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]C2H5-Cl+ alcoholic KOHKOH [aq
.]boil Ethene [ethylene]C2H4+KCl+H2O
(iii) Ethene is absorbed in conc. sulphuric acid at 80 °C under 30 atmos. to give ethyl hydrogen
sulphate, which on hydrolysis with steam gives ethanol.

𝐶2𝐻4 Ethene+𝐻2SO4conc.→80°𝐶30 atmos.𝐶2𝐻5-HSO4 Ethyl hydrogen sulph

ate EtheneC2H4+conc.H2SO430 atmos.80°C Ethyl hydrogen sulphateC2H5-HSO4
𝐶2𝐻5-HSO4 Ethyl hydrogen sulphate +𝐻2𝑂steam⟶𝐶2𝐻5-OH Ethanol [ethyl a
lcohol]+H2SO4 Ethyl hydrogen sulphate C2H5-HSO4+steamH2O⟶ Ethanol [ethyl alcohol]C2H5
(iv) By heating ethyl alcohol with concentrated H2SO4 at 170°C.

𝐶2𝐻5OH ethyl alcohol→170°CConc. H2SO4[excess]𝐶2𝐻4ethene+H2O ethyl alco

holC2H5OHConc. H2SO4[excess]170°CetheneC2H4+H2O

Question 8(2009)

Define isomerism. Give the IUPAC name of the isomer C4H10 which has a branched chain.


(1) Isomerism is the phenomenon due to which two or more compounds have the same
molecular formula but differ in molecular arrangement or in structural formula.

Example : Isomers of pentane are (i) n pentane, (ii) isopentane and (iii) neo-pentane
IUPAC name of C4H10 is Butane.

Question 1(2010)

(i) Select the correct answer - The organic compound, which gives a red precipitate with
ammoniacal cuprous chloride and undergoes an addition reaction –

A: Ethane
B: Ethene
C: Ethyne
D: Ethanol

(ii) Select the correct answer - The organic compound which when mixed with ethyl alcohol,
[ethanol], makes it spurious.

A: Methanol
B: Methanoic acid
C: Methanal
D: Ethanoic acid


(i) Ethyne

(ii) Methanol

Question 2(2010)

Draw the structural formula of —

(i) Ethanoic acid (ii) But-2-yne


(i) Structural formula of Ethanoic acid is shown below:

(ii) Structural formula of But-2-yne is shown below:

Question 3(2010)
Compound 'X' is bubbled through bromine dissolved in CCl4 and the product formed is CH2Br –

i) Draw the structural formula of 'X' and state what type of reaction 'X' has undergone.

(ii) State your observation for the above reaction.

(iii) Name the compound formed when steam reacts with 'X' in the presence of an acid, eg.
phosphoric acid.

(iv) What is the procedure for converting the product formed in (iii) above, back to 'X' ?


(i) Compound 'X' is Ethene (H2C=CH2). Its structural formula is shown below:

Ethene [CH2=CH2] has undergone addition reaction.

(ii) Brown colour of bromine is discharged.

(iii) Ethanol

𝐶2𝐻4Ethene+𝐻2𝑂 water→𝐻+acid𝐶2𝐻5OH ethanolEtheneC2H4+ waterH2OacidH+ eth


(iv) Ethanol can be converted into ethene, by dehydrating it with concentrated H2SO4 at 170°C.

𝐶2𝐻5OH ethyl alcohol→170°CConc. H2SO4[excess]𝐶2𝐻4ethene+H2O ethyl alco

holC2H5OHConc. H2SO4[excess]170°CetheneC2H4+H2O
Question 1(2011)

Name a gaseous hydrocarbon commonly used for welding purposes.


Ethyne [Acetylene]

Question 2(2011)

Give reasons for the following –

(i) almost 90% of all known compounds are organic in nature.

(ii) it is dangerous to burn methane in an insufficient supply of air.


(i) Due to unique nature of carbon atoms, which includes tetravalency, catenation and leading to
formation of isomers, millions of organic compounds are known. Hence, almost 90% of all
known compounds are organic in nature.

(ii) When methane burns in an insufficient supply of air, carbon monoxide is produced which is
extremely poisonous for human beings as it cuts off the oxygen supply and forms carboxy
haemoglobin in the blood, leading to death.

Question 3(2011)

Choose the correct answer –

(i) The functional group present in acetic acid is -

A: Ketonic C = O
B: Hydroxyl - OH
C: Aldehydic – CHO
D: Carboxyl – COOH

(ii) Unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo :

A: substitution reaction
B: oxidation reaction
C: addition reaction
D: none of the above

(iii) The number of C – H bonds in ethane molecule are:

A: Four
B: Six
C: Eight
D: Ten


(i) Carboxyl – COOH


(ii) addition reaction

The availability of electrons in the double or triple bond makes them more reactive and therefore
undergo characteristic addition reactions only.

(iii) Six
Below is the structural formula of Ethane:

Question 4(2011)

Select the correct answer from the choices given :

(i) The catalyst used for conversion of ethene to ethane is commonly ..............

(ii) Acetaldehyde when oxidized with acidified potassium dichromate, forms ..............
[ester/ethanol/acetic acid]

(iii) Ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol in presence of conc. H2SO4, so as to form a compound and
water. The chemical reaction which takes place is called ..............


(i) The catalyst used for conversion of ethene to ethane is commonly nickel.

(ii) Acetaldehyde when oxidized with acidified potassium dichromate, forms acetic acid.

(iii) Ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol in presence of conc. H2SO4, so as to form a compound and
water. The chemical reaction which takes place is called esterification

Question 5(2011)

Write balanced chemical equations for the following :

(i) Reaction between 1, 2 – dibromoethane and alcoholic potassium hydroxide.

(ii) Monochloro ethane is hydrolysed with aqueous KOH.

(iii) A mixture of sodalime and sodium acetate is heated.

(iv) Ethanol under high pressure and low temperature is treated with acidified potassium

(v) Water is added to calcium carbide.

(vi) Ethanol reacts with sodium at room temperature.


(i) Reaction between 1, 2 – dibromoethane and alcoholic potassium hydroxide:

(ii) Monochloro ethane is hydrolysed with aqueous KOH:

𝐶2𝐻5-Cl Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]+KOH [aq.]→boil𝐶2𝐻5-OH Ethanol [et

hyl alcohol]+KCl Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]C2H5-Cl+KOH [aq.]boil Ethanol [ethyl alcohol]C2
(iii) A mixture of sodalime and sodium acetate is heated:

CH3COONasodium acetate+NaOHsodalime→CaO𝛥CH4methane+Na2CO3sodiu
m acetateCH3COONa+sodalimeNaOHΔCaOmethaneCH4+Na2CO3

(iv) Ethanol under high pressure and low temperature is treated with acidified potassium

𝐶2𝐻5OH ethanol[ethyl alcohol]→K2Cr2O7[O]CH3CHOethanal [acetaldehyde]

→K2Cr2O7[O]CH3COOHethanoic acid[acetic acid] ethanol[ethyl alcohol]C2H5OH
[O]K2Cr2O7ethanal [acetaldehyde] CH3CHO[O]K2Cr2O7ethanoic acid[acetic acid]CH3COOH

(v) Water is added to calcium carbide:

CaC2calcium carbide+2𝐻2𝑂water⟶𝐶2𝐻2ethyne [acetylene]+Ca(OH)2calcium car

bideCaC2+water2H2O⟶ethyne [acetylene]C2H2+Ca(OH)2

(vi) Ethanol reacts with sodium at room temperature:

2𝐶2𝐻5OH ethanol+2Na⟶2𝐶2𝐻5ONa sodium ethoxide+H2 ethanol2C2H5OH

+2Na⟶ sodium ethoxide2C2H5ONa+H2

Question 1(2012)

State the observation : Bromine vapours are passed into a soln. of ethyne in carbon tetrachloride.


Reddish brown bromine dissolved in water turns colourless when ethyne is passed through it.
Question 2(2012)

From – Ethyne, ethanol, acetic acid, ethene, methane. Choose the one which relates to (i) to (iv).

(i) An unsaturated hydrocarbon used for welding purposes.

(ii) An organic compound whose functional group is carboxyl.

(iii) A hydrocarbon which on catalytic hydrogenation gives a saturated hydrocarbon.

(iv) An organic compound used as a thermometric liquid.


(i) Ethyne

(ii) Acetic acid

(iii) Ethene

(iv) Ethanol

Question 3(2012)

(i) Why is pure acetic acid known as glacial acetic acid?

(ii) Give a chemical equation for the reaction between ethyl alcohol and acetic acid.


(i) Anhydrous acetic acid on cooling below 16.5°C, crystallizes out in the pure form, forming a
crystalline mass resembling ice [m.p. around 17°C] . Hence, pure acetic acid is called glacial
acetic acid.

(ii) Reaction between ethyl alcohol and acetic acid:

𝐶2𝐻5OHethyl alcohol+CH3COOHacetic acid→Conc. H2SO4CH3−COO−𝐶2𝐻
5ethyl acetate+H2Oethyl alcoholC2H5OH+acetic acidCH3COOHConc. H2SO4ethyl acetateCH3

Question 4(2012)

Rewrite with the missing word/s:

Ethyl alcohol is dehydrated by sulphuric acid at a temperature of about 170°C.


Ethyl alcohol is dehydrated by concentrated sulphuric acid at a temperature of about 170°C.

Question 5(2012)

Give the structural formula for the following :

(i) Methanoic acid

(ii) Ethanal

(iii) Ethyne

(iv) Acetone

(v) 2-methyl propane.


(i) Methanoic acid:

(ii) Ethanal:
(iii) Ethyne:

(iv) Acetone:
(v) 2-methyl propane:
Question 1(2013)

Identify the gas evolved when : sodium propionate is heated with soda lime.


Ethane gas
𝐶𝐻3-C𝐻2.COONasodium propionate+NaOHsodalime→ΔCa
O𝐶2𝐻6ethane+Na2CO3sodium propionateCH3-CH2.COONa+sodalimeNaOHCaOΔ

Question 2(2013)

Give suitable chemical term for:

A reaction in which hydrogen of an alkane is replaced by a halogen.


Subsitution reaction

Question 3(2013)

Give a chemical test to distinguish between : Ethene gas and ethane gas.


When bromine is passed through solutions of each of the gases in an inert solvent [CCl4] at room
temperature, incase of ethene gas, brown colour of bromine is discharged whereas in case of
ethane gas brown colour remains brown.

Question 4(2013)

Identify the statement that is incorrect about alkanes :

A: They are hydrocarbons.

B: There is a single covalent bond between carbon and hydrogen.

C: They can undergo both substitution as well as addition reactions.

D: On complete combustion they produce carbon dioxide and water.


They can undergo both substitution as well as addition reactions.

Reason — The non availability of electrons in the single covalent bond makes them less reactive
and therefore alkanes undergo characteristic substitution reactions only.

Question 5(2013)

Give balanced equations for the laboratory preparations of:

(i) A saturated hydrocarbon from iodomethane.

(ii) An unsaturated hydrocarbon from an alcohol.

(iii) An unsaturated hydrocarbon from calcium carbide.

(iv) An alcohol from ethyl bromide.


(i) Methane is produced

CH3𝐼 methyl iodide+2[H] nascent hydrogen→Zn/Cu couplealcoholCH4 methan

e+HI methyl iodideCH3I+ nascent hydrogen2[H]alcoholZn/Cu couple methaneCH4+HI
(ii) Ethene is formed

𝐶2𝐻5OH ethyl alcohol→170°CConc. H2SO4[excess]𝐶2𝐻4ethene+H2O ethyl alco

holC2H5OHConc. H2SO4[excess]170°CetheneC2H4+H2O

(iii) Ethyne is formed

CaC2calcium carbide+2𝐻2𝑂water⟶𝐶2𝐻2ethyne [acetylene]+Ca(OH)2calcium car

bideCaC2+water2H2O⟶ethyne [acetylene]C2H2+Ca(OH)2

(iv) ethyl alcohol is formed.

𝐶2𝐻5-Br Bromoethane [ethyl bromide]+KOH [aq.] alcoholic KOH→boi

l𝐶2𝐻5OH ethyl alcohol+KBr Bromoethane [ethyl bromide]C2H5-Br+ alcoholic KOHKOH [aq
.]boil ethyl alcoholC2H5OH+KBr

Question 6(2013)

Give the structural formulae for :

(i) An isomer of n-butane.

(ii) 2-propanol.

(iii) Diethyl ether.


(i) Iso-butane is an isomer of n-butane. Its structure is shown below:

(ii) 2-propanol:
(iii) Diethyl ether:

Question 7(2013)

Give reasons for:

(i) Methane does not undergo addition reactions, but ethene does.

(ii) Ethyne is more reactive than ethane.

(iii) Hydrocarbons are excellent fuels.


(i) Methane is a saturated hydrocarbon whereas Ethene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon. In

saturated hydrocarbons, all the four valencies of each carbon atom are satisfied by the hydrogen
atoms, forming single covalent bond. Thus, due to non-availability of electrons methane is less
reactive and hence does not undergo addition reactions.
On the other hand, ethene has two carbon atoms forming a double covalent bond as their
valencies are not fully satisfied by hydrogen atoms. The availability of electrons in the double
bond makes ethene more reactive and it undergoes addition reactions.

(ii) Ethyne is an unsaturated hydrocarbon having two carbon atoms forming a triple covalent
bond as their valencies are not fully satisfied by hydrogen atoms whereas ethane is a saturated
hydrocarbon as all the four valencies of its two carbon atoms are satisfied by the hydrogen
atoms. The availability of electrons in the triple bond in case of ethyne makes it more reactive
than ethane which has does not have electrons available in the single covalent bond.

(iii) Hydrocarbons have high calorific value. They are easily combustible and the reaction is
exothermic releasing heat energy. Hence, they are excellent fuels.

Question 1(2014)

The I.U.P.A.C. name of acetylene is -

A: propane
B: propyne
C: ethene
D: ethyne.



Question 2(2014)

Ethanol reacts with sodium to give ............... [sodium ethanoate, sodium ethoxide, sodium


Ethanol reacts with sodium to give sodium ethoxide

2𝐶2𝐻5OH ethanol+2Na⟶2𝐶2𝐻5ONa sodium ethoxide+H2 ethanol2C2H5OH

+2Na⟶ sodium ethoxide2C2H5ONa+H2

Question 3(2014)
Give one word or phrase for hydrocarbons containing a -C-𝑂||-C-||O functional group



Question 4(2014)

Write balanced equation for preparation of:

(i) ethane from sodium propionate.

(ii) ethanol from monochloroethane and aq. sodium hydroxide.


(i) Preparation of ethane from sodium propionate.

𝐶𝐻3-C𝐻2.COONasodium propionate+NaOHsodalime→ΔCa
O𝐶2𝐻6ethane+Na2CO3sodium propionateCH3-CH2.COONa+sodalimeNaOHCaOΔ

(ii) Preparation of ethanol from monochloroethane and aq. sodium hydroxide.

𝐶2𝐻5-Cl monochloroethane+NaOH[aq] aq. sodium hydroxide→boil𝐶2𝐻5-OH

Ethanol [ethyl alcohol]+NaCl monochloroethaneC2H5-Cl+ aq. sodium hydroxideNaOH[aq]
boil Ethanol [ethyl alcohol]C2H5-OH+NaCl

Question 5(2014)

Distinguish between Ethane and ethene (using alkaline potassium permanganate solution)


When ethene is passed through alkaline potassium permanganate solution (cold dil. KMnO4), it
decolourizes the purple coloured solutions whereas on passing Ethane, alkaline potassium
permanganate solution remains purple.

Question 6(2014)

State the conditions required for :

(i) Catalytic hydrogenation of ethyne.

(ii) Preparation of ethyne from ethylene dibromide.


(i) Vapours of ethyne mixed with hydrogen are passed over a catalyst eg., nickle [Pd. or Pt.] at
high temperatures of around 300°C.

(ii) Ethylene dibromide is boiled with conc. alcoholic KOH soln. in a round bottom flask. Ethyne
is collected by downward displacement of water.

Question 7(2014)

Write structural formula of:

(i) ethanol

(ii) 1-propanal.

(iii) ethanoic acid.

(iv) 1, 2, dichloroethane.


(i) Structural formula of ethanol is shown below:

(ii) Structural formula of 1-propanal is shown below:

(iii) Structural formula of ethanoic acid is shown below:
(iv) Structural formula of 1, 2, dichloroethane is shown below:
Question 8(2014)

Match A and B with (i) and (ii) :

Column I Colum

A: alkynes (1) CnH2n+2

B: alkane (2) CnH2n-2


Column I Colum

A: alkynes (2) CnH2n-2

Column I Colum

B: alkane (1) CnH2n+2

Question 1(2015)

Select from the list — Ammonia, ethane, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulphide, ethyne

(i) The gas is used for welding purposes.

(ii) This gas is also a saturated hydrocarbon.


(i) Ethyne

(ii) Ethane

Question 2(2015)

State which of the following statements does not describe the property of alkenes :

A: They are unsaturated hydrocarbons

B: They decolourise bromine water
C: They can undergo addition as well as substitution reactions
D: They undergo combustion with oxygen forming carbon dioxide and water.


They can undergo addition as well as substitution reactions

Reason — The availability of electrons in the double or triple bond makes them more reactive
and therefore they undergo characteristic addition reactions only.

Question 3(2015)

State the observation : The gaseous product from dehydration of ethanol is passed through
bromine water.


When the gaseous product from dehydration of ethanol is passed through bromine water, the
brown colour of bromine water is discharged.

Question 4(2015)
Give balanced chemical equations for the following conversions:

(i) Ethanoic acid to ethyl ethanoate.

(ii) Calcium carbide to ethyne.

(iii) Sodium ethanoate to methane.


(i) Ethanoic acid to ethyl ethanoate. :

𝐶2𝐻5OHethyl alcohol+CH3COOHacetic acid→Conc. H2SO4CH3−COO−𝐶2𝐻

5ethyl ethanoate+H2Oethyl alcoholC2H5OH+acetic acidCH3COOHConc. H2SO4ethyl ethanoat

(ii) Ethyne is formed

CaC2calcium carbide+2𝐻2𝑂water⟶𝐶2𝐻2ethyne [acetylene]+Ca(OH)2calcium car

bideCaC2+water2H2O⟶ethyne [acetylene]C2H2+Ca(OH)2

(iii) Sodium ethanoate to methane

CH3COONasodium acetate+NaOHsodalime→ΔCaOCH4methane+Na2CO3sodi
um acetateCH3COONa+sodalimeNaOHCaOΔmethaneCH4+Na2CO3

Question 5(2015)

Using their structural formulae identify the functional group by circling them:

(i) Dimethyl ether.

(ii) Propanone


(i) Dimethyl ether contains the functional group Alkoxy (ether). It is circled in its structural
formula below:
(ii) Propanone contains the functional group Keto. It is circled in its structural formula below:

Question 6(2015)
Name the following :

(i) The process by which ethane is obtained from ethene.

(ii) A hydrocarbon which contributes towards the greenhouse effect.

(iii) The distinctive reaction that takes place when ethanol is treated with acetic acid.

(iv) The property of elements by virtue of which atoms of the element can link to each other in
the form of a long chain or ring structure.

(v) The reaction when an alkyl halide is treated with alcoholic potassium hydroxide.


(i) Catalytic hydrogenation (addition)

(ii) Methane

(iii) Esterification

(iv) Catenation

(v) Dehydrohalogenation

Question 1(2016)

Fill in the blanks : Conversion of ethene to ethane is an example of ...............



Conversion of ethene to ethane is an example of hydrogenation.

Question 2(2016)

Write balanced chemical equation for : Preparation of ethanol from ethyl chloride.


𝐶2𝐻5-Cl Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]+NaOH [aq.]→boil𝐶2𝐻5-OH Ethanol [e

thyl alcohol]+NaCl Chloroethane [ethyl chloride]C2H5-Cl+NaOH [aq.]boil Ethanol [ethyl alcohol

Question 3(2016)

Identify the term/substance in each of the following :

(i) The catalyst used in the conversion of ethyne to ethane.

(ii) The type of reactions alkenes undergo.


(i) Nickel or platinum or palladium.

(ii) Addition reaction

Question 4(2016)

Write the IUPAC names of:


(a) Propene

(b) 2-butyne

(c) ethanal

Question 5(2016)

Write a balanced equation for :

(i) Burning of ethane in plentiful supply of air.

(ii) Action of water on calcium carbide.

(iii) Heating of ethanol at 170°C in the presence of conc. sulphuric acid.


(i) Carbon dioxide and water are produced:

(ii) Calcium hydroxide and ethyne are produced

CaC2calcium carbide+2𝐻2𝑂water⟶𝐶2𝐻2ethyne [acetylene]+Ca(OH)2calcium car

bideCaC2+water2H2O⟶ethyne [acetylene]C2H2+Ca(OH)2

(iii) Ethene and water are produced

𝐶2𝐻5OH ethyl alcohol→170°CConc. H2SO4[excess]𝐶2𝐻4ethene+H2O ethyl alco

holC2H5OHConc. H2SO4[excess]170°CetheneC2H4+H2O

Question 6(2016)

Give the structural formulae of:

(i) 2-methyl propane

(ii) Ethanoic acid

(iii) Butan-2-ol


(i) 2-methyl propane :

(ii) Ethanoic acid :
(iii) Butan – 2 – ol :
Question 7(2016)

Compound A is bubbled through bromine dissolved in carbon tetrachioride as follows :

(i) Draw the structure of A.

(ii) State your observation during this reaction.


(i) Compound A is Ethene. Its structure is shown below:

(ii) Brown colour of bromine is discharged.

Question 1(2017)
Fill in the blanks from the choices given in brackets – The compound formed when ethene reacts
with hydrogen is ............... [CH4, C2H6, C3H8]


The compound formed when ethene reacts with hydrogen is C2H6

𝐻2𝐶=𝐶𝐻2 ethene [ethylene]+H2→300°CNickle𝐶2𝐻6ethane ethene [ethylene]H2


Question 2(2017)

Choose the correct answer from the options given – If the molecular formula of an organic
compound is C10H18 it is –

(i) Alkene
(ii) Alkane
(iii) Alkyne
(iv) Not a hydrocarbon


Reason — As the general formula for alkyne is CnH2n-2. Hence, when C is 10 then H is 18.

Question 3(2017)

Identify the substance underlined – An organic compound containing – COOH functional group.


Carboxylic acids

Question 4(2017)

Write the balanced chemical equation for – Preparation of methane from iodomethane


CH3𝐼methyl iodide+2[H]nascent hydrogen→alcoholZn/Cu coupleCH4methane

+HImethyl iodideCH3I+nascent hydrogen2[H]Zn/Cu couplealcoholmethaneCH4+HI

Question 5(2017)

Identify the term or substance based on the descriptions given below:

(i) Ice like crystals formed on cooling an organic acid sufficiently.

(ii) Hydrocarbon containing a triple bond used for welding purposes.

(iii) The property by virtue of which the compound has the same molecular formula but different
structural formulae.

(iv) The compound formed where two alkyl groups are linked by -C-𝑂||-C-||O group.


(i) Glacial acetic acid

(ii) Ethyne or acetylene

(iii) Isomerism

(iv) Ketone or Alkanone

Question 6(2017)

Give a balanced chemical equation for each of the following –

(i) Preparation of ethane from sodium propionate.

(ii) Action of alcoholic KOH on bromoethane.


(i) ethane from sodium propionate : ethane is formed

𝐶2𝐻5COONasodium propionate+NaOHsodalime→CaO𝛥𝐶2𝐻6ethane+Na2CO
3sodium propionateC2H5COONa+sodalimeNaOHΔCaOethaneC2H6+Na2CO3
(ii) ethyl alcohol is formed.

𝐶2𝐻5-Br Bromoethane [ethyl bromide]+KOH [aq.] alcoholic KOH→boi

l𝐶2𝐻5OH ethyl alcohol+KBr Bromoethane [ethyl bromide]C2H5-Br+ alcoholic KOHKOH [aq
.]boil ethyl alcoholC2H5OH+KBr

Question 7(2017)

State one relevant observation for – Addition of ethyl alcohol to acetic acid in the presence of
conc. H2SO4.

On warming, the mixture gives fruity smell. Acetic acid on heating with an alcohol and a
dehydrating agent [conc. H2SO4] forms an ester-ethyl acetate.

𝐶2𝐻5OHethyl alcohol+CH3COOHacetic acid→Conc. H2SO4CH3−COO−𝐶2𝐻

5ethyl ethanoate+H2Oethyl alcoholC2H5OH+acetic acidCH3COOHConc. H2SO4ethyl ethanoat

Question 8(2017)

Draw the structural formula for –

(i) 2, 3 – dimethyl butane

(ii) Diethyl ether

(iii) Propanoic acid


(i) 2, 3 – dimethyl butane :

(ii) Diethyl ether :

(iii) Propanoic acid :

Question 1(2018)

Choose the correct answer from the options given:

(i) The organic compound which undergoes substitution reaction is:

A: C2H2
B: C2H4
C: C10H18
D: C2H6
(ii) The IUPAC name of dimethyl ether is:

A: Ethoxy methane
B: Methoxy methane
C: Methoxy ethane
D: Ethoxy ethane


(i) C2H6

(ii) Methoxy methane

Question 2(2018)

Give one word or a phrase for: The tendency of an element to form chains of identical atoms.



Question 3(2018)

Give the IUPAC name for:


(i) Methanal
(ii) 1-Propanol

(iii) 2-Butene

Question 4 (2018)

Write the structural formula of the two isomers of butane.


Structural formula of the two isomers of butane are given below:

1. Butane [n-butane]

2. 2-Methyl propane [iso-butane]

Question 5(2018)

Name the gas that is produced during reaction of ethanol and sodium.


Hydrogen gas is produced during reaction of ethanol and sodium as shown below:

2𝐶2𝐻5OH ethanol+2Na⟶2𝐶2𝐻5ONa sodium ethoxide+H2 ethanol2C2H5OH

+2Na⟶ sodium ethoxide2C2H5ONa+H2
Question 6(2018)

Give the :

(i) IUPAC name of the homologous series.

(ii) Characteristic bond type.

(iii) IUPAC name of the first member of the series - in each case i.e., (a) and (b) relating to the
homologous series of hydrocarbons - whose general formula is (a) CnH2n-2 (b) CnH2n+2


(a) Hydrocarbons with general formula CnH2n-2

1. IUPAC name of the homologous series — Alkynes

2. Characteristic bond type — Triple covalent bond
3. IUPAC name of the first member of the series — Ethyne

(b) Hydrocarbons with general formula CnH2n+2

1. IUPAC name of the homologous series — Alkanes

2. Characteristic bond type — Single covalent bond
3. IUPAC name of the first member of the series — Methane

Question 7(2018)

A compound X [having vinegar like smell] when treated with ethanol in the presence of the acid
Z, gives a compound Y which has fruity smell. The reaction is C2H5OH+X→ZY+H2OC2
(i) Identify Y and Z

(ii) Write the structural formula of X.

(iii) Name the above reaction


𝐶2𝐻5OHethyl alcohol+CH3COOHacetic acid→Conc. H2SO4CH3−COO−𝐶2𝐻

5ethyl ethanoate+H2Oethyl alcoholC2H5OH+acetic acidCH3COOHConc. H2SO4ethyl ethanoat

(i) Y is ethyl acetate and Z is conc. sulphuric acid

(ii) Structural formula of X (ethanoic acid) is shown below:

(iii) Esterification reaction

Question 1(2019)

A hydrocarbon which is a greenhouse gas is:

A: Acetylene
B: Ethylene
C: Ethane
D: Methane



Question 2(2019)

Fill in the blanks with the choices given in the brackets:

(i) Conversion of ethanol to ethene by the action of conc. sulphuric acid is an example
of ............... [dehydration/dehydrogenation/dehydrohalogenation]
(ii) Substitution reactions are characteristic reactions of ...............[alkynes/alkenes/alkanes].


(i) Conversion of ethanol to ethene by the action of conc. sulphuric acid is an example
of dehydration

(ii) Substitution reactions are characteristic reactions of alkanes

Question 3(2019)

Write a balanced chemical equation for the following reactions: Chlorine gas is reacted with


The balanced chemical equation for the reaction of chlorine gas with ethene is given below:

Question 4(2019)

(i) Give the IUPAC name of the following organic compounds:

(ii) What is the special feature of the structure of ethyne

(iii) Name the saturated hydrocarbon containing two carbon atoms.

(iv) Give the structural formula of acetic acid.

(i) The IUPAC names are:
A: Propyne
B: Ethanal

(ii) The special feature of the structure of ethyne is that the two carbon atoms are linked by triple
covalent bond formed by sharing three pairs of electrons between the two carbon atoms. The
availability of electrons on the triple bond makes ethyne more reactive and hence it undergoes
characteristics addition reactions only.

(iii) Ethane [C2H6]

(iv) Structural formula of acetic acid is shown below:

Question 5(2019)

Arrange - Ethane, methane, ethene, ethyne - in increasing order of molecular weight [H = 1, C =


Ethane [C2H6] : M.W. = 2[12] + 6[1] = 30

Methane [CH4] : M.W. = 12 + 4[1] = 16

Ethene [C2H4] : M.W. = 2[12] + 4[1] = 28

Ethyne [C2H2] : M.W. = 2[12] + 2[1] = 26

Hence, increasing order of molecular weight :

Methane < Ethyne < Ethene < Ethane

Question 6(2019)

Give balanced chemical equations for the preparation of :

(i) Ethene from bromoethane

(ii) Ethyne using calcium carbide

(iii) Methane from sodium acetate.


(i) Ethene from bromoethane

𝐶2𝐻5-Br Bromoethane [ethyl bromide]+KOH alcoholic KOH→boil𝐻2𝐶=𝐶𝐻2

ethene [ethylene]+KBr+H2O Bromoethane [ethyl bromide]C2H5-Br+ alcoholic KOHKOHboil e
thene [ethylene]H2C=CH2+KBr+H2O

(ii) Ethyne from calcium carbide

CaC2calcium carbide+2𝐻2𝑂cold water⟶𝐶2𝐻2ethyne [acetylene]

+Ca(OH)2calcium carbideCaC2+cold water2H2O⟶ethyne [acetylene]C2H2+Ca(OH)2

CH3.COONa sodium acetate+NaOHsodalime→CaO𝛥𝐶𝐻4methane+Na2CO3 so

dium acetateCH3.COONa+sodalimeNaOHΔCaOmethaneCH4+Na2CO3

Question 7(2019)

Name the following organic compounds:

(i) The compound with three carbon atoms whose functional group is a carboxyl.

(ii) The first homologue whose general formula is CnH2n

(iii) The compound that reacts with acetic acid to form ethyl ethanoate

(iv) The compound formed by complete chlorination of ethyne.


(i) Propanoic acid [C3H7CHO]

(ii) Ethene [C2H4]

(iii) Ethyl alcohol

𝐶2𝐻5OHethyl alcohol+CH3COOHacetic acid→Conc. H2SO4CH3−COO−𝐶2𝐻

5ethyl ethanoate+H2Oethyl alcoholC2H5OH+acetic acidCH3COOHConc. H2SO4ethyl ethanoat

(iv) 1,1,2,2 tetrachloroethane

Question 8(2019)

Identify the substances italicised : The organic compound which when solidified, forms an ice
like mass.


Glacial acetic acid

Question 9(2019)

Name the gas evolved: Ethene undergoes hydrogenation reaction.


Ethane gas
𝐻2𝐶=𝐶𝐻2 ethene [ethylene]+H2→300°CNickle𝐶2𝐻6ethane ethene [ethylene]H2

Question 1(2020)

Choose the correct answer from the options: The organic compound having a triple carbon-
carbon covalent bond, is

A: C3H4
B: C3H6
C: C3H8
D: C4H10



Reason — C3H4 is an Alkyne as it follows the general formula CnH2n-2 and Alkynes contain a
triple carbon-carbon covalent bond.

Question 2(2020)

State one relevant observation for the following reaction: A piece of sodium metal is put into
ethanol at room temperature.


Effervesence of hydrogen gas is seen when a piece of sodium metal is put into ethanol at room

2𝐶2𝐻5OH ethanol+2Na⟶2𝐶2𝐻5ONa sodium ethoxide+H2 ethanol2C2H5OH

+2Na⟶ sodium ethoxide2C2H5ONa+H2

Question 3(2020)

Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following:

(i) Producing ethane from bromoethane using Zn/Cu couple in alcohol.

(ii) Complete combustion of ethane


(i) Ethane from bromoethane using Zn/Cu couple in alcohol

𝐶2𝐻5Brbromoethane+2[H]nascent hydrogen→alcoholZn/Cu coupl
e𝐶2𝐻6ethane+HBrbromoethaneC2H5Br+nascent hydrogen2[H]Zn/Cu couplealcoholethaneC2H6
(ii) Complete combustion of ethane


Question 4i(2020)

Draw the structural formula for each of the following:

A: 2,2 dimethyl pentane

B: methanol


A: 2,2 dimethyl pentane

B: methanol
Question 4ii(2020)

Write the IUPAC name for the following compounds:

A: acetaldehyde
B: acetylene


A: acetaldehyde — Ethanal

B: acetylene — Ethyne

Question 5(2020)

State one relevant reason for the following: Sodalime is preferred to sodium hydroxide in the
laboratory preparation of methane.

Sodalime is preferred to sodium hydroxide in the laboratory preparation of methane since it is
not deliquescent and does not attack glass.

Question 6(2020)

Give one word or a phrase for the following statement:

The reaction in which carboxylic acid reacts with alcohol in the presence of conc. H 2SO4, to form
a substance having a fruity smell.



Question 7(2020)

Draw the structures of isomers of pentane.


The structures of isomers of pentane are shown below:

Pentane [n-pentane]

2-Methyl butane [iso-pentane]

2,2 Dimethyl Propane [neo-pentane]

Question 8(2020)

Copy and complete the following paragraph using the options given in brackets:

Alkenes are a homologous series of (i) ............... [saturated/unsaturated] hydrocarbons

characterized by the general formula (ii) ............... [CnH2n+2/CnH2n]. Alkenes undergo
(iii) ............... [addition/substitution] reactions and also undergo (iv) ...............
[hydrogentaion/dehydrogenation] to form alkanes.

Alkenes are a homologous series of unsaturated hydrocarbons characterized by the general

formula CnH2n. Alkenes undergo addition reactions and also undergo hydrogentaion to form

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